Organized Crime must be stopped (5 articles scroll back through)
pivot point of Organized Crime was in no small part the Sicilian
Vespers, the impetus of criminal undercurrent causing the fracturing of
the Eastern Monarchies was now successfully spread to the West.
Organized crime could not survive nor even gain a foothold under a
strong honest lawful Monarch whose rule was based on a New Testament
understanding of the Book of Deuteronomy. But give all the occult and
criminal elements a chance under a fractured rule of Monarchies impeded
by their own selfish interests and then bitter vengeances and rivalries
and Organized Crime flourishes under the "nations" that emerge from what
is actually only anarchy. See below under Right to Life: Sicilian Vespers: Bloody clash shaped Europe:
"ConstantinopleNote the Noble efforts of St. Francis of Assisi
and the Roman Emperor, the true source of the Crusades and the
resultant rape of Constantinople and which brought about the dissolution
of a United Europe under the Papacy - this also brought in the the
Middle Eastern Banking/Usury into Europe by way of the Phanariot
district in Constantinople through Venice and into Central Europe. The
Sicilian Vespers was caused by the Emperor in Constantinople. The
Sicilian Vespers created the Mafia and in turn they were the model for
much of the Revolutionary Anarchists that destroyed European
civilization. They were also the model for the Irish and Jew Mobs later
in American History, especially in Boston and Chicago and Canada. The
Mafia is a close ally with the Freemasonic Vatican Jesuits/SMOM and the
- do not confuse this with modern Assisism and Antipope Francis the
dunce mule ZioNazi Argentinian Ratlines front man for the evils of
Benediktos the Satanist.
Then see below that, 1) The Knights Templar, and Khuffar in Islam which is the Assassin criminals, and the Kabbalistic Jews and 2) The Occult Ancient and Modern - all linked together. and 3) Slave and Gold traders - no essential difference.
show the morass of cult Assassins and Occultic Satanic, especially the
Mother Goddess - which is "Mary" of the Satanic councils of Vatican I
(adjourned, never finished, never promulgated) and Vatican II, and those
who pin their vain hopes on Babylon The Apocalypse, the Book of the Revelation: 18.23 ...thy merchants were the great men of the earth: for all nations have been deceived by thy enchantments.
Gold trading and Slave trading and the newer form which is the Central
Bank Fiat Currency Federal Reserve System are essentially no different.
They are not based on work and productivity but upon pillage and
its concomitant murder.
Our Lord Jesus Christ speaking: John 8:44 You
are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you will
do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and he stood not in the truth;
because truth is not in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his
own: for he is a liar, and the father thereof.
political ambition begun by the Byzantine Emperor (Alexius Comnenus -
his predecessor Michael VII desired it, but it didn't happen until
Alexius) and Pope Urban II (who answered Alexius' call). St. Francis
went to the Sultan of Egypt, Malik-al-Kamil, the nephew of Saladin, and did not insult his faith, but instead prayed with him. The
Sultan was so moved by St. Francis, that upon his leaving he presented
St. Francis with a horn used by the muezzin to call people to prayer
five times a day. St. Francis used that horn thereafter to call his
fellow Christians to prayer with when he returned to Italy.
To commemorate his meeting with St. Francis and the profound impact of
meeting a true Christian, the Sultan’s tomb was engraved with this, that
what changed his (the Sultan’s) life was the meeting between a
Christian monk (St. Francis) and the sultan in his tent. The Sultan
remained a devout Muslim the rest of his life.
impression of the real honest decency of a true Christian is what was
the reason that, when the Palestinian patriots (both Christian and
Muslim together) threw out the Colonizing Freemasonic Crusader Invaders,
the only European Christians allowed to remain by the Muslim rulers
were the Franciscans. The Franciscans were even given charge over the
Christian sites of the Holy Land by the Muslim rulers.
lasting reputation among Christians, as a man of chivalry and honour,
derives above all from his treatment of the inhabitants of Jerusalem. The contrast, eighty-eight years earlier, with the behaviour of the crusaders in Jerusalem could
not be greater. Instead of pillage and massacre, there is an orderly
handing over of the city. Holy places are respected. A ransom is to be
paid for each Christian to depart in freedom, but it is not high. Among
those who cannot afford it, many are released by Saladin instead of
being sold into slavery.
the very end, the Christian authorities set an appalling example. The
patriarch, after buying his freedom with ten dinars, departs with
wagonloads of valuable treasure which could have been used to free
fellow Christians.”
very first Crusaders were well received by the Muslim overlords for
especially the example set by the original St. John Hospitallers (before their
Freemasonic corruption) who helped Muslims and as well as Christians
with medical aid and protected both of them against the criminal thieves
in the area. Later the Vatican showed its true colors when a Cardinal
had the Crusaders slaughter all the inhabitants of Jersualem including
the Catholics in union with Rome that lived there – which the Crusaders
had informed the Cardinal were there. “God knows His own , kill them
all,” was the Cardinal’s response; the horrified Crusaders did what they
were told.
prayer meetings with mentioning St. Francis is absurd. Neither St.
Francis nor the Sultan would have anything to do with the Vatican today.
Neither do any faithful Catholics. I was baptized (by a Franciscan
priest as a matter of fact) years before Vatican II and it would violate
my baptism and profession of faith in Christ to have anything to do
with the Antichrist, ad-Dajjal, slave that the Vatican is today.
Crusades brought back the Hermetic Satanic Magic that forms the basis
for Freemasonry and that is what has totally corrupted and destroyed
the Vatican in terms of any real confession of Christian faith by them. Muslims know this and faithful to Christ Catholics know this.
and the Roman Emperor, the true source of the Crusades and the
resultant rape of Constantinople and which brought about the dissolution
of a United Europe under the Papacy - this also brought in the the
Middle Eastern Banking/Usury into Europe by way of the Phanariot
district in Constantinople through Venice and into Central Europe. The
Sicilian Vespers was caused by the Emperor in Constantinople. The
Sicilian Vespers created the Mafia and in turn they were the model for
much of the Revolutionary Anarchists that destroyed European
civilization. They were also the model for the Irish and Jew Mobs later
in American History, especially in Boston and Chicago and Canada. The
Mafia is a close ally with the Freemasonic Vatican Jesuits/SMOM and the
Sicilian Vespers: Bloody clash shaped Europe
By A.N Wilson
12:01AM BST 07 Apr 2008
Sicilian Vespers is a phrase which refers to a bloody incident which
took place on Easter Monday, 1282. At the Church of the Holy Spirit,
half a mile to the south-east of Palermo, French officials mingled with
the crowds to join in the festivities as the bells rang for evening
prayer. The French were "overfamiliar" with some of the Sicilian women.
Scuffles broke out. Daggers were drawn. Soon there were cries in the
Sicilian dialect of "Death to the Frenchmen" ("Moranu li Franchiski!").
nightfall, 2,000 French people in Palermo were dead, and the uprising
spread to the other Sicilian towns. The outbreaks were not spontaneous:
they had been planned by the enemies of the French – notably the Emperor
in Constantinople and the King of Aragon. The long dominance of the
island by Charles of Anjou was over.
Charles, the most
powerful figure in the Mediterranean, had been on the point of invading
Constantinople. Egged on by a succession of French, or Francophile,
Popes, he had hoped not merely to regain Byzantium for the West, but
also to subjugate the Eastern Orthodox Church to the authority of the
With the Sicilian Vespers, there died any possibility of a
universal Papacy dominating Christendom. The foundations had been laid
for the phenomena that shaped modern Europe – the development of nation
states, and, ultimately, of Protestantism. It is 50 years since Sir
Steven Runciman's masterly book The Sicilian Vespers was published by
the Cambridge University Press. It is one of those timeless works of
history which is also a great work of literature.
less than 300 pages, he tells the whole complicated story of 13th
century Mediterranean history – the struggles of the Hohenstaufen
dynasty to maintain their power as Holy Roman Emperors after the death
of Frederick II; the growth of the power of Aragon; the political
machinations by the Popes; the doggedness of the Byzantine emperor
Michael Paleologus. There is a supporting cast of dozens – it is a
wonder that Runciman has made them all so vivid and yet the reader feel
no muddle as his tale unfolds.
The story is about a single
incident that fundamentally altered the whole course of European
history. Yet out of all the details of rivalry between Guelf and
Ghibelline, between French and German, between Angevin and Byzantine,
there emerges an image as crystalline as a painting by Van Eyck. At the
centre of it all is the chilly, unamiable figure of Charles of Anjou
himself (brother of St Louis IX). Runciman wrote with wonderful
eloquence, but he never overwrote. His narrative flows uncluttered by
needless reference notes – there are some, but they nearly all refer to
primary sources. His is the supreme example of a well-stocked mind not
needing to show off all its wares.
Nor does he impede
the central story by tedious allusion to secondary sources, and what
Professor X thinks of Professor Y’s views of Professor Z. Instead, with a
gentle, slightly mournful, multilingual guide, we are back in the
Middle Ages themselves. He refers to Ottokar II of Bohemia or Pope
Innocent IV as if he had known them personally, which, in a way, he had.
As a background to much of the story is the extraordinary tale of
Sicily itself, colonised first by Greeks, then by Byzantines, then by
Muslims, then by the Normans.
Sicily was a genuinely multiethnic
and multicultural society. Those who criticised the Archbishop of
Canterbury recently for suggesting that there could exist parallel legal
systems should read of the Sicilian model, where Muslim courts existed
side by side with Christian ones. Everything worked well. It was when
the French attempted to impose a monolithic structure on the fluid
Sicilians that trouble started. The bloodiness is recounted with Homeric
sorrow, but not without humour.
This historical
masterpiece ends with the charming story of King Henry IV of France
boasting in the 16th century to the Spanish ambassador that he could
subdue the Spanish in Italy should the King of Spain try his patience
too far. "I will breakfast in Milan, and I will dine in Rome," he
crowed. To which the ambassador replied: "Then Your Majesty will
doubtless be in Sicily in time for Vespers."
1) The Knights Templar, and Khuffar in Islam which is the Assassin criminals, and the Kabbalistic Jews
and His Messiah Jesus Christ our Lord - our right and duty to witness
to Him: Illuminati 4 - The Poor Knights of Christ and the Temple of
bankers commanding all of Europe beginning with the Papal lands to
adopt and promote the practices of Usury, was the Crusades which were
begun in fact by Byzantine meddling with the Pope of Rome. That in
turn created the vacuum into which the Usurious Jew was placed by
Gentile hypocritical princes - that led to the House of Rothschild. The
House of Rothschild led to the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve is a
major factor in the ZioCommuNazi New World Order (actually the old
world order that Christ redeemed us from and commanded us to never go
back to).
This is presented for what is of factual interest here, not for any theological conclusion:
should be evident that the Knights Templars were not the conscious
conduit between the murderous Islamic cults and the Illuminati [but
in fact their members, as this author admits, were in fact just that -
tainted and corrupted, the order was guilty - Ed. note]. On the contrary, the Knights Templars were a vehicle for the forces of Creation that the Overlords of Chaos seek to destroy. The Dark Gods that
work to usurp Creation were the spiritual enemies of the Knights
Templars and so they actively worked to destroy them. Although the evil
Nizari Isma'ilite cult inspired murderous secret societies in Europe,
the spiritual link between them was not the Poor Knights of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon per se, but Crusading knights who worshipped the Dark Gods [who were in fact the leading members of the Knights Templar - Ed. note]."
Illuminati 4
![]() | ||
![]() that they were an instrument of Evil. This is a gross error. They were in fact a tool of very different forces that wished to forge the emerging European civilisation according to the Christ Impulse released by the event at Golgotha. The Templars were the means by which a new code of conduct between men, between the sexes and between the nations was to be introduced throughout Europe. This band of brother knightswas formed during the early years of the kingdom of Jerusalem, when the Crusaders controlled only a few strongholds in the Holy Land, ostensibly to protect pilgrims from marauding Muslim bands. At this time, theFirst Crusades had ended nineteen years previously, Godefroi de Bouillon had been enthroned as king of Jerusalem, and yet safety within the Holy Land was precarious due to the incessant predatory Muslim warbands.
Pitying the plight of pilgrims, nine French gentilshommes,
led by Hugues de Payens and Godefroi de Saint-Omer, vowed in 1119 to devote themselves to their protection and thus created an Order for the protection of pilgrims to the Holy Sepulchre. Baldwin II, the recently installed king of Jerusalem, gave them quarters in a wing of the royal palace near the site of the Temple of Solomon. It was from this apparently fortuitous accommodation address that the Order derived their famous name of Knights Templar. The Templars were essentially a group of secular knights who banded together and took monastic vows. Ostensibly, they were a monastic military order created to protect Christian pilgrims on route to the Holy Land, and in this sense, they were the first of the Warrior Monks. Emblazoned on the Order's banner was the motto: "Non nobis, Domine, sed nomini tuo da gloriam." ![]() Order had a hierarchy of four classes: knights, sergeants, chaplains and servants. The Templars' distinctive regalia, a white surcoat marked with a red cross could only be worn by the Knights. A Grand Master headed the Order, and a commander who owed obedience to the grand master ruled each auxiliary branch, or temple. The original purpose for the Order's existence was served well by the founding member knights who performed courageous service in the Holy Land. The celebrity of the Order was assured by the propaganda writing of St. Bernard of Clairvaux, who in 1128 also wrote their rule of life under which the Knights Templar were bound by the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. Moreover, although the Templars had originally vowed obedience to the patriarch of Jerusalem, Pope Innocent II in 1139 placed the Templars directly under the pope's authority. This meant that the Templars were a privileged Order under Rome and exempted from the jurisdiction of any bishop in whose diocese they might hold property. It also ensured that they were immune from the temporal ambitions of kings. Thus, the conditions for the Order's meteoric rise to fame, wealth and power were put in place, as well as the design for the Order's ultimate destruction.
Although the Templars distinguished themselves by many deeds of valour and integrity,
the regulation that they were to live solely on alms caused donations of immense wealth to be given to the Order by a grateful and admiring Christendom. Thus, lordships, castles, seigniories and estates were given to the Order by the kings and great nobles of Spain, France and England. These copious donations coupled to the freedom granted to them by the Pope allowed the Templars to rapidly diversify their activities throughout Europe and the Levant. At its height, the Order numbered about 20,000 Templars Knights that formed an integral part of the defence strategy of Christendom in its defence of the Christian crusader states of the Holy Land. ![]() military strength of the Order guaranteed the safety of almost anything placed in its care. Consequently, anyone who desired the safe transportation of valuables across turbulent lands sought the services of the trusted knights. Similarly their network of treasure storehouses were used as safe depositories by canny noblemen in a troubled times. The Templars expanded into banking and were primarily concerned with loaning money in Europe for delivery in Jerusalem, and financing kings and noblemen. They also held the valuables of other knights and executed their wills. Soon the temples of the Order were offering a complete range of banking services to which great noblemen; kings and even popes came to avail themselves of the financial services of the Templars. The Order of Templar Knights quickly became known as the moneylenders to the monarchs.
Thus the Poor Knights of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon created the basis of banking, of international banking, vis-à-vis secure depositories, loan arrangements and an efficient transport organisation. The Templars had become the "international financiers" and "international capitalists"of
their day and were acquainted with letters of change, and orders payable at sight. The Templars also instituted dividends and annuities on deposited capital, advanced funds, lent on credit, controlled private accounts and undertook to raise taxes for the lay and ecclesiastical seigneurs. Within two centuries, the Order had become so powerful in Christendom that they could defy all authority but the Papal throne.
spectacular rise of the Templars caused others to view them with envy. The riches and power of the Order attracted not only admiration for their charity, integrity and fiscal efficiency but also the hostility of other forces that observed them with enmity. These Dark Forces opposed the spiritual inspiration of Templars and the designs that it had for the evolution of European civilisation using the Order as its tool. These Evil forces worked to extinguish the impulse that was moulding the social architecture of the emerging European nation states. ![]() Europe was gripped by Evil to a degree that threatened the emergence of Western civilisation founded not only upon Christianity but the true Christ Impulse released from the Cross at Cavalry. The nobility of Europe, using the feudal system of governance, were abusing the inherently oppressive system such that they were bleeding the peasantry dry. All natural resources, the land, animals, plants and trees, belonged to the King and the peasants were denied the unfettered right to hunt, gather food or build shelter to provide the immediate and long-term sustenance for themselves or their family. With the nobility controlling all property, the peasant could only survive by the largesse and whim of their nobles. This massive social injustice to the common man was one of the reasons a benevolent group of minor royalty and clergy instituted the original Poor Knights of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon, better known as the Knights Templars. To foster the social conditions to bring about the subtle changes in the souls of men and thus initiate the founding of modern civilisation on the Christ Impulse and all it entrails. The pious men who created the original and true order of Knights Templars did so to protect the common man from the machinations of Evil actingthrough the excesses of wicked or ignorant nobility. The original Templar Charter established the precept of basic human rights (using the term in its proper sense) for all people including the peasantry based on God-given rights granted to each and every human being by virtue of their birth on Earth. This precept of basic human rights read: "Each ![]() these warrior monk-knights, all of noble birth, humbled themselves before God, before Christ and before the Pope, and dedicated their Order to the service of Christ and to the Church of Rome. They became known as "The Protectors of Christ" because in essence they worked to protect the Christ Impulse and all it entrails from being extinguished in the souls of men in medieval Europe. The Popes of Rome and most of the nobility were humbled by the Templars service and their humility, whilst the poor, the dispossessed and the weak welcomed their protection. The Knights Templars were a great power in medieval Europe and benevolently controlled the lands for almost 300 years during which time Europe advanced from the "Dark Ages" into the Renaissance. It is not exaggeration therefore to say this on the matter. Modern civilisation was in large measure a product of the beneficent rule and lordship by the Poor Knights of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon, better known to history as the Knights Templars.
The fall to the Muslims in 1291 of Acre, the last remaining Crusader stronghold in the Holy Land, removed the apparent raison d'être of
the Templars. There were also the visible deterioration of certain members of the Order that gave themselves up to pride and ostentation. Compounding these temporal reverses were the rumours circulating that the secret meetings and rituals of the knights contained elements at odds with the professed ethos of the Order. The venal Philip the Fair, King of France, who was inspired by the Dark Forces to betray the Templars, carried out the great act of treachery against the Order. Believing that he acted in the best interests of France, the demonically inspired Philip, on October 13th, 1307, had all the Templars arrested on the grounds of"vehement suspicion" of heresy: For, this was the only charge that would allow him to seize the entire wealth of the Order in France. He charged the Templars with immorality, irreligious practices and blasphemies committed during their secret rites of initiation and worship. Torture of some knights soon provided Philip with the moral ammunition to condemn the Order. His charges against the Templars included trampling and spitting on the cross; homosexuality and sodomy; and the worshipping of the demon Baphomet. ![]() ![]() himself a Frenchman, who Philip eventually cowed into suppressing the Order throughout the rest of Christendom. Thus, in March 1312, the Holy See issued the bull Vox in excelsoordering the sequestration of all Templar property in Europe and its transfer to either the knights of the "Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem," commonly known as the Hospitallers, or to the state. Many Templars were executed or imprisoned and on March 19th, 1314 the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar, Jacques de Molay was burned at the stake. The Dark Gods that had feared the growth of theChrist Impulse within the emerging European civilisation acted to extinguish it and thus a powerful tool of this impulse; the Knights Templars were damned to destruction. The forces of Evil that have existed since before Man inspired people and events that eventually destroyed the carefully crafted organisation that sought to provide the Christ Impulse with a more propitious Christendom.
for the Order argue that it was a victim of the greed of the ingrate King Philip who coveted their wealth. Others suggest that the king was more fearful of their power rather than envious of their wealth. Other apologists put forward a theory of a double doctrine. Here it is argued the majority of the Templars were ignorant of the activities and motivations of the inner core of the Order that was anti-monarchical and anti-religious; and who carried out "unspeakable apostasy against God, detestable idolatry, execrable vice, and many [other] heresies." It is well known that the property of the Templars was not appropriated by Philip, but was given by him to the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, commonly known as the Hospitallers. This being the case, then greed and envy were not the primary motives that spurred Philip to action. Other impulses were operating to cause the king to act against the Order. In fact the King was inspired to act against the Knights Templars by forces antithetical to the social and spiritual aims of the Order. ![]() should be evident that the Knights Templars were not the conscious conduit between the murderous Islamic cults and the Illuminati. On the contrary, the Knights Templars were a vehicle for the forces of Creation that the Overlords of Chaos seek to destroy. The Dark Gods that work to usurp Creation were the spiritual enemies of the Knights Templars and so they actively worked to destroy them. Although the evil Nizari Isma'ilite cult inspired murderous secret societies in Europe, the spiritual link between them was not the Poor Knights of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon per se, but Crusading knights who worshipped the Dark Gods. For, the secret stream of consciousness, bubbling beneath the thin crust of observable history has two tributaries: the "Good" and the "Bad." The Goodthat is the working of the creative impulse of God, and the Bad which is the corrosive influences of the Dark Gods working to thwart the Divine Plan. This dual aspect to reality brings forth two very different disciples: those who worship God, the Creator of all things, and those who worship the Dark Gods of Chaos. The initiatory Knights Templars, guardians of the Christ Impulse, were the disciples of the former: the later Crusader knights who absorbed the creed of theAssassins were disciples of the latter.
Thus the Evil template of organised political murder forged in the crucible of evil that was the Dar ul Hikmat, the terrible Grand Lodge of Cairo,
was brought into Europe by knights who may or may not have been members of the Order of the Temple. These secret advocates of the Assassins were disciples of Evil, and did not wish to reveal themselves to the scrutiny of history. They remained in the shadows worshipping the Dark Gods, Ahriman and Lucifer and working diligently behind the tableau of historical events to destroy the social experiment that was the Knights Templars. They were members of the Brotherhood of Darkness, the Black Adepts in the Cult of Evil, the ancient Luciferian Priesthood, which has worked to bring the Kingdom of Evil to fruition on Earth since at least 4000 BC.
fraternity of Evil has been an active agent in the secret history of this planet and is responsible for some of the most heinous crimes against God and against mankind: the destruction of the Knights Templars was just one of these many atrocities. It is these disciples of the Dark Gods, theOverlords of Chaos called Satan and Lucifer, who have ceaselessly acted to destroy the Christ Impulse since its inception. They are the standard-bearers of the Luciferian Conspiracy for World Government and are the human agents of the Overlords of Chaos.
The baton of Evil was passed to the Illuminati by this ancient Brotherhood of Darkness that both created it and bequeathed it the tenets of Organised Evil formed by Abdullah ibn Maymn and refined by the sect of Hasan-e Sabbah. The structure and ethos of the Assassins became
the ultimate model on which all systems of organised murder working through fanaticism, such as the Carbonari and the Irish Republican Brotherhood. Whilst the signs, symbols, and initiations, of the Grand Lodge of Cairo formed the basis for the great secret societies of Europe. It is often said, with the definite purpose of demonising them, that the Knights Templars were the spiritual heirs of the occult conspiracy against God. On the contrary, they were diametrically opposed to the aims of the Black Adepts of the Black Adepts, the Brotherhood of Darkness, and worked to bring a modern European civilisation into existence predicated on the Christ Impulse that was released from the Cross at Calgary. In short, the Poor Knights of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon worked to thwart the five thousand year old Luciferian Conspiracy for World Government and therefore they were enemies of those who served the Overlords of Chaos, those who worked to subvert Christendom and, thus, theTemplars were the spiritual enemies of Dark Gods.
These secret advocates of the Assassins were
disciples of Evil, and did not wish to reveal themselves to the scrutiny of history. They remained in the shadows worshipping the Dark Gods and working diligently behind the tableau of historical events to destroy the social experiment that was the Knights Templars. They were members of the Brotherhood of Darkness, an Evil cabal of Black Adepts that has worked to bring the Kingdom of Evil to fruition on Earth since at least 4000 BC. This Brotherhood of Evil has been an active agent in the secret history of this planet and is responsible for some of the most heinous crimes against God and against mankind: the destruction of the Knights Templars was just one of these many atrocities. It is these disciples of Satan(Ahriman) and Lucifer, the Dark Gods, who have ceaselessly acted to destroy the Christ Impulse since its inception. They are the standard-bearers of the Evil Agenda and are the human agents of the Dark Gods, Ahriman and Lucifer, who are the true Overlords of Chaos. Dark Masters, theBrotherhood of Darkness, have therefore used Black Magic throughout time and across continents to corrupt and ensnare leaders of nations in their Evil web of intrigue.
From ancient times in Babylon, Egypt, Israel, Greece and Rome, and up to the present time, wherever this dark Cabal of Evil, the Dark Masters, the Brotherhood of Darkness, the Occult Hierarchy, established itself wickedness, depravity, death and destruction soon followed. For, once the leaders are controlled, the Black Adepts of Ahriman, the Dark Masters could
proceed to enslave the people and abuse the land without opposition. Temporal power invariably arises from possession of wealth and money and thus the evil cabal of Black Adepts masquerade as moneylenders and international bankers to garner both, yet in a grotesque parody of the enterprise instituted by theKnights Templars. These evil usurers have insinuated themselves into the confidences of people, the leaders of society, who have then been corrupted by the temporal treasures offered by their allegiance to the Evil cabal of Black Adepts. The evil usurers, the international financiers and bankers, owe no allegiance to anyone or any country and will and do betray anyone and any country because they believe that they serve a higher purpose, which is the Great Conspiracy against God. These evil men, the rootless and venal usurers, have a long history of using wars not only to make money and to consolidate their power, but also to destroy the bloodlines of families and races that are an obstacle to the Evil Agenda. This is why Baron Amschel Rothschild who, like the rest of his clan, was up to his neck in the Evil Agenda for the establishment of World Government could tell us without irony that: "The best time to make money is when blood is running in the streets."
Thus, to the evil cabal of Black Adepts, the Brotherhood of Darkness,
who masqueraded as international businessmen and bankers, wars are not merely means to make vast fortunes, by lending at exorbitant interest to both sides and by marketing the instruments of war, but also to consolidate power by eliminating historic spiritual enemies. This dark cabal of Evil, the Dark Masters, the Brotherhood of Darkness, are occult adepts who use Black Magic to control leaders and people of any influence. They do this by corrupting them in the secret societies they control and to which the vast majority of society's "great and good" belong, such as Freemasonry, and making him their puppets, wittingly or unwittingly, in their quest for world domination. The Black Adepts have used their dark magic throughout history to wrest control of the world from forces they despise and hold in great contempt and thus wars, and rumours of wars, is the great mechanism to do this. Modern wars, since at least the French Revolution, are fought not to defeat an enemy but to bring about the crises and chaos whereby the Dark Masters can change society. Napoleon, Kaiser Wilhelm, Hitler, Emperor Hirohito, John F Kennedy, Saddam Hussein and numerous others are the pawns in the Great Game who are moved by sinister hidden forces to bring about the conditions for wars and rumours of wars.
The baton of Evil was passed to the Illuminati by this ancient Brotherhood of Darkness that both created it and bequeathed it the tenets of Organised Evil formed by Abdullah ibn Maymn and refined by the sect of Hasan-e Sabbah. The structure and ethos of the Assassins became
the ultimate model on which all systems of organised murder working through fanaticism, such as the Carbonari, the Mafia and the Irish Republican Brotherhood. Whilst the signs, symbols, and initiations, of the Grand Lodge of Cairo formed the basis for the great secret societies of Europe. It is often said, with the definite purpose of demonising them, that the Knights Templars were the spiritual heirs of theOccult Conspiracy against God. On the contrary, they were diametrically opposed to the aims of theBrotherhood of Darkness and worked to bring a modern European civilisation into existence predicated on the Christ Impulse that was released from the Cross at Calvary. The Poor Knights of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon worked to thwart the five thousand year old Luciferian Conspiracy for World Government and therefore they were enemies of those who worked for theOverlords of Chaos seeking to subvert Christendom In short, Knights Templars were the spiritual enemies of Dark Gods.
Hence, the Knights Templars are therefore the spiritual enemies of the Black Adepts of the Cult of Evil and
the subsequent calumnies heaped on the Order's reputation, and its successful demonisation of it, is proof-positive of the temporal power that the Cult of Evil has in this world.
function of occult groups since their inception in very early times is twofold: esoteric and political. The character of the secret society and hence its activities is dependant upon which aspect it promotes. If it concerns itself with the esoteric then its influence on society is by necessity limited. However, when the political is promoted above the esoteric then the group's influence upon society can be disproportionate to its size. Moreover, when the occult group is Satanic or Luciferian its influence can be terrible. The common thread running through most of these groups is the existence of Evil Principalities that orchestrate these human agents, directing them to ends using whatever means are available. This is the Great Conspiracy.
And gentle reader, understand, the Great Conspiracy is not merely an attempt to create a tyrannicalNew World Order (Novus Ordo Seclorum) it is very much more ambitious than that. It is nothing less than a conspiracy against God and Nature. It is a spiritual battle to wrest control of Creation from its maker and
take it into realms of unimagined iniquity. Humanity is the field of conflict on which this spiritual battle is being fought, which is manifest in the spiritual, cultural, political, and economic spheres. The contest on Earth is about the CONTROL of humanity from the cradle to the grave and beyond. The Dark Gods desire to cut mankind off from the source of his being and to blind him to the spiritual hierarchies that are the origin of life on Earth. Then, spiritually blind, mankind would be trapped in the physical realm oblivious to the spirit within, and when he died would enter the higher realms blinded and ignorant of his true spiritual inheritance. He would also be ignorant of God.
Modern cults that covertly pursued political ambitions were the medieval Muslim cults; the later Ismailis, the Fatimites, the Karmathites and their occident spawn the Illuminati. Linking the two expressions of Evil is the stream of consciousness that was orchestrated by the Dark Gods, the Overlords of Chaos called Satan and Lucifer. Satanic
cults and occult groups infiltrated by the agents of Evil have sprung up and in their various ways have worked to bring the Ahrimanic deception to fruition. European history is replete with evidence of the activities of these groups and certain notorious individuals that revealed themselves for what they were. A subtle stratagem used by the Overlords of Chaos is to convince the world that they do not exist. This is done by acts of deception and illusion that confuse normal intelligence. That is why they have tried to control the human conception and comprehension of the Truth. This is why the agents of Evil have seized control of History by seizing knowledge of it and, consequently, have smothered Objective Reality in a cloak of deceit and obscured it behind a smokescreen of half-truths and lies. This perversion ofObjective Reality by vested interests moved Voltaire to assert that: "All our ancient history… is no more than accepted fiction."
Accepted that is by the unwitting masses not the Power Elite who know the truth of the matter.
John Ruskin (1819-1900), the Oxford professor and mentor to Cecil Rhodes (1853-1902) described it thus:
"That treacherous phantom which men call history."
Henry Ford (1863-1947), a parvenu member of the elite, put the case in more prosaic terms when he declared that:
"History is more or less bunk."
With regard to the subject of Satanism, the love of Evil for the sake of Evil or Black Magic, the object of the Evil Agenda is to ridicule the idea of it by encouraging claims of amazing extravagance. By promoting the Humanist and Liberal Agendas predicated on the materialistic tenets of the Enlightenment, the Dark Gods, the Overlords of Chaos,
desire to hide their activities by cultivating the faculty of scepticism and the arrogance of intellect within modern consciousness. By this means, modern man has been inculcated with the idea that the celestial hierarchy is a chimera, an atavistic relic from our superstitious ancestors. Moreover, the notion of Black Magic has been so subverted that modern sensibilities regard it as product of medieval superstition, and those who condemn it are deemed as deceived as those who practice it. This is a view not held by the elite that controls the world. They are very aware of the existence of the spirit realms for they worship the Evil gods that inhabit them. The cabal of power that control society, the human power-brokers of the world, are disciples of the Dark Gods, the Overlords of Chaos.
Thus, at the beginning of the fourteenth century, as western civilisation entered a new phase of its evolution, called materialism, a new menace appeared within the occult milieu of Europe: the Cult of Satanism.
The phenomenon was not a product of hysterical imagination but a reality. For, as man sunk ever deeper into materialism and his spiritual myopia increased another Dark God moved to corrupt humanity still further. This is the great demon often referred to in the Bible as Satan. A spirit of immense power who was known to all men and all cultures by different names and who the ancient Aryans called Angra Mainyu. The ancient initiates. of whom Zarathustra was the most revered, perceived him as the great god of darkness, the eternal destroyer of good, personification and creator of evil, bringer of death and disease. He is also known as Ahriman, a name that means"fiendish spirit." He is, of course, the "great adversary" of God.
In the Luciferian and Satanist worldview the existence of the One True God is a sine qua non:Without the Creator God their raison d'être would
be made void. In short, God could exist without the Luciferians and Satanists, but the Luciferian and Satanist could not exist without God. Thus, theidea of the Devil is rendered obsolete if the concept of God is denied, for the Devil is the Arch-rebel against Creation. What is the point of spitting at the cross if it offends no one? Renegades need a target: one cannot commit an outrage if there is no one to outrage. In the case of evil and wicked people, it is the presence of God alone that makes their mischief valid. It is because the"Devil" is not God that Black Magic exists.
are sad people. They are filled with bile and bitterness, who have tasted wormwood and gall, who in their desperation turn to the Devil for solace. They ask for vengeance against the world that has rejected them and against their perceived enemies. They beseech him to overturn the natural order of things and give them satisfaction at last. Whatever price is asked, it will seem a bargain to these sad and bitter wretches. People who have lapsed from their religion will turn to their God in times of crises: those who suffered unjustly while believers will often turn against their God and try and betray him.
a mundane level, Devil worshippers are akin to naughty boys spitting at their mothers and scribbling across their father's football pools! They are pathetic and petty vandals seeking vengeance for their powerlessness and social impoverishment. The immaturity of the individuals that call themselves Satanists is evident. They have a childlike attachment to unwholesome heroes and instead of maturing onto more salubrious heroes they are stuck on power obsessed idols. Wicked people stumble through life but the worst of them have lost touch with reality, for, it has slipped through their fingers. They cling to juvenile dreams of power and think they can reduce Creation to chaos again. Like the Mafia, practitioners of Black Magic yearn for power but hate to serve it. Satanism is at best a nuisance and a vexation but ultimately an immature calling. It is a pastime for losers and louts. Satanism only becomes dangerous to the rest of humanity to an infinite degree when it is mixed with POLITICS… as, unfortunately, it very often is.
The Cult of Evil has
existed since very early times. Evil and wicked people have invoked the powers of darkness since the earliest days of the human race hoping to bring about the revolt against Heaven from Earth. It is a demonically incited conspiracy that transcends time and generations and is possessed of a genius that only true Evil can inspire. This is the Great Conspiracy that is the revolt against God and Nature. It is intergenerational, with the diabolic agenda passed from one generation to another who then attempt to further the aims of the Great Conspiracy fashioned by the Dark Gods, the Overlords of Chaos. The essence of Satanism is desecration. The Satanist empowers himself by profaning the ceremonies of the religion he formerly belonged to and by trampling its holiest symbols under foot. The Satanist also raises power by desecrating the memory of the dead, of sacred memories and observances, and the sodomising of boys and deflowering young virgins. However, the most potent means of raising demonic power is the blood sacrifice of humans. That is why the Occult Hierarchy, the Secret Masters of the dark Empire of Secret Societies who are the true Lords of Power on Earth are also the Spiritual Dark Lords of Blood and Sexual Sacrifice. ![]() the early modern period a man emerged to reveal himself as one possessed of Evil and whose biography illustrates the incursion of an ancient Evil into the modern world. He wasGilles de Rais (1404-40) a Breton baron, marshal of France, and man of wealth whose distinguished career ended in a celebrated trial for Satanism, abduction, and child murder. His name is now associated with the story of Bluebeard, the monster of Charles Perrault's tale of Barbe Bleue, who murdered his wives and hid their bodies in a locked room. His early life was glorious. He was the companion and guide of Jeanne d'Arc; he became a marshal of France and distinguished himself by many deeds of valour. However, after frittering his immense inherited wealth he was led to study alchemy, partly by curiosity and partly as a means for restoring his ravaged fortunes. The eventual corruption of this medieval personality, from Christian mystic to devout Satanist, is a salient example that illustrates the rise of the influence of Ahriman upon modern man. Following the death of the Maid of Orleans, Rais slipped into depravity and eventually offering himself to thePowers of Darkness.
reason for his spiritual corruption appears to be an insatiable desire to gain knowledge, power and riches and to do so by invoking the Devil. Soon, Satanists flocked to him offering their services and the quick fix that would restore his fortunes. The desired results were not forthcoming so the increasingly desperate noble sunk ever deeper into the moral and spiritual corruption that would eventually procure for him the infamy for which his name has remained synonymous. The satanic rituals he orchestrated became increasingly more horrific as he and his cohorts became evermore possessed of the spirit of Ahriman. Perverted vice in every form, wicked debaucheries and human sacrifices held sway in these demonic rituals. Hundreds of children disappeared from the hinterland surrounding his castle as Rais and his agents kidnapped these unfortunates for use in grotesque tortures and blood sacrifices to the Dark Gods. Eventually he was accused of having abducted, tortured, and murdered more than 140 children and was condemned for heresy by the ecclesiastical court and sentenced to death for murder by the civil court. Thus in 1440 the satanically possessed nobleman was hanged and then burnt.
Criminality per se is
not the reason for the behaviour of Rais, for, he acted in unison with a coterie of kindred souls that also worshipped the Dark Gods. It was only after his invocation of the Evil Onethat he developed the terrible sadistic personality that sneered at normal society and spat in the face of God. The youthful Rais was not the mature Rais. Something had happened to sour the soul of this once devout Christian warrior: he allowed himself to be possessed of demons that guided him to his moral and spiritual ruin. Rais was also a spectacular example of the contemporary occult scene in Europe. For, he was a keen student of the Jewish Kabbalah (also spelled Kabala, Cabala, Cabbala, Cabbalah Qabala, Qabbala, Qabalah or Qabbalah), an occult system sweeping through the Secret Societies of Western Europe and vying with alchemy for occult ascendancy.
the fifteenth century the Jews had become a power in many parts of Europe. They had penetrated into the intellectual circles and many royal and noble courts of Spain, Portugal, Provence and Italy. Some brought with them a peculiar esoteric mysticism, the Kabbalah that laid claim to a secret knowledge of the unwritten Torah (Divine Revelation) that was allegedly communicated by God to Moses and Adam. The Kabbalah claimed to provide a means of directly approaching God. However, the mystical system tended to detract from the monotheism of Orthodox Judaism by introducing dangerously pantheistic and heretical elements. Thus, amongst devout Jews the Kabbalah was considered dangerous material. It also contained occult wisdom that dealt with baleful subject matter that caused some to call the Kabbalah "that science of demoniacal arts." |
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"For the love of money is the root of all evil" (2 Tim. 6:10) ![]()
That "the Jews" are now the Elite Mammonites was only made possible by the destruction of the great impediment of the Knights Templars who were verily the first international bankers. If the Knights Templars endured there would be no need of the "court Jew" and his bulging purse and so the rise of "the Jews" would have been severely curtailed. This could not happen since theConfederacy of Evil had plans for the rancorous, scheming Jew.
Thus, the Dark Gods moved to remove the great impediment and so contrived to destroyed the first international bankers, the Knights Templars. The spiritual warriors who were the guardians of theChrist Impulse and who had worked to create a modern civilisation in Europe based on the spirituality released from the Cross at Cavalry. And in this they largely succeeded and Western Christian Civilisation became established.
The Dark Forces opposed
the spiritual inspiration of Templars and the designs that it had for the evolution of European civilisation using the Templar Order as its tool. The Dark Gods worked diligently to extinguish the impulse that was moulding the social architecture of the emerging European nation states. They gained a victory when they inspired Philip le Bel to remove theTemplars from the Great Game and cause their carefully crafted banking system to be destroyed. The Jew moneylender came into his own following the Templars' destruction, for, the Jews greedily made themselves the pre-eminent moneychangers of Europe in their stead.
The Power of the Purse was
well known to the secret masters of Jewry who practised it for centuries before the demise of the Templars. Warner Sombart in his book Les Juifs et la vie economique is helpful on this point:
"And "And
rise of the Jew as the pre-eminent moneylender is a salient example of the growing corruption ensnaring the world. A phenomenon numerous people have commented upon. Money changing and lending is an ancient practice that the Jew has made his own, his forte so to speak. The beginnings of this trade were in the post-Exodus period when the law was passed requiring every male Israelite from twenty years and upwards to pay into the treasury of the sanctuary a half a shekel every year as an offering to Jehovah (Exod. 30:13-15).
Jews coming to the feasts from all parts of the world were therefore obliged to exchange the various coins in common circulation for this Jewish piece. There arose a class of men, who frequented the temple courts, who offered to who exacted a premium for the exchange of foreign coins. These were the moneychangers who exacted a premium for the exchange and whose trade became a very lucrative one, since the exchangers exacted whatever fee they might. The profession of moneychanger in Palestine was thus brought about because of the levying of a religious tax on the people by the priesthood.
Christ showed anger only once in the Gospels and
that was when He came into Jerusalem and went into the temple and found the moneychangers their, conducting their sinful trade in the House of the Lord (Matt. 21:12; Mark 11:15; John 2:15).
righteous anger was not only because of the greed and impiety of these men. Nor was it that they conducted their trade dishonestly or that they obtruded a secular business within the house of prayer. The main reason for the great anger was that Christ understood completely, as only God could, the future role usury would play in the unfolding drama of the Ancient Evil Agenda for World Government. For, Christ new of the future corruption of "the Jews," of the Jewish people, because of their love of Mammon and the crucial part Usury would play in the enslavement of the world and, moreover, with Jewry as its greatest exponent.
The Profaners of the Temple were the forbears of the Profaners of the Christ Impulse and Usury andRevolution would
be their two greatest weapons. Christ's anger against the moneychangers was great indeed. By pouring out the money onto the ground, He showed His utter contempt of it and by overthrowing the tables of the moneychangers He showed is great displeasure of those that make worldly profit out of religion. He then drove them all out of the Temple and so by throwing out the money, overturning the tables, He threw out the wicked trade too.
He did not complain to the chief priests about the corruptions in the Temple, which it was their sacred duty to safeguard; for, He knew they countenanced those corruptions. That the traffickers and Moneychangers were allowed free reign in the temple was scandal enough but the condoning of it by the priesthood was betrayal of the cruellest kind.
The presence of these wordily profiteers was symbolic of the degradation of the priesthood and evidence of the hold the Cult of Evil had by then on the high priests of The Temple and the Sanhedrin. It was thus a combination of these three things that aroused Christ to such anger. The fact of desecration of the Temple by usurers: The fact that the priesthood was controlled by the Cult of Evil: And, the understanding of the future role of usury, but especially Jewish Usury in the Evil Agenda to enslave mankind.
all Jews are international financiers and not all international financiers are Jews. However, the uniqueness of Jewry, its religious and racial integrity spread out over continents and generations and the endemic sense of racial superiority, has nurtured the skills, wherewithal and inclination to prevail over the goyim. Thus, the Modern Tribe of Jews has thrown up usurers of astonishing skill and invention.
The stratagems of the Two Dark Gods are ingenious, subtle and unfold over many generations. The skills and reputation of "the Jews" regarding finance have been gained from many centuries of effort. The Dark Gods required
a means whereby humanity was continually in bondage and easily controlled by a cadre of evil whenever they required it. That is why the phenomenon of usury was nurtured such that the finances of the private individual and the purse of the king could be plundered at will. Moreover, the conspirators targeted the finances of kings, states and nations: for, they knew that they who controlled the credit of a nation controlled that nation.
the Jew moneylender developed the skills necessary that would make himself, or rather his bulging purse, useful to profligate princes and kings. Thus the phenomenon of the "court Jew" who had wheedled themselves into the noble houses and royal courts of Europe. However, it was not philanthropy or "self-preservation" that drove these men but another more long-term agenda: the eventual bondage of the nobleman and king and hence the holding in Jewish hands the mortgage of Gentile feudal lands. This, then, was the great prize.
But, the rise of the Power of the Jewish Purse brought with it, for "the Jews" anyway, an unintended consequence. That, as "the Jews" grew
fat of the Gentile and the Gentile became both increasingly impoverished and alarmed at the exclusiveness of Jewry, Gentile resentment morphed into violent reaction. The sudden realisation that the enrichment and empowerment of "the Jews"was to the detriment of the gentile and his nation. The time when the indigenous people insisted that "the Jews" should be removed from their lands. Thus, the historical phenomenon of the mass expulsion of "the Jews" from Gentile lands.
the metamorphosis of the wandering, alien Jew settling in Gentile lands, an unwelcome guest who becomes a convenient resource then trusted adviser then betrayer of the nation. This is the reason why "the Jews" were expelled from all states that they settled. The common historical theme of mass expulsion was not a product of xenophobia or racism. What can be seen in thisrecurring theme is the sudden realisation of the host people that their best interests were threatened by the continued presence of the Jew in their country. The best interests of the people were founded on freedom from bondage to usurers, especially the nobles and kings.
"The Jews" have
dominated the banking industry for more than one thousand years because of the Church'sl interpretations regarding the lending of money at interest and the destruction of the Knights Templars by the Confederacy of Evil. This was as intended by the Dark Gods, Ahrimanand Lucifer who have cultivated and corrupted the unique status of the Jew, to use the Jew as an integral instrument in the furtherance of their agenda of enslavement of humanity. The immorality of usury was well known to the Hebrews but the strict moral sanction was slowly attenuated by successive generations of Judaeans who were inexorably submerged in the Ahrimanic spirituality that drew them ever further away from Yahweh and ultimately set them in opposition to Christ, by which time they were called " the Jews."
The Jewish theologian Moses Maimonides (1135-1204), who codified Jewish law in the Talmud, said this on the matter: "why is [usury] called nesek [biting]? Because he who takes it bites his fellow, causes pain to him, and eats his flesh."
Usury was repeatedly proscribed in the Old Testament. It was also given similar treatment in theKoran, the sacred writings of Islam revealed by Allah to the prophet Mohammed, which also expressly prohibit lending money at "interest." However, the Evil Agenda required
Jewry as its mechanism by which to impoverish kings and nations and thus the Talmudic mindset that gripped the Jewish soul soon managed to erect sophistical arguments to nullify the Word of God. ![]() Jewish mind conjured up a double moral standard with regards to usury: one morality that accepted the wickedness of usury when applied to their own race; and the other morality, which when applied to non-Jews, the gentiles, had it that usury was very acceptable. The Jewish sophists used the verse from Deuteronomy to justify the practice of usury upon a stranger but not of a brother (23:20). "Unto
This obviously begs the question who is a brother and who is a stranger? In the wicked Talmudteachings, "brother" means "Jew," while "stranger" is anyone else.
Ambrose (339-397), the bishop of Milan and one of the most illustrious Church Fathers and Doctors of the Church, whose works greatly influenced the scholastics, "considered lending to a stranger a legitimate hostile act against an enemy." Thomas Aquinas (1225-74), the greatest of the scholastics, Philosopher, theologian, doctor of the Church (Angelicus Doctor), patron of Catholic universities,colleges, and schools said this about the problem of usury and the Deutoronomic double standard practised by Jews:
![]() "The
Even "the Jews" that
converted to Christianity were violent critics of the Usurious Jews. For instance, the convert, Johannes Pffeferkorn, argued that profits from usury was the main reason that Jews remained Jews, since they were reluctant to become Christians and do "honest work."Another, Anton Margaritha, argued that such "honest work by Jews would humble them." Conversely, as Abram Leon states, the Jewish "monopoly of usury brought them such wealth that some Christians undoubtedly went over to Judaism in order to participate in the Jewish monopoly in lending."
key to understanding the duplicity of the Jewish mind and the ease at which it can rationalise an enduring irrational hate of non-Jews is the religion of the modern Jew, the majority of them, and his "holy book": that is, Pharisaism (Judaism) and the Talmud. The Pharisaic Religion concretised in the Talmud is inimical to Christianity and therefore to God and violates the moral laws arising from Them. The Talmud is a practical manual for the despoliation of the world and its non-Jewish communities framed in religious language but whose wellspring is not the God of the Bible. For, theTalmud is the product of a long process of the corruption of the Yahweh religion that had begun in the seventh century before the Incarnation of Christ. Furthermore, this anti-Yahweh and anti-Christ religion was the art and practice of the Pharisee, Sadducee and Scribe. The spirituality that energised the minds of the authors of the Talmud was not only inimical to the Christ Impulse but its opposite and mortal enemy on Earth.
understanding the Pharisee mindset is by contrast an aid toward understanding the spirit of uncorrupted Christianity, which is the Apostolic Christianity that contained the purity of Christ's message. While Christ's message attempted to call men to the Law of God itself as the supreme guide of life, the Pharisees corrupted the Yahweh religion making it a vehicle for Evil. That is, they corrupted Yahwehism into Pharisaism, which is today is called Judaism.
Heinrich Graetz (1817–91) who was a Jewish bigot who believed that Judaism (Pharisaism) was, after"the Jews" at least, the superlative manifestation in Creation tells us that:
The "isolated instances of uncharitable judgements and decrees against the members of other nations and religions," described
by Professor Graetz are a recurring theme running throughout Talmudic thought. It is also indicative of hatred and arrogance that is the root cause of the modern"Jewish Problem" as it is also the spirituality behind the sophistical arguments justifying usury.Werner Sombart (1863-1941) the German economist studied the phenomenon of modern capitalism and the relation between "the Jews" and modern capitalism. Sombart published his findings in The Jews and Modern Capitalism. Sombart tells us of the profane nature of Talmudism: "The principal characteristic of the Jewish religion consists in its being alien to the Hereafter, a religion, as it were, solely and essentially worldly."
is, Jewish theology has been deliberately moulded to suit the worldly ambitions of Jewry, but especially its hidden masters the Black Adepts of the Kabbalah -the High Priests of the Luciferian Creed- who serve the Dark Gods, Ahriman and Lucifer. The pristine nature of the Torah, that was the inspiration for the Talmud, has been corrupted by successive generations of rabbis who have collectively worked to remove the imperatives of Yahweh from it and fashion an alternative theology based on precepts inimical to both Yahweh and Christ, but especially towards Christ.
Mohammed (570-632), the Arab prophet who founded Islam also perceived this corruption:
![]() "Whoever
The move to create a worldly Jewish religion, Pharisaism and its "holy book," the Talmud,
with very definite utilitarian precepts occurred long ago. When men took it upon themselves to put words in the mouth of God and to present themselves as supremely gifted interpreters of what was "really"in God's Mind. It was a long-term strategy of the Dark Gods to turn the Tribe of Judah, (theJudahites) once the vehicle of the greatest good by providing the perfect human vessel for theIncarnation of Christ, into the vehicle of the greatest Evil. Or rather, by nurturing a people who would filching the good name, reputation of Judah and his Yahweh Promises. Thereby, bringing about the situation whereby the Evil Agenda is transmitted through the historical process and across continents with consummate ease by a tribe of people calling themselves "the Jews." The Modern Tribe of Jews that has made itself a consummate vehicle of Evil because of the secret and enduring rancour of the Jew for the Gentile, his nation and his God.
The Talmudic commentary on the Hebrew Bible is the supreme law of contemporary Jewry and not the Torah or the rest of the Hebrew Bible. That is why the Talmud College, the yeshiva and their scholars hold such a prominent place in the Jewish community. Thus, the Jewish Chronicle (March 26, 1993) published in Britain states that in the yeshiva, Jews are "devoted to the Talmud to the exclusion of everything else." The Pharisaic doctrine that the commandments of rabbis and not theWord of God should
prevail in Jewish society is at the root of the Talmudic creed. But it is a creed and commentary that Jesus Christ denounced as voiding the Laws of God and not upholding them. The Talmud had not yet been written down in Christ's time but he condemned the traditions of theMishnah (the early manifestation of the Talmud) and those who taught it (the Scribes and Pharisees), because it effectively quashed Biblical teachings. Moreover, rabbis in the centuries that followed the Crucifixion, formulated doctrines that were inimical to Christ, His Mission and His function in Creation and infixed them in the Talmud.
double standard ethic is endemic in Talmudic teachings. Thus, when medieval Christendom welcomed Jewish converts believing that they shared a common belief, a sort of "Judaeo-Christian"heritage, the indigenous peoples were soon disabused of this. For, the rancorous Jew soon let his feelings become known by his outward behaviour towards his Gentile neighbour. For, most Jews, believing themselves to be the elite of all tribes and that they were also "God's Chosen People," chose separateness and scorn as the response to Gentile goodwill. Moreover, they pushed for preferment in all things, especially in self-regulation of their communities. In many places they were even permitted Talmudic self-governance by Christian authorities, only being called to the greater laws of the state for extraordinary crimes. Consequently, within the segregated communities, a favourable environment was fostered whereby "the Jews" could enact double standard, self-serving laws to the detriment of the Gentile lawmakers and citizens. A situation that progressively isolated the Jewish communities and brought upon "the Jews" increasing Gentile enmity. A situation described by several modern Jewish intellectuals such as Jacob Katz, who suggests that: "The
Another Jewish intellectual, Ehud Sprinzak, describes the traditional Jewish perspective on the surrounding Gentile "law of the land" in Eastern Europe thus:
"Everyone knew everybody in the [Jewish community],
Yet another, James Yaffe, describes it thus:
The wilful, self-imposed isolation of "the Jews," their
insistence upon insular self-governance, and the speaking of Yiddish or Hebrew and the practice of Talmudic religion combined to set them apart from their Gentile neighbour. And so, to set their face continually against their host. This was exacerbated by the Jewish belief in themselves as a race apart, who would not assimilate, who believed themselves a race within a race, and who worked to bring about the Jewish Messianic Kingdom on Earth. Thus, the historical phenomenon of the rancorous Jew.
The rancorous Jew who plotted and schemed to bring about self-enrichment at the expense of the Gentile but who, in the process, thought he furthered the cause of World Jewry and its One World Ambition and thus, somehow, does the "will of god." Mutual hostility arose between the Christians and "the Jews" who were separated by a huge spiritual gulf and whose only significant intercourse between them was commerce. A field in which "the Jews," despite
their small numbers, were rapidly becoming pre-eminent. Especially by creating amongst themselves and the disparate communities of the so-called "Diaspora" the transcontinental network of contacts that greatly facilitated trade and commerce. Nevertheless, more importantly, they were also beginning to perfect and make grand the hated Usury that would soon ensnare kings, nobles, subjects and entire nations.
Hebrew and Yiddish were
languages that were impenetrable to most Gentiles and for centuries, rabbinical dictate forbade the teaching of Hebrew to Gentiles. The use of these strange "secret"languages tended to heighten Gentile suspicions of "the Jews." The seemingly glorious isolation of the Jew in his community, insulated from the Gentile, his laws and his God promoted the double standard mentality, whereby the ethical treatment of Jews by Jews was very different than that meted out by "the Jews" to the Gentiles.
Jacob Katz describes it thus:
"The letter of the law" is, of course, the wicked human construct called the Talmud and other attendant Jewish teachings, which Katz wrote, "are far from forming the elements of a universalistic ethic. They took social duality for granted." This is a less honest way of saying that Jews routinely interpreted the Talmud and its attendant teachings to sanction the exploitation of gentiles.
Weber (1864-1920) the Gentile German sociologist and pioneer of the analytic method in sociology wrote this on the point of Jewish bigotry in business and their use of sharp practice in dealings with the gentile: "The economic behaviour of the Jew simply moved in the direction of the least resistance which was permitted them by [their] legalistic
The Jewish writer Bernard Weinryb describes the situation in medieval Poland:
"... the limitations upon non-Jews [by Jewish law and culture] were
Eva Hoffman, another modern Jewish scholar, writes of the Jew in Poland:
Heinrich Graetz usually
referred to as the foremost Jewish historian of modern times, has this to say on the Jews of Poland and their regard for their hosts:
The Jacob-Esau tradition is
often used as a metaphor for the skulduggery of the Jew in his dealings with the Gentile, whereby Jacob, the Jewish cheater and deceiver, is lionised in the Jewish tradition. Israeli professor Jay Goren writes: "As
Another Israeli author, Israel Shahak argued that Orthodox Judaism is by its very nature:
"... a combination of hypocrisy and the profit motive [of] duplicity
influential German idealist philosopher, Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), merely reiterates so many other commentators on the Jewish community and its relations with the gentile:
The French Jewish socialist and Zionist, Bernard Lazare, put the case for the special treachery of the Jew thus:
Ashkenazi Jews of course brought this ethic to Britain, to America, to Canada, to Australia, to South Africa, in fact, everywhere the "Diaspora" landed,
especially on the coattails of the British during their empire building. For instance, as Jewish commentator James Yaffe notes: "The Lower East Side [the turn-of-the-century Jewish section of Manhattan] pushcart peddler who prided himself on his honesty wouldn't hesitate to sell damaged goods to the Gentile housewife." Similarly, we find this duplicity in the autobiography of Mary Antin, a Jewish immigrant to the United States from Russia, called The Promised Land in which she observed that: "[Jewish merchants and money lenders] preyed upon [Christians],
Max Weber, the German sociologist, termed this historic Jewish quality, this duplicity, as "the dualistic nature of [Judaism's] in-group and out-group moralities." Modern Jewish apologists attempt to deny that the ancient enmity and secret rancour of the Jew for the Gentile exists
and attempt to defend the indefensible. Especially the copious examples of the traditional Jewish double standard of morality. For example, the attempt by Jules Carlebach to equate Jewish outrages with the actions of autonomous states, notwithstanding the fact that the Jew, wherever he may have been, was a subject of a sovereign nation with its own laws. "If
history the growing menace of Jewish usury was perceived by men who understood instinctively the threat it posed to the future wellbeing of Western Christian Civilisation. Our ancestors soon understood the menace of Jew usury as an instrument of control within their nation. For instance, the "Magna Carta" signed at Runnymede in 1215 by King John under duress from his barons specifically addresses this problem. The main grievance redressed by the Magna Carta was the king's policy of extortionate taxation and financial plunder of his subjects. It also addressed the free Englishman's rights to trial by jury, Habeas Corpus, no arbitrary search and seizure, and equality before the law. Articles ten and eleven of the Charter addressed usury and gave protection against foreclosure by ruthless usurers: "10. 11.
The authors of the Magna Carta were acutely aware of the threat of Jewish usury to the wellbeing of their nation.
Hence, as the subsequent centuries slipped by it came to pass that banking and usury became
synonymous with Jewry. And that is exactly what the subtle Evil genius behind the Great Conspiracy desired: the Jewish race was to be the vehicle whereby nations became enslaved by usurers that owed allegiance, not to their host nation, but to the Dark Gods who are Lucifer and Ahriman(Satan).
Thus the Jewish race (the ordinary members of it) are the unwitting pawns of the Great Conspiracy, repeatedly betrayed by their elite to the Evil Principalities that are ruled by the Dark Gods who are Lucifer and Ahriman (Satan).
The creeping menace of Jewish usury to the wellbeing of the Gentile nations has been highlighted by numerous commentators: not out of malice or mischief, but simply because it is true. Here is a sample of an inexhaustible supply of writings and comments on the phenomenon of the menace of Jewish usury to the Gentile and his nation.
Diodorus Siculus,
the first century BC Greek historian who lived in the times of Julius Caesar and Augustus, had this to say on the point of usury and its use by the Jews: "Usury" ![]() "The
The great German theologian Martin Luther (1483-1546), who led the Reformation, is quoted inTable Talk of Martin Luther as saying this:
Pope Clement VIII (1693-1769) lamented that:
Arouet, better known as Voltaire (1694-1778), the French writer who was the embodiment of 18th century Enlightenment wrote that: ![]() "They [Jews] are, all of them, born with raging fanaticism in their hearts, just as the Bretons and the Germans are born with blond hair. I would not be in the least bit surprised if these people would not some day become deadly to the human race." (Lettres de Memmius a Ciceron, 1771).
where not unknowing of the growing menace within their kingdoms: Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), the Corsican who became Emperor of the French, stated in Reflections and Speechesbefore the Council of State on April 30 and May 7, 1806, that the Jews are: ![]() "...
Maria Theresa (1771 - 89), Queen of Hungary and Bohemia, understood the rancour and discord emanating from the Jew:
Nicholas I (1796-1855),
Czar of Russia, understood the creeping menace of Jewish usury in his realm and the attendant impoverishment of his people. In his diaries we find that: "The ruin of the peasants in these provinces are the Zhids ['Yids', 'Kikes']. They are full- fledged leeches sucking up these unfortunate provinces to the point of exhaustion."
In a book called Adam and Cain by William N. Murray, former Governor of Oklahoma (1951), theShadow Government of America, the Anglo-American establishment whose exoteric expression is the Council on Foreign Relations, was alluded to when he wrote this:
"Mr. W. Smith, who was for many years private secretary to Billy [William Ashley] Sunday,
People who are elected into political office soon meet with the Shadow Government, the Invisible Government of America and the Western World,
the real power in the world, and either accepts it or is horrified by it. John Haylan, ex-mayor of New York City, spoke of the Shadow Government, theAnglo-American Establishment whose exoteric expression is the Council on Foreign Relations, in Chicago and was quoted in the New York Times (March 27, 1927). "The ![]()
Henry Hamilton Beamish founded a patriotic society called The Britons in 1919 and created the Britons Publishing Company with the aim to publish vehemently anti-Jewish tracts including The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion. In speech in New York (October 30, 1937) Beamish described the extent of the Jewish control of the precious metals trade: "The
growing menace of Jewish usury and the future safety of the world's nations as sovereign entities free of indebtedness to Jewish usury was known to any percipient observer of history. Leicester Fitzgerald Charles (1784-1862), the 5th earl of Harrington, who is best known as a worker with Lord Byron in the cause of Greek independence, also opposed the admission of Jewish immigrants to England. In a speech in the House of Lords, July 12, 1858 he in formed the House he did so because: "They
Twain the American writer and humorist best known for his novels about Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, had certain opinions on the Jews that were far from wry. Twain was the nom de plume of Samuel Langhorne Clemens (1835-1910) whose honest assessment of the "Jewish Problem"has, as is the case with many famous writers and others sharing these convictions, been airbrushed from history. Twain's essay called "Concerning the Jews" appeared the book The Man that Corrupted Hadleybury & other Stories, which after his death his publishers were instructed to delete. The essay appeared in Harper's Monthly Magazine (September 1899) and it included these observations on this most weighty of world problems:
In Protestants
Warner Sombart, the 20th century German economist is helpful on the matter of usury and the penchant of Jews to practice it.
Recognising the crucial role of the Ashkenazi dynasty called Rothschild in the international octopus termed "international banking" (which
is effectively Jewish usury writ large) is essential to a proper understanding of the Evil Agenda. It is also paramount to understanding history and the unfolding events yet to come.
The Jewish Encyclopedia (1902) is instructive on this matter:
Rothschild plan of establishing local banking branches in European cities was adopted by other Ashkenazi Jewish families such as the Lazards, Leobs, Sterns, Speyers, Seligmans and Warburgs. It was these families that spread around the world creating the Jewish octopus that is an essential component of the Evil Agenda, which is the Great Conspiracy against God brought to Earth. Frederic Morton was the official biographer of this dynasty and in his book, The Rothschilds, he gives a sympathetic account of the clan. However, the weight of evidence compelled him to allude to the sinister role of the family in the secular affairs of Europe: "For
The Jew Otto Weininger (1880–1903) who converted to Christianity, was an honest man who is superciliously called a "self-hating Jew" by Zionists and there supporters who cite his book,Geschlecht und Charakter (Sex and Character, 1903), as a fruitful source for anti-Semitic propagandists. Weininger explained why a plethora of Jews are communists:
![]() "Communism
William Morris Hughes (1864-1952), Premier of Australia, Saturday Evening Post (June 19, 1919)
These are just a sample of the many condemnations of
the growing menace of Jewish economic and political power and the Jewish usurer within Christendom. Pre-eminent amongst these was the Rothschild Dynasty, the nexus of this Evil. |
![]() |
2) The Occult Ancient and Modern - all linked together.
Traditional Catholic Prayers: Prayer against the Devil Mother Goddess and all of Satan's minions
most people don't know about all the Marian and other connected
apparitions is that up to and including the time of Cardinal Msgr.
Ottaviani's holding the reigns of the Holy Office is that there was a
ban on all of them. That ban was removed (illicitly and without any
doctrinal basis) by the Antipope Paul VI in 1969. In 1952 Cardinal Msgr.
Ottaviani (same as in the Ottaviani Intervention against Antipope Paul
VI's Novus Ordo, which Antipope Paul VI made the final promulgation of
in 1969, same year as he lifted the ban) as prelate in charge of the
Holy Office even issued another warning about them. The original
beginning of the modern apparitions was in Rue du Bac in Paris, France in
1830. Catherine Laboure, a nun with heavy Masonic influences in her
life, had the first of the modern apparitions and included in the
setting she was in was a pyramid painted over the chapel altar. This is
extreme Freemasonry symbolism and purposeful idolatry. All of this is
part of the Judeo-Mason Zionist assault on the Church.
you noticed that in the apparitions Mary is always telling girls
secrets? Girls like to tell one another secrets. There is just no
doctrinal basis for any of it. St. Anthony of the desert (St.
Athanasius' teacher in the Catholic faith) said that demonic apparitions
are never to be heeded because, although there may be some or appear to
be some factual truth in them, because of their origin they will always
be false and heeding them or turning aside after them in any way will
only help the Devil to carry out whatever scheme that the evil one is
St. Anthony said that true apparitions given by the true God will
always bring peace and joy and never terror. He said terror in an
apparition means the apparition is always from the evil one. Also, he
said that God brings healing and not disease and death. Remember Portugal and
many other of the “apparitions” – disease and death. St. Anthony also
said when there is any doubt at all, ask “who and whence” of the
apparition with firm faith and if it is false it will not be able to
claim that it is God. Some of
the seers tried this and instead of an immediate and straightforward
affirmation that it was truly from God they got evasive answers.
Remember the devil in the garden of Eden, evasive. There is no doubt
that God walked with St. Anthony for many miracles of healing and
deliverance from demonic oppression were given him to do by God. St.
Anthony also was the founding stone by which the coenobitic monastic
movement had its beginning (prior to St. Pachomius) and from that
movement spread the Gospel in the 4th century and continued on through
the centuries, including such notables as St. Benedict of Nursia/Umbria
and St. Patrick and St. Columban of Ireland etc. Also, St. Irenaeus’
(180 A.D.) teaching on visions given by God is the same as St.
Anthony’s. The council of Trent taught that nothing can be declared
doctrine unless it has the full consensus of the Church Fathers (last of
the Fathers in the west is St. Isadore of Seville, 636 A.D. and last in
the East is St. John Damascene, mid 8th century) to support it. Neither
the Novus Ordo nor the apparitions have that. In fact they both have
the utter condemnation of the full consensus of the Church Fathers.
as part of the Vatican II false council game plan to destroy the Church
the implementation of Mary as the Holy Spirit was being promoted. This
ancient gnostic heresy of Mary as Sophia wisdom personified as all
mother goddesses was based at Vatican II on the formally condemned
heretic Sergei Bulgakov's idea of Mary as essence of the Trinity and the
person of the Holy Spirit, by adoption no less. Bulgakov was formally
condemned by the Russian Orthodox Church (his Church) decades before in
the strictest anathema for this. Bulgakov was a Communist and Pantheist
Communist philosopher before his pretended conversion to the Russian
Orthodox Church; classic Gramscian type infiltration. This is nothing
more than the old pagan triple goddess, such as Isis, lunar Artemis, Bastet-Artemis or Selene, Mene, Hecate. The pagan triple as Isis was a virgin and the one the Valentinian gnostics tried to pattern Mary after and then make Jesus into Horus.
ukase by any Caesar including and especially the current pretenders to
the papacy can change this doctrine of the faith: 'that to be a
Christian one will and must and shall at all times reject all other gods
and worship and serve the True God alone - The Father and the Son,
Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.' The first major transgression of
this in Rome,
in the recent centuries, was by a Pope who started out as an orthodox
proponent of the Faith. When Pius XII (who wrote faithfully and
brilliantly to defend the faith on many occasions) forced the acceptance
of the assumption of Mary body and soul, based on the never declared
doctrine of the Immaculate Conception, into heaven at the end of her
earthly life (which would have been in the first century A.D.), he
forced absolute heresy on the Church. The Masonic provoked apparitions
of Mary were all banned until, unlawfully, Antipope Paul VI lifted the
ban in 1969. The apparitions were the main force behind the push to
approve the heretical doctrines of the Immaculate Conception of Mary and
the Assumption of Mary. The apparition at Fatima of
the Sun being turned around was prophesied by St. Hippolytus (martyred
236 A.D.) as Diabolic and of the Antichrist. When those two false
doctrines of the Immaculate Conception of Mary and the Assumption of
Mary were combined, at Vatican II and after, with the arch heretic and
Communist Sergei Bulgakov’s heresies concerning Mary being a fourth
hypostasis of God - then this false Mary was transformed into the
Antitheotokos which is the consort of the Antichrist, who will come to
oppose the Church. The faithful of the Church must not and will not
accept any of this. Christ alone is the Immaculate Conception by the
Holy Spirit and the blessed virgin Mary and Christ alone is the first
born from the dead in the flesh. Any early resurrection of Mary would
make her a goddess which God will never do and she is not nor would she
ever agree with or want such an abomination in her name. In Divine
response to Pius XII’s immense and unacceptable blunder in eight years
he was dead and the conclave in that year, 1958, saw the election of the
first of several Antipopes, John XXIII, which ushered in the Great
Apostasy of Vatican II; Cardinal Siri was rightfully elected at the 1958
conclave and was Pope Gregory XVII, but reigned in exile in silence due
to the death threat against his family by the partisans of Antipope
John XXIII and those Antipopes after John XXIII. Now that Siri has died
in 1988, truly the throne is vacant. The Antipopes were and are John
XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II and Benedict XVI.
Church Fathers, especially as referred to here, are by definition an
exact group ending with and not later than St. John Damascene in the
East in the eighth century A.D. and in the West in the seventh century
A.D. St. Isadore of Seville and Pope St. Gregory the Great, Pope of Rome
(who said that any bishop who declared himself in charge of the whole
Church, instead of all bishops, including the Pope of Rome, having no
more than equal authority, with Rome among other Patriarchal sees and
none of them coercing others, was in fact, the precursor of the
The Arch Evil
Council of Vatican II proposed a meaningless cosmic Adam and non-literal
creation by a nonexistent pantheistic non-God ruled over by a cosmic
Jesus Christ (Gnostic false Christ - actually Satan) and the
Antitheotokos (Mary as premature resurrected and ascended goddess -
Christ alone is resurrected and ascended until His return - John 3:13 And no one [nemo in Latin, oudeis in Greek - literally 'no one'] hath ascended into heaven, but He that descended from heaven, the Son of man who is in heaven.). All
of this was based on their ultimate Antichrist Judeo Mason document of
Nostra Aetate which put the eternal enemies of Christ, the apostate
perfidious nation of Jews guilty of Deicide, as gods above all infidel
pagan religions. They put that abomination in place of the Gospel of
Christ and all of this as the abomination of desolation standing in the
holy place of Our Lord Jesus Christ's Church, His Body, which He died
The Antipopes, in
addition to pretending to authority over the entire Church - which they
could never have, spew forth the Satanic nonsense of Nostra Aetate. They
and all who follow them will go into hell at the return of Christ.
left) who in the ancient world was the head goddess of the most evil of
the developed forms of the triple goddess. The triple goddess was the
absolute center and power of sorcery and black magic in the ancient
world. That looped object in her hand is the intaglio. The Romans
subsumed Isis along with many other goddesses into Tyche.
on in the early third century, home of the neo-gnostic/christian school
the Didascalia) in the early 2nd century A.D. that Valentinus brought
the pseudo-christian gnostic gospel of Mary to Rome which
St. Irenaeus (180 A.D.) so ably refuted in his “Against Heresies”. This
so-called gospel of Mary (found in the Egyptian Nag Hammadi gnostic
library in the 1940s) was nothing more than Isis and Horus the Egyptian
false goddess/god child usurping the place of the true Jesus Christ Who
by the Holy Spirit of the Father was truly born of (Incarnate and given
birth to by) the virgin Mary.
Mother Goddess, who is the patroness of the Ecumenical Movement, is
also the patroness of the World Order. The Ecumenical movement endeavors
to form the blessed virgin Mary into the Mother Goddess. The blessed
virgin Mary, herself, of course has absolutely nothing to do with the
Mother Goddess.
was the goddess which was the summation, in the Graeco-Egyptian
religion of the Graeco-Roman world, of all goddesses and therefore the
beginning and end of all the poytheistic gods and goddesses of the
ancient mediterranean world. The Cumaean, Tiburtine and Delphic sibyls
were the principal fortune tellers of the Roman empire which would
convince the citizens of the empire of the will of Rome (the
beast from the sea). The beast from the earth was the false prophet
i.e. sorcerers and magicians and Caesar himself as pontifex maximus of
the Roman religion. The three spirits out of the mouth of the dragon and
the beast and the false prophet are the three sibyls above.
The precursor in Egypt, of Tyche as mother goddess summation of all the gods/goddesses, is the triple goddess Isis represented
and invocated as Selene-Mene-Hecate. This is the absolute worst of the
virgin goddess of black magic/sorcery in the history of the world. The
representation is Isis as
sorceress in her lunar and chthonic form united to the sky above and
ruler of earth in between standing on the globe of the world around
which a serpent is coiled. One statue still extant today of Isis as this
sorceress is the Farnese Isis (Naples Museum).
She holds the Intaglio (magic ring of the serpent uroboros, the serpent
that eats it own tail). The formula of consecration is invoked by the
power of the serpent with the crescent moon with two stars one on each
end of the horns of the crescent moon forming the tang of the
sorcerer/sorceress with the sun of Abraxas, the ancient god of all
sorcery and black magic surmounted above that. Any resemblance to the
false representation of Mary as the Immaculate Conception especially as
shown on the so-called "Miraculous Medal" standing on the globe of the
the fifth/sixth century A.D. the Syrian writings of Pseudo-Dionysios
first appeared and were later added to. In this the ancient pagan idea
of synthesizing, that is combining all the ancient gods/goddesses, an
idea going back to the Graeco-Egyptian Hermes Trimegistus (Apollyon
appearing as Hermes thrice blessed - a pagan false trinity), was put
forth in gnostic psuedo christian dress. Included was Mary as the
summation of all that is divine, i. e. the mother triple goddess. Sergei
Bulgakov was condemned by his own church, the Russian Orthodox Church,
as a heretic, in the first part of the 20th century for this same thing,
in which Bulgakov attempted to make Mary the Hupostasis of God and the
divinity by which each of the Three Persons of the Most Holy Trinity of
the True God is approached and in no other way. In short, it is a
sophism to make her the triple goddess and replace the worship of the
True Trinity with polytheistic/pantheism. This worship of Satan in place
of the True God, the Most Holy Trinity will only bring utter
destruction upon the earth.
the summation of all Heresies and Apostasies and Blaspheming of the Holy
Spirit known as Vatican II, Bulgakov's blasphemous system was
inculcated by name and in this same false teaching of Bulgakov to make
the Antitheotokos the virgin goddess of black magic to support all of
the false apparitions (heretofor condemned), supposedly of Mary, and
make these apparitions accepted and thereby bring in KNOWINGLY the
Gnostic evolutionary Monism - Pantheism of this "ecumenical council of
instance the Gnostics, according to the Church Fathers, basing
themselves on the Naasseni (the apostate Jewish serpent worshipping
Satanist priesthood cult which is the base for all Kabalah and the
Zohar) copied much of their doctrine from Platonism, Graeco-Egyptian
paganism and far eastern religiosity and claimed, totally falsely, that
this is what Jesus taught. It is not at all what Jesus taught nor at all
what Moses taught. The Gnostic doctrines are obvious in this
plagiarizing of paganism and denial of the true Jesus Christ. In the
East the Buddhist teaching of how Sakyamuni (Gotama), the Buddha,
obtained his “enlightenment” is obviously diabolic and has a great deal
in common with Graeco-Egyptian mysticism in the west; especially this is
extremely similar to Simon Magus’ portrayal of himself entwined with
snakes in the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil as a man-god to be
sought after as the ultimate teacher of true knowledge. The prime
example: The Dragon Flower Tree (the banyan or pipal [fig] tree) from
which the great white serpent from the abyss (the devil) granted Gotama
(the Buddha) his “enlightenment” which consisted of his denying the I AM
and being his own saviour. Otherwise known as the Tree of the Knowledge
of Good and Evil which in classical and traditional Catholic teaching
is the first type of the devil. Gn:2:17: 17 But of the tree of knowledge
of good and evil, thou shalt not eat. For in what day soever thou shalt
eat of it, thou shalt die the death. (DRV)
the time of Photius (a Khazar) and the dating of all subsequent
Ecumenical Orthodox Church theology, at about the same time as Photius,
from the 'victory' of the "theology of the icon", the actual theology of
that so-called church has disintegrated into complete paganism.
Photius' teaching on Christ is simply an old heresy trying to divide
Christ into two persons. The teaching on the hypostasis of the icon as
the real presence of Christ the same as in the Eucharist is nothing
other than sophist idolatry. The teaching on created energy divinising
men is nothing other than polytheism. The idea, present in the Orthodox
and the Oriental Churches, that the gods and goddesses of Egypt and Greece are
types of the true God and His revelation of Himself is a lie from Satan
and complete apostasy from the true God. It was this ‘Orthodox’ Church
that originally proposed Ecumenism in the last few centuries, despite a
few in their ranks claiming it was the Protestants. This ‘Orthodox’
Church has been the leader of Ecumenism including Demetrios I and his
nonsense, on the island of Patmos of
all places, provoking the Antipope John Paul II to the kind of nonsense
that later with Bartholomew I, John Paul II perpetrated at Assisi.
It is the Ecumenical Orthodox Church that claims the ecological
Patriarch Bartholomew I (Gaia mother goddess of earth is the patroness
of the ecologists). It was the Antipope John Paul II and the Heresiarch
Bartholomew I that assembled in Assisi with about forty other Patriarchs
and Metropolitans etc. of the Eastern 'Church' and a whole host of
Catholic Cardinals and Bishops on January 24, 2002 for the totally
apostate synchretist prayer meeting with leaders of every imaginable
form of paganism including voodoo witchdoctors. It was Bartholomew I,
Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, who dared to call the apostasy
of the Assisi offence against God, "blessed are the peacemakers". It
is the Ecumenical Orthodox 'Church' that is the self willed source of
the energy of diabolic delusion that is marking men with the image of
the beast.
this folks, is Ecumenism, an invention of Judeo-Freemasonry and
Byzantine/Phanariot/Venetian/Swiss banking and with the full apostate
complicity of the Novus Ordo pseudo church of the Antipope Benediktos.
Jesus WARNED us of false prophets like Benedict XVI who promise peace but mean apostasy.
correct and Roman Catholicism is wrong about the blessed virgin Mary
who is the Theotokos and the mother of Jesus Christ Who is God in the
flesh. The virgin Mary is not the immaculate conception, she
immaculately conceived by the Holy Spirit the only true God in the flesh
Who is Jesus Christ and is therefore the mother of God (not of His
divine nature but His human nature which is divinized by His divine
nature in the enhypostasia of the communion of idioms or hypostatic
union of His two natures of God and of man, in theological terms) for He
is One Person – of the Three Persons of the Blessed Trinity One God.
Mary is of course totally loyal to Jesus Christ and has nothing to do
with the virgin goddess (Isis and others) of black magic, which was used
by the ancient Gnostic apostates as a substitute for the real virgin
Mary mother of the God-Man Jesus Christ. He, Jesus Christ is the second
Person of the Holy Trinity and therefore is God. Mary is therefore in
this sense the mother of God. It is in this sense that she always has
been confessed by the Church to be the mother of God. She is not a
the virgin goddess of black magic -- she is the “immaculate one” (A
LIE) who is Satan and false god and temptress and the rehashed pagan
mother goddess that the early Gnostics (who claimed they were the
knowers of the unknown god) worshipped.See this short excerpt, to
illustrate, from:
yogis, ajivika or sramana or sadhu, of India, worshipped the fire god
Agni (the god called “The Knower” whose tongue is the goddess Kali the
goddess of destruction, a hermaphrodite god-goddess) imported from
ancient Assyria/Persia, and engaged in the practice of the magical
incantations of the kashshaph (sorcery) and nachash (serpent black
magic) practices, amongst others, of ancient Mesopotamia, which made
their way there through ancient Assyria/Persia as well. This strange
fire (Hebrew: esh) with the sorcery and magic and rest of the occult
practices listed together therein are condemned by God in Deuteronomy
18:10, 11. The final abomination of this is listed first in Dt:18:10:
Neither let there be found among you any one that shall expiate his son
or daughter, making them to pass through the fire…. (DRV) That final
abomination is human sacrifice by fire sacrifice (as in Agni) to false
gods/goddesses in the hope of gaining preternatural power from fallen
spirits; the apostate angel, Satan - the devil, is the chief fallen
spirit of the rest and who Jesus Christ said was a murderer and a liar
from the beginning. Jn:8:44: You are of your father the devil: and the
desires of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the
beginning: and he stood not in the truth, because truth is not in him.
When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, andthe
father thereof. (DRV)
introduced the chief gods, we shall now examine literary evidence
demonstrating the cult of the planet-gods. We shall look at the Creation
Epic (Enuma Elish) and at a variety of prayers and magical texts. I
shall use simple and common definitions for prayer and magic here. In
prayer, one makes a request of a god. The magician tries to coerce or
even command a god. In practice, however, the distinction may break
down. For example, knowing the habits of a god, his likes and dislikes,
one might make a request in such a way that it would be unlikely, even
impossible to reject. Certainly, there was no clear distinction between
prayer and magic in Mesopotamia./35/ It is the modern scholars who have
drawn it, and in many cases they have been force to "fudge," coining the
term "Gebetsbeschwrungen," or"Prayer-spells"….
private, small-scale,versions of the rituals performed publicly in the
temples. Magical practitioners of different sorts were usually priests.
References to the astral aspects of the various gods are common,
although they do not crowd out other aspects./38/
commanding of gods even extended to making them speak (the statues and
other images) by occult means. The magicians who engaged in such things
generally did it for money. In Jesus Christ's time on earth before His
Ascension into heaven (from whence He will come again to judge the quick
and the dead), He warned about these fakirs.
there will rise upfalse Christs and false prophets: and they shall shew
signs and wonders, to seduce (if it were possible) even the elect.
though we, or an angel from heaven, preach a gospel to you besides that
which we have preached to you, let him be anathema. (DRV)
it was given him (the Antichrist) to give life to the image of the
beast: and that the image of the beast should speak: and should cause
that whosoever will not adore the image of the beast should be slain.
he shall make all, both little and great, rich and poor, freemen and
bondmen, to have a character in their right hand or on their foreheads:
than take the Mark then, the early saints were martyred for their
faith. Something that we must not hesitate to do when confronted with
that choice. One of the early martyrs was St. Irenaeus of Lyons author
of Against Heresies. For the creed of the early church which he
recorded for posterity (which is also the original Apostles creed) see:
Sata apostate in Hebrew
Practices forbidden by God:
ESH 784 77b, 1083b
QECEM 7081 890c
ANAN 6049778a, 1107c
NACHASH 5172 638c
KASHAPH 3784 506c
(CHARTOM FROM EXODUS 7:22) 2748 355a
CHABAR CHEBER 2266; 2267 251c, 287d, 1092a; 288c
SHA’AL 7592 981b, 1114a; (SHA’AL, DARASH) OWB 178 15a
DARASH; MUWTH 1875; 4191 201d, 205a; 559b, 607a,
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exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, ….
3) Slave and Gold traders - no essential difference.
The Illuminati: The British East India Company
has taken centuries of patient effort for the World Order to attain the
power it exercises today. Its origins as an international force go back
to the Phoenician slave-traders, continues through the Phnariot
families of the Byzantine Empire, then the Venetian and Genoese traders
and bankers of the Middle Ages, who moved into Spain and Portugal, and
later into England and Scotland. By the 14th century, the Genose
controlled the Scottish landlords.
Imperial Family of the Byzantine Empire, the Paleologues (meaning 'the
Word') were attacked by the Gnostic faction, whose materialistic
Aristotelian philosophy was the forerunner of Hegelian dialectic and
Marxism. The Paleologues devoutly believed in the Christian faith, as
expressed by the Orthodox Rite. The materialistic Venetian and Genoese
armies, with the aid of the Turkish "infidels", looted and conquered
Constantinople, the legendary "City of God". The Byzantine survivors
recreated their culture in Russia, with Moscow as "the third Rome". The
plan to destroy the Orthodox Church and its Romanov (new Rome) leader
was the hidden goal of the First World War.
The victors came away with one billion dollars of the Romanov fortune,
after achieving the defeat of their hated enemy, the Orthodox Church.
the Middle Ages, European power centers coalesced into two camps: the
Ghibellines, those who supported the Emperor's Hohenstaufen family, (an
Italian adaptation of Weinblingen, the name of the Hohenstaufen estate);
and the Guelphs, from Welf, the German prince who competed with
Frederick for control of the Holy Roman Empire. The Pope then allied
himself with the Guelphs against the Ghibellines resulting in their
victory. All of modern history stems directly from the struggle between
these two powers.
Guelphs, also called the Neri, or Black Guelphs, and Black Nobility,
were the Normans who conquered England in the 11th century; the Genoese
who backed Robert Bruce in his conquest of Scotland, and who supported
William of Orange in his seizure of the throne of England. William's
victory resulted in the formation of the Bank of England and the East India Company,
which have ruled the world since the 17th century. Every subsequent
coup d'etat, revolution and war has centered in the battle of the
Guelphs to hold and enhance their power, which is now the World Order.
power of the Guelphs grew through their control of banking and
international trade. It was extended through the Italian centers to the
north of Florence, in Lombardy, which became great financial centers.
All Italian bankers, including the Genoese, the Venetians, and Milanese,
were referred to as "Lombards" -- Lombard, in German, means "deposit
bank" -- the Lombards were bankers to the entire Medieval world. Modern
history begins with the transfer of their operations north to Hamburg,
Amsterdam, and finally to London.
great American fortunes originated with the Guelph slave trade to the
colonies. Many of the slave traders doubled in piracy. Trinity Church,
whose leading vestryman later was J.P. Morgan,
was originally known as "the church of the pirates". Capt. William Kidd
provided the material to build it in 1697, and a pew was reserved for
him. He was arrested the next year, and hanged in chains at Newgate. In
1711, a slave market was set up on Wall Street near the church, and
functioned there for many years.
The East India Co. was granted a charter in 1600 in the closing days of
Queen Elizabeth's reign. In 1622, under James I, it became a joint
stock company. In 1661, in an attempt to retain his throne, Charles II
granted the East India Co. the power to make war. From 1700 to 1830, the
East India Co. gained control of all India, and wrested the historic
mononoly of opium from the Great Moguls.
Crown periodically tried to maintain control of the monster it had
unleashed. State Papers (Domestic) Interregnum, xvi, No. 97 (1649-51)
severall warrants have bine obtained by the East India Company, for the
transporting of severall great quantities of Gold and Silver the Ilk
som tymes is granted to severall merchants and others upon ther petion
and suggestions, and weras under cider of thes warrants to divers other
great soms of money, both English Gold and Silver is transported out of
the nation, wch might be prevented yf the stat would apoynt a swroen
controlled one skilled in this affaire, to tak a vew and serch of all
badge and cases of tresur, that are transported out of the nation, and
to see to the packing and making up of said tresur, and that ther be
sent no more, then, what the stat gives licence for, both for quantytie
and quality, and registered, and returned yearly to the council of stat,
and that the sd controller for his view and search and sealing and
marking it up shall demand and have tow shillings appon every hundred
pounds sterling by tayl, or the valew of every hundred pounds sterling,
if that the Gold or Silver should be in bares or ingots, for all Gold
and Silver that shall be exported by licence, either the East India
Company or any other person whomsoever, and that it shall not be lawful
for any man to transport Gold or Silver befor it be vewed and examined
by Tho. Violet or his sufficient debity, and registered."
supervision [and] control of international movements of gold and silver
has been a national problem since Cicero inveighed against it in the
Roman Forum. Sir Walter Raleigh pointed out, in his "Select Observations
of the Incomparable Sir Walter Raleigh," MDCXCVI p.6,
That Nation Can only be in a prosperous Estate that hath a
proportionable quantity of Silver or Gold to ballance the Strength and
trade of its neighboring Nations.
That whilst the Current Cash of this Kingdom can be converted into
Bullion, and so made a trading Commodity (as hath been practis'd this
hundred Years) 'twill either be conveyed to be best Market, or wrought
in Plate at home, notwithstanding the utmost rigour and vigiliancy, to
the great and daily Consumption of the Coin, and Detriment of the
Nation. That raising the value of our Coin, is the only certain means to
keep it in the Nation to make us a rich and thriving State, to recover
our lost Trade, and the best Bulwark and Defence against all the Attacks
of our Enemies. That contrary to the Policy of Nations, our standard
Coin is of greater value in all places than at home (Spain only
excepted) for which reason we bring Spanish Mony hither, and for the
same Reason our Mony is transported to other places, to the great
Impoverishment of the Nation."
Walter Raleigh, a patriot, saw that the machinations of the
international money dealers were bringing ruin to many Englishmen, and
tried to stop it. They in turn conspired against him, and had him
beheaded. The Order invariably enlists "the law" against its enemies.
as the London Staplers, was later known as the London Mercers Co.,
merchant guilds which held monopolies over certain avenues of commerce.
It was a direct offshoot of the commercial banking establishments of
northern Italy, Venice and Genoa. Related firms were the German Hansa,
and the Hanse of the Low Countries, which was headquartered in Bruges.
It was also allied with the Levant Co. and the Anglo-Muscovy Co.
Cabot, whose descendants are prominent in American banking and
intelligence, raised the seed money for Anglo-Muscovy in Italy and
London. The company operated northern overland trade routes from the
Baltic to India and China. Other related firms were the London Company,
chartered in 1606 to establish The Virginian Plantation on a communistic
basis, and the Plymouth Company, whose descendants control the New
England business world.
aid their control of finance and politics, the Guelphs perpetuated a
host of cults deriving from the Manicheans, which in turn derived from
the cults of Babylonia and Ira, from the Atys cultus of the Caucasian
area, and from Hindu pantheism. Their offshoots include the Bogmils of
the Balkans, the Paulicans of Asia Minor, the Anabaptists, Communists
and Antinomians, centering in the Catharists, the Albigensians of
southern France, the Patarenes of northern Italy, and the English
Savoyards. These gnostic faiths developed into the Rosicrucians, Swedenborgians, Unitarians, the Fabian Society, and the World Council of Churches.
English Savoyards became active in the London Staplers and the rise of
oceanic commerce, by using the Venetian-Flanders galley (ship), which
brought the lateen sail into Europe from, southeast Asia. The Savoyards
formed an extreme leftwing party, led by John Ball, which called for the
nationalisation of all land. The Wycliffe-Lollards-Savoyards-Staplers
formed the King's Party against the landed nobility (republicanism) and
parliament. Then as now, the leftwing sought ownership of all
landthrough an absolute ruler and a totalitarian centralized government.
The University of London, which received a $2 million grant in 1924
from Beardsley Ruml as head of the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Fund and
many other grants from American foundations, houses Gresham College and
the London School of Economics, where Harold Laski taught John F. Kennedy and David Rockefeller the principles of the World Order.
whose friend, investment banker George Grote, gave the University of
London 6000 pounds to study mental health, the origin of the present
worldwide "mental health" movement. Grote also contributed 500 pounds to
finance the July Revolution in France in 1830, which put Louis Philippe
on the throne.
"the greatest good for the greatest number", which has been so useful
in inflaming the masses -- the Marxist flim flam that you can best serve
your interests by serving others. Bentham's businesspartner was
manufacturer Robert Owen,
and atheist who taught free love. Like most do-gooders, Owen's cotton
mills in Asia, associated with the East India Co., caused bankruptcies
and great misery in India.
families that control Switzerland go back to Venice. Some of the
Phnariot [Phanariot - alternate spelling] families of the Byzantine have
had enduring powerful lineages. The Venetian and Genoese
banker/international commerce families have produced some enduring
powerful lineages. Families from these groups have tended toward
Satanism (Gnosticism) or cults that are not Christian. In this category,
we can mention Darius Socinus of Venice. Note also that the Warburgs,
who work so closely with the Rothschilds, are descendents of Abraham del
Banco, an old banker in Venice. The Warburgs in turn are related to the
Rosenbergs of Kiev, Russia. Some of your old aristocratic Russian
occult bloodlines were the first to financially help Hitler’s fledgling
Nazi Party.
Parousia of Jesus Christ Our Lord: Hitler—1938 Man of the Year?
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