Division of the Caste
India, a country with a lot of traditions, culture and beauty, has a unwanted, ugly and inhuman structure called ' CASTE SYSTEM .' One cannot but feel ashamed of the caste system in India. The caste system discriminates the human persons and stratifies them into different groups. According to Manu Dharma , the Hindu religious code of conduct, divides human persons into four Varnas (Varna means color, the Caste).
In Hindu society, caste is still the most powerful factor in determining a person's dignity. The caste system is the result of the Hindu belief in 'Reincarnation and Karma'. The four castes eventually developed into a social mosaic of 3000 sub-castes, with the Untouchables at the bottom of the list and actually outside the list. Such a rigid caste system is not found anywhere in the world outside India. A person is born into a caste. Once born in that caste, his status is predetermined and immutable. Birth decides one's status and this cannot be altered by any talent the person may develop or wealth the person may accumulate. Similarly, the caste in which a person is born predetermines what vocation the person will pursue. One has no choice. Birth decides the occupation of the person in question. Here are the four major castes:
1.BRAHMINS (the Priestly Class)
2.KSHATRIYAS (the Warrior Class)
3.VAISYAS (the Trading Class)
4.SUDRAS (the Servants)
Other sub-castes are more than 3000 in number, with the "Untouchables" or "Dalits" at the bottom and outside. They are the slaves of the above groups and they are absolutely forbidden to learn and teach.
The Dalits are deprived of: 1) Education 2) Right to possess assets 3) Right to posses weapons to protect themselves. Therefore they are owned as the property of the caste people. The code of conduct that deprives them of these rights was written three thousand years back. One may wonder why this is still in practice. The tragedy is that although untouchablity was abolished by law 1950 in India, yet the dalits experience the agony of untouchability very deeply in all walks of life: Social, Economical and Political. One cannot understand the pain of being a dalit unless he experiences it.
There is also other category of people who don't come under any of these above caste groups, since they are not considered as human beings. They are called the "the Outcaste or the "Untouchables," or the Unseeables. There are hundreds of codes of conduct written for them. Now these people call themselves as ' DALITS.' The word ' Dalit' means 'broken, torn, scattered and crushed.' M.Gandhi called them as ' Harijans' which means God' s Children. But the word ' Harijans' does not describe their condition adequately. Therefore, the Outcaste preferred to call themselves as ' Dalits.' The word ' Dalit' is an expression of hope to recover their self-identity.
As we have already seen, Dalit means 'broken, scattered and oppressed'. So the Dalits are the broken and scattered people, the oppressed masses. This implies that they were of one community before they were broken; they were together before they were scattered; they were free people before they were oppressed. It also implies that there must have been an agent and an instrument by whom and by which this free people were subjugated and oppressed. So the starting point of Dalit history is the moment when this 'breaking', 'scattering' and 'oppression' of the Dalits began, when exactly the Dalits began to be treated as degraded human beings and when exactly the Dalits lost their identity. To understand the Dalits as an indigenous people, we need to go to their historical roots.
![]() Archaeological Evidence
Prehistoric India was inhabited first by the Negritos. The second group that migrated in was the Australoids. The Santals and Bhils belong to the Australoids. The third group that inhabited India was the Mongoloid family. To the present time the Mongoloid have maintained their distinct cultural, racial and religious identities.
The fourth and largest group that inhabited ancient India was the Dravidian. Most scholars agree that the Dravidians came into India from the Eastern Mediterranean in the third millennium B.C. By 1400 B.C., the Dravidian civilisation in India extended across the entire land.
Munshi says : "The Early Dravidians, who arrived in India prior to 2000 B.C., possessed a highly developed material culture as would appear from their early speech forms and the findings in Mohenjo-daro, Harappa and Lothal". Goetz speaks of the Indus Valley Civilization as ranging from Lothal to Mohenjo-daro and from 3000 to 1400 B.C., and having cultural connections with Sumer, the earliest known cradle of human civilisation.
The Indo-Aryans in the 2nd millennium B.C. migrated from their homeland of Eranvej (the present Russian Turkestan) via Afghanistan into India. Thus the Aryans moved eastwards, fighting the indigenous Dravidians whom they exterminated or enslaved. They overran the open country, stormed the fortified towns (pur) of the Indus Valley and slowly migrated eastwards, conquering the whole of Northern India around 1400-1000 B.C.
Mishra, the archaeologist endorses this view. This coincides with the records of Wheeler, the original authority on the Indus Valley civilisation. These conquests are described in numerous verses of the Rig Veda.
In the Rig Veda, the natives are described as dark-skinned, snub-nosed enemies of alien language and religion. Marshall and Cunningham who did the original archaeological excavation on Indus civilisation, Yuria Knorozov who did the deciphering of the Indus pictographic writings and authorities such as Madho Sarup Vats, Dikshit, N.C. Majumdar, Rapson, Wheeler, R.D. Banerjee, B.B. Lal point to the fact that the native black Dravidians were largely exterminated by the light-coloured Aryan invaders, their 'Puram' (meaning fort or town) civilisation was destroyed and those who were not killed were made slaves.
When the Aryans began to spread eastward and southward from Punjab, they spread too thin. Therefore the policy of total annihilation of the Dasyus was found unnecessary as well as impossible. Instead the Dravidians were made domestic and village slaves. In earlier civilisations, slavery or extermination were the only two methods used by most of the conquering races.
Therefore the Dasyus (slaves, now known to us as the Scheduled caste) of the Rig Veda were the Dravidians living north of the Vindhya Satpura range and now enslaved by the invading Aryans. The distinguished indologist Basham says: "In the reduction to bondage of the many dasas captured in the battle, we find the origin of Indian slavery."
![]() Literary Evidence
Here are a few of the earliest literary sources available to us. In all these sources, we find the Dalits, Das, Chandala, Avarna, Panchama were reduced by their oppressors to a non-human level, with no identity or dignity.
(a) Rigvedas : (1500-1000 B.C. ) The earliest available literary source is the Rigveda. Its Purusa sukta hymn talks about the origin of the four Varnas, Brahmanas, Kashartries, Vaisias and Sutras. The Dalits find no place in it under this name : they are referred as Avarna, Dasa and Dasyus. (6th and 10th Mandala)
(b) Upanishads : (800-600 B.C) By the time the Upanishad texts came into existence, the problem of the Dalits was becoming deeper and clearer. For example, the famous Chandogys Upanishad not only refers to the first three upper castes, but also compares Chandala (Outcaste) with a dog and a swine. (ref. Chandogya Upanisad. Khanda 10, verse 7)
(c) Ramayana : In the time of Lord Rama's rule, only the upper three castes were allowed to do 'tapasya' (penance and meditation). Now it so happened that one of low caste, a Sudhra, undertook penance in order to attain divinity (dignity). As soon as Lord Rama heard this, he killed the Sudhra for such presumption. If this happened to a Sudhra, we can imagine what would have happend to a Dalit , so much lower in status.
(d) Mahabharata : It describes the degraded state of the Dalits. It is the story of Ekalabya, an indigenous boy, who has to lose the thumb of his right hand because he has learnt archery and has come to be no less skilled than Arjuna in this art.
![]() Survival of the Caste System
The caste system survived for centuries because the religious leaders transmitted the Hindu Scriptures to the common people and attributed the caste system to divine ordinance. Any breaking of this system, individually or collectively, was tantamount to breaking the divine law. Painstakingly, every dimension of the divine ordinance of caste was included in the Scriptures. We see this, for example, in the Bhagavad Gita, which is regarded as the noblest of all the Scriptures. The caste system having thus become sanctioned by Scripture, it came to be accepted even by the outcastes themselves.
In the words of Dr. Ambedkar, another ploy to make caste acceptable to all was the strategy of introducing an extensive system of 'graded inferiority', providing everyone with an inferior grade immediately beneath him. Thus, so long as the Brahmin was at the top, with no other caste above him, his superiority over all was secured. Below him the Brahmin had the Kshathriya - and below him was the Vaisya and below him the Sudra - and the Sudras had the untouchables beneath them. Thus each caste had at least one group beneath them. This compensated for the humiliation of having someone above them. This 'graded inferiority' made the entire system tolerable.
India’s caste system is perhaps the world’s longest surviving social hierarchy. A defining feature of Hinduism, caste encompasses a complex ordering of social groups on the basis of ritual purity. A person is considered a member of the caste into which he or she is born and remains within that caste until death, although the particular ranking of that caste may vary among regions and over time. Differences in status are traditionally justified by the religious doctrine of karma, a belief that one’s place in life is determined by one’s deeds in previous lifetimes. Traditional scholarship has described this more than 2,000-year-old system within the context of the four principal varnas, or large caste categories.
In order of precedence these are the Brahmins (priests and teachers), the Ksyatriyas (rulers and soldiers), the Vaisyas (merchants and traders), and the Shudras (laborers and artisans). A fifth category falls outside the varna system and consists of those known as "untouchables" or Dalits; they are often assigned tasks too ritually polluting to merit inclusion within the traditional varna system. Within the four principal castes, there are thousands of sub-castes, also called jatis, endogamous groups that are further divided along occupational, sectarian, regional and linguistic lines. Collectively all of these are sometimes referred to as "caste Hindus" or those falling within the caste system.
The Dalits are described as varna-sankara: they are "outside the system"—so inferior to other castes that they are deemed polluting and therefore "untouchable." Even as outcasts, they themselves are divided into further sub-castes. Although "untouchability" was abolished under Article 17 of the Indian constitution, the practice continues to determine the socio-economic and religious standing of those at the bottom of the caste hierarchy. Whereas the first four varnas are free to choose and change their occupation, Dalits have generally been confined to the occupational structures into which they are born.
Salam al Maseeh
The first Palestinian above all others is Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Let be accursed any gospel other than that which was preached at the beginning, received not from man but from Christ Jesus, thou alone, in whom we have redemption through thy all holy infinitely pure and undefiled blood, the remission of our sins, who in the future shall recreate the heavens and the earth, called by thine special choice, who before hoped in Christ with all who heard the word of truth and believed, sealed with the Holy Spirit of the promise, who is the pledge of our inheritance, to the redemption of the possession, for the praise of his glory, in faith in the Lord Jesus, and of love for all the saints in unceasing intercession of all the elect angels and saints of God, virgins, with all thanksgiving, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may grant us the spirit of wisdom and revelation in deep knowledge of him; the eyes of our minds being enlightened, to know the hope of his calling, the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, and the exceeding greatness of his power towards us who believe, according to the working of his mighty power wrought in Christ the only first born from the dead in the flesh raised above all things he made subject under his feet, we who hold him the head directly and no other, Christ Jesus our only Lord and Saviour immortal son of the immortal Father in the unity and power and bond of love of the immortal Holy Spirit our Paraclete unto the ages of the ages. Amen.
The Final Trial: Jesus Christ begotten of the Father - not made
A prayer of Isaias the Prophet.And see: The Abomination of Desolation
Note in the below that this is a description of the evil that precedes the Antichrist who is the Abomination of Desolation. Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ then comes after the reign of Antichrist has proceeded for a while. Antichrist, his reign and the False Prophet and all their followers are then destroyed by the Second Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ from heaven with all His elect Angels and sent to hell forever. The saints will then reign with Our Lord Jesus Christ at their head on earth forever.
Palestine, which is properly the Holy Land for in it walked God in the flesh, Jesus Christ, and there He allowed Himself to be sacrificed for the salvation of those who profess Him from the heart and with the mouth, is a miniature of all the evil that has come upon the earth and there will the final evil be concentrated in its fullness and rule from there for a short time.
From: The Abomination of Desolation
Writing in the second century, St. Hippolytus wrote the following about the evil that will abound before the coming of Antichrist:
The temples of God will be like houses, and there will be overturnings of the churches everywhere. The Scriptures will be despised, and everywhere they will sing the songs of the adversary. Fornications, and adulteries, and perjuries will fill the land; sorceries, and incantations, and divinations will follow after these with all force and zeal. And, on the whole, from among those who profess to be Christians will rise up then false prophets, false apostles, impostors, mischief-makers, evil-doers, liars against each other, adulterers, fornicators, robbers, grasping, perjured, mendacious, hating each other. The shepherds will be like wolves; the priests will embrace falsehood; the monks will lust after the things of the world; the rich will assume hardness of heart; the rulers will not help the poor; the powerful will cast off all pity; the judges will remove justice from the just, and, blinded with bribes, they will call in unrighteousness.
St. Hippolytus of
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Traditional Catholic Prayers: Baptism
The resurrection of Christ. His commission to his disciples.
1 And *in the end of the sabbath, when it began to dawn towards the first day of the week,
18 And Jesus coming, spoke to them, saying: All power is given to me in heaven and in earth.
19 *Going, therefore, teach ye all nations: baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit;
20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world.
"Consummation of the world," - the end of this age of grace and the beginning of the eternal ages with Christ reigning visibly. This is the end of the eschaton and the beginning of the eternal recreated heavens and the earth and will begin when Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ returns from heaven in the same flesh He rose with and ascended into the third heaven with, seated at the right hand of the Father. His return will be with all of His elect angels. He will raise and judge all men in the flesh and then recreate the heavens and the earth, which in that state will last that way for eternity. There will NOT be any sin in the new heavens and earth, so prepare now by confessing the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and be baptized as commanded above and shown how to baptize below and live Holy and Godly lives in sincerity and humility and meekness waiting for the Lord when He returns so that we are not like the five foolish virgins but are like the five wise virgins.
1: A.D. 30.; Mark xvi. 1.; John xx. 1.
19: Mark xvi. 15.
Method of Baptism
From the Didache (49 A.D. Council of Jerusalem):
Chapter 7. Concerning Baptism.
And concerning baptism, baptize this way: Having first said all these things, baptize the one to be baptized into Jesus Christ in "the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit," in running water. But if you have no running water, baptize into other water [still water]; and if you cannot do so in cold water, do so in warm. But if you have neither, pour out water three times upon the head onto the one to be baptized saying at that time "in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." But before the baptism, if possible, let the baptizer fast, and the baptized, and whoever else can; but you shall order the baptized [when there is time] to fast one or two days before.
Baptism can and should always be performed immediately when there is danger of death of the one to be baptized. For instance, impending martyrdom or possible death causing illness.
The Muhammad of the Almighty Triune God of The Final Trial would not stand in the way of Muslims coming to Our Lord Jesus Christ and being baptized in Him as the Injeel commands. The Mohammed of Ahmadiyya is the same as the Mohammot of al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah and both are antichrists and contradict the clear commands of God in the Injeel and Taurat and Quran.
Noble Quran
003.045 Behold! the angels said: "O Mary! God giveth thee glad tidings of a Word from Him: his name will be Christ Jesus, the son of Mary, held in honour in this world and the Hereafter and of (held in honor by the company of the prophets and saints) those nearest to God;
003.046 "He shall speak to the people in childhood and in maturity. And he shall be (adhered to by the company) of the righteous."
003.047 She said: "O my Lord! How shall I have a son when no man hath touched me?" He said: "Even so: God createth what He willeth: When He hath decreed a plan, He but saith to it, 'Be,' and it is!
003.048 "And God will teach him [Jesus Christ] the Book [alkitaba = all sacred writing from God Most High] and Wisdom [hikma = sophia = uncreated wisdom of God one with His Holy Spirit], the Law [Taurat fulfilled in the Gospel of Jesus Christ] and the Gospel [of Jesus Christ],"
The Final Trial: Traditional Catholic Prayers: Baptism
Traditional Catholic Prayers: Baptism
The resurrection of Christ. His commission to his disciples.
1 And *in the end of the sabbath, when it began to dawn towards the first day of the week,
18 And Jesus coming, spoke to them, saying: All power is given to me in heaven and in earth.
19 *Going, therefore, teach ye all nations: baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit;
20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world.
"Consummation of the world," - the end of this age of grace and the beginning of the eternal ages with Christ reigning visibly. This is the end of the eschaton and the beginning of the eternal recreated heavens and the earth and will begin when Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ returns from heaven in the same flesh He rose with and ascended into the third heaven with, seated at the right hand of the Father. His return will be with all of His elect angels. He will raise and judge all men in the flesh and then recreate the heavens and the earth, which in that state will last that way for eternity. There will NOT be any sin in the new heavens and earth, so prepare now by confessing the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and be baptized as commanded above and shown how to baptize below and live Holy and Godly lives in sincerity and humility and meekness waiting for the Lord when He returns so that we are not like the five foolish virgins but are like the five wise virgins.
1: A.D. 30.; Mark xvi. 1.; John xx. 1.
19: Mark xvi. 15.
Method of Baptism
From the Didache (49 A.D. Council of Jerusalem):
Chapter 7. Concerning Baptism.
And concerning baptism, baptize this way: Having first said all these things, baptize the one to be baptized into Jesus Christ in "the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit," in running water. But if you have no running water, baptize into other water [still water]; and if you cannot do so in cold water, do so in warm. But if you have neither, pour out water three times upon the head onto the one to be baptized saying at that time "in the name of Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." But before the baptism, if possible, let the baptizer fast, and the baptized, and whoever else can; but you shall order the baptized [when there is time] to fast one or two days before.
Baptism can and should always be performed immediately when there is danger of death of the one to be baptized. For instance, impending martyrdom or possible death causing illness.
See this for why Jesus Christ must be confessed as the Holy Word and Son of God: The Final Trial: Mary - revered by both Christians and Muslims as the vessel through whom God made the Word, Jesus Christ, Incarnate
The Muslim feast of Eid only commemorates the typological sacrifice by Abraham of Issac. That prefigured the final and only Supreme Sacrifice of Jesus Christ on His Most Holy Cross. It is only by the Sacrifice of Christ on His Cross that we are saved. Jesus Christ commanded, not suggested, that we be baptized; echoing the rest of the Church Fathers, St. Augustine noted that if someone could not be baptized even though they wanted it and did everything they could to be baptized in the water in name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, then their confession of faith is enough for their salvation. But no where are we allowed to refuse baptism.
All Muslims and everyone who will, are invited and encouraged to come to the water of life now and be baptized in the water and in the Spirit in name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and receive Communion.
For Noah and Abraham as Prophecies of Baptism in Our Only Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ see:
Traditional Catholic Prayers: THE TWELVE PROPHECIES - The Third Prophesy: Genesis 22: 1-19
There is no evolution, to be baptized in Our Only Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ one must believe in the truth of literal Creation by God and no pantheistic syncretism with deistic design and the rest of pagan evolutionary theory.
Traditional Catholic Prayers: THE TWELVE PROPHECIES - The First Prophesy: Genesis 1: 1-31; 2: 1-2
And see the rest of the Baptismal Prophecies. They are a must.
For all Jews wishing to convert sincerely from the heart to Jesus Christ now, here is a prayer based on the biblical Hebrew of the prophets of the Old Testament and the Septuagint Greek of the Old Testament and the New Testament and Arabic.
(The Arabic, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, means the same as God Almighty, or 'O Theos 'O Pantocrator, in Septuagint Greek.)
In the below “Dam (Blood) Kadosh (Holy) bet Yeshua ha Maschiach (Jesus Christ) kanawn anawim (have mercy on Your faithful [those who turn to God by the shed Blood of Christ on Calvary])” is asking for God's forgiveness by the shed Holy Blood of Christ – which is the only forgiveness there is from God for sin.
And then be baptized in Christ - see above: Baptism.
The Final Trial: The Final Trial: The Truth: The coming of the Antichrist, ad-Dajjal
The Illuminati: Mani and Manichaeism - blasphemous heresy
The Illuminati: Bahai - The Illuminati - Masonic Colonialism of the Holy Land
Israel is the Nation of the Antichrist = Dajjal: The Holy War - The Review of Religions
The Illuminati: You'll never think the same way again. . . The Revelation
The Final Trial: No to all Terrorists
Traditional Catholic Prayers and The Justice of God
Traditional Catholic Prayers: When therefore you shall see the abomination of desolation, which was spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place: he that readeth let him understand. - Traditional Catholic Prayers: When therefore you shall see the abomination of desolation, which was spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy ...9 years ago
The Justice of God: Tech_Journal: Palestine Cry: When gangstalking takes to the air - The Justice of God: Tech_Journal: Palestine Cry: When gangstalking takes to the air Tech_Journal: Palestine Cry: When gangstalking takes to the air ...9 years ago
Reason for the Antichrist's - Dajjal's - war on the Noble Sanctuary
Parousia of Jesus Christ Our Lord
The Promise of His coming. His commands to prepare and be worthy.
Statement of what is happening in the world in connection with the Second Coming of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Nuzul i Isa - Qiyamah, the Parousia of Jesus Christ Our Lord.
Rv:22:7 Behold I come quickly. Blessed is he that keepeth the words of the prophecy of this book.
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Dalit Christians
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