Who Helped Israel Murder General Abu Hamdiya?
فتح السلطة سلمت أبو حمدية لإسرائيل نكاية في دعمه لعناصر المقاومة الفلسطينية
- Why does the PA cry over the death of Major General Maysara Abu Hamdiya in the dungeons of its zionist ally, israel?
- What is the interest of the so-called “security coordination” between the PA and its allies, the israeli intelligence services Shabak and Shin Bet if the coordination does not even allow for the release of a cancer patient lying with cuffed hands and shackled by his legs to his bed of death in an israeli dungeon?
- Are the necessities of the “security coordination” limited to the re-imprisonment of the Palestinian political prisoners who were already released from Israeli jails, and betraying Palestinian resistance and political activists to Israel because they are “wanted”?

Abu Hamdiya was not the only one betrayed by their colleagues at the Palestinian Preventive Security Service. In early April of 2002, Colonel Jibril Al-Rajoub, former head of the Preventive Security Service in the occupied West Bank, handed the zionist israeli occupation a number of Palestinian resistance and political prisoners whom he had gathered from various Palestinian jails in the West Bank and re-detained them at a special prison inside the headquarters of the Preventive Security Service in the town of Beitunia in order to hand them over to the israeli occupation. This he did in the context of an agreement concluded between him, the US central intelligence Agency (CIA) and the israeli intelligence behind the back and without the knowledge of the late Yasser Arafat, president at that time.
The reasons behind the conflict between the elements and the officers of Palestinian Preventive Security Service at that time in 2002 are not known to outsiders, and that includes the reasons that led to the betrayal of Abu Hamdiya.
What is clear is that Abu Hamdiya was honest officer and supporter of the Palestinian resistance, and this was incompatible with the nature of the work of the PA and its security system, which operates together with the zionist occupier.
Ms. Itidal Abu Hamdiya, the sister of Maysara, in a statement after his death of cancer at the israeli dungeon and that was distributed widely by the Palestinian media, said that the PA had failed her brother so abjectly that her brother’s sickness and critical conditions while he was incarcerated in the israeli prisons, that his deteriorated health condition was “unknown” to them, and that the PA had never ask about him even though he had been a brigadier at the Preventive Security Service.
She added: “when my brother became sick in 2007 no one asked about him, and when he was transferred unconscious to the hospital in Ramla, where he stayed for two months, no one asked about him”. She continued: “there are some detainees who receive lawyers paid by the PA, but in the case of my brother, we commissioned a lawyer and paid his costs from our own money, and sometimes we even borrowed money to pay for the lawyer”.Ms. Abu Hamdiya wondered: “now the PA has started talk about Maysara Abu Hamdiya? Now, after he died, they have started knowing him? We sent two written letters to President Abu Mazen and we appealed to him through the media, but we never received any response!”
Ms. Abu Hamdiya established the Hebron Center for Young Women where I worked with her for several years before becoming a journalist.
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