“ And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of the anti-christ, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.”
His Eminence Cardinal Merry del Val y Zulutea
And remembering
Hans Herzel the son of Theodor Herzl
“ Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come,
“Woe to them that devise iniquity and work evil upon their beds! When the morning is light, they execute it, because it is in the power of their hand. And they covet fields, and seize them; and houses, and take them away; thus they oppress a man in his house, even a man in his heritage. Therefore thus saith the Lord: Behold against this family do I devise an evil, from which ye shall not remove your necks, neither shall ye walk upright; for it shall be an evil time.”
“ Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are many antichrists; wherby we kow that it is the last time.”
“Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.”
“And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.”
“For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.”
“And the angels said: O Maryam (Mary), God has chosen you and purified you, and chosen you above all women of creation.”
“ The angels said: O Maryam (Mary), God gives you the good tidings of a Word from Him, his name is The Messiah (Christ ) Jesus, The son of Maryam (Mary), held in honor in this world and the hereafter, and of the nearest to God.”(The Holy Quran 3 : 45)
“And She (Mary), who fortified (preserved) her womb, and We breathed into her from Our Spirit, and We made her and her son a beacon to all creation.”(The Holy Quran 21: 91)
“ … And We gave Jesus the Son of Maryam (Mary)
(The Holy Quran 2: 87)
“ And God said: Oh Jesus! I am causing you to die, and lifting you up to Me, and cleansing you of those who blasphemed, and making those who follow you above those who blasphemed, until the Day of Resurrection...”
(The Holy Quran 3:55)
The Religion of Islam came initially to the Arab people, the descendants of Ishmael, the first born son of Prophet Abraham, through their prophet Mohammad, during the Seventh Century, A.D., and Islam spread all over the world, until the Muslims are now 1.3 billion in number, including 300 million Arabs. And the Arabs, including the Palestinians, the descendants of Ishamel were directly and unconditionally, blessed by God in the Holy Bible, and described as “Princes”:
“As for Ishmael, I have heard thee: Behold, I have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly; twelve princes shall he beget, and I will make him a great nation.”
(Genesis 17:20)
“And God heard the voice of the lad; and the angel of God called to Hagar out of heaven and said unto her, What aileth thee Hager? Fear not, for God hath heard the voice of the lad where he is. Arise lift up the lad, and hold him in thine hand: for I will make him a great nation.”(Genesis 21:17-18)

During the second half of the nineteenth Century, the multitude of the antichrist, calling themselves Zionist Ashkenazim* Jews, came together and their financial and political strength and influence, rose and increased greatly and spread across Europe and America, and they started to conspire to seize Palestine, the Holy Land, the land of Christ Jesus for themselves, and establish there, a headquarters and state, where the mention of Christ, who lived and preached and walked in that Holy Land, would be silenced forever!
Theodor Herzl, an Austrian Ashkenazim Jewish Zionist journalist, and activist, became the principal spokesman and advocate for the Zionist plot, and he wrote his pamphlet, entitled “THE JEWISH STATE”, which he published on February 14, 1896. In it he wrote: “When we sink , we become a revolutionary proletariat , the subordinate officers of all revolutionary parties; and at the same time, when we rise, there rises also our terrible power of the purse.” (emphasis added)
Herzl convened the first Zionist Congress, and gathered 204 delegates, at Basle, Switzerland between August 29-31, 1897, and they met in the gambling casino there, and they adopted the resolution stating that the aim of Zionism is to create, for the Jewish people a home in Palestine secured by public law, and in his diary entry, dated September 3, 1897, Herzl wrote: “At Basle, I founded the Jewish state…”
However, at that time, Herzl and every Zionist delegate knew that Palestine, the Holy Land of Christ, was fully inhabited by the Palestinian Arab People, most of whom were the descendants of Abraham, who continued to live in that Holy Land, and who as Moslems and Christians, fervently believed that Christ Jesus, the son of the Virgin Mary, came in the flesh, and will return.
And at that time Palestine was part of the Ottoman Turkish Empire.
“ Supposing His Majesty the Sultan were to give us Palestine, we could in return undertake to regulate the whole finances of Turkey. We should there form a portion of the rampart of Europe against Asia, an outpost of civilization as opposed to barbarism. We should as a neutral state remain in contact with all Europe, which would have to guarantee our existence…”
In other words the Zionists would undertake to bribe the Sultan of Turkey in order to take over Palestine, which was ruled by Turkey. But when Herzl subsequently came to Istambul, and presented his scheme, the Sultan vehemently refused, and said that Palestine belonged to its people, and not his to sell!
In his diaries dated June 19, 1896, Herzl wrote that his go-between with the Sultan gave him the following message from the Sultan:
“The Sultan told me: if Mr. Herzl is your friend in the same measure as you are mine, then advise him not to go a single step in this matter. I cannot sell even a foot of land, for it does not belong to me but to my people. They have won this Empire and fertilized it with their blood. We will cover it once more with our blood, before we will allow it to be torn from us. Two of my regiments from Syria and Palestine allowed themselves to be killed at Plevna. Not one of them yielded; one and all remained dead, upon the field. The Turkish people own the Turkish Empire, not I. I can dispose of no part of it. The Jews may spare their millions. When my Empire is divided, perhaps they will get Palestine for nothing. But only our corpse can be divided. I will never consent to vivisection.”(emphasis added)
On 22 January, 1904, Herzl met His Eminence Rafael Cardinal Merry del Val Zulueta, The Secretary of State of the Vatican, in his office in the Vatican, and asked that the Vatican approve the plan of the Zionist Jews to acquire Palestine for their own, to establish their state there. According to Herzel’s Diaries, His Eminence replied to Herzl as follows:
"I do not rightly see how we can take any initiative in this. So long as the Jews deny the divinity of Christ, we certainly cannot side with them and make a declaration in their favor. Not that we have any ill will toward them. On the contrary, the Church has always protected them. They are for us the indispensable witness of what took place in the days when God dwelt on earth. But they persist in denying the divinity of Christ. How then can we short of abandoning our own highest principles, can we agree to their regaining possession of the Holy Land?"
Cardinal Del Val then undertook to ask Pope Pius to give Herzl an audience, and this happened on January 25, 1904, when Herzl asked him to endorse the Zionist plan for the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine.
Note: Pope Pius X (1835-1914) was universally revered, and he was beautified ( made a saint) in 1951.
In his Diaries, Herzl related the following of his meeting with Pope Pius X on January 25, 1904:
“He (the Pope) is an honest, rough-hewn village priest, to whom Christianity has remained a living thing even in the Vatican.
And it was circulated by the antichrist and his agents in Europe and America that Palestine was empty of any people, and the shrill call was adopted to “give Palestine, a land without a people, to the Jews, a people without a land!”
“We abroad are accustomed to believe that Palestine is almost entirely desolate; a barren desert where anyone can buy land to his heart’s content. In fact that is not so. All over the country it is hard to find arable land that is not cultivated…”
But how were the Zionists going to secure Palestine, the Holy Land, which Herzl and his co-schemers knew was full of its own people, if they were given that land? He gave the following grisly inhuman advice in his pamphlet, “THE JEWISH STATE” , for the elimination of the Palestinian People from their land:
“If we wish to found a state today, we shall not do it in the way which would have been the only possible a thousand years ago. It is foolish to revert to old stages of civilization, as many Zionists would like to do. Supposing, for example, we were obliged to clear a country of wild beasts, we should not set about the task in the fashion of Europeans of the fifth century. We should not take spear and lance and go out singly in pursuit of bears; we should organize a large and lively hunting party, drive the animals together, and throw a melinite* bomb into their midst.”
However, the nefarious plan of the antichrist, after the state of Israel was established, was clearly spelled out in a speech in the Knesset (Israeli Parliament), on March 13, 1952, by Dr. Arye Alkman, leader of the Herut (Labor Party), at that time the majority party:
“The Greater Israel which extends from Iraq up to Suez is the only powerful state which can insure peace and stability in the Middle East internally and externally. It is our duty to convey to the world frankly and openly that Israel’s aim in marshalling the Jews of all the world in Palestine in a concerted manner is to create new boundaries for her extending from Iraq to Suez. Then and only then Israel will become the bastion of democracy in the Middle East and will be in a position to prevent any disaster.”
And “the terrible power of the purse” of the multitude of the anti-christ continues to grow, to achieve what Dr. Altman and his fellow Zionists espoused, and they recruited fellow-travelers of the Fundamentalist Christian clergy like the Reverends Falwell, Robertson, and Franklin Graham, and politicians and writers of the Neo-Conservative right, who, from their pulpits and rostrums, and with their poison pens sing the praises of the antichrist, and attack daily the only other religion and people in the world who fervently espouse the truth of the “Immaculate Conception” of Christ by the Virgin Mary, the “Woman chosen by God, above all women of creation”, as clearly recorded in the Holy Bible and the Holy Quran, of the Muslims who also await his return. And the multitude of the antichrist and their fellow travelers caused the USA and other Christian countries to attack, and plan to further attack the Arab people of the Middle East, and Muslim people elsewhere, in order, as they claim, to bring Western “democratic values” to them, and free them of despotism, from which they claim they had been suffering from time immemorial.
However, the facts are otherwise, as written by Professor Bernard Lewis, Professor Emeritus of Near Eastern Studies at Princeton University, in his article in “Foreign Affairs Magazine” (May/June 2005):
“Since 1940 and again after the arrival of the Soviets, the Middle East has basically imported European models of rule: fascist, Nazi, and communist. But to speak of dictatorship as being the immemorial way of doing things in that part of the world is simply untrue. It shows ignorance of the Arab past, contempt for the Arab present, and unconcern for the Arab future. The type of regime that was maintained by Saddam Hussein-and that continues to be maintained by some other rulers of the Muslim world-is modern, indeed recent, and very alien to the foundations of Islamic civilization. There are older rules and traditions on which the people of the Middle East can build” (emphasis added)
But the Anti-christ will not let the people of the Middle East build on their own rules and traditions, and will continue to use Christian nations, especially the USA, unless stopped, to continue to foment lethal struggle between Islam and Christianity, in their desperate attemtp to prevent the return of Christ to the Holy Land, and it is up to the true Christian people and leaders of the Western World, foremost among them, “The Born Again” President George W. Bush, to stop that foul mischief without delay, otherwise, CRY OUR BELOVED AMERICA!
WHO ARE THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE, and why were they driven by brutal force out of their towns, villages and farms, to live as refugees and outcasts? And why were their innocent men, women and children massacred in their homeland and in refugees camps elsewhere?
And why are the remaining Palestinians, in their homeland, still being subjected to continued oppression, indignities, confiscation of land and murder, while they watch their homes, churches, mosques and shrines blown up, and their ancestral grave yards desecrated and bulldozed?
And who are these latter days “Zionist Jews’ who descended during 1947-1949, mainly from the refugee camps of Europe, and later from all parts of the world, like packs of hungry wolves, armed to the teeth, upon Palestine, the Holy Land; a land filled with its own people, a peaceful, God worshipping people, obliterated 394 of their villages and towns, stole their lands and farms, blew up their houses of worship, both churches and mosques, murdered their innocent men, women and children, and turned the survivors into refugees and beggars in and out of their homeland, and reduced them to the status of sub-humans with no rights, and with no hope for the attainment of justice, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in their own homeland?
And this is what President Harry S. Truman, President of the United States of America, described those refugees in his diary entry dated July 24, 1947:
" Had ten minutes conversation with Henry Morgenthau* about Jewish ship** in Palestine. Told him I would talk to Gen. George Marshall about it….Morganthau had no business whatever to call me. The Jews have no sense of proportion nor do they have any judgment on world affairs ….The Jews I find are very , very selfish. They care not how many Estonians, Latvians. Finns, Poles, Yugoslavs or Greeks get murdered or mistreated as DPS (displaced) persons as long as the Jews get special treatment. Yet when they have power, physical, financial or political neither Hitler nor Stalin has anything on them for cruelty or mistreatment of the underdog…"
And why is the rightful, holy resistance of the Palestinian people against oppression, loss of homeland, loss of dignity and human rights branded as “terrorism” and the Palestinian people branded as terrorists by the same people who murdered them and stole their homeland?
And how did this, one of the greatest of human tragedies begin, and who was responsible for perpetrating it, and who is still fostering it and allowing it to continue and remain as a blot on the forehead of the civilized, God worshipping humanity; for it is nothing less than a crime against God?
And those alien despoilers of the Palestinian People, calling themselves “Zionist Jews”, claim that they are the “remnants” of the dispersed tribes of Israel who have “returned home” to their “promised land”. But no more falsity had ever been uttered, and no more blasphemy had ever been ejaculated! For the “Jews” of today, as attested by their most respected and famous historians, are in their greatest majority (80%) descended from non-Semitic proselytes (converts) to Judaism, mainly of Khazar origin (Ashkenazim), and the rest are of Arab origin (Yemeni Jews), Babylonian origin (Iraqi Jews), Persian origin (Iranian Jews), and Egyptian origin (Egyptian Jews), Berber origin (Moroccan Jews), etc…
The famous Jewish historian Joseph Reinach wrote in the Journal des Debats on 30 March, 1919 as follows:
“Like the Christians and Moslems, the Jews engaged with great zeal in the conversion of peoples to their faith. Before the Christian era began, the Jews had converted to the monotheistic religion of Moses other Semites (or Arabs), Greeks, Egyptians, and Romans in large numbers. Later on, Jewish proselytism was no less active in Asia, throughout North Africa, in Italy, Spain and Gaul. Undoubtedly it was Roman and Gaulish converts who predominated in the Jewish communities mentioned in the chronicles of Gregory of Tours. There were many converts of Iberian origin among the Jews who were expelled from Spain by Ferdinand the Catholic, and who settled in Italy, France, in the East, and at Smyrna. The great majority of the Russian, Polish and Gaulish Jews are descendants of the Khazars, a Tartar people of south Russia who were converted en bloc to Judaism in the time of Charlemagne. In order to talk about a Jewish race you have to be either ignorant or dishonest…. As there is neither a Jewish race, nor a Jewish nation, but only a Jewish religion, Zionism is indeed folly –a threefold error: historical, archaeological, ethnic…”
And most of these “Jews” then and now, are self confessed or covert atheists, heretics, agnostics, and “Free Thinkers”, as Dr. Theodor Herzl described himself in the following entry in his diaries, dated November 26, 1895:
“Asher Myers asked me: “What is your relation to the Bible?” I said:” I am a freethinker, and our principle will be that every one shall seek salvation in his own way.”
Maxime Rodinson, the late noted Jewish French sociologist and Orientalist, and professor of Semitic languages at the Sorbonne, Paris, wrote the following in his book: “ISRAEL, A COLONIAL-SETTLER STATE?” (1973):
“It is very probable-and physical anthropology tends to show that it is true-that the so-called Arab inhabitants of Palestine (a majority of whom, moreover, are people who have” become Arab”) have much more of the ancient Hebrews “blood” than most of the Jews of the Diaspora, whose religious exclusiveness in no way prevented them from absorbing converts of various origins. For centuries Jewish proselytism was important even in Western Europe, and was continued elsewhere over long periods of time. Historically, sufficient evidence of this can be found in the Jewish state of Southern Arabia in the sixth century, based on southern Arabs who had become Jews; the Turkish Jewish state of the Khazars in south-eastern Russia in the eighth to the tenth centuries, whose base was Turkish of Finno-Ugric and no doubt partly Slavic…
And the small minority of Palestinians who are of alien origin also worship the God of Abraham as Christians and Moslem, and their ancestors came peacefully into the land at various times and settled there, and they are considered as fellow citizens, compatriots, and heirs to the promise of God…
…………………. On 13 April, 1986, the late Pope John Paul II, visited the Rome Synagogue, and in it he declared that “the acts of discrimination, unjustified limitations of religious freedom, oppression directed against Jews were greatly deplorable manifestations..” And we agree with that whole heartedly.
Then Rabbi Toaf of the Synagogue declared that the return of the Jewish people to its land must be recognized as an unrenounceable good…” And His Holiness, instead of answering by repeating the true words of Pope Pius X to Theodor Herzl, remained utterly silent!
And, it is a fact that cannot be denied that the worst acts of discrimination, unjustified limitations of religious freedom, and oppression are directed by those who call themselves Jews in the Holy Land against the innocent Palestinian People whom they murdered, persecuted and despoiled upon their so called “return” to the Holy Land, and they are helped materially and immorally by the vast majority of the ”Jews” in the world today. So has any ”unrenounceable good, been achieved by the so called “return” of those who call themselves Jews in order to murder, rob, persecute and despoil the innocent, God- worshipping Palestinian People?
……………………….. Bertrand Russell, the famous British philosopher, mathematician and Nobel Prize winner in 1950 for literature, wrote two days before his death in 1970, the following:
“We are frequently told that we must sympathize with Israel because of the sufferings of the Jews in Europe at the hands of the Nazis…What Israel is doing today cannot be condoned, and to invoke the horrors of the past to justify those of the present is gross hypocrisy… How much longer is the world willing to allow this spectacle of wanton cruelty? “
May we also quote here some of the words of Arnold Toynbee, the great British historian and philosopher about the Palestinian’s plight as recorded in his “A Study of History”, (Volume VIII, Oxford University Press):
“The Nazi Gentiles” fall was less tragic than the Zionist Jews’. On the morrow of a persecution in Europe in which they had been the victims of the worst atrocities ever known to have been suffered by Jews or indeed by any other human beings, the Jews, immediate reaction to their own experience was to become persecutors in their turn for the first time since A.D. 135, and this at the first opportunity that had since arisen for them to inflict on other human beings who had done the Jews no injury, but who happened to be weaker than they were, some of the wrongs and suffering that had been inflicted on the Jews by their many successive Western Gentile persecutors during the intervening seventeen centuries. In A. D. 1948 some 684,000 out of 859,000 Arab inhabitants of the territory in Palestine which the Zionist Jews conquered by force of arms in that year lost their homes and property and became destitute “displaced persons”.
In a footnote to the above, Dr. Toynbee wrote:
“The evil deeds committed by the Zionist Jews against the Palestinian Arabs that were comparable to crimes committed against the Jews by the Nazis, were massacre of men, women and children at Deir Yasin on the 9th April, 1948, which precipitated a flight of the Arab population, in large numbers, from districts within range of the Jews armed forces and the subsequent expulsion of the Arab population from the districts conquered by the Jewish armed forces between the 15th May, 1948, and the end of that year -e.g. from Akka in May, from Lydda and Ramleh in July, and from Beersheba and Western Galilee in October… the massacre and the expulsions, between them, were responsible for the exile of all those Palestinian Arab “displaced persons” (to use the current euphemism) from the territory conquered by the Israelis, who fled from or were driven from this territory after the 9th April, 1948”
And the despoilment and persecution of the Palestinian People is continuing, for since 5 June, 1967, when the Israelis occupied the West Bank and the Gaza strip, they proceeded with their brutal acts against the Palestinian People by blowing up more of their villages, bulldozing more of their farms and graves yards, and confiscating more of their lands until they now hold more than 50 percent of the total area of the West Bank, and they still hold 20 percent of the Gaza strip, and 1.2 million Palestinians, mainly refugees in the other 80 percent. And they are still building on that stolen land of the West Bank more settlements. And the people of God, the Palestinian people there, 1.5 million farmers, artisans, and skilled workers, are becoming a nation of garbage collectors, waiters, manual laborers, and seasonal agricultural pickers for their oppressors…
The following report was written by the well known Israeli columnist, Amos Kenan, during June 1967 and was sent by him to all Knesset (Israeli Parliament) members, and other senior officials. The report was subsequently published in his book, entitled “Israel: A Wasted Victory” (Amikman, Tel Aviv pp. 18-22).
The formation and perpetuation of the State of Israel, the state of the antichrist, is a stark study in infamy, and a study of how the continuously pounded big lie has transformed the evil acts of the “Zionist Jews” in Christ’s Holy Land in the minds and eyes of the ill-informed and the brainwashed of the Christian world, into a “blessed” and benign “return” of a people from its “long exile” into their “promised land”.
But fortunately there are still some honest, courageous Jewish writers who have presented the truth, the whole truth:
“We came and turned the native Arabs into tragic refugees. And still we dare to slander and malign them, to besmirch their name instead of being deeply ashamed of what we did, and trying to undo some of the evil we committed, we justify our terrible acts and even try to glorify them… If Rabbi Kaplan really wanted to know what happened, we old Jewish settlers in Palestine who witnessed the flight could tell him how and in what manner we “ Jews” forced Arabs to leave cities and villages.. some of them were driven out by force of arms; others were made to leave by deceit, lying and false promises”
Nathan Chofshi, early Zionist Pioneer Herzlia (Jewish News letter, New York, 9, February, 1959) And:
………… And
“Only an international revolution can have the power to heal our people of their murderous sickness of causeless hatred for the Arabs. It is bound to bring eventual complete ruin upon us. Only then will the old and young in our land realize how great was our responsibility to those miserable wronged Arab refugees in whose towns we settled Jews who were brought from afar; whose homes we have inherited, whose fields we now sow and harvest; the fruit of whose gardens, orchards and vineyards we gather; and in whose cities that we robbed, we put up houses of education, charity and prayer, while we babble and rave about our being the ”People of the Book” and the “Light of the Nations.”
(Ner (Ihud Joumal: Hebrew) January-February 1961 ……………..
David Caploe, a Jewish American writer and teacher who taught in schools in Israel from July, 1973 till April, 1974, wrote in an article: “An American Jew In Israel, (Included in the book: Israel and the Palestinians, Ithaca Press, London 1975) as follows:
“One can talk about lying, how the lie is a standard unit of communication in Israel, employed not only by political leaders, but by almost everyone. Can I convey the sense of futility and despondency that arises when time after time the school principal tells you and your students things you all know to be lies, but about which you can do nothing because he has all the power and simply doesn’t give a damn? But this happens everywhere, you may say. Agreed-except that in other places there is at least a surreptitious (if only symbolic) resistance to power which is so nakedly and crudely displayed. But in Israel almost everyone accepts the arbitrary nature of authority claiming that: “There is no choice”.
………………….. During his visit to the Rome synagogue, on 13 April, 1986, the late Pope John Paul II absolved the Jews of the holy, innocent blood of Christ, and called them his “elder brothers”. But could he have absolved them, in the name of God, of the innocent, holy blood of the Palestinian people, the righteous people of God, which they had been shedding or helping shed, for the last 60 years?
And may we quote to the whole Christian world, the words of truth taken from the Holy Book, about the Palestinian People and their cause:
“Receive us; we have wronged no man, we have corrupted no man, we have defrauded no man.”
2 CORINTHIANS 7:2 …………… Thus, we are absolutely sure that after reading this urgent memorandum, the Christian people of the world, and the other people who believe in justice and human rights, shall at last come to know the truth, and nothing but the truth about the Palestinian People, and about their truly just and holy cause and the truth shall at long last set them free from the spell of the multitude of the antichrist, and their "terrible power of their purse"!
The Palestinian People wait fervently for active sympathy and help of the Christian world, who mindlessly supported and are still supporting the anti-christ with infinite funds and the latest weapons of mass destruction, as the Palestinian people desperately fight for survival against the dark forces of wickedness which took possession of their Holy Land, and may their urgent call find favor in their hearts and minds, and the hearts and minds of all humans who believe in God and God’s grace and love. And the Palestinian people shall always continue to call on God to deliver them from the evils of the anti-christ who has murdered and despoiled them, and continues to do so with no abatement in sight….
Biblical History of the Holy Land:
The Holy Land (Palestine) was invaded by the descendants of Jacob (Israel) under the leadership of Joshua after being led by Moses out of Egypt. They were selected by God to go into the land and destroy the evil idol worshippers who resided there, and establish a holy nation which would become an example and light to all other nations. But all transgressors, including Moses himself, whom God considered one of them, were not allowed to enter the land; only Joshua and the innocent ones under 20 year of age (Numbers 14: 29-31). Thus the law was set; that only the righteous and innocent could enter the Holy Land .And once they went in, they were required to remain a righteous, God fearing people and an example to others, and those who would become wicked would be plucked off the land and cast out, becoming human refuse and slaves that “no man will buy” (Deuteronomy 14: 29-31). And of those few who would remain alive and would truly repent, and become righteous, would be allowed to return to the Holy Land in peace, to worship God, and obey his Commandments…
And the sons of Jacob (Israel) conquered the land, and at first were ruled by judges. Then Saul was anointed as king, then David, then Solomon who became a wicked, pleasure-loving tyrant who acquired 700 wives and 300 concubines!
“For it came to pass, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned away his heart after other gods: and his heart was not perfect with the Lord his God, as was the heart of David his father. For Solomon went after Ashteroth the goddess of the Zidonians, and after Milcom the abomination of the Ammonites. And Solomon did evil in the sight of the Lord, and went not fully after the Lord, as did David his father. Then did Solomon build an high place for Chemosh the abomination of Moab, in the hill that is before Jerusalem and for Molech the abomination of the children of Ammon.. And likewise he did for all his strange wives, which burnt incense and sacrificed unto their gods.”
(1 Kings 11: 4-8). After the death of Solomon, his kingdom was torn into two parts as promised by God, and they developed into the most wicked of kingdoms: Israel and Judah. And God sent the Assyrians under Saragon in 722B.C., And they conquered the kingdom of Israel, and took captive the rotten royal family and the corrupt leaders, nobility and priests, 27,290 in number, in fulfillment of the word of God One hundred sixteen years later (606 B.C.), the Babylonians under Nebuchandnezzar, conquered the Kingdom of Judah, and during 20 years, they took as captives to Babylon 14,700 of the most wicked elements; princes, priests, and nobility, in fulfillment of the word of God. And they destroyed the temple which had been built by Solomon. But in the Holy Land remained the greatest majority of the people of Israel and Judah, who were very poor and downtrodden. On the land also lived the descendants of Essau, the twin brother of Jacob, the Edomites or Idumians as they were later called, and the descendants of Ishmael, the first born son of Abraham who were unconditionally blessed by God, and promised to become a “great nation” (Genesis 17:20 and 21:18). And Ishmael was promised by God that he shall “dwell in the face of all his brethren” (Genesis 16:12). Thus no descendant of Ishmael was ever excluded from living anywhere in the Holy Land at any time.
As for the descendants of Essau, they were to serve the sons of Jacob until they would break their yoke from their necks, in accordance with the blessing and prophecy of their father Isaac (Genesis 27:40).This happened after the kingdom of Solomon was divided, and the Edomites or Idumeans rose in power, especially under the Herodians who were of Idumean origin. The Idumeans lived in many villages in the Holy Land from Hebron southwards and eastwards across the Dead Sea .
The Persians conquered the Holy Land from the Babylonians in 537 B.C., and Cyrus, their king allowed the Jewish exiles to return to Jerusalem, and they did, 49,897 in 636 B.C. led by Zerubbabel. In 457 B.C. 1,754 more exiles returned led by Ezra, then in 444 B.C. Nehmaiah was appointed as Governor of Judea. Work on rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem began in 535 B.C., and was completed and dedicated in 516 B.C.. In 332 B.C. The Greeks under Alexander the Great conquered the Holy Land from the Persians, and it remained under their rule (The Selecuicid Branch) till 167 B.C., when the Maccabeans, a Jewish noble family, succeeded in establishing an independent Judah until 63 B.C., when the Romans invaded the land and occupied it under the Roman General Pompey, and Antipater, an Idumean was appointed ruler of Judea by the Romans. His son Herod the Great succeeded him (37 B.C.), and he rebuilt the Temple in Jerusalem.
Then Christ was born of the Virgin Mary, and preached, then died and was raised by God to Heaven, and he predicted the final destruction of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem (Matthew 24:1-2 and Mark 13: 1-2). And in 67 A.D. Jewish extremists in Judea revolted against Roman rule and seized Jerusalem. The revolt lasted till 70 A.D. when Jerusalem was recaptured by the Romans under Titus, and the revolt was completely crushed, and the temple burned down. Of that period, Josephus Flavius the Jewish historian who lived then wrote in his book: The Jewish Wars”:
“…For I must permit myself to bewail my country’s tragedy. She was destroyed by internal dissentions, and the Romans who so unwillingly set fire to the temple were brought in by the Jews, self appointed rulers, as Titus Caesar, the Temple’s destroyer, has testified. For throughout the war he pitied the common people who were helpless against the partisans; and over and over again he delayed the capture of the city and prolonged the siege in the hope that the ringleaders would submit”
Josephus describes the leaders of the revolt as follows:
“In the end they brought the whole Hebrew race into contempt in order to make their own impiety seem less outrageous in foreign eyes, and confessed the painful truth that they were slaves, the dregs of humanity, bastards, and outcasts of their nation”.
Peace was established and normal life returned to the land until a man by the name of Simon Bar Kozeba in 132 A.D. rallied the rabble around him by claiming to be the Messiah, and he changed his name to Bar “Kochba”, meaning the ”Son of the Star”. The revolt lasted till 135 A.D. when in a final battle Bar Kochba was killed. The Romans razed the temple area completely and built on top a pagan temple. However, during all that time - 66-135 A.D., the majority of the people, peasants, living in hundreds of villages all over the land continued to live there. Many thousands no doubt perished during that time by the sword, pestilence and famine, but the bulk remained there, clinging to their homes and farms.
And within 300 years after the birth of Christ, over ninety percent of those sons of Jacob, sons of Essau, and sons of Ishmael, in the Holy Land were converted to Christianity, and ten percent remained attached to Judaism. In 637 A. D., the Holy Land was occupied by the Moslem Arabs who trace their ancestry to Ishmael through his twelve sons. And within a hundred years, eighty percent of the population of the Holy Land adopted Islam, while fifteen percent remained Christians, and five percent remained attached to Judaism. However, all adopted Arabic as their new language without any difficulty, for it was very similar to the Aramaic which they spoke, and they became in time known as Arabs, and their direct descendants are now known as Palestinian Arabs. Of course, other Arabs also settled in Palestine. Thus the seed of Abraham, the real seed of Abraham by flesh are the Palestinian people of today, in their greatest majority, and not the ”Zionist Jewish returnees” from all over the world, who are in their overwhelming majority, atheist descendants of non Semitic proselytes (converts).
In 1065 A.D. the Holy Land was conquered by the Seljuk Turks, then the Crusaders came and established their kingdom in 1099 A.D. in Jerusalem and other parts of the land. But Saladin, the Moslem Sultan re- conquered Jerusalem in 1187 A.D. and established his Kingdom there. Then the Mamluks came in 1270 A.D., and in 1517 A.D., the Holy Land was conquered by the Ottoman Turks, and it became part of their empire until 11 December, 1917 when Jerusalem was occupied by the British Army under General Allenby. But regardless of whoever came, conquered, then faded away, the people of the land, the real seed of Abraham remained in their villages, as promised by God, tilling their soil, and tending to their vineyards and olive trees, and worshipping God, the God of Abraham, as Christians, and Moslem. And today there are still 3 million of them in their Holy Land, clinging to what remains of their villages and farms; downtrodden, but increasing in number as promised by God to Abraham, their ancestor.
During the latter part of the 19th century European, non- Semitic(Khazar-Ashkenzim) Jewish activists backed by Jewish usurers and financiers, the Rothschilds among others, and calling themselves “Zionists”, began to plot and plan for the formation of a “Jewish” state in Palestine, for the economic and strategic importance of that country was becoming evident. And Theodore Herzl wrote in his pamphlet, "THE JEWISH STATE" (1896):
“We should there (in Palestine) form a portion of the rampart of Europe against Asia… “
However, and most important, were the enormous profits envisaged to be made from land speculation there, and Herzl, in THE JEWISH STATE, advocated the formation of a Jewish company to finance and direct the venture:
“All the immense profits of this speculation in land will go to the Company, which is bound to receive this indefinite premium in return for having borne the risk of this undertaking… The credit of our great Jewish financiers would have to be placed at the service of the National idea… The great financiers, moreover, will certainly not be asked to raise an amount so enormous out of pure philanthropy; that would be expecting too much. The promoters and stockholders of the Jewish Company are, on the contrary, intended to do a good piece of business, and they will be able to calculate beforehand what their chances of success are likely to be…” ( Emphasis added).
However, Palestine, the Holy Land was at that time (1896), under Muslim Ottoman Turkish rule, and had its own people, the Palestinian People. So the main task of the Zionist promoters was to start to come up with “accounts” to prove that Palestine was an empty land in order to convince world Christians public opinion to accept and endorse the idea of mass “return” of Jews to “their promised land” a “land without a people”, which should welcome the Jews, who were “a people without a land”.
Thus travelers were sent out to Palestine both Jews and gentile, who returned and described how “desolate and empty” the land was. An example: Pierre Loti, the noted French novelist wrote of his visit to Palestine in 1895:
“… I have traveled through sad Galilee in the spring, and I found it silent… As elsewhere, and everywhere in Palestine, city and palaces have returned to dust…This melancholy of abandonment, …weighs on all the Holy Land…”
Pierre Loti, Le Galilee (Paris 1895)
But the above was an utterly false account as all similar accounts were, and the truth was as one of the most enthusiastic and dedicated Zionist Jews, Asher Ginzberg wrote under the pseudonym Ahad Ha’am in 1891, after a visit to Palestine:
“We abroad are accustomed to believe that Palestine nowadays is almost entirely desolate: a barren desert where anyone can buy land to his heart’s content. In fact that is not so. All over the country it is hard to find arable land that is not cultivated…”
(Ahad Ha’am, Complete works (in Hebrew), Tel Aviv, Devir Publishing House. The Hebrew Publishing House 8th edition).
With the ”empty land” lie exposed by their own kind, the Zionists had to come up with another to justify what they had planned to do to the Palestinian People; to despoil them of their land. And a covey of “Orientals scholars, Jews and Gentile, were harnessed to write about the Palestinian People. And these “scholars” described how “primitive” they were, almost subhuman in nature and temperament, and they were classified as being the remnants of the Cana’anites and other elements whom the Hebrews had not destroyed but kept as slaves since the days of King Solomon ( 2 Chronicles 8: 7-8 ). This had a purpose, for in the Bible, the Cana’anites were cursed forever by God through the mouth of Noah, and were promised eternal servitude by the descendents of Shem and Japheth (Genesis 9:25-27). Thus it was insured that no Christian sympathy and support would be forthcoming to the Palestinian People when the time for their despoilment would arrive, for were they not the brutal, primitive remnants of the Cana’anites” who were eternally cursed by God? It was all in the Holy Book!…
However, nothing is further from the truth, for there is not one shred of historical or archeological evidence that any of the Palestinians have any affinity, racially or culturally with the ancient Cana’anities, On the contrary, at the time of Christ, the Cana’anites communities in the Holy Land had dwindled to insignificant numbers, and when Christianity spread in the Holy Land, all who remained, a few hundred, became Christians and merged with the rest of the population…
And this malicious myth of the Cana’anite origin of the Palestinians is fed to the Christian Fundamentalists by saying: “We, the “Chosen People”, cleared and are still clearing the Holy Land from the remnants of the pagan Cana’anites, the sons of Ham, who have been eternally cursed by God, and whom we had been given the divine order to blot out completely. And we are doing just that!” And the fundamentalists applaud every time a Palestinian is murdered or evicted from the Holy Land…
But a close look at the Palestinian People reveals that among them, the names Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, Jacob, Moses, Jesus, Aaron, David, Solomon, Job, Zechariah, Joseph, Simon, Sarah, Mary, Leah, Rebecca, etc, are more common than among the Jews.
It is also very significant to list some of the mosques and shrines which were built by the Palestinians in commemoration of the ancient Biblical prophets and leaders who form an integral part of their heritage, as descendants of Abraham:
District of Jerusalem
1.Shrine to King (prophet) David. 2.Shrine to the prophet Zechariah. 3.Shrine to John the Baptist. 4.Shrine to the Prophet Samuel. 5.Shrine to Rachel, wife of Jacob. 6.Mosque and shrine to the prophet Moses. 7.Shrine to Benjamin, one of Jacob’s sons. 8.Shrine to the daughters of Jacob.
District of Hebron
1.The great Abraham mosque, with its graves of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and their wives. 2. Shrine to Joseph, husband of Mary. 3.Shrine on Jonah’s grave. 4.Shrine on Rachel, wife of Jacob. 5.Shrine on Mosque and shrine to the prophet Moses. 6.Shrine to the daughters of Jacob’s sons. 7.Shrine to the daughters of Jacob. 8.Shrine on Essau’s grave. 9.Shrine on Matthew’s grave. 10.Shrine on Lot’s grave.
District of Nablus
1.Shrine to Abraham. 2.Shrine to all sons of Jacob. 3.Shrine on the grave of Levi. 4.Shrine on the grave of Zechariah. 5.Shrine on the grave of Elisha. 6.Shrine to Joseph. 7.Shrine on grave of Eleazar, son of Aaron. 8.Shrine on grave of Phineas, son of Eleazar. 9.Shrine to Ezekiel. 10.Shrine to Levi. 11.Shrine to Benjamin. 12.Shrine to Daniel.
District of Jaffa.
1.Shrine to Rueben. 2.Shrine to Judah.
District of Nazareth
1.Shrine to Joshua.
District of Tiberius
1.Shrine to Solomon. 2.Shrine to Zipporah, wife of Moses.
(Note: It is not known how many of these shrines and mosques were desecrated then obliterated by the Jews since 1948).
And among the Palestinian villagers, from time immemorial, the local chiefs enforced the common law, the “Shari’at Al-Khalil” (The Law of Abraham).
And the question can now be asked for the last time: Is there still doubt in the readers’ minds about the origin of the Palestinian People, the Holy People of God, and of their full and inalienable right to Palestine, their Holy Land? Or does it belong to the murderous alien multitude of the antichrist?
After the occupation of Palestine by the British was completed in 1918, with the help of Arab armies, they established a mandate there, which was in fact ruthless colonial rule, where the Palestinians had no say at all in the running of their country or their affairs, despite the fact that they constituted 93% of the population. The object of the mandate was unabashedly to turn the country into a “National Home for the Jewish people” by opening its gates to a flood of alien Zionist Jewish immigrants from all parts of the world in accordance with the Balfour Declaration which was in the form of a letter dated 7 November, 1917, from Arthur Balfour, who was then British Foreign Secretary, to Lord Lionel Rothschild, a Khazar Jewish/Ashkenazim private banker/usurer, of British nationality, which stated that the British government viewed ”with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people…”
Arthur Koestler, the famous Zionist Jewish writer and historian wrote in his book, “Promise and Fulfillment”, where he defined the Balfour Declaration as follows: “One nation solemnly promised to a second nation the country of a third nation…”
On 29 November,1947, the United Nations, through bribery and coercion of many of its newly independent members and through full U.S. and Communist countries support, voted by two-thirds majority to dismember the Holy Land, and to give the Jews 60 percent of that country. The total Jewish population at that time was still no more than one-third of the total population, and these Zionist Jews were mainly illegal immigrants or those who came in, aided by the British since 1918, against the will of the overwhelming majority of the population, the Palestinian People. Even in the part given to the Jews, the Palestinians there consisted of more than 55 percent of the population, and owned most of the land!
On 14 May, 1948, the British purposely withdrew from Palestine, and on the same day the Jews declared the formation of the State of Israel, and during the rest of that fateful, tragic year, the Zionist Jews savagely and deliberately obliterated 380 Palestinian defenseless towns and villages (see Appendix 1), massacred thousands of innocent men, women, and children, and drove the rest of them, over 800,000 in number, off their lands and farms making them into destitute refugees in and out of their God given Holy Land…
On 5 June, 1967, the Zionist Jews attacked the “West Bank” of the Holy Land which had been under the rule of Jordan since 1948, and occupied it. They also attacked the ”Gaza Strip” which had been under Egyptian rule, also since 1948, and they occupied it too, and they began confiscating more land, and obliterating more Palestinian villages, and the number of Palestinian villages destroyed rose to 394. (see Appendix 1).
And today, three million Palestinians, the real seed of Abraham by flesh, faith, and promise, remain clinging to their holy God given land under the most ruthless conditions of occupation and suppression, with no human rights, for anyone of them, man, woman or child, can be picked up and imprisoned and tortured or killed under the excuse of being a terrorist, without due process of any law to protect him or her. They are daily being shot in the streets by the Israeli army, police ,and blood thirsty ”settlers,” and more of their homes and lands are being stolen, and their houses are blown up or sealed as collective punishments.
All this and more is done, and the Western European Christian governments, and the US Government are doing nothing, except to give more aid, both military and monetary to these alien murderers and despoilers who call themselves “Jews” and “Israelis,” and the repression, stealing, and murder continues unabated…
But the three million Palestinian People who remain in their holy land, still continue to cling to what remains of their villages, farms and towns, worshipping God with all their hearts and minds, resisting the brutal, satanic aggression and repression of the antichrist, that they are being constantly subjected to. And in spite of their persecution, they are increasing in number, as promised by God, while their persecutors bring in more savage oppressors mainly from Russia…
And the Palestinian People fervently pray as they resist the evil that has engulfed them and their Holy Land… But they, as the real seed of Abraham by flesh, faith and promise, true heirs to all God’s covenants, shall ultimately triumph and regain their holy land from the satanic, wicked aliens of the anti-christ, in accordance with the promise of God:
“I know they works; behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and has kept my word, and hast not denied my name. Behold I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I will also keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name.” REVELATION 3: 8-12 ………………………………..
Chapter 2 Greetings to the Christian people of the world from the innocent, persecuted God worshipping Christian and Moslem people of Palestine, the Holy Land who are all of the seed of Abraham by flesh, faith and promise, in accordance with the Holy Book:
For the Promise, that he should be the heir of the world, was not to Abraham, or to his seed, through the law, but through the righteousness of faith. For if they which are of the law be heirs, faith is made void, and the promise made of none effect. Because the law worketh wrath: for where no law is there is no transgression. Therefore it is of faith that it might be by grace; to the end of the promise might be sure to all the seed; not to that only which is of the law, but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham who is the father of us all. (As is written, I have made thee a father of many nations) before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were..
ROMANAS 4: 13-17 And :
“Even as Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness. Know ye therefore that they which are of faith, the same are who are the children of Abraham. And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all the nations be blessed. So then, they which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham.”
“But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed. Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster; for ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female; for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ’s then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.”
GALATIANS 3: 23-29
“Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcion, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all.” COLOSSIANS 3:11.
“ Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing, but the keeping of the commandments of God”.
……………………. We were safe in our Holy, God-given land until we were descended upon and despoiled by ruthless, savage aliens claiming to be “returning Zionist Jews,” and are not, but who have amply demonstrated by their evil deeds and slander; that they are a ”synagogue of Satan”, and multitude of the antichrist:
“I know thy works and tribulation and poverty (but thou art rich ) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan”.
And the most evil and infamous of plots to despoil us and hand over our Holy Land to those aliens, mostly overt atheists, but still calling themselves “Zionist Jews” was hatched then formalized between that Christian country “Great Britain”, on 2 November, 1917, in the letter written by Arthur, Lord Balfour, then British Foreign Secretary to Lord Lionel Rothschild, a Jewish private banker (usurer), which became known as the infamous BALFOUR DECLARATION, and it reads as follows:
2 November 1917
Dear Lord Rothschild,
I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty’s Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet:
“His Majesty’s Government views with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish People, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country/”
I shall be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation. Arthur Balfour
And at that time, 2 November, 1917) the total number of Jews in Palestine was no more than 20,000, or less than 5 percent of the total population…
As you can see, it was an illegal, brazen, and wicked document, for it was a promise by a conniving colonial “Christian “government to a non Semitic (Khazar/Ashkenazim) Jewish usurer (Lord Rothschild), giving the usurers’ coconspirators , who resided not on the land, but all over the world, and who were of many different nationalities and races, the right to establish a “National Home” in a country which did not belong to them, but would forcibly be acquired by them later, by brutal colonial conquest and suppression. And then and there, the “terrible power of the Zionist Jews purse”, that Herzl alluded to in his pamphlet, THE JEWISH STATE”, became clearly demonstrated!
And to justify our cruel despoilment, Lord Balfour wrote, without shame, the following:
“For in Palestine we do not propose even to go through the form of consulting the wishes of the present inhabitants of the country, though the American Commission has been going through the form of asking what they are. The four Great Powers are committed to Zionism. And Zionism, be it right or wrong, good or bad, is rooted in age-long traditions, in present needs, in future hopes and far profounder import than the desires and prejudices of the700,000 Arabs who now inhabit that ancient land. In short, so far as Palestine is concerned, the Powers have made no statement of fact which is not admittedly wrong, and no declaration of policy which, at least in the letter, they have not always intended to violate.”
(Lord Arthur Balfour: Respecting Syria, Palestine, and Mesopotamia-Documents of British Policy, 1919-1939 (London, 1952) 1st Series, Vol 4, pp.340-7)
But what was the real reason for the issuance of the Declaration at that particular time, 2 November, 1917, for it certainly was not to fulfill any Biblical prophecy, nor for any moral or other lofty reasons?
Lloyd George, who was then the Prime Minister of Great Britain, “let the cat out of the bag”, 21 years later, when he wrote in his book “The Truth About The Peace Treaties (London 1938)”:
“It was one of the darkest periods of the war. At the time the French Army had mutinied, the Italian Army was on the verge of collapse, and America had hardly started preparing in earnest. We came to the conclusion that it was vital that we should have the sympathies of the Jewish community.”
“The sympathies of the Jewish community” was in fact money, and Jewish Bankers had the 'terrible power of the purse', alluded to by Herzl in his book , THE JEWISH STATE, but were purposely withholding it from the Allies. Also needed were the services of the underground Jewish revolutionaries in Germany, Austria, and Russia, who could render great service to the Allied cause, which they did after the “Balfour Declaration” was published. This statement may be construed by some as “anti-Semitic” material, but did not Theodore Herzl write in his pamphlet, THE JEWISH STATE, as follows?:
“When we sink, we become a revolutionary proletariat, the subordinate officers of all revolutionary parties; and at the same time, when we rise, there rises also our terrible power of the purse.”
And in Europe and America at that time, some of Jews sank, while others rose… And things have not changed, even today!
Thus it came to pass that just like Judas Iscariot sold the holy body of Christ to the Synagogue of Satan of those days for thirty pieces of silver, “Great” Britain sold the Holy Land and its own people, the Palestinian people, the real seed of Abraham by flesh, faith and promise to the latter-day Synagogue of Satan-the anti- christ, of Lord Rothschild, and his “Zionist Federation,” composed almost totally of non-Semitic Khazar “Jews,” for their “sympathies,” as Lloyd George so brazenly put it. And that was how “Great” Britain collected its “thirty pieces of silver”…
But there was one wise, honest voice of dissent in the British Cabinet regarding the Balfour Declaration, and ironically it was a Jewish voice, that of Lord Edwin Montagu, Britain’s Secretary of State for India, who wrote in a secret memorandum to the Cabinet on 23 August 1917, before the issuance of the Declaration, as follows:
“Zionism has always seemed to me to be a mischievous political creed untenable by any patriotic citizen of the United Kingdom.. It seems to be inconceivable that Zionism should be officially recognized by the British Government, and that Mr. Balfour should be authorized to say that Palestine was to be reconstituted as “the national home of the Jewish People”. I do not know what this involves, but I assume that it means that Mohammedans and Christians are to make way for the Jews, and that the Jews should be put in all positions of preference… Mohammedans in Palestine will be regarded as foreigners, just in the same way as Jews will be regarded as foreigners in every country but Palestine… When the Jews are told that Palestine is their national home, every country will immediately desire to get rid of its Jewish citizens, and you will find a population in Palestine driving out is present inhabitants, taking all the best in the country, drawn from all quarters of the globe… I have always understood, by the Jews before Zionism was invented, that to bring the Jews back to form a nation in the country from which they were dispersed would require Divine leadership. I have never heard it suggested, even by their most fervent admirers, that either Mr. Balfour or Lord Rothschild would prove to be the Messiah”.
But Lord Montagu’s forthright opinion was not given any weight, and mischievousness and iniquity prevailed, and the Balfour Declaration was published, and became a statement of formal policy of the British Government until 15 May 1948, a day of infamy, when the British Government purposely abandoned our Holy Land after giving our despoilers all the means and weapons they needed to complete the task of our persecution and despoilment…
And the second un-holiest of plots was hatched in the United Nations in New York on 19 November, 1947,when two-thirds of its members voted to partition our Holy Land, and to give the Zionist Jews about sixty percent of the most fertile part of it, to establish on it a Jewish state. At that time Jews still constituted no more than one-third of the total population of the Holy Land, most of whom entered there legally but many illegally since the Balfour Declaration was published..
And the atheist Communist countries were the most enthusiastic in their support for the establishment of the Jewish State, and their votes tipped the scale towards partition. And all the Christian countries, including the USA, who voted with the Communists fell into their trap on that fateful, infamous day of 29 November, 1947, some knowingly, forgetting Christianity, justice, and human rights, while others out of pitiful ignorance of history and the true tenets of Christian doctrine, and still others through coercion and bribery..
And we ask the people and governments of the countries who voted for our despoilment: the U.S.A., the U.S.S.R (now Russia), Sweden, Norway, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Canada, South Africa, Bolivia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Panama, Haiti, Guatemala, Paraguay, Uruguay, Ukraine, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Holland, Australia, Iceland, Brazil, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Peru, Costa Rica, Liberia and the Philippines, if they would be willing to give any part of their countries, no matter how small, to evil aliens, even if all the world voted for it?
Since 1948, we had been utterly, and cruelly abandoned to those ravenous wolves in human form until today, and many of us live as destitute refuges away from our homeland, and those who remain live as slaves in our villages and in our holy towns of Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Nazareth. And our despoilers desecrated the churches and mosques of our villages, then blew them up, and they killed many of our women and children, as they are doing even today. And they destroyed the orchards, vineyards and olive groves which our ancestors and fathers had nurtured since before the birth of Christ And our despoilers built upon our lands, churches, mosques and graveyards dens of iniquities called kibbutzim, and those who live there, and everywhere in our Holy Land behave as described in the Holy Book;
“And even as they do not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them up to A reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all manner of wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity, whisperers, backbiters,, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.”
ROMANS 1:28-32
………… ……………… Those who despoiled, and are still despoiling us, call themselves Jews and are not, and their Knesset (Parliament) is filled with atheists, ex- communists, “Free Thinkers” and all manner of blasphemers masquerading as rabbis, and all plotting our further murder and despoilment:
“It is a fact which cannot be denied that the vast majority of our people, in Israel, and in the diaspora, are either not religious at all or their religious image is very far and getting even farther away… “
(Knesset member Yacov Hazen Mapam Party; Knesset debates, February 9-11, 1970)
“To others, and to some extent to ourselves, we justify our existence as a people and state by reference to that religious mission, that version of divine history in which we do no longer believe and whose demands we ignore… “
(Professor B. Kurzweil, Bar-llan University, 1976: “Facing the spiritual Perplexity of our Times,” Page 190 And
“But I wish to state my credo…. Love of Jews, religious and atheists alike…”
Mrs. Golda Meir, Knesset Debates, Feb. 10, 1970)
And many of the European Khazar/Ashkenazim leaders shed their real names and assumed “Biblical” sounding names when they entered our Holy Land. Green became Ben-Gurion, Mayerson became Meir, Shertok became Sharrett, Stern became Yair, Yzertinsky became Shamir, Schoenermann became Sharon, Sukenik became Yadin, etc, etc…
And Theodor Herzl, the “Spritual Father” of the Zionist Jews whose portrait is the only on that hangs on the Knesset wall wrote in his pamphlet, THE JEWISH STATE:
“…Universal brotherhood is not even a beautiful dream. Antagonism is essential to man’s greatest efforts”.
And it is only Herzl’s name that is mentioned in Israel’s Declaration of Independence, where they refer to him as their “Spiritual Father”!!
The following is the excerpt from the Declaration of Independence of the State of Israel, on 14 May, 1948 which mentioned Herzl:
“… In the year 5657 (1897), at the summons of the Spiritual Father of the Jewish State, Theodor Herzl, the first Zionist Congress convened and proclaimed the right of the Jewish people to national rebirth in its own country…”
Note: The First Zionist Congress was convened in the gambling casino of Basle, Switzerland…
And the State of Israel is materially and “spiritually” supported by most of the “Jews” of the world today. But they cannot be really Jews, for true Judaism as described in the Holy Book is a religion of justice and righteousness, and the love of all God’s children, and peace, and the working towards the brotherhood of man and the fatherhood of God, and keeping the Ten Commandments, which these “Jews” are breaking every day, in our Holy Land. And in their synagogues their “rabbis” preach, and advocate our final persecution and despoilment, to rob us completely of what remains of our Holy Land in our hands; our homes, and villages and towns, and to bring in more evil aliens from all over the world!
And this godless horde that had already descended on us, and the horde which is being readied to descend on us, are not of the seed of Abraham, for they are mostly the descendants of the Khazars who constitute more than eighty percent of world “Jewry” today, the “Ashkenazim”, as is very well documented by the most eminent Jewish historians and scholars, as follows:
“The Khazars, a semi-nomadic Turko-Finnish people who settled in what is now southern Russia between the Volga and the Don, spread to the shores of the Black, Caspian, and Azov seas. Jews who had been banished from Constantinople by Byzantine ruler Leo III found a home among the pagan Khazars and then in competition with Muslim and Christian missionaries, won Khagan Bulan, the ruler of Khazaria over to the Judaic faith around 740 A.D. His notables followed suit and somewhat later so did his people. Some details of these events are contained in letters exchanged between Khagan (King) Joseph of Khazaria and R. Hasdai Ibn Sharput of Cordovea, doctor and quasi Foreign minister to Sultan Abd Al-Rahman, the Caliph of Spain.
The Zionist Connection II By Alfred M. Lilienthal Veritas Publishing Company (PTY) Ltd. 1983
“In the year 740 A.D., the Khazars were officially converted to Judaism. A century later they were crushed by the incoming Slavic- speaking people and were scattered over central Europe where they were known as Jews. It is from this grouping that most German and Polish Jews are descended, they likewise make up a considerable part of the population found in America. The term Ashkenazim is applied to this round-headed, dark complexioned division”.
The American Peoples Encyclopedia: “People of the World”, by Professor Fay-Cooper Cole, Former Chairman, Department of Anthropology, University of Chicago, 1955
……………. “The evidence quoted in previous chapters adds to a strong case in favor of those modern historians-whether Austrian, Israeli, or Polish-who independently from each other argued that the bulk of modern Je wry is not of Palestinian, but of Caucasian origin, the mainstream of Jewish migrations did not flow from the Mediterranean across France and Germany to the east and then back again. The stream moved in a consistently western direction, from the Caucasus through the Ukraine into Poland and thence into Central Europe. When that mass-settlement into Poland came into being there were simply not enough Jews around in the West to account for it; while in the east a whole nation was on the move to new frontiers.
(The Thirteenth Tribe, by Arthur Koestler Hutchinson of London, 1976) …………….
“….Accordingly says Poliak (Abraham N. Poliak, former Chairman, Medieval Jewish History Department, Tel Aviv University: Ed.) some learned Khazar Jews called themselves Ashkenazim when they emigrated to Poland …”
(The Thirteenth Tribe)
“We have found in the family register of our fathers… that Togarmah had ten sons, and the names of their offspring are as follows: Uigur, Darsu, Avars, Huns, Baslli, Tamiakh, Khazar, Zagora, Bulgars, Sabir. We are the sons of Khazar, the seventh…”
(From the letter of King Joseph, Jewish king of the Khazars, to Rabbi Hasdi Ibn Sharput, the chief minister of the Caliph of Cordoba, Circa 965 A.D.,,
(The Thirteenth Tribe) ……….
“… At some date earlier than 864 A.D., the Westphalian monk Druthmat of Aquitania, wrote a Latin treatise, “Exposito in Evvangalium Mattei”, in which he reports that “there exist people under the sky in regions where no Christians can be found, whose
name is Gog and Magog, and who are Huns; among them is one, called the Gazari, who are circumcised and observe Judaism in its entirety;…”
(The Thirteenth Tribe) ………….
” And when the thousand years are expired, Satan will be loosed out of his prison and shall go out to deceive the nations which are at the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle; their number of whom is as the sand of the sea. And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the Saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them, and the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
REVELATION 20: 7-10 ……………
And these murderous alien plunderers and despoilers “from the uttermost parts of the north”-from Russia, from Poland, from Germany, from Lithuania, from Rumania, etc, who are mostly overt or covert atheists, and “free thinkers” entered and are still entering our Holy Land under the “Law of return”, a monstrous, blasphemous law which makes any one of them automatically an Israeli citizen the moment he steps onto our Holy Land. But if he declares himself a “Jew” by origin or conversion, or of a “Jewish mother”, with no other affiliation, then no matter what his racial origin or nationality may be, he is welcomed as a fellow “returnee” with the full right to reside any where in our Holy Land, and with the full right to persecute, despoil, and murder us the Palestinian people, the real seed of Abraham by flesh, faith and promise, who worship God, the God of Abraham with all our hearts, minds and souls, and who wait in joyous anticipation, both Christians, and Moslem for the return of Christ, to our Holy Land…
The “LAW OF RETURN” of the State of Israel which was passed unanimously by the Knesset (Parliament) on 5 July, 1950
1. Every Jew has the right to immigrate to the country. 2. (a) Immigration shall be on the basis of immigration visas. (b) Immigration visas shall be issued to any Jew expressing a desire to settle in Israel except if the Minister of Immigration is satisfied that the applicant: (1) Acts against the Jewish nation; or (2) May threaten the public health or state security; or (3)Has a criminal past liable to endanger public peace. 3. (a) A Jew who comes to Israel and after his arrival expresses a desire to settle there may, while in Israel, obtain an immigration certificate. (b) The exceptions listed in article 2 (b) shall apply also with respect to the issue of an immigrant certificate, but a person shall not be regarded as a threat to public health as a result of an illness that he contracts after his arrival in Israel. 4. Every Jew who migrated to the country before this law goes into effect, and every Jew who was born in the country either before or after the law is effective, enjoys the same status as any person who migrated on the basis of this law. 5. The Minister of Immigration is delegated to enforce this law and he may enact regulations in connection with its implementation and for the issue of immigrant visas and immigrant certificates.
But who really is a Jew?
In accordance with orthodox religious Jewish law (Halakha), a Jew is a person born of a Jewish mother or a person who was converted to Judaism by an orthodox rabbi.
And in accordance with Government of Israel guidelines of July, 1958, a person who states in good faith that he is Jewish, and has not been converted to another religion, will be registered as Jewish.
In 1958, Oswald Rufeisen, a Polish Jew who was born in Poland in 1922, and who was converted to the Catholic faith in 1942, subsequently becoming a priest (Brother Daniel), arrived in Israel and asked to be given immediate citizenship as an Israeli. But his application was refused by the Israeli Government who claimed that he was no longer a Jew, and thus could not profit from the “Law of Return”. He took his case to the Israeli Supreme Court, which upheld the refusal of the Government to grant him Israeli citizenship.
However, if Brother Daniel had renounced his Christian vows and declared himself an atheist Jew, he would have been welcomed as a genuine “Jewish Returnee” under the Law of Return, and thus would have become eligible for immediate Israeli citizenship!
And Herzl, the ’Spiritual Father” of the State of Israel, wrote in his pamphlet, THE JEWISH STATE:…”Above and before all we shall make room for the immortal band of our Free Thinkers.. Every man will be free and undisturbed in his faith or his disbelief”
So how can they claim to be “returning Jews” in accordance with the Covenant with God, when they are not the seed of Abraham by, flesh, faith and promise, and do not believe in God or his Covenant… Thus the only real right of return to the Holy Land is ours, the Palestinian Peoples; And the ”Law of Return” should only be applied to those of our people who had been made into destitute refugees in other lands, and in our Holy Land, to return to our Holy Land to reclaim and settle again on our farms and lands which had been stolen from us by those who call themselves Jews, and are not, but do lie…
“… Had it not been for Deir Yasin,* half a million Arabs would be living in the State of Israel. The state of Israel would not have existed. We must not disregard this, with full awareness of the responsibility involved. All wars are cruel. There is no way out of that. This country will either be Eretz-Israel with an absolute Jewish majority and a small Arab minority, or Eretz-Ishmael, and Jewish emigration will begin again, if we do not expel the Arabs one way or another, and men of the spirit should tell how to do that…” Dr. Israel Eldad (Sheib) Lecturer in Humanistic Studies, Technion, Haifa Deot (Opinions) magazine, the organ of Religious Academic Professionals in Israel, Winter Edition, 1968
“… One truth is that there is no Zionist settlement, and there is no Jewish state without displacing Arabs and without confiscating lands and fencing them off. A second truth is that in the war against the Arabs, including the terrorists, Israel never committed herself, and cannot commit herself to harm only regular of irregular warriors. And a third truth is that within the assumptions developed above, Israel has tried in the past and will try in the future to do its best not to kill innocent civilians, and not to displace Arab inhabitants by methods not approved of and sanctioned by law and order…”
Yeshayahu Ben Porat Yedehot Ahranot, 14 July 1974
And their “Men of the Spirit” told them how to do it:
“…To fight a holy war a king does not require permission from religious courts, but rather he can himself begin it any time, and force his people to follow him in battle. But for a war of convenience he cannot bring out the nation without the ruling of a religious court of 71 judges (The Great Senhedrin). And so we find in Tractate Senhedrin, 2, and in Maimonides, Laws of Kings 5:2.
“Now in Tractate Berakhot 38 the Gemara states the same thing as in Tractate Senhedrin 16: that for a war of convenience the king cannot bring out the nation without the ruling of the Senhedrin, and we derive this from the tradition established by David, king of Israel, When the dawn rose all the Sages of Israel came to him and said, Our Lord king, your Jewish people lack livelihood….etc “He then told them, “Go make yourself into military units and attack…”
“Accordingly, if all Jews agree to embark on a war of convenience they have the same power as a Great Religious Court, and therefore Rashi explains in Trachtate Berakhot that they have to ask the Senhedring only for the purpose of having them pray for them, since it is implied there that the nation consented to David’s suggestion (that they begin a war of convenience)… “In Mishanah, Tractate Sothah 44, it is written: “But in a Holy War everyone has to fight, even a groom goes out (to fight) from his room and a bride goes out from her canopy”. Apparently one can say that in a war with Amalek and a war with such an enemy who attacks us, the whole nation does not have to be drafted for war” so that if the leaders decide that a part of the nation is sufficient to smite the enemy, there is no obligation upon the entire nation to fight. But in a war for conquest of the Land of Israel, all Israel is required to participate, as explained in Mainonides, Laws of Tithes 1:2: The term “Land of Israel, always refers to countries conquered by a king of Israel, or by a prophet with the consent of the majority of Israel, and this is what is called’ a conquest by the majority”.
Of what Category is the Contemporary Israeli War with the Arabs? “Maimonides wrote in laws of Kings 5:4: “It is a positive commandment to destroy the seven nations, as it is written “thou shalt utterly destroy them “ (Deut. 20:17), and anyone who has the opportunity to kill one of them and does not do so violates a negative commandment, as it is written “thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth” (Deut. 20:16). And their memory is already lost. And in Ibid. 5:5 he said, “It is also a positive commandment to eradicate the memory of Amalek, as it is written “thou shalt blot out the remembrance of Amalek” (Deut.25:19) and it is a positive commandment to always remember his (Amalek’s) evil deeds and his ambush, to arouse hatred against him, as it is written “Remember what Amalek did unto thee” (Deut. 25:17), and we have learned that “remember” by word of mouth, “do not forget” out of mind, namely, it is forbidden to forget his animosity and hatred!
“And I heard in the name of Gaon Rabbi Haim of Brisk who observed of Maimonides” words, why Maimonides wrote in reference to the seven nations that their memory is already lost and today this commandment no Longer applies; whereas about eradicating Amalek he did not conclude that their memory is lost; although certainly today the nation of Amalek no longer exists because they too have become lost and assimilated among the other nations of the world. And he proved from this that Amalek does not only refer to the biological race of Amalek, but that any are to be considered Amalek, and in reference to them the Torah said that “The lord will have war with Amalek from generation to generation” (Exodus).
Accordingly, the Arabs who seek to destroy Israel and throw them into the sea are in the category of Amalek, and thus are included in the Holy War of exterminating Amalek, and they are also included in the category of a Holy War against an enemy who has attacked us; and therefore even the priests, who did not receive a share in the land of Israel and thus are no included in the commandment of conquest of the land, are still included in fighting against the enemy who has attacked us…
The Difference between a War with Amalek and Other Holy Wars.
Rabbi Yehuda Gershoni Or Hamizrah* Col XX, No, 2, January, 1971
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The author of this tract, Rabbi Gershoni, is a very highly respected rabbi who heads a well known Yeshiva (religious school) in Brooklyn, N.Y. And they teach this murderously obscene insanity in all their yeshivas, in our Holy Land and all over the world. Thus “open season” was declared by the anti-christ on us, the Palestinian people, the real seed of Abraham, the people who worship God with all our souls and hearts, whom they classified like the pagan Amalekites, of old, to be killed on sight, in our own land which they had stolen from us, and in any other place in the world where we may hide; men, women, and children, so we shall be blotted from the face of the earth, while the ignorant and malignant of the Christians applaud…
It would be indeed a laughable matter if those who spout and believe in such murderous edicts are held in lunatic asylums or were a small harmless minority, but they are not, for they project the thoughts of the majority, if not all of the “Jewish” people today, and they sit in the Knesset as representatives of the Israeli population, And they are programming their children with these criminally insane ideas and plans, and they are armed to the teeth and have the full support of the U.S. Government, and their hands are already drenched with our innocent blood since 1948. And they are bent on continuing their murderous rampage against us whom they have classified as “Amalekites”, until we are obliterated from the face of the earth…..
After the 1973 war, the Military Rabbinate at Headquarters of the Central Command in Israel published a pamphlet which was distributed among all the troops, and it was entitled: “In the Wake of Yom Kippur War: Matters of Thought, Halakhah and Investigation:”
And paragraph 3 of the pamphlet reads as follows:
“When our forces encounter civilians in war, in ambush, or in a raid, so long as there is no definite civilians in war, in ambush, or in a raid, capable of damaging our forces, it is permissible and even obligatory by the Halakhic Law, to kill them.”
Is this not a direct invitation to cold blooded murder and genocide? Even the Nazi SS Command never issued such brutal and inhuman instructions to its “Totenkopf” troops…
And if one the most famous of Jewish converts, Elizabeth Taylor wishes to go to our Holy Land, she would be welcomed as a “returnee,” and she would be given of our stolen lands to settle on, and she would be obligated to join the fun of hunting us down so that we may be obliterated. And if perchance St. Mark and St. Peter were alive today, and wanted to return to the Holy Land, they would not be allowed because they would not be classified as “Jewish returnees” as Elizabeth Taylor. . But if they would insist on returning to reclaim their heritage, they would be classified as “Amalekites”, and every Jew is then “duty bound” to kill them on sight, and blot out their memory…
And Theodore Herzl, the “Spiritual Father of the State of Israel”, did not mention or acknowledge God, even once, in his pamphlet, THE JEWISH STATE. On the contrary, he wrote: “Above and before all we shall… make room for the immortal band of our Free Thinkers...”
And if any of us who had been reduced into destitute refugees outside our Holy Land wants to return, he will be murdered in cold blood at the borders. But where can we and our children wait for Christ to return after we have lost all our Holy Land to the evil, heartless aliens, and how will the Christian people of the world who are aiding the anti- christ say to Christ when he asks them why have they abandoned the people who believe in him to the ravenous wolves to scatter and murder. And He will ask them, “Why have you abandoned my sheep and the Holy Land into the hands of the anti-christ, and why have you allowed them to desecrate my Holy Land to which I am returning, the land where my true people were planted, but are now uprooted and persecuted?
The Palestinian people viewed and heard with utter shock and dismay of the 13 April 1986 visit of the late Pope John Paul II to the Rome Synagogue, and of the speeches he exchanged with the rabbi there, Rabbi Toaf, and at first they could not believe what they read and heard. But alas, it was all shockingly true.
And with his own words, His Holiness, made their despoilers, and those who had murdered their women and children, and their enthusiastic supporters, ”Jews” all over the world, his “elder brothers” But is it not written in the Holy Bible?:
“And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of the anti-christ, whereof ye have heard that it should; and even now already is it in the world.”
1 JOHN 4: 3
And it is also written in the Bible:
“For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come the flesh. This is a deceiver and an anti-christ.
2 JOHN 1:7
And Christ said:
“He that is not with me is against me; and he that gatherth with me scattereth abroad .”
MATTHEW 12: 30
And did Rabbi Toaf of the Rome Synagogue, before His Holiness called him our “elder brother”, acknowledge Christ in the flesh? No, if asked, he would have denied that Jesus Christ had come in the flesh, and he would have called the words and message of Christ in the New Testament as those of an imposter, and a false messiah…
The following is a portrayal of Christ, the Gospel and Christianity in a contemporary work by a very well-known Jewish author:
“Who was this Jew Jesus who failed to make an impression on history until a century after his death, but whose one-year ministry on earth shaped the foundations of Western civilization? There is not enough historical material about him “to write a decent obituary”. There are but three facts known about his birth and early life. He was born the eldest son of a Jewish mother who kept a kosher house, he was circumcised on the eighth day, and he had two or more sisters and four brothers named James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas. All else concerning his birth-the visitation of the Holy Ghost, the Virgin Birth, the three wise men-is pious theological license designed to prove that in Jesus the Old Testament prophecies were fulfilled….
“The Gospel accounts of the trial (of Jesus) and its aftermath abound in contradictions, improbabilities, and impossibilities. In fact, in these four Gospel writers we have the unseemly sight of four saints fighting for the gospel truth. What Mark says is contradicted by Matthew and Luke. What Luke says is contradicted by Mark and Matthew. What Matthew says is contradicted by Luke and Mark. The fourth Gospel, that of John, presents an even greater problem to biblical scholars, for John contradicts Mark, Matthew, and Luke even when these three agree…
“Though Christian theologians portray Judaism as the withering trunk of the healthy branch of Christianity, we must not allow Christianity’s success to obscure the unwitting role it played in the furtherance of Judaic ideas. It was the Christians who with the sword in hand converted the pagans of Europe, thus bringing them their first knowledge of the Old Testament and its concept of a manifest destiny. While Christianity’s mythological trappings held immediate attraction for pagans, it was the moral and ethical values of Judaism that gave Christianity its long range appeal. In a theological sense, Christianity was a stepping stone by which pagans crossed over into Judaic concepts…
“Russia unobtrusively entered European history in the ninth century A.D., with 150,000 square miles and half a million people. Ten centuries later, she brazenly entered world history with 9,000,000 square miles and 200 million people. The impetus for each debut was the ideology of a Jew-Jesus Christ and Karl Marx, respectively…
“The pendulum is now swinging from empty scientism to prophetic humanism, because Marxism is an economic creed, not a spiritual gospel. Behold the pagans of Africa, catapulted from their Stone Age into twentieth-century Atomic Age, bewildered by their loss of tribe and faith. Behold India’s half a billion souls in search of a religion that will neither drown them in mythology nor smother them with materialism. Behold the Chinese, a spiritually sensitive people suddenly bereft of a religion. Behold the Russians, taught atheism for half a century, yet still seeking a religion that will satisfy their spiritual urge. And behold the Christian world itself, proclaiming God is dead, yet groping for new value. Are the people of the world ready to embrace Judaism today as the pagans in the Roman Empire were ready to accept Christianity? Can Judaism step into the breach at the breach at this crucial juncture of materialist wealth and disintegrating spirit? Can this tiny, amorphous, ethnic group known as Jews achieve what all the great “isms” have been unable to achieve?
“Does Rationalism, Communism, Nazism, Fascism, or racism hold greater promise than the ethics of Judaism? Has not the Old Testament shown itself superior to the philosophies of Plato Hegel, or Kant? Do we feel safer with the finger of the scientist or the finger of God on the trigger of the hydrogen bomb?
“Will it be the destiny of the Jews in the third act to proselytize the universalistic aspect of their faith to a diasporized world sick unto its scientific soul, ready, perhaps, at last, to accept their prophetic message? Is it possible that Christianity, Mohammedanism, Communism have been but stepping-stones to make it easier for diasporized man to cross over into a universal Judaism?
“Just as Christianity is a Jewish religious stepping-stone for a spiritual brotherhood, so Marxism may be a Jewish secular stepping- stone to a social brotherhood. This may be difficult for some to accept, because they view Christianity against a 2000-year development, whereas Marxism is viewed against a distance of only one hundred years. But if we compare the first few centuries of Christianity with the first century of Communism, we can see resemblances. Christianity was more abhorrent to the Romans in the second century than communism is to the capitalists in the twentieth. Just as Jesus never foresaw the crimes and follies of the early Christian sects, so Marx never envisioned the crimes and follies of the early communist parties. But just as time has dissolved the barbarism of the early Christians, so time will in all probability soften the inhumanity of today’s communists. Just as the Gospels survived in spite of the Christians, so the Communist Manifesto may survive in spite of the communists, because the message in both is greater than the people proclaiming them. In the future, perhaps, the spiritual message of Judaized Christianity and the economic message of Judaized socialism may fuse with the morality of the Jewish Prophets and the ethics of the Jewish patriarchs to bring about a secular millennium.
“At the end of the first act, Jesus proclaimed a religious brotherhood of man in heaven. At the end of the second act, Marx proclaimed an economic brotherhood for man on earth. What will be proclaimed at the end of the third act? Will the Christian Jesus reappear as promised by the gospel, or will a Jewish Messiah appear as promised by the prophets? What if both predictions are fulfilled? Will it be two different Messiahs, or one and the same Messiah?
“It is said that man selects a hero to save him, but that God selects a people to save mankind. The Christians selected Jesus as their hero to save them. Did God select the Jews to save man? In Jesus, the Jewish “Word” was made “flesh” by the Christians, but rejected by the Jews. Will the Christian “flesh” eventually be transformed back into the Jewish “Word” in the third act? Perhaps in the third act there will be no messiah as a person, but only as an idea. The message will be more important than the messenger.
“Thus, in the third act, man himself will be faced with an existentialist choice. Should he choose Christian paradise in heaven with an avenging Jesus returning to end mankind with a Judgement Day, or should he choose the Jewish paradise on earth brought about by a messianic concept of brotherhood?”
THE FUNCTION OF ISRAEL “We stated earlier that the Zionists were the twentieth century’s secular messiahs who did what the theological messiahs should rightfully have done. The rationalist twentieth-century Jew, though he has abandoned the theological idea of the messiah, still has a vision of that messianic concept-the redemption of the Jew through the soil of Palestine…
“But how could these forthright Zionist agnostics claim to be heirs to the messianic ideal? How could they deny God and yet proclaim the closeness of the Jewish people? Perhaps Ben-Gurion best resolved this dilemma when he said:
“My concept of the messianic idea is not a metaphysical but a social-cultural one… I believe in our moral and intellectual superiority, in our capacity to serve as a model for the redemption of the human race…The glory of the Divine Presence is within us, in our hearts, and not outside us.”
“… In Greek legend, Sisyphus, founder of Corinth, was doomed by Zeus to eternally roll a stone up a slope. Each time he neared the top, the stone would slip from his hands and roll to the bottom, and the wearisome task would begin all over again.
“Is the Jew the Sisyphus of the world, destined forever to roll the millstone of a brotherhood nearly to the pinnacle of man’s professed aspirations, only to behold his efforts and hopes dashed time and again? The Greeks were pessimists who viewed their Sisyphus with derision, seeing in him the absurd man, sticking to a hopeless task. The Jews are optimists who view their Sisyphus with admiration, seeing in him the hero who has the tenacity to stick to his task until it is accomplished.
Perhaps this is why God chose the Jews, if there was indeed a divine choice .He could count on them. As one scholar so perceptively summed it up-“In Judaism, God turned to man and said, “Finish the work for me”, and man said, “I will”. In Christianity, man returns to God and says, “I cannot do it, finish the work for me,” and God says, “I will”. In essence, the Christians are unable to fulfill the task assigned man by God, and slough the job back to God via Jesus. In Judaism, man is willing to work to achieve God’s mission, even if the task at times seems as hopeless and absurd as that of Sisyphus. But whereas the task of the Greek Sisyphus is meaningless, that of the Jewish one is purposive…”
The Indestructible Jews, by Max I. Dimont New American Library, New York (1971)
And Zionist Jewish leadership declares, not to the world, but among themselves, that the greatest threat to them is the possibility of conversion of their people to Christianity and Islam, and the marriage of Jews to Gentiles, thus reducing their ranks in Israel and abroad:
“Two diseases devour like a cancer the body of the nation in the lands of dispersal: conversion to other faiths, and mixed marriages. A Jew who has converted to Christianity or Islam cannot, of course, be accepted by the Jewish community, and if he was accepted before conversion, he leaves or is expelled.”
Justice Silber, Deputy President
of the Supreme Court of Israel, 1962.
“The real motivation for creating the modern Zionist movement was fear for the survival and future of our people after the Emancipation in the19the century and the practical end of anti-Jewish persecution.
Dr. Nahum Goldman, addressing the 29th Zionist Congress in Jerusalem, 1978.
Is there still any doubt in your minds, that” Zionist Jews” are the anti-christ, and who view conversion to Christianity as a devouring cancer, and worse than the “Holocaust”? And they do not mention God, for they do not know Him, while they follow the teachings of Herzl, their “Spiritual Father”. And you still consort with them, and help them to destroy Christianity, and continue to devour us and our holy land, we the Palestinian People, the true people of God?
And is not Rabbi Toaf also the deceiver and the anti-christ, as St. John wrote? Yet His Holiness Pope John Paul II called him our “elder brother”, and he insolently replied while His Holiness sat in silence that:
“The return of the Jewish people to its land must be recognized as unrenounceable good, and the recognition of Israel in its irreplaceable role in the plan of final redemption promised by God cannot be denied”.
………………. On 24 July, 1980 His Holiness Pope John II stated the following:
“From the word of Jesus we know our eternal destiny: only Jesus with his divine word can assure us absolutely concerning the immortality of the soul and the final resurrection of the body…”
So why did His Holiness sit and listen in silence to that blasphemous drivel that was being spouted by the Rabbi in his den, the den of the antichrist?
And the Moslem Palestinians, also truly believe in the advent of Christ in the flesh, and of his birth by the Virgin Mary, as is written in their Holy Book, the Qur’an:
“And when the angels said: O Maryam (Mary)! God has chosen you and purified you, and has chosen you above all the women of creation. O Mary! Be obedient to your Lord, prostrate yourself and bow with those who bow in worship. This is of the news of things hidden. We reveal it to you (Mohammad). You were not present with them when they threw their pens (to know ) which of them should be the guardian of Mary, nor were you present with them when they quarreled (about it). The angels said: O Maryam (Mary)! God gives you glad tidings of a word from Him, his name is the Messiah, (Christ),Jesus, the son of Mary, held in honor in the world and the hereafter and of the nearest to God. He will speak to mankind in his cradle and in his manhood, and he is of the righteous. She said: My Lord! How can I have a child when no mortal has touched me? He said: So it will be. God creates what He will If He decrees a thing, He says to it only: Be! And it is. And He will teach him the Book and the wisdom, and the Torah and the Gospel. And will make him a messenger to the Children of Israel, saying: I come to you with a sign from your Lord. See! I fashion for you out of clay the likeness of a bird, and I breathe into it and it is a bird, by God’s leave. I heal him who was born blind, and the leper, and I raise the dead, by God’s leave. And I announce to you what you eat and what you store up in your houses. Here truly is a portent for you, if you are to be believers. And I come confirming what was before me of the Torah, and to make lawful some of what was forbidden to you. I come to you with a sign from your Lord, so keep your duty to God and obey me. God is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him. That is a straight path. But when Jesus became conscious of their disbelief, he cried; Who will be my helpers in the cause of God? The disciples said: We will be God’s helpers. We believe in God and bear you witness that we have surrendered to Him. Our Lord! We believe in what You have revealed and we follow him whom You have sent. Enroll us among those who witness (to the Truth).
And the Moslem Palestinians, as the other 1.3 billion Moslems of the world, also believe through attested and confirmed sayings of their Prophet Mohammad, that Christ, who was ascended to God unto Heaven as recorded in their Holy Book, the Qur’an, will come back to the Holy Land to spread peace and justice to the whole world:
“And God said: O Jesus! I am causing you die, and lifting you up to Me, and cleansing you of those who blasphemed, and making those who follow you above those who blasphemed, until the day of Resurrection when I shall judge..”
And in accordance with firm Islamic belief, the Ka’aba, the holiest shrine in Islam, which is in Mecca, was originally built by Abraham and his first son Ishmael on orders of God. And the Moslems all over the world turn to it when in prayers, five times a day in honor of God and in tribute to Abraham, the ”beloved” of God. And there you can hear almost daily the recitations of many verses of the Holy Qur’an describing the Immaculate Conception and the birth of Christ of the Virgin Mary, whom “God chose above all women of creation,” as is written in their Holy Qura’n. And the same verses are recited in every mosque in the world, and in the Mosque of Omar and the Al-Aqsa mosque, in Jerusalem which the anti-christ is plotting to occupy and blow up so that it can build its temple where the blood of bulls, goats and pigeons would flow continuously … An where the mention of the name of Christ will be silenced forever….
Therefore, the Mosque of Omar and the Al-Aqsa Mosque are in reality temples for the worship of God, the God of Abraham, the God of Moses, the God of Christ, and the God of Mohammad, and were built in the area where garbage and other filth was dumped. The area was cleansed and sanctified by the Moslem Arabs when they occupied Jerusalem in 647 A. D. under the leadership of the Khalifah (Caliph) Omar Ben Al Khatab, who started the cleaning process with his own hands. And Omar entered Jerusalem, which was named by the Romans at that time, Aelia Capitolina, after he gave its inhabitants the following written promise:
“This is what Omar gives under his seal to the people of Aelia: He gives them security for themselves and their property, for their churches and crosses, for their sick and their healthy, and for the entire religious (Christian) community of the city that their churches will not be inhabited or destroyed, that nothing will be taken from them or their domain, or from their crosses or the possessions of the inhabitants, and that they will not be forced to change their religion and that they will not be harmed…”
And Omar was touring around the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, when the time for noon Moslem prayers arrived, and the Christian Patriarch asked him to pray in the yard of the church. But Omar declined ,saying, “If I pray where you indicated, I am afraid that my followers after my death will build a mosque there”. And he walked far away to pray. And the Church remains intact to this day!
Even when Saladin the Great re-conquered Jerusalem in 1187 A.D. from the Crusaders, who had massacred almost all of the Moslem and Jewish population when they occupied it from the Moslems in 1099 A.D. and turned the Al-Aqsa Mosque into a stable for the horses of their Knights, and the Mosque of Omar into a church, he spared all the Christian population, as the Khalifah Omar had done, and he did not confiscate or desecrate a single church, and did not bring down a single cross. But he turned the Mosque of Omar and the Al-Aqsa Mosque back into their original condition
And now may we again remind you, the Christians of the world, of the fateful meeting which took place between HisHoliness Pope (Saint) Pius X and Theodor Herzl, the “Spiritual Father” of the State of Israel, in the Vatican on January 26, 1904, when Herzl went there to try to convince Pope Pius X to accept and endorse his plan for the establishment of a Jewish State in Palestine, with Jerusalem as its capital. After Herzl described his plan, His Holiness vehemently refused, as described previously above…
But the “Zionist Jews” , the multitude of the anti-christ, convinced that great Christian nation, “Great Britain” to sell them Palestine, the Holy land, as described above, and they descended on us and our Land and blew up our churches, mosques and villages and grave yards, and they established godless kibbutzes on top of them, and one of our villages, Ikret, a Christian Arab village in upper Galilee was blown up on Christmas Day, 1952, and they even stole the bell of its church and used it to call those of them who worked and still work, on our stolen fields, orchards, and vineyards, to mealtimes!
And perhaps, His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, and other clergy will say mass and offer prayers every year in commemoration of the Czechoslovakian village of Lidice which was blown up by the Nazis in 1942, and they killed 187 men of its inhabitants. But why don’t they say mass and offer prayers in commemoration of the 394 of our villages and towns which were blown up and wiped off the face of the earth, (see Appendix 1) and for the thousands of our people, innocent men, women and children, who were murdered in cold blood , and for the hundreds of thousands who were despoiled and driven off to live as destitute refugees in and out of their Holy Land?
Did the silence of Holiness, Pope John Paul II, about Rabi Toaf’s statement that “the return of the Jewish people to its land must be recognized as an unpronounceable good”, mean that he agreed that those who descended on our holy land and despoiled and murdered us, have done, and are doing, an “unrenounceable good” by their despicable acts?!
And we respectfully ask His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI if he would be asked to meet with Rabbi Toaf, or others of the multitude of the anti-christ, to discuss their plans for the final despoilment and eviction of the three million of our people who still remain in their Holy Land, to allow for the full “return” of the “Jewish people to its land ”, thus bringing on the final solution of the Palestinian problem which shall then be completely implemented in accordance with the explicit instructions of Theodore Herzl, the “Spiritual Father” of the State of Israel, in his pamphlet, “THE JEWISH STATE”:
“Supposing for example, we were obliged to clear a country of wild beasts, we should not set about the task in the fashion of Europeans of the Fifth century. We should not take spear and lance and go out singly in pursuit of bears; we should organize a large and lively hunting party, drive the animals together, and throw a melinite bomb in their midst…” (emphasis added)
We are the wild beasts, the bears, and the animals Theodore Herzl referred to in his pamphlet, for they called us and are still calling us animals, pigs, barbarian, terrorists, etc, etc., and when they interrogate us in our Holy Land, they treat us like animals, even call us cockroaches to be stomped upon and eradicated; we the real descendants of Abraham by flesh, faith, and promise, who await the return of Christ…
“…What the Israelis did, in fact was to destroy most of the Palestinian villages. Prior to the Zionist seizure of Palestine in 1948 and the establishment of the state, an industrious Palestinian community lived in developed cities and villages scattered throughout the country
And the plans of the anti-christ were fully revealed when Dr. Ayre Alkman, leader of the Labor Party (Herut), in the Knesset (the Israeli Parliament) stated on July 29, 1951 as follows:
“The rallying of scattered Jews means the concentration of five million Jews in Israel over a period of ten years. This cannot be accomplished within the economic potentialities of Israel. Thus the rallying operations call for a foreign policy aimed at the liberation of the entire land of Israel”
And in 1967, after the Israelis occupied the West Bank territory they began with more of their crimes against humanity:
“Ever since the beginning of the Israeli occupation (of the West Bank and the Gaza strip), in1967, collective punishment has been a principle of wide application-blowing up houses, taking of hostages, expulsion of Palestinian leaders and notables, curfew, etc. The man personally responsible for the Israeli policies in the occupied territories is Defense Minister Moshe Dayan. When asked by Knesset member Uri Avneri, “Is the Minister of Defense acting in such cases according to principles of collective responsibility of the whole family for one of its members? ”Minister Dayan answered, “Yes”.
U.N. Special Committee on Human Rights in the occupied Territories, U.N. Document a/8089x VI, P.5
“We must hit, hit and hit them incessantly We must hit them everywhere: in the country… and overseas. We must not act against them after they hit us, but everyday and everywhere…Suddenly someone disappears there, someone is found dead here and somewhere else someone is found stabbed to death in a European night club”. Interview with Ariel Sharon, Yediot Aharonot,26 May, 1974.
“14-15 October 1953, the villages of Qibya, Shuqba and Budrus (Jordan) were attacked by the Israeli army, during which 75 of the inhabitants-men, women and children-were killed, and the villages completely demolished. Israel was “censured” in the strongest terms by the Security Council. An editorial in Sign Magazine (A Catholic publication in the U.S.A.), December, 1953 said quoting Father Ralf Gorman, an American Catholic Priest who spent many years in Jerusalem.
Professor Porath (Ha’aretz, 25 June, 1982) Writing a commentary on Israeli’s invasion of Lebanon
And if these murderers and robbers claim descent from Abraham, then we shall recite the true words of Christ from the Holy Book:
“They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our father. Jesus saith unto them, “If ye were Abraham’s Children, ye would do the works of Abraham, but now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard from God: this did not Abraham. Ye do the deeds of your father. Then said they to him, We were not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God. Jesus said unto them. If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came forth from God; neither came I of myself, but He sent me. Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word. Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode nothing with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own, for he is a liar and the father of it. And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not. Which of you convinceth me of sin? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me? He that is of God heareth God’s words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God”.
JOHN 8: 39-47
And if these murderers and robbers claim belief in Moses and his writings, then we shall quote to them and to you the true words of Christ from the Bible:
“But I know you, that ye have not the love of God in you. I am come in my father’s name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive. How can ye believe, which receive honor one of another and seek not the honor that cometh from God only? Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father; there is one that accuseth you, even Moses, in whom ye trust. For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me. But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my words?”
JOHN 5: 42-47
No! These alien murderers and robbers who have, and continue to despoil us are neither of the seed of Abraham nor believe in the true writings of Moses. They are in fact of their father Satan, and of the antichrist.
And now, may we quote to you the words of a real Jewish rabbi, a true man of God:
“We in the Holy Land find ourselves in an unfortunate position, both materially and spiritually. Materially, we are against our will included in an independent, nationalistic state labeled Jewish, whose entire foundation and ways are opposed to our faith. Our sages warned us against such a phenomenon two thousand years ago. The state has, since its establishment, been in a constant state of war and bloodshed. Jewery has always lived in peace with its Arab neighbors, and we are certain that we could have continued living in the Holy Land in peace with our Arab neighbors. We decry bitterly the bloodshed of these wars, diametrically opposed to our will and our faith. We look forward with trepidation and horror to the future predicted by our sages for this independent state.
(Rabbi Amram Blau, Jewish Journal,19 April 1974)
………… And we say, may God forgive His Holiness Pope John Paul II for remaining silent in the den of the anti-christ.
And the Christian Palestinians pray thusly:
“After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
MATTHEW 6: 9-13
And the Moslem Palestinians pray thusly:
“In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful. Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, The Compassionate, the Merciful. Owner of the Day of Judgment. Thee we worship, and of Thee we seek help. Give us the gift of the straight path, The path for whom thou hast favored; Not of those who earn thine anger, Nor of those who go astray. Amen.”
………….. Finally, may we, the Palestinian People, the real seed of Abraham by flesh, faith, and promise, remind those you, who claim to be Christians, and who in their ignorance support the multitude of the anti-christ, who are out to completely destroy us and desecrate our Holy Land, and making it their infernal headquarters, thus forgetting or ignoring the true words of the Bible:
“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers; for what fellowship hath righteousness and iniquity; for what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with and infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them and walk in them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, from them, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, and will be a father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty”.
2 CORINTHIANS 6: 14-18
And: “Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of concision, For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh.”
And these people of “Israel”, who call themselves “Jews “, and are not, but are as described in The Holy Scriptures:
“As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one. Their throat is an open sepulcher; with their tongues they have used deceit. The poison of asps is under their lips: Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness: Their feet are swift to shed blood: Destruction and misery are in their ways: And the way of peace have they not known: There is no fear of God before their eyes.”
ROMANS 3: 10-18
And to all Christians we say:
We, the Palestinian People, the real seed of Abraham by flesh, faith and promise, ask and beseech you to stop all aid to the anti-christ, and to come to our rescue and comfort, FOR WE, THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE,ARE THE REAL CHOSEN PEOPLE OF GOD, AND AWAIT THE RETURN OF CHRIST…
The List of the 394 Defenseless Palestinian Villages and Towns Which Were Obliterated And their Lands Stolen by the Zionist Jews Since 1948
And “Great” Britain, in 1948, abandoned Palestine and the Palestinians, the people of God, the real seed of Abraham, whom they had been entrusted by the League of Nations, to protect, to a horde of modern day alien marauders, who descended on that defenseless land and people. And the following is a list of the 394 villages and towns obliterated, and its innocent, God-worshipping inhabitants, men, women and children murdered or scattered, and who together with their progeny still live in refugee camps in and out of Palestine, their Holy Land, deprived and oppressed, while their despoilers brought and are still bringing in more alien barbarians from all over the world to take over their stolen lands and farms…..
“The truth about Arab settlements which used to exist in the area of the State of Israel before 1948, is one of the most guarded secrets of Israeli life. No publication, book or pamphlet gives either their number or their location. This of course is done on purpose, so that the accepted official myth of “an empty country” can be taught and accepted in the Israeli schools and told to the visitors.
their houses, garden-walls, and even cemeteries and tombstones, so that literally a stone does not remain standing, and visitors are passing and being told that “it was all desert”.
Arab Villages Destroyed in Israel
A Report. December 2, 1973. A report by Israel Shahak* __________________________________________________________
“We came to this country which was already populated by Arabs, and we are establishing a Hebrew, that is a Jewish state here. In considerable areas of the country we bought the lands from the Arabs. Jewish villages were built in the place of Arab villages. You do not even know the names of these Arab villages, and I don’t blame you, because these geography books no longer exist, the Arab villages are not there either. Nahalal rose in the place of Mahalul, kibbutz Gevatin place of Jibta, kibbutz Sarid-in the place of Haneifs and Kefir Yehoshua-in place of Tell Shaman. There is no one single place built in this country that did not have a former Arab population…”
Address to students of Technion, Haifa By Moshe Dayan (former defense minister) Reported in Ha-aretz newspaper on April 4, 1969
And the following is the list of the names, locations, populations (in 1945), and areas of the cultivated lands of the 394 Palestinian villages and towns which were obliterated by the Zionist Jews since 1948, and The names of some of the Jewish settlements which were established on top of those villages and their stolen lands.
1. ABEL AL QAMH located 33 kms. NNE of Safad. Population 330 innocent God-worshipping souls Obliterated in 1948, and the Jewish settlement of YUVAL was established on its stolen lands of 3,315 dunums* (*one dunum equals 1,000 square meters).
2. ABU ZURAIQ located 23 kms. SE of Haifa. population: 550 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 6,493 dunums were stolen.
3. ABU SHOUSHAH located 8 kms. S of Ramlah. Population: 870 innocent, God-Worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the Jewish settlement of BET UZIEL was established on its stolen lands of 3,326 dunums.
4. ABU SHOUSHAH located 5 kms. NNW of Tiberius near lake shore Population: 1,240 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its stolen lands of 9,000 dunums were added to the lands of the Jewish kibbutz Ginnosar.
5. ABU SHOUSHAH located 25 kms. SE of Haifa. Population: 720 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 8,960 dunums were stolen and added to the lands of Jewish settlement of MISHMAR HA’EMEQ.
6. ABU AL FADL located 12 kms. NW of Ramlah. Population: 510 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948,and on its stolen lands of 2,870 dunums, the Jewish settlements of NAHALAT YEHUDA and NETA’IM were established.
7. IJZEN located 28 kms. South of Haifa. Population: 2,970 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and moshaf KEREM MAHARAL was established on its 46,905 dunums of stolen land.
8. & 9. IJLEEL-north and south, located 14 kms. NE of Jaffa. Population: 470 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and GELILOT settlement was established on their stolen lands of 17,657 dunums. Its lands are now incorporated as a suburb of HERZLIYYA.
10. IDHNIBBAH located 50kms. S of Jaffa. Population: 490 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the Jewish settlement of HARUVIT was established on its stolen lands of 7,103 dunums.
11. ASDOUD located 40 kms. NNE of Gaza. Population: 4,630 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the Jewish town and port of ASDOD was established on its stolen lands of 45,871 dunums.
12. ALASHRAFIYAH located SW of Beisan. Population: 230 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and its lands of 5,200 dunums were stolen.
13. ESHOA located 27 kms.W of Jerusalem. Population.: 620 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the two settlements of HARTOUF and ESHTA’OL were established on its stolen lands of 5,522 dunums.
14. IKRET located NE of Acre near the Lebanese border. Population; 500 innocent, God-worshipping souls who were forced to evacuate their village in 1948. All the village buildings were blown up on Christmas day, 1952, and all its land of 24,722 dunums were stolen. All the village people were Maronite Catholics.
15. UMMKHALED located 14 kms. W of Tulkarem on the Mediterranean Sea. Population: 970 innocent, God-worshipping souls. The village lands of 2,894 dunums were stolen and incorporated into the Jewish city of NETANYA after the village was blown up in 1948.
16. UMM AL ZAYNAT located 27 kms. SE of Haifa. Population: 1,470 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliteratd in 1948, and its lands of 7,426 dunums wee stolen.
18. UMM AL AMAD located 25 kms. South of Beisan. Population; 260 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 5,313 dunums were stolen.
19. UMM AL AMAD located 18 kms. SE of Haifa. Population: 265 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and moshaf ALLONE’ABBA was established on its stolen lands of 9,123 dunums.
20. UMM AL FARAJ located 3 kms. north of Acre. Population: 800 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948,and BEN AMMI settlement was established on top of its stolen lands of 810 dunums.
21. UMM KALKHAH located 13 kms. south of Ramlah. Population: 60 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 12,444 dunums were stolen.
22. ENDOR located 22 kms. SE of Nazareth. Population: 620 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated on December 31, 1949, and its lands of 12,444 dunums were stolen, and ENDOR settlement was established on these stolen lands.
23. BARBARAH located 21 kms. NE of Gaza. Population: 2,410 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948,and MAYQIM settlement was established on its stolen lands of 13,444 dunums.
24. AL BURJ located 3 kms. NW of Ramlah. population; 480 innocent,God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 4,708 dunums were stolen.
25. BARFIELIAH located 7 kms.SE of Ramlah. Population: 730 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 7,134 dunums were stolen.
26. BURQUAH located 48 kms. NE of Gaza. Population: 890 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and GAN YAVNE settlement was established on its stolen lands of 5,010 dunums.
27. BRAQUOUSIA located 25 kms. NW of Hebron. Population: 330 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 3,216 dunums were stolen.
28. AL BIRWAH located 9 kms. East of Acre. Jpopulation: 1,460 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and AHIHUD settlement was established on its stolen lands of 13,383 dunums.
29. AL BURAIJ located 25 kms. WSW of Jerusalem. population: 720 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 19,080 dunums were stolen.
30. BOURAIR located 21 kms. NE of Gaza. Population: 2,749 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlements of HELEZ, ZOHAR BEROR HAYIL and TELAMIM were established on its stolen lands of 45,000 dunums.
31. AL BURAIKAH located 39 kms. South of Haifa. population: 290 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 2,900 dunums wee stolen.
32. AL BARRIAH located 6 kms. SE of Ramlah. Population: 510 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and moshaf AZARYA was established on its stolen lands of 2,831 dunums.
33. AL BASHTEWAH located 5 kms. NE of Beisan. Population: innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and NEWEUR settlement was established on its stolen lands of 18,500 dunums.
34. BASHIT located 18 kms. SW of Ramlah. Population: 1,620 innocent, God worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and BENAYA, ASERET and other settlements were established on its stolen lands of 18,553 dunums.
35. AL BASSAH located near the Lebanese border and Mediterranean Sea. Population: 4,000 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated with its two churches in 1948, and nahal BEZET established on its stolen lands of 25,258 dunums.
36. EAST BATANI located 54 kms. NE of Gaza. population: 650 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and OROT settlement was established on its stolen lands of 5,764 dunums.
37. WEST BATANI located 52 kms. NE of Gaza. Population: 980 innocent God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and AZRIQAM settlement was established on its stolen ands of 4,574 dunums.
38. AL BUTAIMAT located 34 kms. SE of Haifa. population: 110 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 4,320 dunums were stolen.
39. BILIN located 49 kms. NE of Gaza Population: 180 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 7,500 dunums were stolen.
40. BALAD AL SHIEKH located 5 kms. SE of Haifa. Population: 4,120 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 9,230 dunums were stolen and divided between Haifa and NESHER settlement.
41. AL BUWAIZIYAH located 30 kms. NE of Safad. Population: 510 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 14,620 dunums were stolen.
42. BYAR ADAS locatd 15 kms. NE of Jaffa. Obliterated in 1948 after massacring most of the population of 300 innocent, God- worshipping souls. The settlement of GAN HAYYIM was established on its stolen lands of 5,372 dunums.
43. BEIT UMM AL MEES located 10 kms. west of Jerusalem. Population: 70 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 10,013 dunums were stolen and the settlement of RAMAT RAZIEL was established on these lands.
44. BEIT THOUL located 20 kms. WNW of Jerusalem. Population: 26 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 4,429 dunums were stolen.
45. BEIT JIBREEN located 26 kms. NW of Hebron. Population: 2,430 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and BET GUVRIN settlement was established on its stolen lands of 56,,185 dunums.
46. BEIT JEEZ located 15 kms. SSE of Ramlah. Population; 550 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of HAR’EL was established on its stolen lands of 8,357 dunums.
47. BEIT DARA located 36 kms. NE of Gaza. Population: 2,750 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 after massacring many of its inhabitants, and the settlements of GIVATI and OROT were established on its stolen lands of 16,357 dunum.
48. BEIT DAJAN located 10 kms. SE of Jaffa. Population: 3,840 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of BET DAGAN was established on its stolen lands of 17,267 dunums.
49. BEIT SOUSEEN located 26 kms. west of Jerusalem. Population: 210 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and moshaf ZOR’A was established on its stolen lands of 6,481 dunums.
50. BEIT JERAJA located 15 kms. NE of Gaza. Population; 940 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 8,350 dunums were stolen.
51. BEIT SHANNAH located 10 kms. SE of Ramlah. population: 210 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and its lands of 3,617 dunums were stolen.
52. BEIT TIMAH located 23 kms. NE of Gaza, near Hulagat oil field. Population: 1,060 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and its lands of 11,032 dunums were stolen.
53. BEIT ITABL located 15 kms. SW of Jerusalem. Population: 540 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlements of NES HARIM and BAR and BAR GIYYORIA were established on its stolen lands of 8,757 dunums.
54. BEIT AFFAH located 30 kms. NE of Gaza. Population; 700 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement, of YAD NATAN was established on its stolen lands of 5,808 dunums.
55. BEIT MAHSIR located 20 kms. West of Jerusalem. Population: 2,400 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of BEIT ME’IR was established in its stolen lands of 16,268 dunums.
56. BEIT NABALA located 15 kms. NE of Ramlah. Population: innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 15,051 dunums were stolen.
57. BEIT NATTIEF located 25 kms. NW of Hebron. Population: 2,150 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlements of HALAMED, ZANOAL, and AVI’EZER were established on its stolen lands of 44,587 dunums.
58. BEIT NAQOUBA located 13 kms. NW of Jerusalem. population: 240 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948,and the settlement of BEIT DUQQU’ was established on its stolen lands of 2,010 dunums.
59. BEIT NOUBA located 23 kms. SE of Ramlah. population: 1,350 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Occupied and obliterated in 1967, and army camps were established on its stolen lands of 11,400 dunums.
60. BEER SALEM located 4 kms. West of Ramlah. Population: 410 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of NES ZIYYONA was established on its stolen lands of 3,401 dunums.
61. BEER AL SABA’A the BE’ER SHAVA of today, occupied by the Jews on October 21, 1948, and its population of 5,570 innocents, God-worshipping souls were evicted and Jewish settlers stole their homes and lands.
62. BEER MOU’IN located 3 kms. ESE of Ramlah. Population: 510 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 9,319 dunums were stolen.
63. AL BIRAH located north of Beisan near oil pope line coning from Iraq. Population: 260 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 6,866 dunums were stolen.
64. BIRIAH located just north of Safad. Population: 240 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 5,479 dunums were stolen.
65. BIESAN town located 35 kms. south of lake Tiberius. Population: in 1948 were 5,180 innocent, God-worshipping Palestinians and 20 Jews. In December, 5, 1948 the town was occupied by Jewish forces, and all the Palestinians were evicted and the town partially blown up, then it was rebuilt as the Jewish city of BET SHE’AN on the stolen lands of its Palestinian owners.
66. BAISAMOUN located NE of Safad near the shores of old Lake Houlah. Population: 50 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 2,102 dunums were stolen.
67. TUABSUR located 20 kms. SW of Tulkarem. Population: 125 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 3,300 dunums were stolen and added to the lands of RA’ANANNA settlement.
68. TARBIKHA located 3 kms. North of Acre. Population: 900 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and the settlement of SHAMEERAT was established on its stolen lands of 14,628 dunums.
69. TEL AL TURMUS located 35 kms. NE of Gaza. population: 760 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948,and the settlement of TIMMORINM was established on its stolen lands of 11,508 dunums.
70. TEL AL SHOAK located 3 kms. west of Beisan. Population:: 120 innocent, Go-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 1,020 dunums were souls.
71. TEL AL SAFI located 35 kms. WSW of Jerusalem. Population:: 1,290 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and its lands of 26,500 dunums were stolen.
72. TULAYL located 17 kms. NE of Safad. Population: 170 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated, in 1948 and settlements of YESUD and HA-MA’ALA were established onits stolen ands of 4,020 dunums.
73. AL TAYNAH located 40 kms. South of Jaffa. Population: 750 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 6,035 dunums were stolen.
74. JAHOULA located 14 kms. NE of Safad. Population: 357 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 3,869 dunums were stolen.
75. AL JAOUNAH located 10 kms. East of Safad. Population:: 1,150 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 839 dunums were stolen.
76. JUB YOUSSEF located 4 kms. SE of Safad. Population: 170 innocent, god-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 11,325 dunums were stolen. On its lands today are the pumping installations of the Jordan-Negev pipe line.
77. JABA’A located 21 kms. south of Haifa. Population: 1,140 innocent, God-worshipping souls. The village was bombarded from the air on July 7, 1948, and it was later completely obliterated, and moshaf GEVA KARMEL, and moshaf ZERUFA were established on its stolen lands of 7,012 dunums.
78. JABBOUL located 10 kms. North of Beisan. Population: 250 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and the settlement of BET YOSEF was established on its stolen lands of 15,127 dunums.
79. JIDDEEN located 20 kms. NE of Acre. Population: 1,500 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 7,587 dunums were stolen.
80. JARASH located 28 kms. WSW of Jerusalem. Population: 190 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, ands its lands of 3,518 dunums were stolen.
81. JURAYSHAH located 5 kms. NNE of Jaffa. Population:195 innocent, God-worshiping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its stolen lands of 555 dunums were incorporated into the city of TEL AVIV.
82. JISR AL MAJAME located 15 kms. NE of Beisan. Population:: 250 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and the settlement of GESHER was established on its stolen lands of 500 dunums.
83. AL JUSAYR located 40 kms. NE of Gaza. Population: 1180 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlements of ZAVDI’EL, MENUHA, and NIR BANIM were established on its stolen lands of 12,361 dunums.
84. JIA’ARAH located 37 kms. SE of Haifa. Population: 70 innocent, God-worshipping souls who were forced to leave in 1945. The village was obliterated and its stolen lands were added to kibbutz EN HASHOFET.
85. Al JALADIYA located 40 kms NE OF Gaza. Population: 360 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its stolen lands of 4,329 dunums were incorporated into the settlement of ZERAHYA.
86. AL JALAMAH located 10 kms. NNW of Tulkarem. Population: 70 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and the settlement, of AHITUV was established on its stolen lands of 7,713 dunums.
87. JELYAH located 5 kms. S of Ramlah. Population: 330 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and its lands of 10,347 dunums were stolen.
88. AL JAMMASEEN-East located 7 kms. N of Jaffa. Population: 730 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, ands its stolen lands of 358 dunums were incorporated into TEL AVIV.
89. AL JAMMASEEN-West located 7,5 kms. North of Jaffa. Population 1,080 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its stolen lands of 414 dunums were incorporated into TEL AVIV.
90. AL JAMMAMAH located 39 kms. NNW of Beersheba. Population: 150 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and on its stolen lands of 655 dunums the settlement of RUHAMA was established.
91. JAMZOU located 4 kms. E of Lyddah (Lod). Population: 1,510 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of GIMZO was established on its stolen lands of 9,681 dunums.
92. AL JOURAH/ASQALAN located 25 kms. NE of Gaza. Population; 2,420 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and on its stolen lands of 12,224 dunums the town of ASHQELON was established, also the settlement of AFRIDAR.
93. AL JOURAH/JERUSALEM located 19kms. SW of Jerusalem. Population: 420innocent,God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the two settlements of ORA and AMMINADAV were established on its stolen lands of 4,158 dunums.
94. JOLES located 29 kms. NE of Gaza. Population; 1,030 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and the settlement of of HODIYYA was established on its stolen lands of 13,584 dunums.
95. AL JIYYAH located 20 kms. NE of Gaza. Population: 1,030 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlements of GE’A,TALME YAFE and BET SHIQMA were established on its stolen lands of 8,506 dunums.
96. HATTA located 30 kms. NE of Gaza. Population: 970 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of REWAHA was established on its stolen lands of 5,305 dunums.
97. HADATHAH located 5 kms. NW of Lake Tiberius. Population: 520 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 10,340 dunums were stolen.
98. AL HADITHAH located 10 kms.NE of Ramlah. Population: 760 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of HADID was established on its stolen lands of 7,110 dunums.
99. AL HARAM located 18 kms. NNE of Jaffa. Population: 520 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and RESHEF, a suburb of HERZLIYYAH was established on its stolen lands of 4,030 dunums.
100. AL HUSSEINIYAH located 12 kms. NE of Safad. Population: 170 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and the settlement of HULATA was established on its stolen lands of 2,150 dunums.
101. HITTIN located 9 kms. west of Toberius. population: 1,190 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and the settlement of KEFARZETIM was established on its stolen lands of 22, 764 dunums.
102. HOULAYQAT located 25 kms.NE of Gaza. Population: 420 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of HELEZ was established on its stolen lands of 7,063 dunus.
103. HAMAMAH located 31 kms. NE of Gaza. Population: 5,010 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlements of NIZZANIM and BET EZRA were established on its stolen lands of 41,366 dunums.
104. AL HAMRA’A located 10 kms. S of Beisan. Population; 730 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlements of TIRAT ZEVI and SEDE ELIYYAHU were established on its stolen lands of 9,055 dunums.
105. AL HIMMAH allocated on the Yarmuk river, 22 kms S of Tiberius. Population: 290 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1951, and its lands of 1,692 dunusm were stolen.
106. AL HAMIDIYAH LOCATED 3 KMS. N OF Beisan. Population: 220 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement, of HAMADYA was established on its stolen lands of 9,932 dunums.
107. HAIFA located on Mediterranean see. population included 70,000 Palestinian innocent, God-worshipping souls who were mostly evicted in 1948 from their homes after threats to kill them. All their houses and lands were stolen by Jews who settled in them.
108. AL KHALESAH located 40 kms. NNE of Safad. Population: 1,840 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and the town of IRYAT SHEMONA was established on its stolen lands of 11,280 dunums.
109. KHUBBAYZAH located 39 kms.SE of Haifa. Population: 290 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and kibbutz EVEN YIZHAQ was established on its stolen lands of 2,357 dunums.
110. KHIRBAT ABDU ZENAH located on Jordan river where it joins lake Tiberius, SE of Safad. Population: 650 innocent, God- worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 16,690 were stolen.
111. KHIRBAT UMM AL BOURJ located 20 kms. NW of Hebron. Population: 250 innocent, God-worshipping souls Obliterated in 1967, and its lands of 13,083 dunums were stolen.
112. KHIRBAT AL BOUWAYRAH located 10 kms. SE of Ramlah. Population: 190 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 1,150 dunums were stolen.
113. KHIRBAT BEIT FAR located 15 kms. SE of Ramlah. Population: 300 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of ZELAFON established on its stolen lands of 5,604 dunums.
114. KHIRBAT KHURAYSH located 25 kms. ENE of Jaffa. Population: 70 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1949 and the settlement, of YARHIV was established on its stolen lands of 3,655 dunums.
115. KHIRRBAT AL DAMOUN located 13 kms. SSE of Haifa. Population: 340 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and its lands of 2,797 dunums were stolen.
116. KHIRBAT ZAKARIYAL located 25 kms. SE of Jaffa. Population: 200 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 4,538 dunums were stolen.
117. KHIRBAT SHEIKH MOHAMED located 40 kms. NNE of Jaffa. Population: 150 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlements of HOGLA, ELYASHIV,KEFAR VITKIN and HA ROE were established around its stolen lands of 655 dunums.
118. KHIRBAT AL OMOUR located 16 kms. W of Jerusalem. Population: 270 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 3,875 dunums were stolen.
119. KHIRBAT AL QIZAZAH located 2 kms. E of HADERA. Population: 1,000 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 14,837 dunums were stolen and incorporated with HADERA.
120. KHIRBAT LIDD located 35 kms. SE of Haifa. Population: 640 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 3,572 dunums were stolen.
121. KHIRBAT AL LOZ located 14 kms. W of Jerusalem. Population: 450 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliteratedin 1948 and its lands of 4,502 dunums were stolen.
122. KHIRBAT AL LOZ located 20 kms. N of Safad. Population; 174 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its stolen lands of 3,726 dunums were added to the lands of the settlement of RAMOT NAFTALI..
123. KHIRBAT AL WA’ARAH AL SOUDAH located 5 kms. NW of Tiberius. Population; 1,870 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 7,036 dunums were stolen.
124. KHARROUBAH located 2 kms. ESE of Ramlah. Population: 170 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 3,374 dunums were stolen.
125. AL KHISAS located 35 kms. NE of Safad. Population: 530 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement, of HAGOSHERIM was established on its stolen lands of 4,975 dunums.
126. AL KHISAS located 22 kms NE of Gaza. Population: 150 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and its lands of 6,269 dunums were stolen.
127. KHULADAH located 15 kms. S of Ramlah. Population: 280 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and moshaf TELSHAHAR was established on its stolen lands of 9,461 dunums.
128. AL KHALASAH located 15 kms. SW of Beersheeba. Population. Innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948,and the settlement, of RIVIVIM was established on its stolen lands of 345 dunums.
129. AL KHUNAYZEER located 10 kms .SSE of Beisan. Population: 260 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of TIRAT ZEVI was established on its stolen lands of 2,107dunums.
130. KHIYAM AL WALEED located 25 kms. NNE of Safad. Population: 280 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of LAHAVOT HABASHAN was established on its stolen lands of 4,315 dunums.
131. AL KHAYRIYYAH located 8 kms. East of Jaffa. Population: 1,420 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and its lands of 13,646 dunums were stolen.
132. AL KHAYMAH located 20 kms. SE of Ramlah. population: 190 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 13,646 dunums were stolen.
133. DAR AL SHEIKH located 18 kms. WSW of Jerusalem. Population: 220 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and the settlement of NES HARIM was established on its stolen lands of 6,781 dunums.
134. DALLAT AL RAWHA’A located 25 kms. SE of Haifa. Population: 280 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and its lands of 10,008 dunums were stolen.
135. AL DAMOUN located 11 kms. SE of Acre. Population: 1,310 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 19,073 dunums were stolen.
136. DANYAL located 6 kms. East of Ramlah. Population; 410 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of KEFAR DANIYYEL was established on its stolen lands OF 2,808 dunums.
137. Al DARBASHIYYAH located 20 kms. NE of Safad. Population: 310 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and the settlement, of GONEN was established on its stolen lands of 2,883 dunums.
138. AL DARDARAH located 12 kms. SSW of Tulkarem. Population: 145 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1949, and kibbutz EYAL was established on its stolen lands of 3,720 dunums.
139. DALLATAN located 8 kms. North of Safad. Population: 360 innocent God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948,and the settlement of DALTON was established on its stolen lands of 9,074 dunums.
140. AL DALHAMIYAH located 15 kms. SSE of Tiberius on the Jordan river. Population; 390 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its stolen lands of 2,507 dunums were incorporated into the settlement of ASHDOT YAAQOV.
141. DIRMAH located 8 Kms. NE of Gaza. Population; 520 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement, of EREZ was established on its stolen lands of 8,492 dunums.
142. DANNAH located 12 kms. NNW of Beisan. Population: 190 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 6,614 dunums were stolen.
143. AL DAWWARH located 25 kms. NNE of Safad in north Houla plain. Population; 700 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and its lands of 5,470 dunums were stolen.
144. AL DAWWAYIMAH located 25 kms. West of Hebron. Population 3,710 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948,and many of its people who had taken refuge in one of its mosques were massacred. In 1955 the settlement of AMAZYA was established on its stolen lands of 60,585 dunums.
145. DEIR ABAN located 20 kms. W of Jerusalem. Population: 2,100 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of MAHSEYA was established on its stolen lands of 22,748 dunums, in 1950.
146. DEIR ABOU SALAMAH located 5 kms. E of Lod. Population: 60 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 1,195 dunums were stolen.
147. DEIR AYYOUB located 10 kms. SE of Ramlah. Population: 320 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Population was forcibly removed in 1949 and the village obliterated and the settlement of SHAAR HAGAY was established on its stolen lands of 6,028 dunums.
148. DEIR AL DUBBAN located 25 kms. NW of Hebron. Population: 730 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and in 1955 the settlement of LUZIT was established on its stolen lands of 7,784 dunums.
149. DEIR SUNAYD located 12 kms. NE of Gaza. Population: 730 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and the settlements of YAD MORDEKHAY and EREZ were established on its stolen lands of 5,720 dunums.
150. DEIR TARIF located 10 kms. NE of Ramlah. Population: 1750 innocent, God-worshipping souls .Obliterated in 1948, and the settlements of BET A’RIF and KEFAR TRUMAN were established on its stolen lands of 8,756 dunums.
151. DEIR AMR located 18 kms. West of Jerusalem. Population: 50 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Also had agricultural school for Palestinian orphans. Obliterated in 1948,and its lands of 3,072 dunums were stolen.
152. DEIR AL QASSI located 27 kms. NE of Acre. Population: 2,300 innocent, God-worshiping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of ELQOSH was established on its stolen lands of 33,764 dunums.
153. DEIR MUHAYSEN LOCATD 13 KMS. SE of Ramlah. Population: 460 innocent, Go-worshiping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and the settlement of BEQOA was established on its stolen lands of 10,008 dunums.
154. DEIR NAKHAAS located 40 kms. NW of Hebron. Population: 600 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and the settlement of NAHOSHA was established on its stolen lands of 14,476 dunums in 1955.
155. DEIR YASSIN located 4 kms. W of Jerusalem. Population: 600 innocent, God-worshipping souls, over 150 of whom, mainly old men, women and children were massacred in cold blood by Zionist terrorists of the IRGUN and the STERN GANG on 9 April, 1948. The village was obliterated and the settlement, of GIVAT SHAUL was established on its stolen lands of 2,857 dunums.
156. DEIR AL HAWA located 12 kms. SW of Jerusalem. Population: 60 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of NES HARIM was established on its stolen lands of 5,907 dunums in 1950.
157. DAYSHOUM located 14 kms. N of Safad. Population: 590 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and the settlement of DISHON was established on its stolen lands of 23,044 dunums.
158. RAS ABOU AMMAR located 19 kms. SW of Jerusalem .Population: 620 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and its lands of 8,342 dunums were stolen.
159. AL RAS AL AHMAR located 12 kms. N of Safad. Population: 645 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and the settlement of KEREM BEN ZIMRA was established on its stolen lands of 7,934 dunums.
160. R’ANA located 23 kms. NW of Hebron. Population: 190 innocent God-worshiping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 6,925 dunums were stolen.
161. RANTIYYAH located 15 kms.E of Jaffa. Population: 590 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of RINNATYA was established on its stolen lands of 4,389 dunums.
162. AL RUWAYS located 10 kms. SE of Acre. Population: 330 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 1,163 dunums were stolen.
163. ZIRI’IN located 13 kms. North of Jenin. Population: 1,420 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of YIZRE’EL was established on its stolen lands of 22,200 dunums in 1949.
164. ZARNOUQAH located 12 kms. SW of Ramlah . Population: 2,380 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlements of GIV’AT BRENNER and ZARNUQA were established on its stolen lands of 5,545 dunums.
165. ZAKARIYA located 27 kms. NW of Hebron. Population; 1,180 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948,and the settlements of ZEKHARYA and SEDOT MIKHA were established its stolen lands of 15,320 dununms in 1950.
166. ZIKREEN located 25 kms. NW of Hebron. Population: 960 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of KESALON was established on its stolen lands of 17, 195 dunums.
167. ZALAFAH located 8 kms. NNW of Tulkarem. Population: 210 innocent,God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 7,713 dunums were stolen.
168. AL ZANGHARIYYAH located 5 kms. E of Safad. Population: 840 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and the settlement of ELIFELET was established on its stolen lands of 27,918 dunums.
169. AL ZOUQ AL TAHTANI located 30 kms. North of Safad. Population; 1,050 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of BET HILLEL was established on its stolen lands of 11,634 dunums.
170. AL ZOUQ AL FOQANI located 33 kms. North of Safad, near Lebanese border. Population: 150 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1958, and the settlement of MAYAN BARUCH was established on its stolen lands of 1,832 dunums.
171. AL ZAWIYYAH located 20 kms. NE of Safad. Population: 760 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of NE’OT MORDEKHAY was established on its stolen lands of 3,955 dunums.
172. AL ZEEB located 15 kms. North of Acre. Population: 1,910 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of GESHER HAZIW was established on its stolen lands of 12,607 dunums in 1949.
173. ZAYTA located 30 kms. NE of Hebron. Population: 330 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of GAL’ON was established on its stolen lands of 10,490 dunums.
174. AL SAKHENAH located 10 kms. N of Beisan. Population: 530 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of GAN HA SHILOSHA was established on its stolen lands of 6,400 dunums.
175. SARONAH located 5 kms .NE of Jaffa. Population: 800 innocent, god-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 950 dunums were stolen and incorporated into the city of TEL AVIV.
176. SARONAH located 15 kms. West of Jerusalem. Population: 560 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of SHORESH was established on its stolen lands of 10,699 dunums.
177. AL SAFERIYYAH located 11 kms. SE of Jaffa. Population: 3,070 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of ZAFRIYYA was established on its stolen lands of 12,747 dunums.
178. SAQIYAH located 20 kms. ESE of Jaffa. Population: 1,100 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and the settlement of TIRAT YEHUDA was established on its stolen lands of 5,420 dunums.
179. AL SAMERIYYAH located 8 kms. S of Beisan. Population; 250 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 3,873 dunums were stolen.
180. SABALAN located 24 kms. NW of Safad. Population: 70 innocent, God-worshipping souls .Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 1,790 dunums were. stolen.
181. SUHMATA located 17 kms. NE of Acre. Population: 1,130 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of HOSEN was established in 1949 on its stolen lands of 16,921 dunums.
182. SATAF located 12 kms west of Jerusalem. Population: 450 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 3,775 dunums were stolen.
183. SA’ASA’A located 15 kms. NW of Safad. Population: 1,130 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of SASA was established on its stolen lands of 14,796 dunums.
184. SUFLA located 24 kms. WSW of Jerusalem. Population: 60 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 2,061 dunums were stolen.
185. SALBEET located 10 kms. SE of Ramlah. Population: 510 innocent God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and the settlement of SHA’ALVIM was established on its stolen lands of 6,111 dunums in 1951.
186. SALAMAH located 5 kms. E of Jaffa. Population: 6,670 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 6,782 dunums were stolen and became a suburb of Tel Aviv Known as KEFAR SHALEM.
187. SAMAKH located at southern tip of Lake Tiberius. Population: 3,460 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and a holiday village was established on its stolen lands of 18,611 dunums.
188. AL SAMRAH located on SE shore of Lake Tiberius, 2 kms. NE of Samakh. Population: 290 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of HA ON was established on its stolen lands of 12,563 dunums.
189. SIMSEM located 19 kms. NE of Gaza. Population: 1,290 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of GEVAR’AM was established on its stolen lands of 13,797 dunums.
190. AL SAMOU’I located 5 kms. W of Safad. Population: 310 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of KEFAR SHAMMAY was established on its stolen lands of 15,135 dunums.
191. AL SUMAYRIYYAH located 5 kms. N of Acre. Population: 760 innocent, God-worshipping souls .Obliterated in 1948 and its lands of 8,514 dunums were stolen.
192. AL SANBARIYYAH located 28 kms. N of Safad. Population: 130 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 2,532 dunums were stolen.
193. AL SINDIYYANAH located 35kms. S of Haifa. Population: 1,250 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the YA’AR ALLONA reservation was established on its stolen lands of 14,172 dunums. in 1949.
194. AL SAWAFEER-NORTH located 42 kms. NE of Gaza. Population: 680 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of KEFAR WARBURG was established on its stolan lands of 5,861 dunums.
195. AL SAWAFEER-EAST located 41 kms. NE of Gaza. Population: 960innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlements of EN ZURM and MERKAZ SHIPIRA were established on its stolen lands of 13,831 dunums.
196. AL SAWAFEER-WEST located 40 kms, NE of Gaza. Population: 1,030 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of MASS’OUT YIZHAQ was established on its stolen lands of 7,523 dunums.
197. SIREEN located 12 kms. N of Beisan. Population: 810 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and its lands of 3,754 dunums were stolen.
198. AL SHAJARAH located 37 kms. W of Tiberius. Population: 770 innocent God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and its lands o 3,754 dunums were stolen.
199. SHELTA located 15 kms. E of Ramlah. Population: 100 innocent God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948and the settlement of SHILAT was established on its stolen lands of 5,380 dunums.
200. SHOKAH AL TAHTA located 35 kms. NNE of Safad, near Dan. Population: 200 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 2,132 dunums were stolen.
201. AL SHOUNAH located 10 kms. S of Safad. Population: 170 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 3,660 dunums were stoleen.
202. AL SHEIKH HELOU located 38 kms. S of Haifa. Population: 820 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 1,471dunums were stolen.
203. AL SHEIKH MU’ANESS located 5 kms. NNE of Jaffa. Population: 1,930 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 12,500 dunums were stolen and incorporated in 1948, into the city of TEL AVIV.
204. SHAHMAH Located 18 kms. SW of Ramlah. Population: 280 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and moshaf QIDRON was established on its stolen lands of 6,450 dunums.
205. AL SALHIYYAH located 19 kms. NE of Safad. Population: 1,520 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 5,607 dunums were stolen.
206. SABBAREEN located 35 kms. S of Haifa. Population: 1,700 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and moshaf AMMIQAM was established on its stolen lands of 21,500 dunums.
207. SARA’AH located 31 kms. West of Jerusalem. Population: 340 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlements of ZOR’A and TARUM were established on its stolen lands of 4,967 dunums.
208. AL SARAFAND located 25 kms. S of Haifa. Population: 290 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and moshaf ZERUFA was established on its stolen lands of 5,409 dunums.
209. SARAFAND AL KHARAB located 6 kms. west of Ramlah. Population: 840 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its stolen lands of 5,503 dunums were divided among the settlements of BE’ER YAAQOV, BET HANAN, and RISHON LE ZIYYON.
210. SARAFAND AL AMAAR located 4 kms. W of Lod. Population: 1,950 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of NIRZEVI was established on its stolen lands of 13,267 dunums.
211. AL SAFSAAF located 5 kms. NE of Safad. Population: 910 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of SIFSUFA was established on its stolen lands of 7,391 dunums.
212. SAFFOURIYAH locatd 7 kms. N of Nazareth. Population: 4,330 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of ZIPPORI was established on its stolen lands of 55,378 dunums.
213. SALAHAH located 17 kms. NNW of SAFAD, near the Lebanon border. Population: 1,070 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of YIR’ON was established on its stolen lands of 11,735 dunums.
214. SUMMAIL located 49 kms. NE of Gaza. Population: 950 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlements of QEDMA and NAHALA were established on its stolen lands of 19,304 dunums.
215. SOUBA located 10 kms. W of Jerusalem. Population: 620 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and the settlement, of ZOVA was established on its stolen lands of 4,102 dunums.
216. SAYDONUN located 5 kms. SSE of Ramlah. Population: 210 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 4,103 dunums. were stolen.
217. ALTABGHAH located 13 kms. N of Tiberius. Population: 330 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of TABGHAH was established on its stolen lands of 5,389 dunums.
218. TABARIA. The city of Tiberous on the lake of Galilee. In 1948 it had a population of 5,744 Palestinians and 5,566 Jews. All the innocent, God-worshipping Palestinians were expelled from their homes which were stolen and occupied by Jewish immigrants, and all the lands of the Palestinians were also stolen. The city is now known as TEVERYA.
219. TABU’N located 18 kms. SE of Haifa. Population: 239 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of QIRYAT TIV’ON was established on its stolen lands of 70 dunums.
220. AL TANTOURAH located 30 kms. Sof Haifa. Population: 1,490 innocet, god-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and moshaf DOR and kibbutz NA
HSHOLIM were established on its stolen lands of 11,520 dunums. 221. AL TIRAH-BEISAN located 15 kms. NNW of Beisan. Population: 150 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of GAZIT was established on its stolen lands of 10,207 dunums.
222. TIRAT AL LOUZ located 10 kms. S of Haifa. Population: 5,270 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of TIRAT KARMEL was established on its stolen lands of 43,050 dunums.
223. TIRAT DANDAN located 19 kms. ENE of Jaffa. Population: 1,290 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and moshaf TIRAT YEHUDA was established on its stolen lands of 6,956 dunums.
224. TAYTABA located 10 kms. N of Safad Population: 530 innocent God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and its lands of 8,453 dunums. were stolen.
225. AL DHAHIRIYAH AL TAHTA located 3 kms. SW of Safad. Population: 350 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 6,773 dunums were stolen.
226. AL ABBASIYAH located 25 kms. NE of Safad on Banyas river near the Syrian Border. Population; 830 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 15,429 dunums were stolen.
227. A’A QER located 9 kms. SW of Ramlah. Population: 5,000 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and the settlement of QIRYAT EQRON was established on its stolen lands of 13,220 dunums.
228. AL ABBASIYAH located 13 kms. E of Jaffa. Population: 5,650 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of OR YEHUDA was established on its stolen lands of 20,540 dunums.
229. IBDES located 43 kms. NE of Gaza. Population; 540 innocent, God-worshipping souls, most of whom were of Crusader origin. Obliterated in 1948 and its lands of 4,593 dunums were stolen.
230. ABDAH located 50 kms. S of Beersheba. Population: 150 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of SEDE BOQER was established on its stolen lands of 530 dunums.
231. AL UBAYDIYYAH located on the Jordan river near Samakh. South of the lake of Galilee. Population: 870 innocent, God- worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 5,173 dunums were stolen.
232. AJNAJOUL located 15 kms. SE of Ramlah. Population: 140 innocent God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 11,401 dunums were stolen.
233. AJJOUR located 25 kms. NW of Hebron. Population: 3,730 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlements of AGUR, GIV’AT YESHA’YAHU and ZAFRIRIM were established on its stolen lands of 7,539 dunums.
234. IRAQ SOUWEYDAN located 35 kms. NE of Gaza. Population: 660 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlements of NOGAN, SEDE YO’AV and ZAFRIRIM were established on its stolen lands of 58,074 dunums.
235. IRAQ AL MANSHIYYAH locatd 49 kms. NE of Gaza. Population: 2,800 innocent, God-worshippingsouls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlements of GAT, QIRYAT GAT, SEDE MOSHE and SHAHAR were edtablished on its stolen lands of 13,200 dunums.
236. ARAB ABOU KISHK located 21 kms. NE of Jaffa. Population: 1,900 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of SHMON NAVE HADAR was established on its stolen lands of 17,370 dunums.
237. FARAB AL BAWATI in the plain of Beisan, south of Lake of Galilee. Population: 520 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 9,235 dunums were stolen.
238. ARAB AL SAMMAKIYAH located 14 kms. NE of Tiberius. Population: 330 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 10,526 dunums were stolen.
239. ARAB AL SAWALIMAH located 16 kms. NE of Jaffa. Population: 800 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and the settlement of RAMAT HAYYAL was established on its stolen lands of 5,942 dunums.
240. ARAB AL SHAMALINAH located 24 kms. SE of Safad. Population: 650 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1951 and its lands of 16,690 dunums which were in the demilitarized zone were stolen.
241. ARAB AL SAFA located 10 kms. SE of Beisan. Population: 650 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 12,518 dunums were stolen.
242. ARAB AL ARIDAH located 9 kms. SSE of Beisan. Population: 150 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of SEDE ELIYYAHU was established on its stolen lands of 2,280 dunums.
243. ARAB AL NUFAY’AT located 50 kms. S of Haifa. Population: 820 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of GIV’AT OLGA was established on its stolen lands of 1,250 dunums.
244. ARTOUF located 36 kms. West of Jerusalem. Population: 350 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and its lands of 403 dunums were stolen.
245. AZEEZIYAT located 31 kms. NNE of Safad. Population: 390 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and its lands of 409 dunums were stolen.
246. ASLOUJ located 30 kms. S of Beersheba. Population: 500 innocent, God-worshipping souls, semi-nomadic, and lands around it used for barley growing. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlements of MASH’ABBE SADE ANDREVIVIM were established on its stolen lands.
247. ISLEEN located 28 kms west of Jerusalem. Population: 260 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of ESHTA’OL was established on its stolen lands of 2,159 dunums.
248. AQOUR located 20 kms. SW of Jerusalem. Population: 40 innocent, God-worshiping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 5,522 dunums were stolen.
249. A’LAAR located 20 kms. W of Bethlehem. Population: 440 innocent God-worshipping souls Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of MATTA’ was established on its stolen lands of 12,356 dunums.
250. ALMA located 10 kms. North of Safad. population: 950 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of ALMA was established on its stolen lands of 19,747 dunums.
251. AL ULMANIYYAH located 23 kms. NE of Safad. Population: 260nocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 1,169 dunums were stolen.
252. IMWAS located 28 kms. WSW of Jerusalem. Population: 1,450 innocent, God-worshipping souls. In 1948 its lands of 5,151 dunums were stolen as part of Israel, but the village was in Jordan territory. In 1967 the Israelis occupied the village then obliterated it and drove its people away.
253. AMMOUQAH located 6 kms. NE of Safad. population: 140 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 2,574 dunums were stolen.
254. ANNABAH located 30 kms. SE of Jaffa. Population: 1,420 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of KEFAR SHEMU’EL was established on its stolen lands of 12,836 dunums.
255. AWJA AL HAFIR located 74 kms. SW of Beersheba. Population: 255 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of QEZI’OT was established on its stolen lands in 1953.
256. OLAM located 26 kms. SW of Tiberius. Population: 720 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 11,000 dunums were stolen.
257. EIN HASAB located 36 kms. South of Dead Sea. Population: 145 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of EN HAZEVA was established on its stolen lands.
258. EIN HAWD located 17 kms. South of Haifa. Population: 650 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and the settlements of EN HOD and NIR EZYON were established on its stolen lands of 12,605 dunums.
259. EIN AL ZYTOUN located 4 kms. North of Safad. Population: 820 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated on 6,1948 and many of its people were massacred. The settlement of EN ZETIM was then established on its stolen lands of 1,100 dunums.
260. EIN GHAZAL located 25 kms. south of Haifa. Population: 3,500 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of EN AYYALA was established on its stolen lands of 18,000 dunums.
261. EIN KAAREM located 8 kms. W of Jerusalem. Population: 3,900 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and ZUR HADASSA hospital complex was established on its stolen lands of 15,029 dunums.
262. GHABAT AL ABABISHAH located 15 kms. NNE of Jaffa. Population: 150 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and the settlements of KEFAR SHEMARYAHU and RISHIPON were established on its stolen lands of 2,442 dunums.
263. GHABAT KUFR SOUR located 17 kms. WSW fo Tulkarem. Population: 740 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlements of BET YEHOSHUA, TEL YIZHAQ and KFAR NETR were established on its stolen lands of 19,666 dunums.
264. AL GHABISIYYAH located 15.5 kms. NE of Acre. Population: 690 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of NATIR HA SHAYYARA was established on its stolen lands of 4,025 dunums.
265. SHEIKH DAOUD located 15 kms.NE of Acre. Population: 300 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 4,661 dunums were stolen.
266. GHABBATIYAH located 17 kms. NW of Safad. Population: 60 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and its lands of 2,933 dunums were stolen.
267. AL GHUBAYYAH/LOWER located 24 kms. SE Of Haifa. Population: 325 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 4,180 dunums were stolen and added to the lands of kibbutz MISHMAR HA’EMEQ.
268. AL GHUBAYYAH/upper located 24.4 kms. SE of Haifa. Population: 150 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and its lands of 2,065 dunums were stolen.
269. AL NAGHNAGHIYYAH located 25 kms. SE of Haifa. Population: 693 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 5,869 dunums were stolen.
270. GHURABAH located 26 kms. NE of Safad. Population: 200 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and kibbutz ZONEN was established on its stolen lands of 2,950 dunums.
271. AL GHAZZAWIYYAH located 4 kms. East of Beisan. Population: 1,020 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and on its stolen lands of 11,200 dunums which extended to the Jordan river, the settlement of MA’OZHAYYIM was established.
272. FARAH located 13 kms. NW of Safad. Population: innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 7,229 dunums were stolen.
273. AL FATOUR located 9 kms. S of Beisan. Population: 110 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 729 dunums were stolen.
274. AL FALOUJAH located 30 kms. ENE of Gaza. Population: 4,670 innocent, God worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlements of QIRYAT GAT and NIR HEN were established on its stolen lands of 38,038 dunums.
275. FAJJAH located 15 kms. NE of Jaffa. Population: 1,200 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and on its stolen lands was built the eastern suburb of PITAH TIKWA.
276. FARRADIYYAH located 10 kms. SW of Safad. Population: 670 innocent, God-worshipping souls of whom 100 were massacred when the Jews occupied it in 1948. Obliterated in 1948, and on its stolen lands of 18,747 dunums the settlement of PAROD was established.
277. FARDEESYAL located 40 kms. NNE of Jaffa. Population: 20 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and its lands of 1,092 dunums were stolen.
278. FER’EM located 7 kms. NE of Safad. Population: 740 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and on its stolen lands of 2088 dunums, the settlement of HAZOR HA GELITIT was established.
279. FARWANAH located 10 kms. S of Beisan. Population: 330 innocent, god-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and on its stolen lands of 4,996 dunums the settlements of REWAYA, SEDE TERUMOT and REHOV were established.
280. FUTAYS located 17 kms. WNW of Beersheba. Population: 150 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and the settlement, of PATTISH was established on its stolen lands of 1,010 dunums.
281. QAQOUN located 7 kms. NW of Tulkarem. Population: 1,970 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlements of GAN YOSHIYYAH and HA’OGEN were established on its stolen lands of 41,767 dunums.
282. LONIA located 5 kms. NW of Jerusalem. Population: 900 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 4,050 dunums were stolen.
283. AL QIBAB located 10 kms. SE of Ramlah. Population: 1,980 innocent, God-worshiping souls. Obliterated in 1949 after many of its people were massacred, and the settlement, of AYYALON was established on its stolen lands of 12,750 dunums.
284. QABBA’AH located 12 kms. NE of Safad. Population: 460 innocent, god-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and its lands of 13,817 dunums were stolen.
285. AL QABOU located 18 kms. SW of Jerusalem. Population: 260 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and its lands of 3,806 dunums were stolen.
286. AL QUBAYBAH located 27 kms. West of Hebron. Population: 1,060 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement, of LAKHISH located 12 kms. WSW of Ramlah. Population: 1,720 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and the settlement, of KEFAR HANAGID was established on its stolen lands of 11,912 dunums.
287. AL QUBAYBAH located 12 kms. WSW of Ramlah. Population: 1,720 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and the settlement of KEFAR HANAGID was established on its stolen lands of 11,912 dunums.
288. QADAS located 34 kms. N of Safad. Population: God-worshiping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 10,139 dunums were stolen.
289. QADDITA located 7 kms.NW of Safad. population: 240 innocent, god-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and its lands of 2,441 dunums were stolen.
290. AL QUDAYRIYYAH located 18 kms. S of Safad. Population: 390 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and its lands of 12,486 dunums were stolen.
291. QAZAZAH located 18 kms. S of Ramlah. Population: 940 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in late 1947 after massacring many of its people, and its lands of 18,829 dunums were stolen.
292. AL QASTAL located 10 kms. W of Jerusalem. Population: 90 innocent God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of KASTEL was established on its stolen lands of 1,439 dunums.
293. AL QASTEENAH located 27 kms. SW of Ramlah. Population: 890 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and the settlement of ARUGOT was established on its stolen lands of 8,245 dunums.
294. QATARAH located 15 kms. SW of Ramlah. population: 1,210 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of GEDERA was established on its stolen lands of 5,330 dunums.
295. QANNEER located 40 kms. SSE of Haifa. Population: 750 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and the settlement of REGAVIM was established on its stolen lands of 11,281 dunums.
296. QOULAH located 30 kms. E of Jaffa. Poplation: 1,010 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and its lands of 4,105 dunums were stolen.
297. QOUMIAH located 10 kms. WNW of Beisan. Population: 440 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlements of EN HAROD and TEL YOUSEF were established on its stolen lands of 4,898 dunums.
298. QEERAH WA QAMOUN located 23.5 kms. SW of Haifa. Population: 250 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands were stolen.
299. QISARIYAH located 42 kms. SSW of Haifa, on the sea shore. Population: 960 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement, moshaf OR’AQIVA was established on its stolen lands of 30,786 dunums.
300. QAYTIYYAH located 29 kms. NNE of Safad. Population: 940 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 5,190 dunums were stolen and added to the lands of moshaf BET HILLEL.
301. AL KABRI located 15 kms. NNE of Acre. Poplation: 1,520 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and kibbutz KABRI was established on its stolen lands of 47,428 dunums in 1949.
302. KABAARAH located 33 kms. South of Haifa. Population: 120 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 4,350 were stolen.
303. KIDNA located 30 kms. WNW of Herbron. Population: 450 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and the settlement of GAL’ON was established on its stolen lands of 15,725 dunums.
304. KARAD AL BAQQARAH located 10 kms. NE of Safad, in the demilitarized zone with Syria. population: 350 innocent, God- worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1951, and its lands of 2,141 dunums were stolen.
305. KARAD AL GHANNAMAH located 9 kms. NE of Safad, Population: 360 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1951, and the settlement of AYYELET HA SHAHAR was established on its stolen lands of 3,800 dunums.
306. KARTIAL located 27 kms. NE of Gaza. Population: 1,370 innocent God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlements of AZEM, NEHORA and QOMEMIYYUT were established on its stolen lands of 13,709 dunums.
307. KURNOB located 40 kms. S of Beersheba. Population: 155 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of DIMONA was established on its stolen lands.
308. KASLA located 16 kms. W of Jerusalem. Population: 280 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of KESALON was established on its stolen lands of 8,004 dunums.
309. KFAR BIRI’M located 17 kms. NW of Safad. Population: 1,000 innocent, God-worshipping souls. All Catholic (Maronite) Christians. Obliterated in 1953, and kibbutz BAR’AM was established on its stolen lands of 12,250 dunums.
310. KFAR SABT located 25 kms. NE of Jaffa. population: 1,270 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and its lands of 9688 dunums were stolen
311. KFAR SABT located 21 kms. SW of the Lake of Galilee. Population: 480 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and its lands of 4,470 dunums were stolen.
312. KAFAR AANAH located 11 kms. E of Jaffa. population: 2,800 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlements of QIRYAT ONO and OR YEHUDA were established on its stolen lands of 17,353 dunums.
313. KFAR INAN located 15 kms. SW of Safad. Population: 360 innocent, God-worshipping souls half of whom were pushed into the West Bank on February 4, 1949. The rest remained near the village and petitioned the Israeli Government to return to their village. In answer to the petition, the Israeli army blew up all the houses and obliterated the village.
314. KFAR LAM located 26 kms. S of Haifa. Population: 240 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and moshaf HABONIM was established on its stolen lands of 6,838 dunums.
315. KAFRAH located 7 kms. N of Beisan. Population: 430 innocent, god-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and its lands of 9,172 dunums were stolen
316. AL KAFRAYN located 30 kms. SE of Haifa. Population: 920 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 10,882 dunums were stolen.
317. AL KUNAYSAH located 10 kms. SSE of Ramlah. Population: 40 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and its lands of 3,872 dunums were stolen.
318. AL KAWFAKHAH located 20 kms. E of Gaza. Population: 500 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of NIR AQIVA was established on its stolen lands of 8,569 dunums.
319. KAWKABAL HAWA located 15 kms. N of Beisan. Population: 300 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of 9,949 dunums were stolen.
320. KAWKABA located 30 kms. NE of Gaza. Population: 680 innocent God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of KOKHAV MIKHAEL SObELL was established on its stolen lands of 8,542 dunums.
321. KOUWAYKAT located 15 kms. ENE of Acre. Population: 1,050 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and Nahal BET HA EMEQ was established on its stole lands of 4,723 dunums.
322. AL LAJJOUN located 18 kms. NW of Jenin. Population: 1,103 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and the settlement of MEGIDDO was established on its stolen lands of 8,500 dunums.
323. AL LIDD located 15 kms. SE of Jaffa. Population: 18,250 innocent, God-worshipping souls of which about 17,000 were evicted from their homes and lands on Julay 11, 1948. Most of the houses were stolen and in which now live Jews. The town was renamed LOD.
324. LAZZAZAH located in extreme north of Palestine on Hasbani river. Population: 230 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and its lands of 644 dunums were stolen.
325. LIFTA located 1 km NW of Jerusalem. Population: 2,550 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its stolen lands of 7,987 dunums are now a suburb of WEST JERUSALEM.
326. LOUBA located 9 kms. W of Tiberius. Population: 2,350 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and the settlement of LAVI was established on its stolen lands of 39,629 dunums.
327. MAROUS located 9 kms. NE of Safad. Obliterated in 1948 after its population of 80 innocent, God-worshipping souls were evicted from their homes, and their lands stolen.
328. AL MALHAH located 5 kms. SW of Jerusalem. Population: 1,940 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 5,700 dunums were stolen.
329. AL MALKIYYAH located 36.5 kms. N of Safad. Population: 360 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and kibbutz MALKIYYAH was established on its stolen lands of 7,328 dunums. In 1949.
330. AL MAJDAL/Tiberius. The village of Mary of Magdalene. Population: 365 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of MIDGAL was established on its stolen lands of 103 dunums.
331. AL MAJDAL/Tulkarem located 3 kms. NNW of Tulkarem. Population 75 innocent , God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and the settlement of SED YZHAQ was established on its stolen lands of 555 dunums.
332. MAJDAL AL SADEQ located 13 kms. NE of Jaffa. Population: 2,500 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 26,632 dunums were stolen and became a suburb of PETAH TIKWA.
333. AL MUJAYDAL located 8 kms .SE of Nazareth. population: 1,900 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and settlement of MIGDAL HA’EMEQ was established on its stolen lands of 8,351 dunums in 1952.
334. AL MUHARRAQAH located 18 kms. ESE of Gaza. Population: 580 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of YAKHINI was established on its stolen lands of 4,855 dunums.
335. AL MAHMOUDIYYAH located 10 kms. NE of Jaffa. Population: 170 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 520 dunums were stolen.
336. AL MUKHAYZEN located 30 kms. SSE of Jaffa. Population: 200 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of BET HILQIYYAH was established on its stolen lands of 12,548 dunums in 1953.
337. AL MURASSAS located 10 kms. NW of Beisan. Population: 460 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and the settlements of BET HA SHITTA and SEDE’ AHUM were established on its stolen lands of 14,477 dunums.
338. AL MAZAR/Jenin located 40 kms.SE of Haifa. Population: 270 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and its lands of 14,501 dunusms were stolen.
339. AL MAZAR/Haifa located 19 kms. south of Haifa. Population; 210 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 7,120 dunums were stolen.
340. AL MAUZAYR’AH locatd 16 kms. NNE of Ramlah. Population 1,160 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and the settlement of MAZOR was established on its stolen lands of 9,380 dunusm.
341. AL MASOUDIYYAH located 1.5 kms. NE of Tel Aviv. Population: 850 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 1,021 dunums were stolen and incorporated into the city of TEL AVIV.
342. MISKAH located 15 kms. SW of Tulkarem. Population: 880 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and the settlements of RAMATHA KOSVESH and MISMERET were established on its stolen lands of 8,076 dunums.
343. AL MASMMIYYAH AL KUBRA located 45 kms. NE of Gaza. Population: 2,410 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and the settlements of BENE RE’EM, TALME YEHI’EL, HAZAF and BENE AYISH were established on its stolen lands of 20,460 dunums.
344. AL MASMMIYYAH AL SAGHEERAH located 47 kms. NE of Gaza. Population: 530 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and its land of 6,478 dunums were stolen.
345. MASEEL AL JIZL located 8 kms. SE of Beisan. Population: 100 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 5,873 dunums were stolen.
346. ME’AR located 10 kms. SE of Acre. Population: 770 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 5,873 dunums were stolen.
347. MA’ADHAR located 22 kms. SW of Tiberius. Population: 480 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 6,329 dunums were stolen.
348. MA’ALOUL located 11.5 kms. west of Nazareth. population: 690 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and its stolen lands of 2,090 dunums were added to the lands of the settlement of NAHALAL.
349. AL MAGHAAR/Ramlah located 12 kms. SW of Ramlah. Population: 1,740 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 12,731 dunums were stolen.
350. MUGHR AL KHAYT located 15 kms. NE of Safad. Obliterated in 1948, and its ladns of 6,243 dunums were stolen.
351. MUGHALLES located 30 KMS. NW OF Hebron. Population: 540 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of GEFEN was established on its stolen lands of 11,456 dunums.
352. AL MUGHAYYER located 5 kms. W of Tulkaram. Population: 75 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and its lands were stolen
353. AL MUFTAKHIRAH located NE of Safad, 3 kms. from the Syrian border. Population: 350 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 5,619 dunums were stolen.
354. AL MALLAHAH located 25 kms. NE of Safad. Population: 890 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and its lands of 1,850 dunums were stolen.
355. AL MANARAH located 9 kms. S of Lake of Galilee. Population: 490 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and its lands of 5,387 dunums were stolen.
356. AL MANSL located 29 kms. SE of Haifa. Population: 1,200 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 12,272 dunums were stolen.
357. AL MANSHIYYAH/Tulkarem located 13 kms. NW of Tulkarem. Population: 260 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlements of OMEZ, and HAMAP’IL were established on its stolen lands of 16,770 dunums.
358. AL MANSHIYYAH/Acre located 2.5 kms. NE of Acre. Population: 810 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and its lands of 12,991 dunums were stolen.
359. AL MANSOURAH/Ramlah located 9 kms. S of Ramalah. Population: 90 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of MAZKERET BATYA was established on its stolen lands of 2,226 dunums.
360. AL MANSOURAH/Acre located 43 kms. NE of Acre. Population: 688 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 34,011 dunums were stolen.
361. MANSOURAT AL KHAYT located 10 kms. E of Safad. Obliterated in 1948, and kibbutz KEFAR HA NASI was established on its stolen lands of 6,735 dunums.
362. AL MOUWYLEH located 12 kms. NE of Jaffa. Population: 360 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 3,342 dunums were stolen.
363. MAYROUN located 10 kms. SW of Safad . Population:290 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of MERON was established on its stolen lands of 950 dunums.
364. NASER AL DEEN located 7 kms. SW of Tiberius. Population: 110 innocent, God-worshipping souls. On night of 13 April, 1948, the IRGUN sent its terrorists dressed as Palestinians, and they were welcomed into the village. As soon as they were in, they opened fire and massacred 70 innocent, men, women and children, and the rest escaped. The village was then obliterated and its lands of 5,387 dunums were stolen.
365. AL NA’EMAH located 21 kms. NNE of Safad. Population: 1,420 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 4,741 dunums were stolen.
366. AL NABI RUBEEN located 8 kms. S of Haifa. Population: 1,420 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the moshaf GAN SOREQ was established on its stolen land of 31,000 dunusm in 1950.
367. AL NABI YOUSHA’A located 31 kms. NNE of Safad. Population: 70 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 3,617 dunums were stolen.
368. NAJD located 17 kms. NE of Gaza. Population: 620 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of DOROT was established on its stolen lands of 13,576 dunums.
369. NATAF located 13 kms. NW of Jerausalem. Population: 40 innocent God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and its lands of 1,401 dunums were stolen.
370. AL NA’ANI located 8 kms. SSW of Ramlah. Population: 1,470 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and the settlement of RAMOT ME’IR was established on its stolen lands of 10,288 dunums.
371. AN’ALIA located 20 kms. NE of Gaza. Population: 1,310 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 5,233 dunums were stolen.
372. AL NAQEEB located on E coast of lake of Galilee. Population: 320 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and kibbutz “EN GEV was established on its stolen lands of 3,159 dunums.
373. NIMREEN located 19 kms. W of lake Tiberius. Population: 320 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 8,795 dunums were stolen.
374. AL NAHR/AL TAL located 14 kms. NE of Acre. The two villages 374/375, were next to each other with a total population of 610 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and their lands of 5,271 dunums were stolen.
376. NORES located 20 kms. NE of Jenin. Population: 570 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 6,256 dunums were stolen.
377. HIRBIA located 10 kms. NE of Gaza. Population: 2,240 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and on its stolen lands of 22,312 dunums, the settlements of KARMIYYA, YAD MORDEKHAY, and ZIQIM were established.
378. HOJ located 18 kms. E of Gaza. Population: 810 God- worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and the settlements of DOROT and GEVIM were established on its stolen lands of 21,988 dunums.
379. HOSHAH located 14 kms. E of Haifa. Population: 400 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 5,000 dunums were stolen.
380. HOUNEEN located 42 kms. N of Safad. Population: 1,620 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and its lands of 13,738 dunums were stolen.
381. WADI HUNAYN located 7 kms. W of Ramlah. Population: 630 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 2,290 dunums were stole, and its mosque was made into a Jewish museum.
382. WADI AARAH located 54 kms. S of Haifa. Population: 230 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and kibbutz BARQAY was established on its stolen lands of 8,776 dunums.
383. AL WALAJAH located 10 kms. SW of Jerusalem. Population: 1,656 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 17,608 were stolen.
384. YAZOUR located 10 kms. SE of Jaffa. Population: 4,030 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and on its stolen lands of 11,807 dunums the settlement of AZOR was established.
385. YASOUR located 30 kms. S of Jaffa. Population: 1,070 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948 and on its stolen lands of 13,419 dunums the settlement of HAZOR ASHDOD was established.
386. YAQOUQ located 11 kms. S of Safad. Population: 210 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of HUQOQ was established on its stolen lands of 4,252 dunums.
387. YALOU located 25 kms. NNW of Jerusalem. Population: 1,644 innocent, God-worshiping souls. Obliterated in 1967 together with the two other Palestinian villages of Imwas and Beit Nouba and its lands of 14,992 dunums were stolen.
388. YOUBLA located 12 kms. NW of Beisan. Population: 210 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 5,156 dunums were stolen.
389. YIBNAH located 24 kms. S of Jaffa. Population: 5,420 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 5,156 dunums were stolen.
390. YARDA located 7 kms. NNE of Safad. Population: 100 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and the settlement of HAZOR was established on its stolen lands of 1,367 dunums.
391. ARAB AL ZUBAYD located 24 kms. NE of Safad. Population: 275 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Obliterated in 1948, and its lands of 1,520 dunums were stolen.
392. AL RAMLAH located 20 kms. SE of Jaffa. Population: 16,380 innocent, God-worshipping souls. Occupied in 1948, and most of its inhabitants were forcefully evicted, while a few hundred remained. The town, renamed RAMLA, was taken over by Jewish immigrants who stole and occupied the houses of the Palestinians. The town’s surrounding lands and gardens of 1.769 dunums were also stolen.
393. MAJDAL ASQALAN located 25 kms. NNE of Gaza. Population: 13,000 innocent, God-worshipping souls who were all evicted from their homes which were stolen and given to Jewish immigrants in 1948.The town was renamed ASHQELON.
394. Yaffa. The city of Jaffa which in 1948 had a population of 71,000 innocent, God-worshipping souls who were forcefully evicted from their homes and only 3,651 people remained by 18 November, 1948. The city was taken over by Jewish immigrants, and it was renamed YAFO .
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