Salam al Maseeh
The first Palestinian above all others is Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Let be accursed any gospel other than that which was preached at the beginning, received not from man but from Christ Jesus, thou alone, in whom we have redemption through thy all holy infinitely pure and undefiled blood, the remission of our sins, who in the future shall recreate the heavens and the earth, called by thine special choice, who before hoped in Christ with all who heard the word of truth and believed, sealed with the Holy Spirit of the promise, who is the pledge of our inheritance, to the redemption of the possession, for the praise of his glory, in faith in the Lord Jesus, and of love for all the saints in unceasing intercession of all the elect angels and saints of God, virgins, with all thanksgiving, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may grant us the spirit of wisdom and revelation in deep knowledge of him; the eyes of our minds being enlightened, to know the hope of his calling, the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, and the exceeding greatness of his power towards us who believe, according to the working of his mighty power wrought in Christ the only first born from the dead in the flesh raised above all things he made subject under his feet, we who hold him the head directly and no other, Christ Jesus our only Lord and Saviour immortal son of the immortal Father in the unity and power and bond of love of the immortal Holy Spirit our Paraclete unto the ages of the ages. Amen.
The Final Trial: Jesus Christ begotten of the Father - not made
A prayer of Isaias the Prophet.And see: The Abomination of Desolation
Note in the below that this is a description of the evil that precedes the Antichrist who is the Abomination of Desolation. Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ then comes after the reign of Antichrist has proceeded for a while. Antichrist, his reign and the False Prophet and all their followers are then destroyed by the Second Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ from heaven with all His elect Angels and sent to hell forever. The saints will then reign with Our Lord Jesus Christ at their head on earth forever.
Palestine, which is properly the Holy Land for in it walked God in the flesh, Jesus Christ, and there He allowed Himself to be sacrificed for the salvation of those who profess Him from the heart and with the mouth, is a miniature of all the evil that has come upon the earth and there will the final evil be concentrated in its fullness and rule from there for a short time.
From: The Abomination of Desolation
Writing in the second century, St. Hippolytus wrote the following about the evil that will abound before the coming of Antichrist:
The temples of God will be like houses, and there will be overturnings of the churches everywhere. The Scriptures will be despised, and everywhere they will sing the songs of the adversary. Fornications, and adulteries, and perjuries will fill the land; sorceries, and incantations, and divinations will follow after these with all force and zeal. And, on the whole, from among those who profess to be Christians will rise up then false prophets, false apostles, impostors, mischief-makers, evil-doers, liars against each other, adulterers, fornicators, robbers, grasping, perjured, mendacious, hating each other. The shepherds will be like wolves; the priests will embrace falsehood; the monks will lust after the things of the world; the rich will assume hardness of heart; the rulers will not help the poor; the powerful will cast off all pity; the judges will remove justice from the just, and, blinded with bribes, they will call in unrighteousness.
St. Hippolytus of
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Traditional Catholic Prayers: Baptism
The resurrection of Christ. His commission to his disciples.
1 And *in the end of the sabbath, when it began to dawn towards the first day of the week,
18 And Jesus coming, spoke to them, saying: All power is given to me in heaven and in earth.
19 *Going, therefore, teach ye all nations: baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit;
20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world.
"Consummation of the world," - the end of this age of grace and the beginning of the eternal ages with Christ reigning visibly. This is the end of the eschaton and the beginning of the eternal recreated heavens and the earth and will begin when Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ returns from heaven in the same flesh He rose with and ascended into the third heaven with, seated at the right hand of the Father. His return will be with all of His elect angels. He will raise and judge all men in the flesh and then recreate the heavens and the earth, which in that state will last that way for eternity. There will NOT be any sin in the new heavens and earth, so prepare now by confessing the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and be baptized as commanded above and shown how to baptize below and live Holy and Godly lives in sincerity and humility and meekness waiting for the Lord when He returns so that we are not like the five foolish virgins but are like the five wise virgins.
1: A.D. 30.; Mark xvi. 1.; John xx. 1.
19: Mark xvi. 15.
Method of Baptism
From the Didache (49 A.D. Council of Jerusalem):
Chapter 7. Concerning Baptism.
And concerning baptism, baptize this way: Having first said all these things, baptize the one to be baptized into Jesus Christ in "the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit," in running water. But if you have no running water, baptize into other water [still water]; and if you cannot do so in cold water, do so in warm. But if you have neither, pour out water three times upon the head onto the one to be baptized saying at that time "in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." But before the baptism, if possible, let the baptizer fast, and the baptized, and whoever else can; but you shall order the baptized [when there is time] to fast one or two days before.
Baptism can and should always be performed immediately when there is danger of death of the one to be baptized. For instance, impending martyrdom or possible death causing illness.
The Muhammad of the Almighty Triune God of The Final Trial would not stand in the way of Muslims coming to Our Lord Jesus Christ and being baptized in Him as the Injeel commands. The Mohammed of Ahmadiyya is the same as the Mohammot of al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah and both are antichrists and contradict the clear commands of God in the Injeel and Taurat and Quran.
Noble Quran
003.045 Behold! the angels said: "O Mary! God giveth thee glad tidings of a Word from Him: his name will be Christ Jesus, the son of Mary, held in honour in this world and the Hereafter and of (held in honor by the company of the prophets and saints) those nearest to God;
003.046 "He shall speak to the people in childhood and in maturity. And he shall be (adhered to by the company) of the righteous."
003.047 She said: "O my Lord! How shall I have a son when no man hath touched me?" He said: "Even so: God createth what He willeth: When He hath decreed a plan, He but saith to it, 'Be,' and it is!
003.048 "And God will teach him [Jesus Christ] the Book [alkitaba = all sacred writing from God Most High] and Wisdom [hikma = sophia = uncreated wisdom of God one with His Holy Spirit], the Law [Taurat fulfilled in the Gospel of Jesus Christ] and the Gospel [of Jesus Christ],"
The Final Trial: Traditional Catholic Prayers: Baptism
Traditional Catholic Prayers: Baptism
The resurrection of Christ. His commission to his disciples.
1 And *in the end of the sabbath, when it began to dawn towards the first day of the week,
18 And Jesus coming, spoke to them, saying: All power is given to me in heaven and in earth.
19 *Going, therefore, teach ye all nations: baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit;
20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world.
"Consummation of the world," - the end of this age of grace and the beginning of the eternal ages with Christ reigning visibly. This is the end of the eschaton and the beginning of the eternal recreated heavens and the earth and will begin when Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ returns from heaven in the same flesh He rose with and ascended into the third heaven with, seated at the right hand of the Father. His return will be with all of His elect angels. He will raise and judge all men in the flesh and then recreate the heavens and the earth, which in that state will last that way for eternity. There will NOT be any sin in the new heavens and earth, so prepare now by confessing the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and be baptized as commanded above and shown how to baptize below and live Holy and Godly lives in sincerity and humility and meekness waiting for the Lord when He returns so that we are not like the five foolish virgins but are like the five wise virgins.
1: A.D. 30.; Mark xvi. 1.; John xx. 1.
19: Mark xvi. 15.
Method of Baptism
From the Didache (49 A.D. Council of Jerusalem):
Chapter 7. Concerning Baptism.
And concerning baptism, baptize this way: Having first said all these things, baptize the one to be baptized into Jesus Christ in "the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit," in running water. But if you have no running water, baptize into other water [still water]; and if you cannot do so in cold water, do so in warm. But if you have neither, pour out water three times upon the head onto the one to be baptized saying at that time "in the name of Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." But before the baptism, if possible, let the baptizer fast, and the baptized, and whoever else can; but you shall order the baptized [when there is time] to fast one or two days before.
Baptism can and should always be performed immediately when there is danger of death of the one to be baptized. For instance, impending martyrdom or possible death causing illness.
See this for why Jesus Christ must be confessed as the Holy Word and Son of God: The Final Trial: Mary - revered by both Christians and Muslims as the vessel through whom God made the Word, Jesus Christ, Incarnate
The Muslim feast of Eid only commemorates the typological sacrifice by Abraham of Issac. That prefigured the final and only Supreme Sacrifice of Jesus Christ on His Most Holy Cross. It is only by the Sacrifice of Christ on His Cross that we are saved. Jesus Christ commanded, not suggested, that we be baptized; echoing the rest of the Church Fathers, St. Augustine noted that if someone could not be baptized even though they wanted it and did everything they could to be baptized in the water in name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, then their confession of faith is enough for their salvation. But no where are we allowed to refuse baptism.
All Muslims and everyone who will, are invited and encouraged to come to the water of life now and be baptized in the water and in the Spirit in name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and receive Communion.
For Noah and Abraham as Prophecies of Baptism in Our Only Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ see:
Traditional Catholic Prayers: THE TWELVE PROPHECIES - The Third Prophesy: Genesis 22: 1-19
There is no evolution, to be baptized in Our Only Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ one must believe in the truth of literal Creation by God and no pantheistic syncretism with deistic design and the rest of pagan evolutionary theory.
Traditional Catholic Prayers: THE TWELVE PROPHECIES - The First Prophesy: Genesis 1: 1-31; 2: 1-2
And see the rest of the Baptismal Prophecies. They are a must.
For all Jews wishing to convert sincerely from the heart to Jesus Christ now, here is a prayer based on the biblical Hebrew of the prophets of the Old Testament and the Septuagint Greek of the Old Testament and the New Testament and Arabic.
(The Arabic, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, means the same as God Almighty, or 'O Theos 'O Pantocrator, in Septuagint Greek.)
In the below “Dam (Blood) Kadosh (Holy) bet Yeshua ha Maschiach (Jesus Christ) kanawn anawim (have mercy on Your faithful [those who turn to God by the shed Blood of Christ on Calvary])” is asking for God's forgiveness by the shed Holy Blood of Christ – which is the only forgiveness there is from God for sin.
And then be baptized in Christ - see above: Baptism.
The Final Trial: The Final Trial: The Truth: The coming of the Antichrist, ad-Dajjal
The Illuminati: Mani and Manichaeism - blasphemous heresy
The Illuminati: Bahai - The Illuminati - Masonic Colonialism of the Holy Land
Israel is the Nation of the Antichrist = Dajjal: The Holy War - The Review of Religions
The Illuminati: You'll never think the same way again. . . The Revelation
The Final Trial: No to all Terrorists
Traditional Catholic Prayers and The Justice of God
Traditional Catholic Prayers: When therefore you shall see the abomination of desolation, which was spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place: he that readeth let him understand. - Traditional Catholic Prayers: When therefore you shall see the abomination of desolation, which was spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy ...9 years ago
The Justice of God: Tech_Journal: Palestine Cry: When gangstalking takes to the air - The Justice of God: Tech_Journal: Palestine Cry: When gangstalking takes to the air Tech_Journal: Palestine Cry: When gangstalking takes to the air ...9 years ago
Reason for the Antichrist's - Dajjal's - war on the Noble Sanctuary
Parousia of Jesus Christ Our Lord
The Promise of His coming. His commands to prepare and be worthy.
Statement of what is happening in the world in connection with the Second Coming of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Nuzul i Isa - Qiyamah, the Parousia of Jesus Christ Our Lord.
Rv:22:7 Behold I come quickly. Blessed is he that keepeth the words of the prophecy of this book.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Europa & Palestine News « Kawther Salam: Israel Insults Egypt After The Release of Shalit
Israel Insults Egypt After The Release of Shalit


Sunday, October 16, 2011
Encounter With The Egyptian-Israeli Security Agreement « Kawther Salam
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Encounter With The Egyptian-Israeli Security Agreement

مصر تمنعني من دخول أراضيها للمشاركة في مؤتمر هيئة الأمم المتحدة
The appeal below was sent to the Office of UN Secretary General Ban-Ki Moon, asking him to change the location of the meeting “Young Women and Men in the Uprisings of Arab Intifada: Elements of Change” organized by UN-ESCWA, UN-Women and OHCHR from the Arab Republic of Egypt to another location. Egypt continues to violate the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and hinders the entry of a number of UN guests who are active in politics, human rights, and women issues from entering their territory to participate in the conference and without discernible reason. In the appeal, Mr. Ban-Ki Moon is asked to find an alternative country to hold the conference, a country where human rights and international treaties are more respected.

This collusion can have far worse consequences that a visa denial: if a Palestinian is “wanted” by the israelis, Egypt will throw them in jail where they are usually tortured. One person who was gratuitously tortured in Egypt was a lawyer from Gaza called Kawther Salameh. She was tortured because of a remark which I made in 1997 in Hebron to an Egyptian radio reporter and they thought that she was I.
Background of the appeal: I delivered my appeal to the Secretary General after Mr. Treq Salam, a former Consul and intelligence officer at the Embassy of Egypt in Austria who is now head of the Egyptian Public Intelligence Services (Mukhabarat) for “Austria and the Northern European countries”, denied me entry to Egyptian territory to participate in the UN Youth Forum. All visa applications of Palestinians go through the Egyptian intelligence services and are routinely denied due to the collusion between Egypt and Israel in the suppression of Palestinians.
Office of the Secretary-GeneralAll Arab countries infiltrate and spy on their expatriate communities in a rather heavy handed way, and depending on what is reported about a person, he or she can get into problems when they return to their origin countries, their families can be pressured or arrested, or they can be otherwise be pressured to conform to what their government thinks is appropriate. In the case of Consul General Salam, according to what was reported to me by several people in private conversations, he spied on the Egyptian community and also on people from other Arab countries in Austria, and infiltrated elements into many civic organizations to help him in his mission.
FAX: 212-963-7055
United Nations, SA-1B15
New York, NY 10017
Dear Secretary-General Ban-Ki Moon,
Your Excellency,
My name is Kawther Salam. I am a Palestinian from Hebron, and a journalist. I live in Vienna, Austria as a political refugee according to the Geneva Conventions since 2002.
On October 1 2011 I was honored to receive an invitation from the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UN-ESCWA), the United Nations organization for women (UN-Women) and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) to participate in the forum of youth under the title “Young Women and Men in the Uprisings of Arab Intifada: Elements of Change”, held on 16 – 17 October 2011 in Cairo, Egypt.
My invitation was signed by Dr. Rima Khalaf, Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), who I understand reports directly to your office.
The organizers of the ESCWA Forum wrote to the Egyptian Foreign Ministry asking them to issue me a visa so that I could enter the country for the event. On October 3 2011, I met the Consul General of Egypt in Austria, Mr. Sharif Lutfi, and I filled the application for the visa in his office. I provided him with all the necessary documents. I was not issued a visa at that time. Consul Lutfi called me today Saturday 15 at midday to tell me that I would not receive a visa.
According to credible sources at UN organizations and elsewhere, I have been informed that the Egyptian authorities refuse to issue visas to enter their country to ALL persons who are from the occupied Palestine territories as a matter of policy, and that this state of affairs has gone on for many years. This policy derives from the fact that Egyptian authorities collude with Israel to generally suppress Palestinians, but especially those Palestinians who would speak out in favor of our peoples interests and inalienable rights.
Egypt is a signatory to several treaties adopted by the UN which should oblige that country to respect human rights, the freedom of movement of journalists, and the institutions of the UN. According to my knowledge, Egypt is accessory to the UN Charter, the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and other relevant treaties statutes. Being a member of the UN, it is surprising that Egypt would interfere with an event organized by the UN out of a questionable motivation. The unjustified and deliberate refusal of the Egyptian authorities to allow the arrival of invited persons to the UN Forum and activities is a clear sign of disrespect of Egypt towards the UN its institutions and the values which this institution represents. This refusal can also be seen as a message to all people who think and speak politically and who express their political views in a peaceful manner, this message being “you are undesirables in Egypt even if the UN invited you”.
As a Palestinian, a woman, a human rights activist and a journalist, I know first-hand what it means to be discriminated against, punished and dehumanized because of who I am. That such discrimination and hindrance in the exercise of my political and journalistic work would come from Egypt is even more execrable because this is not a result of national on the side of Egypt, but the result of collusion of the Egyptian government with Israel and their unending campaign of crimes against us the Palestinians.
I am neither the first nor the last Palestinian who has been discriminated against by Egypt in a similar way, and all Palestinians know about the uncounted Palestinians who have disappeared into the vast gulag of torture facilities in Egypt simply because the Israelis wished that these people to vanish. The collusion of Egypt with Israel to violate basic human rights has not changed with the deposition of the Mubarak regime. While the words in public and before the media have become friendly and reassuring after the revolution, the practice of denying Palestinians travel permits and “disappearing” people who Israel wants to vanish seems to have become business as usual.
As a Palestinian, a human- and women rights activist who was invited by UN-ESCWA and denied entry due to the restrictions of questionable motivation by the Egyptian authorities, I would appreciate if your Excellency will recommend that UN-ESCWA forums such as the “Young Women and Men in the Uprisings of Arab Intifada: Elements of Change” Forum and other activities of the UN and its member bodies are held in another country in the future, were human rights, freedom of movement, freedom of political speech and UN treaties are appreciated and respected in good will, in word but also in deed.
Thank you very much for your consideration.
Most respectfully,
Kawther Salam
Vienna, 15 October 2011
CC: Dr. Rima Khalaf / UN-ESCWA
Consul Salam is unpleasant in person, and it didn’t help that he disapproved of my journalistic work, especially my reports concerning the Egyptian community in Vienna, in one case a crime issue which Consul (M. N) wanted to cover, and the issues surrounding the Coptic Community in Austria and Egypt, which had to suffer much under the dictatorial regime of Egypt during the last two years.
Mr. Salam was a well known figure of the Mubarak dictatorship and his corrupt party and regime in Egypt. His work in Vienna was to instill divisions and infighting within the Egyptian community and its various social venues like union, businesses etc. in Austria. He and his people intimidated, terrorized and frightened the Egyptians living here and spied upon them, reporting, for example, about people who were against Jamal Mubarak succeeding his father as president. The elements of Mr. Salam who came after him went so far as to establish a new Egyptian Union in Graz in order to support the “succession” idea and to impose this opinion on the Egyptians living there using his contacts within the Mubarak regime and by coercion.Mr. (M. N) another former consul was forcing the Egyptian journalists to report what he wanted and he threatened anyone who would cover the Coptic demos in Vienna which took place after the murders of the Egyptian Copts during Christmas in Naja Hamadi.
I made “Consul” (M.N) and his boss unhappy because they did not have influence over me, and since I published the truth, it was always against their will. It is known among the Egyptians that “Consul” Salam and consul (M.N) would write negative reports full of lies, rumors and innuendo about people whom they disliked.
Reportedly many people who went to Egypt to visit relatives or take care of personal business found themselves in interrogations which lasted several hours, or days due to the reports of this “Consul” and his elements after him. I often wonder what this man wrote about me into the computer of the Egyptian intelligence. Then I answer to myself, I do not care, because the truth is stronger than their lies.
Mr. Salam left behind broken social institutions in Austria general infighting in the Egyptian community. He left behind people litigating against each other in the courts and deep rivalries within the community. The people whom he organized to support certain points of view within the community are now distrusted and avoided because of the bad reputation which they have due to their support for dictator regime of Mubarak. Currently the elements of the “Salam” clique are trying to position themselves in new leadership positions within the community, with methods and opinions which are not far away from the methods and positions of the former dictatorship.
The questions to ask are, how did Mr. Salam, one of the elements supporting the Mubarak dictatorship manage to get into his high position in the public intelligence despite the fact that everybody who knows him speaks in negative terms about him, despite his bad reputation, despite his lying, his fabrications and his false and malicious charges which caused many people to be jailed, interrogated, tortured for no reason at all? How can any Egyptian patriot brook having a person of so questionable references in a high government position? When the elements of the former dictator Egyptian regime will disappear from the government of that country for good?

Monday, October 10, 2011
Europa & Palestine News « Kawther Salam: PA And Israel: Lies and Treason Without End
PA And Israel: Lies and Treason Without End
After 13 days of hunger strike of Palestinian prisoners jailed in Israeli zionist jails, the

Among the false claims which the so-called powers in the PNA and PLO continue promoting is that they want “the transfer the issue of prisoners and their hunger strike to the Security Council at the UN”. At the same time, the PNA continued arresting Palestinian prisoners whom the zionist jailers had released after ending their “sentences” in their prisons.
According a PCHR Human Rights Center press release of today Monday, October 10 2011, the PNA arrested Abdul Raziq Sa’id Khassib, 32 years old, from the Aaroura village north of Ramallah, three days after his release from an Israeli prison where he had spent 16 months under interrogation and harsh conditions in “administrative detention” (arbitrary jailing).WE demand that the international institutions intervene for the release of thousands of Palestinian prisoners from the Israeli jails and also from the Palestinian prisons.
WE call on the Palestinian Authority to halt the arrest of the ex-detainees and we assert

The Palestinian prisoners are the RED line which has been crossed by both of Palestinian Authority (PA) and the Zionist occupation. Both zionists and the PA violated the international laws and norms by keeping politicians behind bars at a time when the Palestinian cities and towns are increasingly under the control of the Israeli occupation, including the headquarters of the Palestinian Authority.
The conduct of the PLO and the PA is so disgraceful that it should not remain without consequences. It is long past time that any and all representative power is taken away from these traitorous as criminal groups. In this vein, it would be more than desirable that Palestinians everywhere capable of doing so, people who are not associated with either the PA, the PLO or the zionist occupation, come together to form a national council able and willing to take charge of the interests of the Palestinian people in a way which best represents what we want, and without constantly selling out. It is long past time that the traitors get lost.The text below is the statement of human rights institution PCHR which shows the Palestinian Authority arrest of the prisoners freed from zionist jails and contradicts its demands for the release of prisoners from the Israeli jails.
PSS in Ramallah Arrests Palestinian Released 3 Days After His Release from Israeli Prison
Monday, 10 October 2011 12:00 / Ref: 101/2011
The Palestinian Preventive Security Service (PSS) in Ramallah arrested ‘Abdul Raziq Sa’id Khassib, 32 years old, from ‘Aaroura village north of Ramallah, three day after his release from an Israeli prison where he spent 16 months under interrogation in administrative detention. Based on the testimony of Khassib’s brother, the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) expresses concerns that Khassib may be subjected to torture, and calls for his immediate release.In his testimony Khassib’s brother, ‘Abdul Rahman Sa’id Khassib, 28, from Bitounia town, describes how at approximately 18:00 on Saturday 08 October 2011, he received a phone call from a person who introduced himself as Hikmat, chief of PSS in the Ramallah office, and asked him to bring in his brother, ‘Abdul Raziq, for a ten minute questioning. At approximately 08:00 on Sunday 09 October 2011 the two brothers, their sister, and ‘Abdul Raziq’s wife went to the PSS premises in al-Bireh.
PSS officers took ‘Abdul Raziq into the premises and left the other three persons outside in the sun until 15:00. An officer from the PSS interrogation department, who claimed he is a colonel, then came outside informed them that ‘Abdul Raziq had been transferred to the interrogation department in the PSS headquarters. At approximately 20:00 on the same day ‘Abdul Rahman received a phone call from a person who introduced himself as Abu ‘Odai and claimed he is the chief of the PSS interrogation department.
He told ‘Abdul Rahman that his brother was in a shabeh (Regular shabeh entails shackling the detainee’s hands and legs to a small chair, angled to slant forward so that the detainee cannot sit in a stable position.) position and requested him to come to the PSS headquarters in Bitounia town. When ‘Abdul Rahman arrived at the PSS headquarters the officer was waiting for him. The officer took him into the building and requested him to convince his brother to confess to the charge against him. He did not clarify what this charge entailed. The officer took ‘Abdul Rahman to his detained brother. When the latter refused to confess, the officer said to ‘Abdul Rahman: “Next time, I will invite you to receive his corpse.”
‘Abdul Rahman Khassib stated to a PCHR field worker that after he had contacted a number of members of the Palestinian Legislative Council informing them of his brother’s detention, he received three phone calls threatening him of detention if he maintained such contracts.
PCHR is concerned over continued detention and torture of Khassib, and:
- Calls upon the government in Ramallah to put an end to summons and arrests based on political grounds, and reminds of the verdict of the Palestinian High Court of Justice on 20 February 1999 considering political arrests illegal;
- Calls for immediately end to the practice of torture in prisons and detention centers of the Palestinian Authority, stressing that torture is a punishable crime for which the perpetrators are accountable; and
- Calls upon the Palestinian Security Services to respect international human rights standards, the Palestinian Basic Law and other relevant laws.
Europa & Palestine News « Kawther Salam: Collective Penalties Against Palestinian Prisoners
Europa & Palestine News « Kawther Salam:
Collective Penalties Against Palestinian Prisoners
The Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) strongly condemns

PCHR calls upon the international community to exert pressure on Israel and compel it to respect international law, including ending the systematic cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons and detention centers.
Palestinian and other Arab prisoners initiated a hunger strike, which hasThis move was expanded when prisoners declared an open hunger strike until their demands were met.progressively extended to all Israeli prisons and detention facilities. First, prisoners from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) in Rimon and Nafha prison in Israel declared a hunger strike on 27 September 2011, demanding an end to the solitary confinement of 20 prisoners, some of whom have served more than 10 years in solitary confinement. They also demand an end to the three-year incommunicado detention of PFLP Secretary General, Ahmed Sa’adat. Later, prisoners in other prisons and detention facilities joined and organized a three day hunger strike.
Their demands include: ending the policy of solitary confinement; allowing graduate

However, the Israeli prison authorities have refused to meet these demands and have escalated collective punishment measures against prisoners. It has placed dozens of prisoners in solitary confinement and transferred leaders of political prisoners to sections of criminal prisoners, in an attempt to break the strike. Moreover, it has omitted to provide medical care to prisoners, including old ones, have refrained from having medicines and foods.
According to prisoners, the Israeli prison authorities have initiated a series of sanctions against prisoners, including withholding salt, which prisoners take to maintain the salt balance in their bodies, and electronic devices such as televisions after they had already censored some Arab news channels. Additionally, Israeli troops waged a campaign of raids and searches in detention cells, and used tear gas against prisoners. A number of prisoners were injured.
These latest punitive measures are part of a series of measures that have been taken by the Israeli occupation authorities as an effective translation of instructions given by the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, in late June 2011, asking the Israeli prison authorities to limit “the privileges granted to Palestinian prisoners.”
Since then, the Israeli prison authority has taken a series of measures against prisoners, including intensifying naked physical check of prisoners, and placing their leaders in incommunicado detention. In response, the prisoners have declared a series of protests against these measures and have organized a number of hunger strikes.
At least 6,000 Palestinians are currently detained in 22 Israeli prisons and detention facilities, most of which are inside Israel, in violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention, particularly Article 76, which stipulates that “Protected persons accused of offences shall be detained in the occupied country, and if convicted they shall serve their sentences therein.”
These prisoners include 700 persons from the Gaza Strip (including 6 who have been detained according to the Illegitimate Combatant Code); 400 persons from Jerusalem and Arab areas within Israel; 251 children; and 37 women.
They also include 307 prisoners who were arrested before the signing of the Oslo Accords in 1993, including 126 persons who have served more than 20 years in prisons, 27 of whom have served more than 25 years in prison. Additionally, the group includes 214 prisoners who have been placed under administrative detention, and 20 members of the Palestinian Legislative Council, most of them from the Change and Reform Bloc affiliated to Hamas.
PCHR strongly condemns these collective penalties and measures of intimidation, which are prohibited under international law, particularly Article 33 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, and:
- Calls upon the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment to present reports on the situation to the Human Rights Council to exert pressure on Israel to stop its practices against Palestinian prisoners.
- Calls upon the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to intervene to stop collective penalties executed by the Israeli occupation authorities against Palestinian prisoners.
- Calls upon international human rights organizations to follow up the issue of Palestinian prisoners and to intervene with their governments to pressurize the Israel to stop arbitrary measures against Palestinian prisoners and to ensure their release.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Europa and Palestine News >> Kawther Salam - Quartet Representative In Liaison With Zionist Woman
Quartet Representative In Liaison With Zionist Woman

The Fatah youth said in its statement, of which they sent copies to Blair’s office in London, representatives of socialist youth movements, to representatives of the Quartet and to members of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), that the hour of truth has arrived in Palestine and that the international community stands today in front of its historic responsibilities toward the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people.
They added that only few countries and peoples have stood up against the right of the Palestinian people’s full membership in the United Nations, including the zionist lobbies located in several countries of the world and Tony Blair, who exercised an ugly role in order to prevent our people from enjoying our legitimate right to have a full membership in the international organization.
The Fatah youth statement mentioned Blair’s bias towards the permanent imposition of the Israeli siege on Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, and his efforts for the release of “Gilad Shalit / גלעד שליט” while forgetting that thousands of Palestinians are permanently imprisoned in Israeli jails for no reason at all, including children, women, elderly and patients.
The Fatah youth said that Blair has double standards of policy, and that while he makes himself blind to the ethnic cleansing and the displacement of hundreds of Palestinians from their homes only a few hundred meters from his office in Sheikh Jarrah in Jerusalem, he continues fully supporting the occupational genocide. Fatah said that Blair became an envoy representing the voice of the occupier, not the international proclamation and certainly no laws. He is a part of the problem and not a part of the solution. He has only worked to avoid offending the extremist Israeli government, and in return he did nothing to stop the Israeli occupier violations of human rights and international law.
On the other hand, Mohammed Shtayyeh, a member of the Central Committee of the Palestine Liberation Movement (Fatah), a member of the Palestinian negotiating delegation and a close associate of Abbas, said earlier to Voice of Palestine Radio that Tony Blair is no longer trusted as a honest broker and representative of the quartet.
Shtayyeh said that the Palestinians wrote to the Quartet of mediators in the Middle East, including the European Union, the United States, Russia and the United Nations, which Blair has represented until now, saying that their recent proposal for the resumption of the negotiations is vague and meaningless. The Palestinians say that the Quartet has refrained from explicitly demanding from Israel to stop building settlements in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.
It is worth mentioning that Tony Blair has established suspicious and dishonest relations with the Israeli zionist woman Ofra Strauss (עופרה שטראוס)while he supposedly represented the Quartet as an envoy in Palestine. Big and grave suspicion exists that all decisions of the Quartet were unfair against Palestinians because of the bias and favoritism of Blair towards the views to Israel, not only in connection with his “friendship” to Strauss, but also on account of his “friendship” to Rothschild criminal dynasty in his home England. According to the Hebrew newspapers, Blair has a sexual relationship with Strauss.Beside that, Blair continues to exploit his position as envoy of the Quartet to get “special” deals and projects that profit the Rothschild-linked Morgan Bank/ בנק מורגן, where Blair is reportedly employed as a consultant for two million pounds a year. According to reports, Blair carried out two deals, in the West Bank and Gaza, related to wireless communications and the exploration for natural gas, and the “Morgan” bank was the major beneficiary of these projects.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Questionable Death Of French Artist In Ramallah « Kawther Salam
Questionable Death Of French Artist In Ramallah

Now, the body of another famous French-Palestinian artist, Francois Gaspar (Francois Abu Salem “Abu Jamil”), 60 years, was found on Saturday, October 1st 2011 in the suburb of Al-Tira, a district of Ramallah which is under the Palestinian Authority control. The news about the alleged suicide of the artist and his alleged suffering and deep depression spread quickly, as if it had been ready and waiting for publication even before the occurrence of the purported suicide.
Francois Gaspar did not have depressions under the Israeli occupation despite all the obstacles placed in front of his artistic work, so how and whyThe death and the assassination of two artists living in Palestine in less than half a year is not ONLY a loss for the Palestinian artistic and cultural scene. It is a national disaster, a catastrophe and a disgrace firmly stamped on the forehead of the Palestinian National Authority in every sense of the word.did the depression hit the artist under the Palestinian Authority?
What did the fat cats in power, the obscene people who are members of the “presidential” circle, do to Gaspar that the depression hit him so hard that it killed him?
Who is the criminal among the many “presidential” thieves behind the death of the artist Gaspar, and before, who was behind the assassination of artist Mer Khamis and who proceeded to loot the history and work of these artists, who foisted himself upon the cultural scene and the National Theater of Palestina only to proceed to divert millions of dollars into his own pockets under the scam of “development of the theater stage”, which he actually destroyed over the heads of those artists who had worked tirelessly to build it in first place?
The Palestinian Authority bears full responsibility for these crimes which are directly

The ambitions of these fat cats in power, which essentially meant that they grabbed the Palestinian Natinal Theater under the guise of “supporting and developing the artistic work and theater” by using stolen funds which were supposed to be used to help poor Palestinians, pushed away those who had built it up the cultural scene with crimes, or by paying others to commit crimes against those Palestinian artists who stood in their way.
Since the coming to power of the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank and before that in Gaza, the powerful fat cats at the “presidential circle”, established privately owned “national” companies in order to climb on the shoulders of the Palestinian nation suck its blood and the history of his national struggle at all levels. Finally, the theft and the conflict of the influential fat cats at the Palestinian Authority reached the National Theater and caused the death of the most prominent actors and exponents of the Palestinian cultural scene.
Francois Gaspar (Abu Salem) was born in 1951. His father was Hungarian- French poet

Gaspar was considered the most prominent founders of the modern Palestinian theater. Since its beginnings and since the debut of the piece “Darkness”, which also highlighted the band “Blalin”, it was clear that Francois Abu Salem was inclined to adventure and to artistic experimentation. He directed several movies and received the Palestine Prize for theatre from deceased Palestinian President Yasser Arafat in 1998.

Thursday, October 6, 2011
The Great American Republic
Monday, October 3, 2011
Europa & Palestine News « Kawther Salam: US Defense Minister and The Dirty Task to Launch a Mossad Agent
US Defense Minister and The Dirty Task to Launch a Mossad Agent

The Egyptian authorities arrested four months ago in June 2001, the Israeli-American Grapel who was deployed during the Egyptian revolution and raised slogans against the deposed President Hosni Mubarak.
On the other hand, the Israeli authorities will release a number of Egyptian prisoners who were jailed in Israel as a part of the release of the Israeli-American Mossad agent Gerabil who was accused of spying for Israel in Egypt. The number of Egyptians who have long been languishing in Israeli prisons are 28 prisoners.Channel 10 added that the United States threatened to curtail military aid to Egypt if the Egyptian authorities do not the release the American-Israeli spy. The USA is using the aid as a stick against other countries, to stick their nose in there interior affairs of other countries and to force upon them decisions against their laws and interests. The United States Congress recently blocked nearly $200m in aid to the Palestinian Authority in response to the Palestinian bid for statehood at the UN.
The Egyptian-Palestinian Committee condemned the statements of the American Defense Secretary calling for the release of “Israeli Mossad spy” detained in Cairo after he performed an official task of spying for the Israeli intelligence service on the land of Egypt. The committee considered the continued assistance of the US in this case as a threat to the Egyptian national security
Ibrahim Al-Derawi, spokesman of the Egyptian-Palestinian Committee in Cairo said that there are over 30 prisoners from Egypt and other Arab countries held in Israeli prisons. He warned of intervention in Egypts interior affairs, appealing on behalf of the committee and the revolutionary youth to the Egyptian Military Council to not release the zionist spy Grapel, and instead to achieve a deal where all Egyptians and Arab the prisons of the occupation are liberated in return for Grapel.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
The Truth from a priest from his own writings: The Abomination of Desolation
The Truth from a priest from his own writings: The Abomination of Desolation
See this – it says it all!
Why did Israel Steal Marys Gate Before Christmas?
"No word in condemnation of the desecration of this most holy place by Israel was found anywhere in the international media, neither from the Catholic churches in Europe and everywhere else, or any other Christian congregation. One must wonder about the continuing accusations of discrimination of Christians in Muslim lands, while these people would probably not dare to say a word even if the Israel Antiquities Authority destroyed the Church itself. We must suppose that the Pope would in such a case try to appease the Jews, probably even grovelling and kissing their hands in public. In any case it is clear that no politician will say one word against the criminality of Israel, even if it is against their own supposed interests.
The most painful spectacle was what Pope Benedict XVI spoke last Monday, Dec. 21 2009, after the theft of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and three days before the celebration of Christmas, in which the Pope declare his blessing for Israel, rather than to declare allegiance to God and to condemn of the desecration of this Christian Church. Just as if the hypocrisy of Israel and his loyalty to these criminals was more important than loyalty to God, or as if the hypocrisy of Israel was part of the Christian religion, which had already gone beyond this obscurantism long time ago."
• An Unholy People In The Holy Land
The Actions Of The Jews (September, 1957)
The long list of Jewish desecration and destruction of Catholic Church property in the Holy Land ought well to be supplemented by the considerable enumeration of Church buildings left intact by the Jews and converted by them into Jewish facilities. Chief among such would be Terra Sancta College, the former focal point of Franciscan education in Jerusalem’s New City. The college has been appropriated for Jewish university classes and does service as the seat of the National Library of Israel.
To accompany a nine page report on similar Jewish injustices, Archbishop George Hakim, most outspoken leader of the 25,000 Catholics who still remain within the borders of the Jewish State, wrote in April of this year: “Unless something is done to improve this situation ... we would be faced with the extinction of the Christian flock in the Holy Land.”
The civil strictures imposed upon those Catholics who have been allowed to continue their ancient residence in the land of Our Lord’s birth, leave them, along with the rest of the Arab population, second-class citizens, at best. A rigid curfew is imposed on non-Jews. Free movement is curtailed by interminable military “pass” requirements. Eighty-five per cent of the Arab populace is confined to specified non-Jewish residence areas — always the poorest and least desirable sections. Arab workers are paid consistently lower wages than Jews. All government and public business is conducted in Hebrew, which few Arabs know or understand. Government offices (which abound in every settlement) defer answering letters written in Arabic, and any ultimate reply is sent in Hebrew. No Catholic religious mission may be introduced into the Jewish State. Those which survived the terrorism of the “war of independence” are allowed to remain, subject to government regulation, with an iron rule that the personnel of any given convent or monastery is in no way to be increased. Most strictly limited is display of Christian symbols. So extreme is this prohibition that even the Judaeophile Red Cross organization is excluded. In its stead, the Jewish State maintains the Red Star of David (Magen David Adom), which is affiliated with Red Cross international headquarters, but operates free of that hated name and symbol, the Cross.
* * * * *
Last year, when Jewish professor Melford Spiro prevailed upon Harvard University to publish his summary of life in the kibbutzim (the Jewish State’s communal farms), he made available to the public some very frank insights into present Palestine. On page 185, he summarizes: “The importance of the Soviet Union in the belief system of the kibbutz cannot be exaggerated. It is a combination of the Vatican and of heaven: from it come authoritative pronouncements on important social, political, and intellectual matters: toward it are directed the aspirations of all the downtrodden of the earth. Not only is the Soviet Union the center of peace, justice, and freedom, but everything in the Soviet Union is superior — its art, literature, science, technology are all superior to their counterparts in the rest of the world.”
* * * * *
Loud rejoicing was heard in the kibbutzim after the 1954 Jewish elections, when it was announced that the bustling town of Nazareth, childhood home of both Our Lord and His Blessed Mother, had voted 38 per cent Communist — with six out of fifteen council seats going to local Communist Jews.
* * * * *
… we have a suggestion for Our Sunday Visitor, the Sign, and any other Catholic papers that want to join in the chase. It is guaranteed to make their articles sky-rocket in effectiveness. Instead of attacking Zionists who are in the Holy Land only, why not open fire on the equally fervent and much more potent Zionists who are in the Dispersion — who whole-heartedly endorse every act of injustice, terror, and desecration that the Jewish State commits; who support it with their money, protect it with their propaganda, get favors for it with their pressuring of politicians; who were the midwives at its birth and have been its doting nursemaids ever since. In short, why not for a few months try attacking the Jews of America? We can promise some spectacular results.
[end of excerpt]
From this it is likely enough that given enough time we can see the “Abomination of Desolation sitting where it ought not.” That is the Antichrist sitting in a rebuilt temple in Jerusalem claiming he is god and supplanting the Catholic religion and Christian faith with a diabolic false imitation there and in the churches. Waiting to see this is not the answer. Just like Father Feeney we need to call for a Catholic revival of faith and real justice throughout the earth.
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