
Saturday, September 21, 2013

Europa & Palestine News « Europa & Middle East News

Europa & Palestine News « Europa & Middle East News

French Diplomat Under The Feet of Israeli Soldiers, Video

بينما كان ممثلي الإتحاد الأوروبي يدلون بأصواتهم لصالح النووي وسلاح الدمار الشامل الإسرائيلي في الجلسة الختامية للمؤتمر العام للدورة 57 في وكالة الطاقة الذرية في الأمم المتحدة, ويتوحدون من أجل إفشال مشروع قرار “القدرات النووية الإسرائيلية” الذي تقدمت به الدول العربية الأعضاء في المؤتمر, كانت الدبلوماسية الفرنسية “ماريون كاستنج” تجر بالقوة من قبل جنود الإحتلال الصهيوني كما يجر شوال “البطاطا”, وتلقى على الأرض تحت أقدام وبنادق جنود الفاشية الصهيونية الإسرائيلية, دون أدنى إعتبار للحصانة الدبلوماسية التي تتمتع فيها. وكانت “كاستنج” تقل حافلة الإغائة ألإنسانية في طريقها لتقديمها لمهجري وادي الأردن الذي شهد أكبر عملية تطهير عرقي صهيوني شهدتها قرية “مخول” خلال الشهر الجاري
French diplomat copyOn September 20 2013, Israeli army forces physically attacked Palestinians and international diplomats, who delivered basic aid to the Palestinian population of Khirbet Makhoul in the Jordan Valley. The Khirbet Makhoul was ethnic cleansed by the Israeli colonial occupation and the Palestinians were left without homes.
The zionist “state” of Israel is moving forward with its expansionist practices and ethnic cleansing plans in the Jordan Valley with the aim of eventually cleansing the area from its indigenous Palestinian residents.
Among the diplomats who were brutally attacked was Marion Castaing, a French diplomat. She was dragged out of the truck and forced to the ground with no regard for her diplomatic immunity.
The truck was confiscated and taken by the IDF war criminals to what s-called Israeli district coordination office (DCL), a branch of Israeli ministry of the army which perpetrated the wholesale genocide, ethnic cleansing war crimes and crimes against humanity in the occupied Palestine.
The barbaric attack was occurred in the occupied West Bank at a time when the representatives of the European Union voted in favour of Israeli nuclear and mass destruction weapons at the closing session of the of the IAEA 57th General Conference in Vienna.
The Israeli unjustified demolitions of the Palestinian houses and properties conducted by the Israeli Occupation Army clearly violate the International law rules, conventions and covenants as well as the rules of International Humanitarian Law:
Articles 53 & 147 of the Fourth Geneva Convention indicated that: Extensive destruction and appropriation of property not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly. Is a grave breach of the Convention
Hague Convention IV (18 October 1907): Convention Respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land: Article (23): ‘To destroy or seize the enemy’s property, unless such destruction or seizure be imperatively demanded by the necessities of war;’
Article 3 in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights reads that: states that ‘everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person’.
Article 25 states that ‘(1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.’
Also Article XXXI, Oslo II, 1995 provides: “Neither side shall take any step that will change the status of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip”

1 comment:

  1. Hallo Frau Salam,

    On one hand, this is the thanks the French get for secretly helping the Isreali Nuclear Weapons program at Dimona in the 1950′s and 1960′s and allowing the Isrealis to participate in the Atomic Blasts imposed on Algeria. For all the help the United States has given the ZioNazis, one day they will return the favor, most likely with a Nuclear rain of destruction from Yamantau Complex in Russia on the United States. What we have to remember is that we are not dealing with sanity. When Judas Iscariot and Gamaliel II are the preferred role models, treachery of the worst sort is always the order of the day.

    Enough about that.

    Our hearts go out to the Palestinian people and those brave souls like the French lady shown here who go in harms way to help the Palestinians.

    May all Christians and Muslims keep Palestine and her people in their prayers and witness to justice.

    Keep up the brave spirit Frau Salam! We are with you always.

    Viva Palestine!

