Europa & Palestine News « Europa & Middle East News
US Companies Celebrate Women’s Day in Palestine
At the time when huge demonstrations of women took place in many western countries during the International Woman’s day, demanding more rights and equal treatment to men, women in the occupied Palestinian Ramallah, the headquarters of the Palestinian Authority and the place of residency of “president” Mahmoud Abbas, the celebration of the IWD took a form more appropriate for promoting the many U.S and British (jewish-owned) companies which have inserted themselves into Palestine under the PA in coordination with the fat cats in Ramallah, than a day to remember women’s political interests.
Companies like Palco and Kimberly Clark that produce baby diapers and women hygiene articles or supplies for hotels and restaurants such as Hgiz, Kleenex, Mulet, Kotex, Lily, Nicole, Shikma, the British company GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) that produces pharmaceuticals, vaccines and consumer healthcare products headquartered in Brentford, London; U.S Reynolds Tobacco Ltd. …
These companies which are founded and owned by jews, used the occasion of International Women’s day to promote their products, often of questionable quality and utility, to manipulate the Palestinian women in the occupied territories. These companies, in cooperation with the Palestinian Authority, exploited this political occasion and turned it into a cheap fashion show, displaying girls with ridiculous hairstyles and makeup to market their products at the Grand Hotel in Ramallah.
Earlier, Palestinian women had marched for the International Women’s Day through Ramallah in protest demos against the Israeli occupation and the Palestinian Authority that denied them their basic rights as human beings, instead helping to worsen their problems, such as in the case of the so-called “honor” killings, to which six lost women their life in Ramallah, Hebron and Gaza since the beginning of 2014. The PA has stalled the necessary legal reforms to criminalize honor killings since years, apparently at the behest of their jewish colonial masters.
So yesterday March 8 2014, rather than the Palestinian women raising their voices to scream for their rights at the entrance of the Palestinian presidency headquarters in Ramallah, demanding changes in the disgusting and anachronistic family laws which discriminate heavily between men and women in Palestine, some women gathered at the Grand Hotel to watch a silly fashion show with high heels, backless dresses, strange make up, hair styles and hear the propaganda of these US zionists companies who will enslave them in due time.
In 2014 three Palestinian women were killed in Ramallah and Hebron, and another three were killed in the Gaza Strip. On 4 March 2014, a lawyer killed his wife in Ramallah after some month of marriage. He kicked her to death after a minor argument. Another body of a Palestinian woman was found near Ramallah on February 2 2014, a third woman was killed in Hebron, and of the three women who were killed in the Gaza Strip in 2014 no further details are known.
So yesterday March 8 2014, rather than the Palestinian women raising their voices to scream for their rights at the entrance of the Palestinian presidency headquarters in Ramallah, demanding changes in the disgusting and anachronistic family laws which discriminate heavily between men and women in Palestine, some women gathered at the Grand Hotel to watch a silly fashion show with high heels, backless dresses, strange make up, hair styles and hear the propaganda of these US zionists companies who will enslave them in due time.
In 2014 three Palestinian women were killed in Ramallah and Hebron, and another three were killed in the Gaza Strip. On 4 March 2014, a lawyer killed his wife in Ramallah after some month of marriage. He kicked her to death after a minor argument. Another body of a Palestinian woman was found near Ramallah on February 2 2014, a third woman was killed in Hebron, and of the three women who were killed in the Gaza Strip in 2014 no further details are known.
Palestinian women suffer the problems of society doubly, once because of the persecution of the zionist occupation and another time because of the unjust Palestinian laws operating under the Palestinian Authority, and lastly the traditional society controlled by men and social traditions and customs which are heavily against women.
The reason for the high numbers of “honor killings” has to do with the policies of the Palestinian Authority and the exploitation of the women who work in its institutions, women who are abused sexually by superiors and co-workers, putting their lives in big danger due to the tradition of “honor killings” in traditional Palestinian society.In the West Bank and Gaza there are no laws that forbid women from being murdered or prosecute their murderers. The Palestinian Authority applies the Jordanian Penal Code in the West Bank towns. The Jordanian law is considered as a discriminatory law, it reduces the penalty for the murderer when he perpetrates his crime under the pretext of “issues of honor”.“Honor” has become a justification for murdering women and protecting the murderers, as well keeping the power in the hands of the men who lead the society and impeding women from reaching power. This is a clear threat for all women who seek equality with men in their rights.
رام الله تحتفل بحفاضات الأطفال وعرض أزياء رخيص في اليوم العالمي للمرأة؟؟
خلافا لما جرى في مختلف دول العالم المتحضر من مسيرات صاخبة جابت الشوارع في يوم المرأة العالمي, مطالبة بمزيد من الحقوق والمساورا للمراة, أحيت يوم أمس مجموعة من الشركات الأمريكية والبريطانية المملوكة من أثرياء يهود, وتفتح فروعا لها تحتكر الأسواق المحلية في الأراضي الفلسطينية لصالح شركاء يعملون في السلطة, يوم المرأة العالمي بتقديم عروض رخيصة تقزم المناسبة وتحرفها هن مسارها الصحيح
حيث أجرت شركة “بالكو” للاستيراد والتوزيع، بالتعاون مع شركة “كمبرلي كلارك” الأميركية، وشلركة “جلاكسو سميث كلاين” اليوم السبت، “يوم المرأة العالمي”، بإقامة حفل فني راقص وعرض أزياء وتسريحات شعر ومكباج لا تتوافق والثقافة الفلسطينية, وذلك في فندق “جراند بارك” برام الل الواقع على مقربة من مقر الرئيس الفلسطيني محمود عباس
وحضر الحفل كبار رجال السلطة الفلسطينية من عشاق عارضات الأزياء الشابات, وجمع غفير من النساء الثريات من المعجبات بالماركات العالمية والأزياء الغربية إلى جانب مدير عام “بالكو” كمال محاميد، والمتحدث باسم الشركة الأميركية
وقدمت عرض الأزياء شابات في مقتبل العمر تم طلاؤهن بألوان قوس قزح السبعة بعد أن ارتدين ملابس شركة “مانجو” الشهيرة في أوروبا بأسعارها الرخيصة وبضاعتها الأرخص مقارنة بغيرها
وقد تم إستغلال مناسبة يوم المرأة العالمي للتسويق لحفاضات كوتس للاطفال والنساء, وغيرها من بضائع الأستهلاك اليومي التي غزت السوق المحلي لتحل مكان البضائع الفلسطينية, وتكبد المواطن وصناعته المحلية خسائرا فادحة
وهذه المرة الأولي التي تشارك فيها نساء فلسطينيات مغفلات في تقزيم مناسبة يوم الآرض لصالح مؤسسات أجنبية يعود ريعها على أمريكا وبريطانيا اللتين تقدمان الدعم الكامل للمستوطنات الصهيونية فوق الأراضي الفلسطينية
في حين تشهد الآراضي الفلسطينية تزايد جرائم ما يسمى ب “الشرف”, في ظل قوانين بالية موروثة منذ العهد الأردني, تميز بين الرجل والمرأة وتخفف العقوبات المفروضة على جرائم ما يسمى بالشرف
إلى جانب ذلك تعاني المرأة الفلسطينية من مشاكل مضاعفة نتيجة لظروف الأحتلال, والتمييز في العمل والأقتصاد والسياسة والتعليم وجميع مناحي الحياة, إلى جانب العادات والتقاليد البالية التي ما زالت تحكم المجتمع الذكوري المتسلط, الذي يسيطر فيه الرجل على جميع مناحي الحياة في الوطن المحتل
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