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Jewish Terrorist Group Fraudulently Bought Land From Dead Palestinian
Haaretz, Israeli newspaper reported today Sunday Feb. 16 2013 that the real estate purchasing arm of Amana, the organization behind illegal West Bank outpost construction headed by a jewish terrorist Zeev (Zambish) Hever from the terrorist group Gush Emunim, bought parts of a disputed area in the Beit El
settlement in 2013 from a Palestinian man who has been dead for years.
The current housing and construction minister, Uri Ariel, was Amana’s general secretary in the 1980s.
The allegation is detailed in documents sent to the police in a request to investigate the purchasing arm, Al-Watan.
In the summer of 2012, five buildings in Beit El’s Ulpana neighborhood were demolished following a petition to the High Court of Justice by Palestinians who owned the two lots at the site.
Last week Army Radio reported that Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon had given Al-Watan a permit to register parts of one of the lots under its name.
Al-Watan’s main owner is an Amana subsidiary, Binyanei Bar Amana. Al-Watan seeks to buy land in settlements where High Court petitions by Palestinians are pending; this would obviate the need to evacuate those lands.
Al-Watan’s directors are Ze’ev “ Zambish” Hever, a longtime leader of the settlement enterprise, Amana’s treasurer Moshe Yogev, and an Amana employee, Hananya Nahliel. Hever declined to comment for this article.
Al-Watan has claimed that it bought a Palestinian house on the outskirts of the settlement of Ofra, but the district court ruled that the deal was forged. Al-Watan also says it bought land at Giv’at Asaf, Amona and Migron. All of these transactions are being investigated by the police.
Al-Watan has claimed that it bought a Palestinian house on the outskirts of the settlement of Ofra, but the district court ruled that the deal was forged. Al-Watan also says it bought land at Giv’at Asaf, Amona and Migron. All of these transactions are being investigated by the police.
Regarding the Ulpana neighborhood, documents submitted by attorneys Michael Sfard and Shlomi Zacharia, who are representing the petitioners for human rights group Yesh Din, raise questions on the legitimacy of the Al-Watan purchases.
In January last year, a front man allegedly bought the land on which Ulpana sits from its Palestinians owners. A few months later the man allegedly passed the land on to Al-Watan. But according to the documents submitted by Sfard and Zacharia, the man stipulated had died years before.
In June, the man allegedly bought land in another part of Ulpana, from a different Palestinian. But according to the documents, this Palestinian lives in Jordan and says no one ever approached him about the land. Sfard and Zacharia want the police to launch a criminal probe on suspicion the purchases were forged.
This is not the first time Amana and its subsidiaries have claimed ownership of land in the Ulpana neighborhood. Amana has said that in 2000 it bought land at the site, but after the police determined that the purchase was fraudulent, the land was not transferred to Amana’s name.
In 2011, Amana claimed in district court that it owned a lot in Ulpana, in an effort to obstruct the evacuation of the neighborhood. The court rejected the claim.
Amana was founded in 1978 as the settlement movement of Gush Emunim. It is registered as a cooperative society, located on Paran Street in Jerusalem’s Ramat Eshkol neighborhood. The current housing and construction minister, Uri Ariel, was Amana’s general secretary in the 1980s.The organization’s activity is conducted largely through a subsidiary, Binyanei Bar Amana. According to the division between the two, Amana plans and initiates the construction projects, wields political connections and obtains authorizations or devises means to sidestep the law; Binyanei Bar Amana does the actual construction. Almost all of that construction takes place in the West Bank. With the exception of isolated villages – such as Bar Yohai and Or Haganuz in Galilee, and communities for former residents of Gush Katif (the evacuated Gaza Strip settlement bloc) – all of Amana’s construction is being done across the Green Line. Hever became the society’s general secretary in 1989.Hever, whose original name was Friedman, was born in Ramat Gan and joined Gush Emunim at a young age. In the 1970s, he was secretary of the regional council of Kiryat Arba, an urban settlement abutting on Hebron. As a member of the Jewish terrorist organization, he tried to place a bomb in the car of Dr. Ahmed Natshe, a political figure in Hebron. A barking dog frightened Hever and his accomplices, however, and they hid the bomb. It was discovered later on and became one of the clues that enabled the Shin Bet security service to uncover the Jewish Underground. Hever was arrested in 1984 and sentenced to 11 months in prison. Like all the refugees of the Underground, he moved towards the center in the wake of his experience. As a young man, Hever held extremely radical views about the Arabs but after his prison term, he abandoned the path of violence and embarked on a career as a functionary with close ties to the authorities.About a year after Hever became Amana’s general secretary, Ariel Sharon was appointed housing minister (in the government of Yitzhak Shamir). The Sharon-Hever alignment paid off for the settlements, which underwent a building boom in this period (1990-1992). Sharon, given a free hand to build housing for the large influx of immigrants from the former Soviet Union, used the opportunity to beef up the settlements as well. He and Hever found a common language: both viewed themselves as men of action who had nothing but scorn for officials, bureaucrats, legal experts and the like.Under Sharon’s stewardship, Amana engaged in a major building drive, which would make the settlements an irreversible fact of life. The warm relationship between Sharon and Hever was unbroken. Even during the 2005 disengagement from Gaza, when the settlers felt that Prime Minister Sharon had stabbed them in the back, Hever alone remained in constant touch with him. He told friends that his approach was: Whatever can be attained, can be; and what cannot, cannot.
مستوطنون حركة غوش إمونيم الأرهابية تعقد صفقة كاذبة مع فلسطيني متوفي؟؟
كشفت صحيفة “هآرتس” في عددها الصادر اليوم الاحد ان الصفقة التي عقدتها شركة “الوطن” التابعة لحركة “آمان” الاستيطانية حول شراء قطعة ارض من حي “الاولبانا” في مستوطنة “بيت ايل” عام 2013 تم عقدها مع شخص متوفى قبل عدة سنوات من تاريخ عقد الصفقة
واضافت الصحيفة ان الكشف عن هذه القضية تبين بعد ان تم التقدّم بشكوى امام الشرطة من قبل منظمة “يش دين” لفحص ممارسات شركة وطن في الضفة
يشار الى انه تم هدم 5 مباني شمال “بيت ايل” والتي كانت مقامة على قطع ارض خاصة للمواطنين برام الله، والذين التمسوا امام المحكمة العليا بطلب لهدم هذه المباني؛ الا انه في الاسبوع الماضي عُلم ان وزير الجيش اعطى الاذن للشركة لتسجيل قطعة من بين هذه القطع على اسمها
وافادت الصحيفة ان الوثائق التي تقدم بها الملتمسون اظهرت علامات استفهام حول الصفقة المذكورة، فقد اظهرت ان شخصاً وسيطاً “اشترى” عام 2013 قطعة الارض التي اقيم عليها حي “الاولبانا” من شخص فلسطيني، ونقل الوسيط بعد عدة اشهر هذه الملكية الى شركة “الوطن ” الاستيطانية، الا ان الوثائق التي تقدّم بها الملتمسون اثبتت ان الشخص “البائع” متوفى قبل عدة سنوات من تاريخ البيع، حسب الصحيفة
كما تبين ايضاً ان وسيطاً آخر اشترى قطعة ارض اخرى في حي “الاولبانا” الا ان محامي الملتمسين اثبتوا ان الشخص “البائع” مقيم في الاردن مؤكدا ان احداً لم يتوجه اليه لشراء الارض. وكان المحامون تقدموا الى الشرطة بشكوى للتحقيق في ممارسات شركة “الوطن” للاشتباه بعملية تزوير
يشار الى ان الشركة كانت ادّعت في الماضي شراء قطعة ارض في مستوطنة عوفرا من شخص فلسطيني الا ان هذه الادعاءات تم دحضها من قبل المحكمة المركزية الاسرائيلية التي قررت ان الوثائق مزّيفة
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