
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Europa & Palestine News « Europa & Middle East News: New EU Directive for relations with the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories

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Europa & Palestine News « Europa & Middle East News: New EU Directive for relations with the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories

New EU Directive for relations with the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories

Eu councilSheep Links - from Society for Austro-Arab relations (GÖAB) - The text drafted by the European Commission and published in the Official Journal of the European Union with today's gem Day "guidelines on the eligibility of Israeli institutions and their activities in Israel since June 1967 occupied territories in terms of the EU-funded grants, prizes and financial ierungsinstrumente 2014 "has caused in recent weeks, especially in Israel, violent reactions.
Here, have leading representatives of the Israeli government - as it was in similar cases in the past repeatedly the case - extremely out of stock in the choice of words. 
Even the notorious anti-Semitism club was swung again.
Cooling is considered in this Directive only to the bureaucratic commit process of international law uncontested status which in June 1967 by Israel peoples kerrechtswidrig occupied Palestinian territories. Given the well in Europe widely disseminated over-cautious policy towards Israel, these guidelines but at least a first step in the right direction dar.
Since the bilateral relations between the EU Member States but which is not directly affected, it now remains to be seen how this respond.
It would be highly desirable, if possible, now all EU Member States where similar policies worked out. 
Guidelines on the eligibility of Israeli institutions and their activities since June 1967 in the territories occupied by Israel in terms of the EU-funded grants, prizes and financial instruments from 2014
(2013 / C 205/05)
 1 In these guidelines, the conditions are specified under which implements essential conditions for the allocation of EU support to Israeli institutions and their activities since June 1967 in the Israeli occupied territories the Commission. The goal is the Attention of views and commitments of the EU - to ensure respect of the non-recognition of Israel's sovereignty over since the territories occupied by Israel in June 1967 by the EU - in accordance with international law. These guidelines apply without prejudice to other measures provided by EU legislation requirements.
 2 Since June 1967 to the territories occupied by Israel include the Golan Heights, the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.
 3 The EU does not recognize Israel's sovereignty over the territories referred to in point 2 and does not consider them as part of Israeli territory (1) - regardless of their legal status under Israeli law (2). The EU has made it clear that it does not recognize any changes other than those of the pre-1967 borders, which were agreed by the parties to the Middle East peace process (3). The Foreign Affairs Council of the EU has stressed the importance of limiting the application of the agreement with Israel recognized by the EU territory of Israel (4).
 4 These guidelines concern neither the support of the EU in the form of grants, prizes or financial instruments that are awarded to Palestinian institutions or for their activities in the areas referred to in paragraph 2, nor provided for this purpose conditions of eligibility. In particular, they do not relate to an agreement between the EU and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and the Palestinian Authority on the other side.
Section B. SCOPE
 5 These guidelines apply to the support of the EU in the form of grants, prizes or financial instruments within the meaning of Title VI, VII and VIII of the Financial Regulation (5), which are awarded to Israeli institutions or for its activities in since June 1967 Israeli-occupied territories can. Your application is without prejudice to the specific conditions of eligibility that may be laid down in the relevant basic act.
 6 These guidelines will apply:
 a) for grants - for all applicants and recipients, regardless of their role (sole beneficiary, coordinator or co-beneficiary). This includes facilities that participate in the action on cost basis (6), and related facilities within the meaning of Article 122 paragraph 2 of the Financial Regulation. This list includes any contractor or subcontractor that were selected by the Beneficiary to award procurement rules. To third parties in accordance with Article 137 of the Financial Regulation and in cases where the cost of financial support for these third parties in the context of a call for proposals for funding, the authorizing officer may, where appropriate in the call for proposals and grant agreements clarify or decisions that the eligibility criteria set out in these guidelines also apply to the persons who receive financial support from the recipients;
 b) in prize money - for all participants and winners of competitions;
 c) Financial instruments - for specialized investment companies, financial intermediaries and downstream financial intermediaries and final beneficiaries.
 7 These guidelines apply for grants, prizes and financial instruments issued by the Commission of the executive agencies (direct management) or by bodies to which implementation tasks have been delegated the Financial Regulation, in accordance with Article 58, paragraph 1, letter c (indirect management) are managed.
 8 These guidelines apply for grants, prizes and financial instruments, the C-financed by the HaushaltsjahresDE 19.7.2013 Official Journal of the European Union 205/9
 (1) The geographical scope of the Association Agreement between the EU and Israel see judgment of the Court of Justice C-386/08, Brita, ECR 2010, I-1289, paras. 47 to 53
 (2) According to Israeli law, including East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights to Israel, the Gaza Strip and the rest of the West Bank are referred to as "the territories".
 (3) See, for example, the conclusions of the Foreign Affairs Council on the Middle East peace process, December 2009, December 2010, April 2011 and May and December 2012.
 (4) The conclusions of the Foreign Affairs Council on the Middle East peace process on 10 December 2012 states that all agreements between the State of Israel and the European Union is to explain clearly and explicitly that it does not apply to the territories occupied by Israel in 1967.
 (5) Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 966/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2012 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the Union and repealing Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 (OJ L 298, 26.10.2012, p.1).
 (6) In this case, the Israeli organization funded their participation with funds from other sources, but is nevertheless treated as a receiver and can therefore gain access to know-how, services, networking and other opportunities for other receivers as a result of the EU grant.
2014 and subsequent years will be financed and approved by financing decisions after the adoption of the guidelines.
 9 Concerning the birthplace of the Israeli institutions:
 a) In the case of grants and prizes only with Israeli institutions of incorporation within the pre-1967 borders of Israel are eligible.
 b) In the case of financial instruments only with Israeli institutions of incorporation within the pre-1967 borders of Israel as final recipients are eligible.
 10th Registration address as the founding place of the device is to be understood, which is also confirmed by an appropriate a specific location exact postal address. The specification of a mailbox is not allowed.
 11th The requirements of Section C:
 a) apply to the following entities: Israeli regional or local authorities and other public bodies, private or public companies or firms, other private legal entities, including non-governmental non-profit organizations,
 b) does not apply to Israeli public institutions at the national level (ministries and government departments or agencies),
 c) do not apply to natural persons.
 12th Concerning the activities of the Israeli institutions:
 a) In the case of grants, prizes and the activities of Israeli institutions are considered in the context of EU-funded grants and prices considered eligible if they are not in the areas referred to in point 2 - completely or partially - to take place.
 b) In the case of financial instruments Israeli institutions are eligible as ultimate consignee, provided that they are not active in the areas referred to in paragraph 2, either in the context of EU-funded financial instruments or in other ways.
 13th Any activity or part thereof (1), which is contained in an application for a grant from the EU or prize money that is not the point 12 letter corresponds to a specified requirements will be considered ineligible and therefore not as part of the request for further assessment .
 14th The requirements of Section D
 a) shall apply to activities under item 12, which are performed by the following types of entities: Israeli regional or local authorities and other public bodies, private or public companies or firms, other private legal entities, including non-governmental non-profit organizations,
 b) also apply to activities under item 12, which are carried out by Israeli authorities at the national level (ministries and government departments or agencies),
 c) do not apply to activities under item 12, which are carried out by natural persons.
 15th Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraphs 12-14 apply under Subpart D does not apply to activities which, although carried out in the areas defined in point 2, but protected persons shall benefit in the context of international humanitarian law, who live in these areas, and / or the to promote peace in the Middle East, in accordance with the policies of the EU (2).
 16th Every Israeli institution under paragraph 11 letters a and b and Article 14 letters a and b, the grants, prizes or EU financial instruments applied, sets a declaration on their honor:
 a) In the case of grants and prices it is clear from the statement that the request of the Israeli establishment, in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 9 point a and point 12 point a of these guidelines, taking into account the applicability of paragraph 15 is (3). For grants this statement is prepared in accordance with Article 131 paragraph 3 of the Financial Regulation.
 b) In the case of financial instruments is clear from the statement that the request of the Israeli establishment as the recipient in accordance with the requirements under paragraph 9 letters b and number 12 letter b of these guidelines steht.DE C 205/10 Official Journal of the European Union 19.7. 2013
 (1) For example, nationwide projects to be carried out, which include both activities within the boundaries of the pre-1967 as well as activities outside these limits (eg settlements) in Israel.
 (2) This includes, for example, activities under the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights, the facility to promote civil society in the framework of the neighborhood policy and / or the program Partnership for Peace.
 (3) In the case of Israeli national authorities (ministries and government departments / agencies), the explanation for communication contains an address that is within Israel's pre-1967 borders and point 10 corresponds.
17th The explanations in Section 16 shall apply without prejudice to any other required documents in the calls for proposals, rules on competition or requests for proposals for the selection of financial intermediaries or specialized investment companies. You are in the application documents in respect of each call for proposals include provisions on competition and solicitation for proposals for the selection of financial intermediaries or specialized investment companies. Your wording is adapted to the respective requirements for each grant, any prize money or any financial instrument.
 18th The submission of a declaration under section 16 that does not contain correct information, can be considered as a misrepresentation or serious irregularity, which may result
 a) for grants - for action under Article 131, paragraph 5, and Article 135 of the Financial Regulation,
 b) for prices - for action under Article 212 paragraph 1 point viii of the application of the Financial Regulation (1) and
 c) financial instruments - measures under Article 221 paragraph 3 of the application of the Financial Regulation.
 19th The Commission will implement these guidelines in their entirety and in a clear and easily understandable form.It is in particular the conditions of eligibility set out in Sections C and D announce in the work programs (2) and / or funding decisions, requests for proposals, rules on competitions and calls for proposals for the selection of financial intermediaries or specialized investment companies.
 20th The Commission will ensure that the work programs and calls for proposals, rules on competitions and calls for proposals for the selection of financial intermediaries or specialized investment companies, which are published by the bodies responsible for the implementation of the tasks under indirect management positions the eligibility conditions contained in Sections C and D.
 21, In order to bring the EU obligations under international law clearly expressed and to take account of relevant EU policies and positions, the Commission will endeavor to ensure that the contents of these guidelines in international agreements or protocols or agreements with Israeli counter-parties or with other parties reflected.
 22, The allocation of EU support for Israeli facilities or activities in the form of grants, prizes or financial instruments requires an interaction with Israeli institutions referred to in paragraphs 11 and 14, for example through the organization of meetings, visits or events. Such cooperation is not in the areas referred to in point 2 instead, unless it is mentioned in paragraph 15 Tätigkeiten.DE 19.7.2013 Official Journal of the European Union C 205/11
 (1) Delegated Regulation (EU) No 1268/2012 of 29 October 2012 on the application of the provisions of Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 966/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2012 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Union (OJ L 362, 31.12.2012, p.1).
 (2) Subject to the results of the comitology procedure, which may be required by the relevant basic act.

1 comment:

  1. Hallo Frau Salam,

    The Isreali occupation was not only undertaken by illegal means but for immoral and evil and illegal reasons. Its continuance has been only illegal. This applies to the time since the 1967 expansionist war of terror conducted by Isreal and its acts of war against not only its neighbors but the United States at that time and by the High Treason Traitor Marrano Lyndon Baines Johnson's betrayal of the USS Liberty. No surprise, Johnson helped assassinate Pan Arabist President John F. Kennedy in 1963. President John F. Kennedy would have prevented Dimona and Isreali Nuclear Arms and the 1967 war of Isreali terror. Ben Gurion and Nahum Goldmann ordered Kennedy's assassination therefore - Johnson and the CIA assisted.

    The occupation has been illegal, immoral, evil and unfounded by any honest view since 1948 and the beginning of the Naqba then.

    Most importantly it has been done by the Zionists only by instigation of Satan and the intent to murder innocent people.

    Nazism and Communism were only lead ins to the Naqba.

    The Zionist plan is for the Naqba to engulf the whole world with a genocide of all the world's peoples.

    The absolutely diabolical criminal Zionists have even built a ghetto wall around themselves from which to murder innocent Palestinians. Sane people do not behave this way, it takes a Hitler or a Stalin to do such things.

    You cannot reason with such demons. You stop them. That is why they assassinated President Kennedy. Kennedy had the Joint Chiefs of Staff prepare a plan for the dismantlement of the occupying Isreali entity and its removal from Palestine if they ever did what they did do in 1967. If Kennedy had been alive in 1967 the Isreali war against its neighbors would have lasted no more than 16 hours and then Palestine would have been free.

    All the best always to you and Palestine.

    Frei Palästina!

    Auf wiedersehen Frau Salam,

