Europa & Palestine News « Kawther Salam
Letter From Palestinians In the Diaspora To Ki-moon
ملاحظة: نص الرسالة في اللغة العربية منشور أدنى الرسالة في اللغة الأنجليزية
Mr. The General Secretary of the United Nations Organization – United Nations Organization – New York
In the name of our Palestinian People , living in the poor miserable refugees camps, and in the occupied territories , where the Israeli forces continue to confiscate its lands to build the racist Zionist settlements , and to force upon our People the policies of the ethnic cleansing ,the siege, and the Judaization of its Holey places, we still remember in this 65th anniversary of our Nakba all the crimes the Zionists perpetuated against us.
It is the most cruel, savage crime that has ever been done against a peaceful people in the history when it was expelled by terror and force out of its homeland.
Our people have been waiting during those 65 years for the implementation of the UN resolutions: 194, 181, 242, and 338 by Israel, or by the United States, which supported the declaration of the Israeli state in order to make it an aggressive base in the Middle East.
Our people have been waiting during those 65 years for the implementation of the UN resolutions: 194, 181, 242, and 338 by Israel, or by the United States, which supported the declaration of the Israeli state in order to make it an aggressive base in the Middle East.
The Nakba anniversary is still rooted deeply in our people’s memory and has been inherited by all generations until the implementation of the justice. Meanwhile our people will continue to struggle by all legitimate means, authorized by the international and religious laws in order to return back to its homeland in occupied Palestine.
Accordingly, we confirm here that our people, by its Muslims and Christians citizens have never given an authorization to any person, or organization to make concessions of its rights and to hold negotiations on any concession. Therefore, our people have already confirmed in several occasions, that it will not commit itself to any concession that the Arab League delegation declares.
The Arab League represents the rulers, but not the peoples of the Arab nation, and even the Palestine Authority is not authorized to make any concession of the Palestinian People legitimate Rights nor the PLO which was established in order to protect the targets of the Palestinian People before it gave them up.
Mr. UN Secretary General, It is self understood according to the UN Convention that our Palestinian democratic People is the only party that does have the right to practice its self determination by a public referendum, that all Palestinian citizens should participate in, regardless of their residence inside occupied Palestine and in the refugees places of Diaspora.
We express by this occasion our deep anxious from the increased and expanded terror and extremism in your term, as the Secretary General of the United Nation Organization. It is worth mentioning that we all are witnessing how some state members in the UN such as Israel and Qatar are financing and supporting the terror actions with the help of certain great powers, intelligence services.
Mr. UN Secretary General, It is self understood according to the UN Convention that our Palestinian democratic People is the only party that does have the right to practice its self determination by a public referendum, that all Palestinian citizens should participate in, regardless of their residence inside occupied Palestine and in the refugees places of Diaspora.
We express by this occasion our deep anxious from the increased and expanded terror and extremism in your term, as the Secretary General of the United Nation Organization. It is worth mentioning that we all are witnessing how some state members in the UN such as Israel and Qatar are financing and supporting the terror actions with the help of certain great powers, intelligence services.
Finally it should be recognized that our People is looking fore, achieving, Peace, justice, stability and return back to the homeland according to the international legitimate resolutions.
With Most Respect,
The Federation of the Palestinian Communities Institutions and Associations, In the Diaspora –Europe
Barcelona – Spain
اتحادالجاليات والمؤسسات والفعاليات الفلسطينية في الشتات ـ أوروبااتحاد الصمود والمقاومة من أجل العودةالأمانة العامة ـ برشلونة بسم الله الرحمنالرحيمسعادة السكرتير العام للأمم المتحدة New York, NY 10017 USAشعبنا العربي الفلسطيني في الشتات والمقيم في مخيمات الذل والهوان والفقر والحرمان والذي لا يزال تحت عبء الاحتلال العسكري العنصري الفاشي والعدوان المستمر عليه بمصادرة أراضيه وممتلكاته لإقامة المستوطنات والمزاولة بحقه وتطبيق عليه سياسة التفرقة العنصرية والحصار والعزل والتطهير العرقي والتهويد والاعتداء على المقدسات يقيم ذكرى 65 عاماً لأبشع جريمة اُرتكبت واُقترفت بحق شعب عريق مسالم باحتلال وطنه وطرده منه. 65 عاماً وشعبنا صابر ينتظر أن تطبق إسرائيل دولة الكيان المحتل قرارات مجلس الأمن 181 ـ 194 ـ 242 ـ 338 أو أن ترغمها دول الاستعمار الإمبريالية والتي كانت أساساً في إقامتها لتكون قاعدة لها في الشرق الأوسطإن ذكرى النكبة لدى شعبنا أقوى بكثير من ذاكرة النسيان وسيتناقلها كل الأجيال حتى تحقيق العدالة وسيزاول حقه في النضال بجميع الوسائل التي شرعتها الشرائع السماوية والدنوية حتى تحقيق العودة إلى وطنه فلسطين المحتلةنود أن تتيقنوا أن شعبنا العربي الفلسطيني بمسيحييه ومسلميه الذي أروته وغذت روحه تعاليم الرسالات السماوية ورسلها لم يعطي وكالة لأحد بالتكلم والتفاوض والتنازل عن حقوقه ولا يعترف ولن يلتزم بما تقوم به وفود الجامعة العربية غير الشرعية لأنها لا تمثل شعوبها ولا حتى السلطة الفلسطينية لأن هذا ليس من شأنها أو مَن اختطف منظمة التحرير الفلسطينية التي أُفرغت من أهدافها ومعناها ومغزاها والتي شُكلت من أجل تحقيقهاإن شعبنا العربي الفلسطيني الديمقراطي هو الوحيد صاحب القرار في المسيرة والمصير والوحيد والذي يقرره باستفتاء عام يشارك به الشعب في الوطن والشتات وأينما كان تواجده
لا نخفي عليكم شدة قلقنا لانتشار الإرهاب والإرهابيين المتطرفين في عهدكم والذي تموله دول عضوة في الأمم المتحدة كإسرائيل وقطر وترعاه وتخطط له أجهزة الاستخبارات لدول عظمى
إن تحقيق السلام والعدالة والعيش بأمان واستقرار والعودة إلى وطننا المحتل وتطبيق قرارات الشرعية الدولية هو ما نصبوا إليه ونسعى إلى تحقيقه ونتمناهمع فائق التقدير والاحترام
Bonjour Madame Salam,
ReplyDeleteWe share a common link. You are a refugee from Occupied Palestine to Austria. My family that came from Eastern Europe in 1901 to the United States were refugees as well. As my elder relatives, who still spoke the language from the old country, related to me (in English however) the reason for their leaving where they were and seeking refuge in the United States was the incessant war and forced servitude in foreign armies (the other choice was death in their own villages for the innocent young men by execution against a wall by a foreign army). The lands in fact that they left were far more fertile farmland than any they came to in America. This forced servitude in the old country in Eastern Europe was typical of many countries there, foreign armies would take the young men by force from where they were to another country to fight on the side of yet a third which had abducted them. It was living insane hell. This had more to do than with just the Judaist Zionists who had some involvement. It had to do with the insane Christian in name only petty tyrants who were constantly striving to take unlawful advantage over whoever they could. The Talmudic money lenders had a part in all of it. But it is complex. The bottom line was the idea that any people that God Almighty had created could be used by others as if they were simply animals to be herded and disposed of at will.
I see the same thing exactly in what the innocent Palestinian people have gone through and are continuing to go through. Not only are the Zionists utterly guilty, but so are the London banks and New York banks and Aldobrandini etc Italian banks and more. So is the American savage unconscionable Military Industrial war machine utterly guilty of unprovoked war for profiteering - that is rape and pillage and genocide and nothing else. The European Union and the Communist International are just Socialist gulag style opportunists with their behind the scenes Stasi like iron grip on innocents. Putin's Russia is only a Socialist Nationalist Oligarchy ruled by the same self serving Scandanavian Byelorussian elites (centered in Muscovy and extending from the slaving conquests centuries earlier down the Dnieper) same as during the corrupt Czars. The United Nations at times seems like the only forum left to speak to, but let us please remember which bankers' city the U.N. resides in - New York, it is no accident. Consider that the European Union is actually a product of the final marriage of money as god and tyrannical Bolshevik Communism in its Socialist guise, namely the Treaty of Rome 1956-1957. Nor is the fact the risorgimento that the bankers and the Black Nobility put Europe and in fact Eurasia through and now have been for quite some number of decades putting the Middle East through was hatched out of a hermetic-cabalistic Satanic envy of simple Godly people going back centuries. This is the real root to it. The money side is quite real but a devolvement from the basic Diabolic instigation. That Diabolism is also totally apparent in the United Nations building and exhibits and policies as well. They pass nice resolutions, but since when has the World Court with any binding authority and real enforcement caused these resolutions to have force of law and be obeyed by the belligerent savage usurpers of the God given rights of the Palestinian people?
May God Almighty free Palestine and her people.
Viva Palestina!
In Christ, Adieu,