
Friday, November 23, 2012

Terrorism in the United States and Palestine

From - "The History of the House of Rothschild" by Andrew Hitchcock

1848: Karl Marx, an Ashkenazi Jew, publishes, "The Communist Manifesto." Interestingly at the same time as he is working on this, Karl Ritter of Frankfurt University was writing the antithesis which would form the basis for Freidrich Wilhelm Nietzsche's, "Nietzscheanism." This Nietzecheanism was later developed into Fascism and then into Nazism and was used to foment the first and second world wars.
Marx, Ritter, and Nietzsche were all funded and under the instruction of the Rothschilds. The idea was that those who direct the overall conspiracy could use the differences in those two so-called ideologies to enable them to divide larger and larger factions of the human race into opposing camps so that they could be armed and then brainwashed into fighting and destroying each other, and particularly, to destroy all political and religious institutions. The same plan put forward by Weishaupt in 1776.
1865: In a statement to Congress, President Abraham Lincoln states, "I have two great enemies, the Southern Army in front of me, and the financial institutions in the rear. Of the two, the one in my rear is my greatest foe."
Later that year, on April 14, President Lincoln is assassinated, less than two months before the end of the American Civil War. Following a brief training period in the Rothschilds London Bank, Jacob Schiff, a Rothschild, born in their house in Frankfurt, arrives in America at the age of 18, with instructions and the finance necessary to buy into a banking house there. The purpose of this was to carry out the following tasks.
1. Gain control of America's money system through the establishment of a central bank.
2. Find desirable men, who for a price, would be willing to serve as stooges for the Illuminati and promote them into high places in the federal government, the Congress, Supreme Court, and all the federal agencies.
3. Create minority group strife throughout the nations, particularly targeting the whites and blacks.
4. Create a movement to destroy religion in the United States, with Christianity as the main target.


One example of very many:

Hoffman Family History

Hoffman Name Meaning

German and Jewish (Ashkenazic): variant of Hoffmann ‘steward’.Dutch: occupational name for a farm laborer or a gardener, someone who worked at the hof, the manor farm.
2,265,440 Historical Documents & Family Trees with Hoffman
631,032 Census and Voter Lists 59,147 Immigration Records 478,167 Birth, Marriage, and Deaths 963,726 Member Family Trees 133,368 Military Records

German surnames that identify Jews who were/are of Ashkenaz descent and who emigrated to America where they continue to practice Judaism which is the prime point of the core of the Illuminati.

Abernheimer, Adler, Alkan, Alsberg, Altbaier, Altshuler, Andrews-(Aron), Ansbacher, Arany, Arnstein, Aron-(Andrews), Bachmann, Bachrach, Baecker, Balla, Bamberger, Banucci, Baruch, Bauer, Bauernfreund, Baumgarten, Beck, Behringer, Benario, Bendit, Berges, Bergmann, Berlin, Bernert, Bethe, Beutel, Beyer, Biber, Bierer, Bing, Binswanger, Birgstein, Bloch, Blumenthal, Bomeisler, Borges, Borovich, Boskowitz, Brandl, Brauf, Brown, Bruckmann, Bruell, Brull, Buchman, Buchmann, Buchstein, Buckman, Buday, Burt, Busch, Cahn, Carry, Carter, Chacona, Chance, Chens, Clausen, Collett, Comer, Coons, Cotton, Cukier, Czekau, Davidson, Davies, Davis, de Cortes, Desperack, Dessauer, Dettelsbach, Diamand, Donath, Dreyfuss, Dunau, Eberstadt, Eckstein, Einstein, Eisemann, Eisenberg, Elsberg, Engelmann, Engerer, Englaender, Epstein, Erdmann, Erlanger, Erlenbach, Ettlinger, Falk, Feigl, Feis, Feistmann, Fels, Feust, Fernich, Field, Fleischmann, Flersheim, Flynn, Foertsch, Fortsch, Fraenkel, Frank, Frankel, Frankenau, Frauenfeld, Freudenberger, Freund, Freundlich, Fried, Friedericks, Friedmann, Frowenfield-(Frauenfeld), Frueh, Fuerst, Furst, Fuld, Funk, Gage, Gans, Geertz, Geiger, Gerngross, Gernheim, Gerst, Geyari-(Loewenthal-Lowenthal), Gierschner, Gilman, Glover-(Goldstein-Glozer) Glozer-(Goldstein-Glover), Gmeiner, Gocidicka, Goetz-(Gotz), Goldberg, Goldmann, Goldschmidt, Goldsmith, Goldstein, Goodman, Grafe, Gugenheim, Guldmann, Gumpel, Gunzehauser, Gutherz, Gutmann, Haas, Hachmann, Hahn, Hamburger, Hansens, Hampton, Hartmann, Hassdoerfer-(Hassdorfer), Hattlender, Hechinger, Heidenheimer-(Heiden-Heimer), Heinsheimer, Heller, Hellmann, Henshaw, Hermann, Herrnheiser, Hertzka, Herz, Heskel, Hess, Hessberg, Hesselberger, Hess, Hesslein, Hesz, Heymann, Hilb, Hirsch, Hirschberg, Hirschhorn, Hirschmann, Hochberger, Hoenigsberger, Hofmann, Hollerbusch, Hollmuth, Holmes, Holzinger, Homberg, Hopf, Hopf-(Mandelbaum), Hummel, Hunter, Iglauer, Jaffe, Jeremias, Jordan, Joseph, Josephthal, Jul, Jung, Junge, Kahn, Kalen, Kann, Kapauner, Karasek, Kassel, Kaufmann, Keracek, Kern, Kidron-(Kornblum), Kiefer, Kimball, Kirchlein, Kirchner, Kirschner, Kitzler, Klauber, Klein, Kleinberg, Klenk, Klopfer, Knisely, Koch, Kocherthaler, Koenig, Kohn, Kohn, Konig, Konstein, Koondis, Kopf, Koreff, Kornblum-(Kidron), Krackenberger, Kraus, Krueger, Kruger, Kuehlken-Kuhlken, Kuln, Kulp, Lachmann, Lang, Lange, Langermann, Laub, Laude, Lauinger, Lebmann, Lebrecht, Lehman, Lehmeier, Lekisch, Lemberger, Lessing, Levi, Levine, Levi-(Tuchmann), Levy, Liebhold, Lindner, Lion, Livingston, Lob, Lobl, Loeb, Loebl, Loewensberg, Loewenthal, Lowensberg, Lowenthal, Loewi, Lowi, Loewlerin, Lopes, Loth, Lublicki, Luftig, Luginbuehl, Maas, Maienthau, Mailaender, Mandelbaum, Mandelbaum-(Hopf), Manfredi, Manfredi-(Yronwode), Marcus, Marks, Marx, Matthys, Maur, May, Mayer, Mayers, McCloud, Meiraw, Mendel, Menz, Metzger, Meyer, Meyerfeld, Michaelis, Militzer, Mohr, Moschkowitz, Moses, Mueller-Herring, Mueller, Muller, Munson, Myers, Myners, Nathan, Naumburg, Naumueller, Neuman, Neumark, Neumeyer, Neustaetter-(Neustatter), Newgarden, Newman, Noe, Nordlinger, Oberdorfer, Obermeyer, Oberndorfer, Oppenheim, Oppenheimmer, Orbach, Ortweiller, Ottensooser, Ottenstein, Ottinger, Pabeschutz, Page, Pakusch, Paskin-(Pesachovich), Paskin-(Yronwode), Patscher, Pauceanu, Pesachovich-(Paskin), Peterson, Pettys, Phillip, Pickard, Porat, Prager, Pretzfeld, Purdy, Puvermacher, Raffy, Rapaport, Raphael, Rawitsch, Regensteiner, Reichel, Reichenberger, Reinhardt, Reis, Reiser, Reitberger, Reitzenberger, Reizenstein, Remlein, Rice, Ries, Riexinger, Rink, Rinskopf, Rochkind, Roesel, Rosel, Rollmann, Rosenbaum, Rosenberg, Rosenblatt, Rosenfeld, Rosenstein, Rosenstock, Rosenthal, Rosenwald, Ruhl, Ruppel, Rupprecht, Ruprecht, Sachs, Sahlmann, Salmonson, Salomon, Sandner, Sarfaty, Sauter, Scechy, Scheid, Scherer-(Adelsdorf), Scheyer, Schiff, Schleckt, Schlesinger, Schlossheimer, Schlossmann, Schluesselblum, Schneck, Schoen-Schon, Schopflocher, Schuler, Schuller, Schultz, Schumann, Schuster, Schwartz, Schweitzer, Seckendorf, Seelenberger, Seidlein, Seligman, Senger, Sgalitzer, Sherman, Shulz, Sichel, Siedentopf, Siegmann, Siesel, Silbermann, Silberschmidt, Silbiger, Simon, Simons, Sinaiberger, Sinauer, Smith, Spirs, Spitzer, Stahl, Stark, Stauffenberg, Stein, Steinacher, Steinberg, Steiner, Steinhardt, Stern, Sternheimer, Stockheim, Stover, Stransky, Strauss, Strautsky, Struntz, Strupp, Sturm, Sulzbach, Sundheimer, Superson, Tauber, Tausig, Teutsch, Thannhauser, Thulborn, Thurnauer, Tolep, Travers, Tuchmann, Tuchmann-(Levi), Tuchmann-(Turner), Turner-(Tuchmann), Ullmann, Ungar, Ury, van Cleef, Vollrath, Von Seidlein, Wallach, Walter, Warschawski, Weber, Wechner, Weil, Weinreb, Weiser, Weiss, Weissberger, Weldler, Werblonsky, Wertheimer, Werthheim, Westheimer, Wicker, Wiener, Willstatter, Wilmers, Wilmersdoerfer, Wimpfheimer, Winkler, Wirtz, Wohl, Wolf, Wolff, Wolfsohn, Wood, Worms, Wujnovich, Wurtzburger, Yronwode-(Manfredi), Yronwode-(Paskin), Yu, Zeilberger, Zeiller, Zempelburg, Zimmer, Zurer

Ashkenazim Illuminati

While pretending to be Christians or just Jews by ethnicity and not really observant, the Ashkenazim religio-political activists will take either an ultra right wing Neo-Nazi or left wing Socialist-Communist point of view when acting as if they are discussing issues or do so by the use of trolls. Many of these are of the biggest sources of confusion and attacks upon constitutional Americans who rightfully dissent from the Judeo-Freemasonic criminals who have infiltrated America. They spew cockeyed theories without ever actually revealing anything and are connected to street thugs who attack people; these crypto Jews are the mainstay of Neo-Nazism, many times called white identity movement – sheer racist garbage in actuality. In the past the FBI has identified ultra right wing Jewish organizations as responsible for domestic terror. PNAC, B'nai B'rith and Jewish Defense League are all part of the various organizations who add to the cover for these and their Israeli-Palestinian counterparts, all of whom engage in terrorism of one sort or another. 

The remnant of Palestine - the open air concentration camp on the border of Egypt. If Egypt actually cared, they would take all of the Palestinians into Egypt with the Egyptians to have safe refuge there.

All of this is part of the larger centuries old Zionist plan to take over first Ottoman Palestine and then the entire Middle East and then the world. After that their intent is to takeover the very throne of God Himself. They are going to be crushed by the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ from heaven.

At that time their terror they will feel at the presence of the Just God and Our Lord Jesus Christ who they rejected and who judges them for eternity will lead them to prefer, if they could, to be being consumed by volcanoes and the erupting rocks, literally, the mountains and the rocks: "Fall upon us."

Apocalypse (Revelation) 6:16   
And they say to the mountains and the rocks: Fall upon us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth upon the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb:

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