
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Des islamistes préférés de Hollande détruisent des croix et statues dans deux églises de Raqqa

Des islamistes préférés de Hollande détruisent des croix et statues dans deux églises de Raqqa

Published on Sep 29, 2013
Des rebelles islamistes, qui contrôlent la majorité de la ville de Raqqa au centre de la Syrie, ont brûlé le 26 septembre 2013 des statues et des croix dans deux églises de la cité.
Le groupe de l'opposition armée syrienne dénommé l'« État islamique en Irak et au Levant (EIIL) » est à l'origine des profanations. L'église grec-catholique de Notre-Dame de l'Annonciation ainsi que celle des Martyrs, appartenant à l'Église catholique arménienne, ont été touchées. Les islamistes ont détruit la croix placée en haut du clocher et planté le drapeau de l'EIIL à la place.

Footage Showing ISIL Terrorists Vandalizing the Church of the Lady of the Annunciation in al Raqqa .
This al-Aan TV exclusive footage shows militants from al-Qaeda's the "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL) vandalizing the Melkite Greek Catholic Church of the Lady of the Annunciation in the northern Syrian city of al-Raqqa. The militants attempt to dismount the church's bell, remove the church's cross, and raise the al-Qaeda flag on top. They also destroyed and burnt the church's contents.

The video also reveals the way these terrorists think, as a Saudi militant is filmed talking to Syrian kids and brainwashing them that the Christians worship the cross, which he held in his hand after managing to step on it.

Source: al-Aan TV/Eretz Zen

Saturday, September 28, 2013 - KUSI News - San Diego CA - News Video Landing Page

Darrell Issa Friday September 26, 2013 at KUSI Studios San Diego. Representative Issa is a staunch conservative who sees what are issues connected with Syria. - KUSI News - San Diego CA - News, Weather, PPR

Friday, September 27, 2013

Europa & Middle East News << Editor << Kawther Salam << Israeli Trap to Arrests Palestinian Patient

Israeli Trap to Arrests Palestinian Patient

طبيب غزي يترأس مؤتمر إتحاد الأطباء العرب في دورته  التاسعة والعشرين في ألمانيا
MIDEAST ISRAEL PALESTINIANSIsraeli forces arrested 14 Palestinians at Beit Hanoun crossing, the so-called “Erez” since the beginning of 2013. The Israeli forces exploit need of Palestinians to travel and use crossings as traps, Al Mezan for human rights reported.
Beit Hanoun crossing crossing, “Erez, מעבר ארז” is located in the far north of the Gaza Strip between the blockade Gaza and Israel. The crossing which is under full Israeli control is dedicated to pedestrians, trucks, diplomats, foreign missions, journalists, workers, Palestinian merchants and other people who have permission to cross into Israel. It is is currently used to transport the Palestinian patients and injured for medical treatment to Jordan, Israel and the West Bank.
According to monitoring and documentation of the Al Mezan Center for Human Rights, since the beginning of 2013 Israeli forces have arrested 14 Palestinians at Erez crossing. Of the 14, three were patients and four were patient escorts. There were also two businessmen arrested.
The Israeli forces continue to use crossings as traps to arrest Palestinians, exploiting the need to travel. Israeli forces make use of its tightened closure of the Gaza Strip to humiliate Palestinians, arrest them, or urge them to collaborate.
Recently, at approximately 7:00 pm on Sunday, September 8, 2013, IOF arrested Mohammed Zaki Al Bakri, 24, at Erez crossing while he was on his way to receive medical treatment at Saint Joseph Hospital in East of Jerusalem.
Mohammed’s mother, who was escorting him, stated to Al Mezan that Mohammed was subject to ill treatment at Erez crossing. Mohammed and his mother went at 11:00 am on Sunday 8 August 2013 to Erez crossing. The Israeli security agency interrogated him and then informed his mother that he was arrested and ordered her to go back to Gaza. While Mohammed’s mother was leaving Erez, she saw Mohammed and his clothes were partially torn up and he sustained bruises and wounds in his neck.

Al Mezan’s lawyer is following Al Bakri’s case. The Israeli authorities informed Al Mezan’s lawyer that Al Bakri’s detention is extended to 16 September 2013 and he is detained at Ashkelon prison.
It’s worth noting that after the continuous closure of Rafah crossing and the Egyptian restrictions imposed on the work of Rafah crossing, Erez crossing becomes the only outlet of Gaza patients whose medicines are not available in Gaza hospitals
The Al Mezan Center for Human Rights expresses its forceful condemnation of the detention of Al Bakri, a medical patient.Al Mezan sees in this incident a continuation of Israel’s policy of extortion of Palestinian patients and exploitation of their medical suffering, in an abuse which makes clear the extent to which Israel exempts itself from its legal commitments under the rules of international humanitarian law (IHL), particularly the Fourth Geneva Convention.
Al Mezan calls on the international community to promptly intervene to stop the Israeli grave and systematic violations of IHL and human rights principles, ensure access to health care of Palestinian patients.
Al Mezan warns of deteriorating in humanitarian situation in Gaza Strip due to the Israeli siege. Al Mezan reiterates its previous calls for lifting the siege and ensuring the Israeli respect of IHL in its dealing with Palestinians.

Thursday, September 26, 2013



Antichrist - King of the North, King of the South - three horns cut off - one shall reign over all
click on picture

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Europa & Palestine News « Europa & Middle East News

Europa & Palestine News « Europa & Middle East News

Defense Minister Tours Austrian Army Logistics School

Tuesday, 24 September 2013 – Austrian Defence Minister Gerald Klug visited the logistics school of the armed forces in the 14 district of Vienna, together with the Minister for the Civil Service, Gabriele Heinisch- Hosek. The two ministers spent several hours with the trainees and apprentices. Minister Klug said that he is re-training himself, but Minister Heinisch- Hosek used the visit to observe only.
Ministers Klug and Heinisch-Hosek toured various departments of the school as well as its training kitchen in company of the Army officers. They visited the training workshop as well as the hydraulics laboratory of the Army Logistics Center and met with the trainees and listened to explanations and details from the department heads about each workshop.
Apprentices and apprentice trainers from all over Austria have taken the opportunity to learn the latest information about career opportunities with the Army. The Ministers said during their tour that the Austrian Army currently trains 189 apprentices.
“As the largest employer in the country, the federal government has a special responsibility towards young people. We take this responsibility seriously even in difficult times, and offer young people exciting career prospects” said the two ministers in unison.
Minister Klug stated that he had started his career training as an apprentices, and that he would like to train again today as well as during his whole tour.
In September 2012, the Austrian army received 64 new apprentices who started an apprenticeship. Thus the army, with its total of 189 apprentices, is one of the largest employers in the public sector and provides in-depth training in 30 professions. “We will continue to increase the number of apprentices. For the coming year we want to receive 90 new apprentices”, said Minister Klug
Austrian Women Learn at Army Logistics School – Among the trainees of the Army logistics school are several young women. Minister Heinisch-Hosek commented on this, saying “the high proportion of women among the apprentices, especially in the technical professions, makes me very happy. They are here in the army as pioneers”.
klug 3
Article in German is below

klug 4
Wien, 24. September 2013  - Österreichische Bundesheer – Heute hat Verteidigungsminister Gerald Klug gemeinsam mit der für den öffentlichen Dienst zuständigen Ministerin Gabriele Heinisch-Hosek den Lehrlingstag des Bundesheeres in der Vega-Payer-Weyprecht-Kaserne besucht.
Besondere Verantwortung gegenüber jungen Menschen
Lehrlinge und Lehrlingsausbilder aus dem gesamten Bundesgebiet nutzten die Gelegenheit, um die neuesten Informationen über die Laufbahnmöglichkeiten zu erfahren. Derzeit bildet das Österreichische Bundesheer 189 Lehrlinge aus. “Als größter Dienstgeber des Landes hat der Bund eine besondere Verantwortung gegenüber jungen Menschen. Diese Verantwortung nehmen wir auch in schwierigen Zeiten wahr und bieten jungen Leuten eine spannende berufliche Perspektive”, so die beiden Minister unisono.
189 Lehrlinge
Heinisch-Hosek und Klug nutzten die Gelegenheit zur Besichtigung der Lehrküche, der Lehrwerkstätte sowie des Hydrauliklabors des Heereslogistikzentrums Wien. “Auch ich habe meinen beruflichen Werdegang mit einer Lehrausbildung begonnen und ich würde es heute wieder genauso machen”, so Klug.
Klug 6
Beim Österreichischen Bundesheer haben im September 64 neue Lehrlinge ein Lehrverhältnis begonnen. Damit ist das Bundesheer mit seinen insgesamt 189 Lehrlingen einer der größten Ausbilder im öffentlichen Dienst und bietet fundierte Ausbildung in 30 Berufen. “Wir werden die Lehrlingszahlen weiter steigern. Für das kommende Jahr wollen wir 90 neue Lehrlinge aufnehmen”, so Klug. “Besonders freut mich der hohe Frauenanteil unter den Lehrlingen, vor allem auch unter den technischen Berufen. Hier ist das Bundesheer Vorreiter”, so Ministerin Heinisch-Hosek.
Um die Attraktivität und die Begeisterung für die Lehrausbildung weiter zu steigern, wird es 2014 erstmals einen “Lehrlings-Sporttag” im Bundesheer geben. Dabei sollen Lehrlinge gemeinsam neue Sportarten ausprobieren und sich in unterschiedlichen Disziplinen messen können.
Neben der Berufsausbildung, vom Berufsjäger bis zum Luftfahrzeugmechaniker, bietet das Österreichische Bundesheer den Lehrlingen ein halbjähriges Mentoring an. Für einen Teil der Lehrlinge besteht auch die Möglichkeit, in den öffentlichen Dienst übernommen zu werden.
klug 5

▶ Malachi Martin 1 of 6: The new world order and the new age - YouTube

▶ Malachi Martin  6 Parts: The new world order and the new age - YouTube

Keep in mind that this dates from 1992 and Fr. Martin's journey in this life was not yet nearing its completion. He had realizations left to make and there were still chimeras that needed to be removed from his eyesight. He was capable of getting the exact placement of a scriptural event (Luke 22:31) in a chronologically incorrect place when speaking off the cuff (but see Luke 24 for the probable reference he most certainly meant). That is human if embarrassing for a priest. Yet in recognizing, without blanching, the essential Apostasy that we face he was adamant and correct. He was loyal to the Traditional Mass that Msgr. Ottaviani defended from the assault of Montini. He himself was strictly devoted to saying the Latin Mass from before Vatican II. His main points are valid and of use and worth to all faithful Catholics. If you remember the progression he himself made from one of his books to the next, you will recognize the work in progress of a faithful man of Christ following the Good Shepherd and separating truth from heresy in his journey. We are to do the same. Much has transpired since then and as he makes the point, the time was/is evil and will get worse before the Light, Our Lord Jesus Christ, comes. In relation to that, he makes explicit and correct reference to Christ's Resurrection and Ascension and His Second Coming. Most importantly he repeats the absolute assurance that Our Lord Jesus Christ gives us that Our Saviour Jesus Christ has overcome all evil and the promise of that is to everyone that remains loyal to Him.

For Satan Enthroned in the Church, in the Citadel, the Vatican, for the first time since the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ see Part 1 of 6

It is of note that his reference to Mary's mission in the end times is as the faithful mother of God who points to the Light, Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who is to come from the East, on a sudden, at His Second Coming.

See Gospel of Saint Matthew 24:27 For as lightning cometh out of the east, and appeareth even into the west: so shall the coming of the Son of man be. 28 Wheresoever the body shall be, there shall the eagles also be gathered together. 29 And immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun shall be darkened and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of heaven shall be moved: 30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all tribes of the earth mourn: and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with much power and majesty. 

And see Gospel of Saint Mark 13:27 And then shall he send his angels, and shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven.

Malachi Martin - The new world order and the new age

Monday, September 23, 2013

The Truth Seeker - Douglas Reed – Hitler as "Jewish Messiah"

Hitler looked forward to the rise of the Jew false ha maschiach, ad Dajjal, the Antichrist and wanted to be that and in fact knew he wasn't - Netanyahu is the Rabbis' choice for Antichrist. We'll see who it actually is.
Whore of Babylon, Argentinian style - Georgi's style

Georgi Bergman the current Vaticanista Klown will willingly salute any Antichrist that comes down the road.

Georgi with Perfidy and Deicide celebration to honor his false god Satan.

Georgi is already marked.

the 12 Judaist tribes of euro-apostasy

Either the forerunners of, or the actual: King of the North and the Antichrist.

Shimon Peres, the one of Troika of IsraHell which murders Innocent Palestinians who disappeared and Georgi Bergman the supporter of the Argentinian version of the "disappeared" the desaparecido, also murdered, in South America.

Ehud Barak (Brog), Shimon Peres (Perski), Netanyahu (Milikovski) are the Troika of IsraHell.

Israel Stole Palestinian Bodies From Their Graves « Europa & Middle East News

Israel Stole Palestinian Bodies From Their Graves

Following the scandalous crime of kidnapping the bodies of the Palestinians by the Israeli occupational military “IDF” and transferring them to the butchery at Abu Kabir in Tel Aviv, and  after the criminal sophist Ehud Barak threatened to cause troubles for Donald Boström in court, after reporting about the Israelis murdering Palestinians in order to harvest their organs, and after all the insults and smears of anti-Semitism against this journalist in public.

I looked through the archive of my journalistic work in Palestine. I found enough to remind the criminal Israeli zamareh-1liars around Ehud Barak that they better quiet down with their hysteric denials, because there are enough cases involving the IDF of organ harvesting, of body snatching, of murdering people, of disappeared bodies, of hushed funerals in the dark of night documented both in Palestinian and Israeli media and in court proceedings, to make them look very bad should they continue with their obnoxious charade.


Wojtyla, Ratzinger, Bergoglio are names that stand out in this.

This is a collection of the welter of Nazi-Fascist garbage that Novis Ordinarians had the chutzpah-gall to claim as a freeing of Latin America from bondage and freedom for the Church. With Communists led by the chief liberation theologian third order Jesuit Fidel Castro and, until Castro had him murdered their Communist Jesuit Simia Christi Che Guevara, on the left and the Ratline Odessa Nazi garbage on the Right the Judaist Apostate Synthesis was only tied together by blood letting oppression of the people and CIA-Mafia-Unione Corse-Mossad Drug dealing.


First remember that Adolph Hitler managed to plunge the world into the worst war it had ever seen up until that time. Remember that he did that by every evil contrivance he could muster especially by demanding to be worshiped as god and replacing the Bible in Churches with Mein Kampf and replacing the Crucifix and Crosses in Churches with the evil Satanic sign of the broken cross, the Swastika, and by wars of aggression exactly like what IsraHell does today. Remember that innocent people die in wars in numbers far beyond anything outside of organized slavery and abortion. Remember that abortion was the unheard of crime that had been totally outlawed in Europe for many centuries until Hitler brought it back. That bringing back abortion, the plague of the ancient world, scandalized the world of the early 20th century. Remember that beginning with the Jew Alan Guttmacher's planning and instigation in the 1950's and 1960's, that abortion today has now gone to absolute world wide genocide and holds the utterly evil position of first in numbers of innocents murdered ongoing and utterly offending God to great anger.  Remember that the only murder-genocide by gassing and subsequent destruction of bodies in hermetically sealed incinerators fed by conveyor systems, that Hitler committed was against the German mentally disabled and physically handicapped by which he genocided 275,000 innocent Gentile Germans. Remember that Hitler took every freedom the German people had and destroyed it. Remember that he covered up for the Zionists based in London in league with them and used the Haavara (Transfer Agreement) and the relocation camps to allow them to invade British colonized by force formerly Ottoman Palestine. Remember that Tubingen's worst Ecumenical Syncretism with pagan idolatry precursors of modern Ecumenical total Apostasy were pale in comparison to Hitlers Diabolic Thule Cult which has only been equaled in modern times by the Satanism practiced in the Vatican, especially the murder sacrifice to Satan of an innocent baby on June 29, 1963 by the Apostate Vatican under Apostate so called Paul VI. Remember that Hitler's love-hate affairs with Jews was nothing compared to his absolute determination to erase by absolute genocide EVERY Christian Slav in the world. To that end he enslaved-murdered 10's of millions of Eastern Christian Slavs. Only Stalin exceeded the numbers of Hitler of Christian Slavs enslaved-murdered. The dictum of Christian Slavs can't be turned to totalitarian apostasy, they can only be killed, was the dictum of Jew Bolshevik Communism under Marx-Lenin-Stalin et al. Remember that Hitler planned on conquering and ruling the world, just like the Jews' false messiah the Antichrist, ad Dajjal. Remember that the Vatican in the throes of the pragmatism to preserve itself instead of the Christian faith of true Catholicism, compromised with Hitler and lent itself to the Zionist plan to invade Palestine which led directly to the Naqba, the "Catastrophe" against the innocent Palestinians. Remember that the first and primary target of unmitigated and unlawful Jew murder and genocide and pillage and rape were and are the Christians of Palestine and the Middle East. Remember that Hitler's and the British interfering with Palestine via Banna led to the Naqba as much as anything else. Adolph Hitler: patron demon of the Jews and IsraHell.

Also remember that crypto-Jew Bergoglio, the current clown act occupying Babylon, the Vatican, is a direct result of Nazi Odessa Ratline Gantdeutsche Argentinian Anti-Christian martyrdom of faithful Christians genocided by Satanic militarists manipulated by Jew Heinz (aka Henry) Kissinger.

As Father Vincent Miceli said, this world is now prepared for the Antichrist to arise.

The Truth Seeker - Douglas Reed – Hitler as "Jewish Messiah"

Douglas Reed – Hitler as "Jewish Messiah"

Compiled by Steve Campbell

Douglas Reed was a London Times correspondent in Europe during the rise of Hitler. he detected something fishy about the Hitler phenomenon.

From Douglas Reed's Somewhere South of Suez, 1951, pages 179-181:

I must for clarity recapitulate this fascinating story as far as it now goes. Early in his twelve years of might, I began to suspect that Hitler was not what he professed to be: merely an arch anti-Communist and anti-Jew. His actions, I thought, would clearly help Communism and Political Zionism (and the outcome of the second war proved this.) I was at first puzzled that he did not see so plain a consequence. Later I thought he did perceive it and was the accomplice of these two powerful forces. Twenty years ago the theory might have been beyond credence. Today, in this century of masks and secret allegiances, it is reasonable.

The man of one sworn loyalty, and a different, hidden one, is now a familiar figure in all countries; he has appeared in the trials of [Soviet spies] Dr. Alan Nunn May and Dr. Fuchs in England, of an M.P., officers and officials in Canada, and of certain persons in America.

I thought Hitler a man of this type, but risen to the highest place instead of just to a high one. It seemed to me that, for great successes, which they could not otherwise achieve, Soviet Communism and Political Zionism needed an apparent antithesis, as a heavyweight champion needs a sparring partner. I believed Hitler played this part, and think the results of the last war uphold this reading of his part in our affairs.

For one thing, his appearance was as mysterious as his disappearance. Although the British and Americans, when they reached Berlin and Vienna, were able to put their hands on a mass of documents one would have expected to be destroyed, the Viennese police dossier of Hitler's formative years before 1914 has never been published.

Chancellor Dollfuss is supposed to have been killed, in 1934, because he knew of it. His successor, Chancellor Schuschnigg, may also know of it; he was present at the Nuremberg Trial but was not put in the witness-box, although the invasion of Austria and his own treatment were matters in the indictment.

At every turn a blank wall opposes those who try to find out what manner of man Hitler was, what he did and with whom he consorted in those significant years. Who enabled him, then, an obscure nobody apparently without a past, to spring into the central limelight of affairs in 1919, like the demon king in pantomime?

I never learned an answer to these questions, but by 1938 I thought the Rabbi of Prague (see Disgrace Abounding, 1939) might be proved correct, who said: 'Hitler is the Jewish Messiah.' Not all rabbis agree that Political Zionism is Messianic, but this one thought so and by that standard could today claim to be right.

Therefore I conjectured that this man-from-nowhere might in truth be the accomplice of Communism and Political Zionism, two forces which have always supported each other. His 'Fascism' thus seemed to me to be merely the third prong of one trident, with which the cauldron of our century is kept stirred.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Syria: Army uncovers tunnels, kills many terrorists, including groups' leaders

Syria: Army uncovers tunnels, kills many terrorists, including groups' leaders

The News USA State Department Head of forced Propaganda Johanan Kerry Kohn[Cohen] doesn't want you to see.
Army uncovers tunnels, kills many terrorists, including groups' leaders

From Ixquick

Syrian Arab news agency - SANA - Syria : Syria news :: - Proxy - Highlight
Syrian Arab News Agency (sana) The goals of the agency were specified as gathering news and distributing it to individuals and media institutions to provide them with ...

CIA-MI6-Mossad/Sayeret Matkal Al Qaeda Mujahideen rebel terrorists unlawful arms cache. The chemical arms are produced transported in Israel Iraq Turkey et al to attack lawful Syrian government of President Bashar Assad

Car loaded with C4 and Captagon pills seized in Homs
Provinces, (SANA) –(Update 2)The army units continued operations against terrorist groups on Sunday which resulted in the destruction of a car bomb and the discovery of tunnels and seizing a car loaded with C4 and Captagon pills, besides killing many terrorists

The Reality of Events>>Army uncovers tunnels, kills many terrorists, including groups' leaders
Army uncovers tunnels, kills many terrorists, including groups' leaders

Sep 22, 2013

Provinces, (SANA) – The army units continued operations against terrorist groups on Sunday which resulted in the destruction of a car bomb and the discovery of tunnels and seizing a car loaded with C4 and Captagon pills, besides killing many terrorists.

Army units eliminate scores of terrorists in Damascus and its Countryside
Units of the armed forces killed and injured several terrorists in Damascus Countryside, some of them affiliated to the so-called " al-Islam Brigade" and Jabhat al-Nusra, in addition to destroying their weapons and equipment.
An official source told SANA that the army units killed many terrorists in the area surrounding al-Omari Mosque in al-Qaboun neighborhood in Damascus city.
In Barzeh neighborhood in the city, the army units advanced farther in pursuing the terrorists as they killed and injured a large number of them, a military source said.
The source told SANA that the army units discovered a number of tunnels full of explosive devices in several areas of the neighborhood which were used by terrorists for movement and storing their weapons and ammunition.
Two days ago, an army unit discovered a 25 meter long tunnel near the Syrian Educational TV and destroyed two 14.5 anti-aircraft guns.
Other army units clashed with terrorists to the southeast of al-Manasher roundabout in Joubar neighborhood in the countryside, killing a number of terrorists and destroying two cameras which were set up by terrorists to monitor the army movements near the schools compound in the neighborhood.
The source added that an army unit pursued terrorists to the southeast of the Water Establishment and killed terrorist Bassam Kadado.
Another army units destroyed a terrorists' den in al-Ebb farms and killed terrorist Ayman al-Kishek.The source pointed out that the army units killed 6 terrorists affiliated to the so-called "al-Islam Brigade", including Yahiya al-Da'as in Aliyeh farms in Douma area, in addition to destroying their weapons and equipment.
Meanwhile, the army units clashed with armed terrorist groups in the farms surrounding Shab'a and Hteitet al-Turkman, killing a leader of a terrorist group who is called Abu al-Jud and terrorist Ra'aft al-Homsi.
In the western countryside of Damascus, the army units carried out a series of operations in the eastern mountains of al-Zabadani and Bloudan, killing a number of terrorists, most of them non-Syrians.
An army unit eliminated scores of terrorists in Wadi Barada Market, including Ibrahim Diab.In the same context, the army units destroyed Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists' dens, weapons and ammunition in Rima farms in Yabroud area and killed all terrorists inside them, including Mohammad al-Jbawi, a leader of an armed terrorist group, Mohammad Brejawi and Khalid Kandah.
Another army unit killed all members of an armed terrorist group in Daraya city and destroyed a large amount of weapons and ammunition.
Mohammad al-Khudari and Mohammad al-Khatib were identified among the dead terrorists.

Car bomb destroyed in Damascus Countryside
A unit of the Syrian Arab Army foiled on Sunday a terrorista' attempt to detonate a car bomb in the industrial city in al-Nabek, Damascus countryside.
An official source told SANA reporter that a unit of the army destroyed a car before it entered the industrial city, killing the driver.
The source added that no citizens were injured.

Army units inflict heavy loses upon terrorists in Homs and its countryside
Units of the armed forces killed and injured several terrorists in the villages and towns of Homs, destroying 5 terrorist dens.
An official source told SANA that an army unit killed 9 terrorists in al-Ghajar village in al-Rastan countryside, including Abdulkhalq Anqa, Hamzeh Farzat and Abdo Khalid al-Dali, while another army unit destroyed a terrorists' den and a 23mm anti-aircraft gun in al-Za'afaraneh village.
Other army units repelled armed terrorist groups' members  who were attempting to attack the citizens in Kafran village in al-Rastan countryside, in addition to destroying their gatherings in al-Ghasbyeh, al-Daar al-Kabera, Kessen and Taldo.
In the same context, the army units clashed with terrorists who were attempting to sneak into Boyut al-Nabhan and al-Rashed from al-Ghanto, killing and injuring most of them.
The source pointed out that the army units destroyed 5 terrorist dens in al-Qarabis and al-Qusour neighborhoods in Homs city, killing and injuring all the terrorists inside them.
Meanwhile, an army unit clashed with an armed terrorist group in Jouret al-Shayyah neighborhood and killed most of its members. 

Authorities seize a car loaded with C4 and Captagon pills in Homs
Authorities seized a car loaded with large amounts of explosive material and narcotic substances in Homs.
An official source told SANA that the seized materials are large amounts of C4, narcotic pills (Captagon), 2 binoculars, defense grenades and ammunition which were hidden in caches inside the car. 

Army eliminates terrorists in Deir Ezzor
A unit of the army destroyed a tunnel used by terrorists in al-Jbeileh neighborhood in Deir Ezzor city; the tunnel was destroyed along with all explosive devices, weapons and ammunition inside it.
An official source told SANA reporter that all terrorists inside the tunnel were killed, while another unit eliminated a large number of terrorists who were hiding in a building in the neighborhood and destroyed their weapons and ammunition.
The source added that a unit of the army carried out a qualitative operation against dens of terrorists in al-Matar neighborhood and eliminated scores of them and destroyed their weapons.
Terrorist hideouts and gatherings destroyed in Idleb
Army units destroyed terrorist hideouts and gatherings in the villages of Tal Salmo and Sarjeh in Idleb province, along with the weapons, ammo and equipment inside them.
B. Mousa / F.Allafi / H. Sabbagh

Europa & Middle East News << Editor – Kawther Salam: French Diplomat Under The Feet of Israeli Soldiers, Video

The comment from Emmanuel Truthseeker below at the bottom comment number 3, possibly real name Manny Goldberger from the Cayman Islands banking consortium and holding company LMT, partners with Sammy Israel on the run hiding in IsraHell... blather blather blather ...


Sarcastic half truths and idotic myths combined are a hallmark of Jews.

Back to the real plight of the Palestinians.

Hallo Frau Salam,
On one hand, this is the thanks the French get for secretly helping the Isreali Nuclear Weapons program at Dimona in the 1950′s and 1960′s and allowing the Isrealis to participate in the Atomic Blasts imposed on Algeria. For all the help the United States has given the ZioNazis, one day they will return the favor, most likely with a Nuclear rain of destruction from Yamantau Complex in Russia on the United States. What we have to remember is that we are not dealing with sanity. When Judas Iscariot and Gamaliel II are the preferred role models, treachery of the worst sort is always the order of the day.

Enough about that.

Our hearts go out to the Palestinian people and those brave souls like the French lady shown here who go in harms way to help the Palestinians.

May all Christians and Muslims keep Palestine and her people in their prayers and witness to justice.

Keep up the brave spirit Frau Salam! We are with you always.

Viva Palestine!

  • Hallo Frau Salam,
    Egypt = with Hosni Mubarak’s forced resignation on February 11, 2011, the last of Egypt’s sovereignty ended with only power games to consolidate the Israeli control over the puppet state of Israel that Egypt now is permanently.
    Libya = with Muammar Qaddafi’s death October 20, 2011 – the former Libya ended – overthrown completely.
    Ethiopia = See this:
    After 30 years, final Ethiopian aliya flights arrive
    Last 450 Falash Mura land at Ben Gurion; hundreds of Ethiopian Israelis protest closing of immigration process
    By MICHAL SHMULOVICH August 28, 2013, 3:09 pm
    Next is the crushing of any sovereignty of the land that the book of Daniel meant by Ethiopia. The Communist rule of dictator 1974 – 1991 Mengistu Haile Mariam of Ethiopia (yet another Army Officer), was only an interim balkanization of modern North Eastern Africa. The land meant by Ethiopia (Cush in the Bible) in the Book of Daniel covers present day Southern Egypt, Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti and Somalia. Present day Ethiopia still has a central power to all of this. The Antichrist of Israel will seek its utter destruction and will topple it completely.
    Then watch Iran and Russia for the next moves in the future, they won’t be good.
  • Frau Salam,
    When Russia and the United States finish closing the trap on Syria – it will be gone as a sovereign nation. When Syria signed away its rights over their chemical deterrent to the Israeli Nuclear WMD and Israeli Chemical WMD, Syria signed its own death warrant. Then watch North East Africa/Sinai and Iran for the final closing abomination in the region.

    It would be best for the Arab nations to provide a sanctuary for the Palestinians now.
    All the best always,



Final Trial of Christians and Muslims together - THE ONLY TRUE 

    The Final Trial of Christians and Muslims together

    The Final Trial of Christians and Muslims together
    click on picture

    The Final Trial

    The Final Trial
    click on picture

Europa & Middle East News << Editor – Kawther Salam: French Diplomat Under The Feet of Israeli Soldiers, Video 

French Diplomat Under The Feet of Israeli Soldiers, Video

بينما كان ممثلي الإتحاد الأوروبي يدلون بأصواتهم لصالح النووي وسلاح الدمار الشامل الإسرائيلي في الجلسة الختامية للمؤتمر العام للدورة 57 في وكالة الطاقة الذرية في الأمم المتحدة, ويتوحدون من أجل إفشال مشروع قرار “القدرات النووية الإسرائيلية” الذي تقدمت به الدول العربية الأعضاء في المؤتمر, كانت الدبلوماسية الفرنسية “ماريون كاستنج” تجر بالقوة من قبل جنود الإحتلال الصهيوني كما يجر شوال “البطاطا”, وتلقى على الأرض تحت أقدام وبنادق جنود الفاشية الصهيونية الإسرائيلية, دون أدنى إعتبار للحصانة الدبلوماسية التي تتمتع فيها. وكانت “كاستنج” تقل حافلة الإغائة ألإنسانية في طريقها لتقديمها لمهجري وادي الأردن الذي شهد أكبر عملية تطهير عرقي صهيوني شهدتها قرية “مخول” خلال الشهر الجاري
French diplomat copyOn September 20 2013, Israeli army forces physically attacked Palestinians and international diplomats, who delivered basic aid to the Palestinian population of Khirbet Makhoul in the Jordan Valley. The Khirbet Makhoul was ethnic cleansed by the Israeli colonial occupation and the Palestinians were left without homes.

The zionist “state” of Israel is moving forward with its expansionist practices and ethnic cleansing plans in the Jordan Valley with the aim of eventually cleansing the area from its indigenous Palestinian residents.
Among the diplomats who were brutally attacked was Marion Castaing, a French diplomat. She was dragged out of the truck and forced to the ground with no regard for her diplomatic immunity.
The truck was confiscated and taken by the IDF war criminals to what s-called Israeli district coordination office (DCL), a branch of Israeli ministry of the army which perpetrated the wholesale genocide, ethnic cleansing war crimes and crimes against humanity in the occupied Palestine.
The barbaric attack was occurred in the occupied West Bank at a time when the representatives of the European Union voted in favour of Israeli nuclear and mass destruction weapons at the closing session of the of the IAEA 57th General Conference in Vienna.

The Israeli unjustified demolitions of the Palestinian houses and properties conducted by the Israeli Occupation Army clearly violate the International law rules, conventions and covenants as well as the rules of International Humanitarian Law:
Articles 53 & 147 of the Fourth Geneva Convention indicated that: Extensive destruction and appropriation of property not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly. Is a grave breach of the Convention
Hague Convention IV (18 October 1907): Convention Respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land: Article (23): ‘To destroy or seize the enemy’s property, unless such destruction or seizure be imperatively demanded by the necessities of war;’
Article 3 in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights reads that: states that ‘everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person’.
Article 25 states that ‘(1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.’
Also Article XXXI, Oslo II, 1995 provides: “Neither side shall take any step that will change the status of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip”

4 comments to Diplomat Under The Feet of Israeli Soldiers, Video

  • Hallo Frau Salam,
    On one hand, this is the thanks the French get for secretly helping the Isreali Nuclear Weapons program at Dimona in the 1950′s and 1960′s and allowing the Isrealis to participate in the Atomic Blasts imposed on Algeria. For all the help the United States has given the ZioNazis, one day they will return the favor, most likely with a Nuclear rain of destruction from Yamantau Complex in Russia on the United States. What we have to remember is that we are not dealing with sanity. When Judas Iscariot and Gamaliel II are the preferred role models, treachery of the worst sort is always the order of the day.
    Enough about that.
    Our hearts go out to the Palestinian people and those brave souls like the French lady shown here who go in harms way to help the Palestinians.
    May all Christians and Muslims keep Palestine and her people in their prayers and witness to justice.
    Keep up the brave spirit Frau Salam! We are with you always.
    Viva Palestine!
  • philip travers
    The hotmail address maybe invalid,however I am real.Australia has a new government,not that I expect this government will be more ready to criticize Israel.Who to me are the world’s most deadly bullies.The video shows young lean Israelis acting in a manner where a truck with metal hardware on board seems to indicate something dangerous.Jews in Australia could drive such a truck and gear on board,and even myself, would probably think,there goes an Australian Jew operating within Australian laws.But diplomats are then very mistreated in this video.Israel is full of contempt of normal doings .Thus it is so easy to condemn them,for whatever they do,it seems relentless unforgiveness for being normal.Being Palestinian isn’t the point I am pointing out.Its like a Janis Joplin song which includes the words “Freedom is just another word for nothing left to do”.So you could say,the non-critical assessments of Israeli doings,is like being record buyers of a drug affected singer.The drug of Israel and the song of Israel and the doing of Israel isn’t separated in the Australian Government mind.Instead one is not to notice Jewish names within the ranks of Government.Something wrong with Netanyu’s masculinity.

    Emmanuel Truthseeker comment number 3
  • Emmanuel Truthseeker
    It is an honour and a privilege to be given an opportunity to contribute a comment on your site, Kawther Salam. I salute you and send you warm greetings from Canada, the 51st state of the United States. The reason I say the 51st state is because our government is also totally, blindly supportive of Israhell. Our prime minister has said Canada will defend Israhell to the last drop of Canadian blood if necessary. It obviously shows the man is a sociopath who does not read history, and if he does, does not understand it.
    Israel is a country which was stolen from an indigenous people who have lived in that region for thousands of years. The people claiming that region to be their homeland have absolutely no genetic ties to that area, at all. Ninety nine percent of the people claiming to be Jews originate in Khazaria; which Wikipedia tells you was a peaceful country. It was peaceful within, but it was kick ass without. The Roman Emperors were scared of the Khazarians because they are a very unique blend of assorted DNA. When I explain the following, for those of you reading this, and who still do not know this information, will gain a better understanding why Israhell is what it is and why Israhelli soldiers do what they do.
    Khazaria was a very large central European country. South western Russia, Khazakstan, Uzbekistan, parts of Ukraine… This country died off in the 12th century. As you know, Constantine converted western Europe to Christianity in the 4th Century A.D, in the 9th Century A.D., the King of Khazaria converted his country to Talmudic Judaism. cf; Douglas Reed, The Controversy of Zion. The problem is; Talmudic Judaism became the religion of a people who were developed in a ‘petri dish’, that dish being, Khazaria where the following MOST SANGUINE blood groups coagulated; Hun, Mongol, Tartar, Turk, mixtures of other very barbaric Asian tribes, and with the added ALIEN ingredient(s), Draconian and/or Archon. This coagulation of the most horrifically violent strains of DNA resulted in the Azkenazi Jew; the people who eventually infected the populations of Poland and Russia.
    Hence, due to their very DNA and the horrifically vile teachings of the Talmud, telling these monsters they are the specially chosen of God, and can do whatever they please, they do whatever they please; and what pleases them is exactly the opposite of what pleases everyone else. Jews actually get off on violence, bloodletting, horror, destruction of everything decent and of value, and death; they love watching Gentiles suffering holocausts. Jews have been burning Gentiles for a long time. For a very long time they played with their victims first and then burned them. The most infamous Inquisitor of them all, Tomas Torquemada, may he burn forever over a slow fire, was a Jew in the robes of a Dominican Monk. Sometimes those twisted creatures from the depths of hell burned hundreds of Gentiles at a time; called them ‘heretics’, and ‘witches’. Other famous holocausts of Gentiles were the fire bombings of Dresden and Tokyo, followed up with two massive holocausts at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 9/11 was happily celebrated in Israhell.
    The Talmud is an oral and written tradition which developed in Babylonia somewhere around 540 B.C. The Talmud is the supreme law for Jews. (btw: According to some sources the word Jew did not come into the English language until sometime in the late Renaissance or early Baroque periods; some say not until 1775, even. Anyway, the word Jew did not exist before the year 1000, say.) Jesus came amongst the Judaists living in the Land of Palestine, amongst others living there, and taught them to free themselves from the law; that law being the Talmud. The reason Jesus tried to persuade Judaists away from the Talmud is because it teachers ‘otherness’; Judaists are better and above Gentiles. Gentiles are Goyim; animals in human skin. (You can read all of this for yourselves at: There are more horrific things said in the Talmud; best you read that for yourselves. The Pharisees, the most powerful of the religious sects of the Judaists, and always trouble makers for the Romans, did not like Jesus teaching people about their Law and how they were the ‘children of Satan, and sons of the Devil.’ The Pharisees did not like it that Jesus exposed their banking fraud; and so many other of the Judaist’s evil sophistries; indeed the Talmud teaches that any Jew who exposes the truth of the Talmud to the Gentiles deserves to die. Hence; they had Jesus tortured to death and then had the chutzpah to blame God for it. Their first major propagandist, Saul of Tarsus, proclaimed the new religion; how God hung His Only Begotten Son on a Cross to Forgive Everyone For Their Sins. Of course to a thinking person, in touch with The Father, that whole story made no sense. Judaists, in the robes of Catholic popes, cardinals, priests, friars, and monks, made absolutely certain that for those who disagreed, ‘holy tools’ would be blessed and the errant believer in the Truth, was made to suffer most horribly. Since Gentiles are merely animals in human skin; ‘animal excrement, at best,’ according to Menachin Begin, former PM of Israhell, anything can be done to them. And, anything was done. In your weirdest nightmares you would be hard pressed to come up with the kinds of sadistic, totally inhuman methods those Jewish Catholic Dracos devised to extract howls and screams from writhing humans hanging from a strappado or being torn apart on a wheel. Burning was something to look forward to; at least it would be over in thirty minutes, if you were lucky. The torture could go on for weeks and months. Throwing diplomats to the ground, or shooting children and stealing their organs; it is all in a day’s work for the Jew, wishing he could do much worse, but the world is watching more closely now.
    Now we have a global nuclear disaster, thanks to Israhell. Here is the link with the evidence:
    Israhell has killed the Pacific Ocean!
    In 1948, after having taught the world about how horrible the most noble of peoples were, and how they supposedly gassed all those Jews; which to a thinking person makes absolutely no sense, whatsoever, convinced the world to let Jews steal Palestine away from the indigenous people who had lived there for millennia, turning a blind eye to the many atrocities committed by the British and the Jews against the Palestinian people as their land and property was stolen right out from under them. Conservative estimates indicate that 75,000 private businesses and 150,000 private homes were stolen by the Jews when they took over that ancient land. Not one penny was paid in recompense and the owners were sent out into the desert to live in tents. No wonder the Palestinian people are angry. They have every right to be. And now they are being pushed into the sea and the world still does nothing. The reason they do nothing is because; the ones who should do something to help a genocided people; ie: The Christians; have all been so mind twisted they believe God hung Jesus on a cross instead of blaming the rightful murderers, whose ‘Father was a liar from the very beginning.’ Indeed, the mind f..ked Christians believe the Jewish people are ‘the specially chosen by God.’
    Not by my God; Who Is My Father In Heaven. Amen.
    So, given what I have presented to you, perhaps you will have some understanding of why things are the way they are. It is my contention, 99% of Jews are not really human; they are an alien race; who works like an organism; like a giant fungus; whose fruiting bodies walk about on the face of the planet, looking human, but collectively thinking THEY ARE GOD. The fungus’ rhizomes may well be deep in the crust; where surely other civilizations have set up shop a long time ago. Morlochs may very well be real. H.G. Wells was in on some esoteric information.
  • Archie1954
    Well, all the Israelis are doing is following in the footsteps of the “great” American empire. It also has no interest in diplomatic niceties as shown recently with the grounding of a South American president’s plane and the refusal to let another South American president’s plane fly over American territory in the Caribbean. So why not ostracize both countries from all international organizations until they learn to play by the rules?