
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Kawther Salam Europa & Palestine News >> Ceremony honoring Dr. Tammam Kelani

حفل تكريم للدكتور تمام كيلاني

حصل الدكتور تمام كيلاني رئيس إتحاد الأطباء والصيادلة العرب النمساويين في 20 آب 2012, على شهادة إستحقاق طبي – مستشار في المجلس الطبي – مقدمة إليه من رئيس الجمهوية النمساوية الدكتور هاينز فيشر وبالتنسيق مع ووزارة الصحة
وقد أقيم في هذه المناسبة, يوم أمس الجمعة 28 سبتمبر 2012,  في مقر رابط الثقافة العربية وإتحاد الأطباء والصيادلة العرب النمساويين في يوهان شتراوس في الحي الرابع من العاصمة النمساوية, فيناحفل تكريم للدكتور كيلاني, حضره العشرات من الأطباء والصيادلة وممثلي جميع الجاليات العربية والإسلامية في النمسا, كما حضره المتحدث الرسمي باسم المجلس الوطني السوري السيد أحمد رمضان
أقام حفل التكريم كل من إتحاد الأطباء والصيادلة العرب النمساويين, ورابط الثقافة العربية التي يرأسها السيد مصطفى عباس

وشكر الدكتور كيلاني القائمين على الحفل والحضور على اللفتة الكريمة التي قاموا بها ومن ثم سرعان ما أنبرى يتحدث عن الثورة السورية
وقال كيلاني: بان المحنة التي تمر فيها سوريا هي من أكبر المحن, وبإمكاني تسميتها بالمحنة والثورة اليتيمة, والمؤامرة الدولية على الشعب السوري
وأضاف: عندما قال وزير خارجية النظام السوري في وصفه للثورة بانها مؤامرة دولية أو قومية, فقد كان صادقا, ولكنها كانت مؤامرة دولية وقومية على الشعب السوري وليس على النظام السوري

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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Special Palestine Cry Blog articles: How Jews Celebrate Yom Kippur? « Kawther Salam

Special Palestine Cry Blog articles: How Jews Celebrate Yom Kippur? « Kawther Salam

How Jews Celebrate Yom Kippur? « Kawther Salam

How Jews Celebrate Yom Kippur?

قريع يخرج من جحره مبررا توقيع إتفاق باريس بدلا من تعويض الشعب عما جاءهم به
من هو الحمار الفلسطيني الذي وقع إتفاقية باريس
Last Tuesday Sept.25 2012 jews began observing the start of the holiest day of the jewish calendar, the 25 hours of fasting and contemplation known as “Yom Kippur”.
During this jewish holiday, as during all other jewish holidays, Israel imposes additional complications on the lives of Palestinians next to the horror which they are already forced to live every day by the jewish occupation. This means that patients of heart disease, cancer, kidney … can not go to hospitals, that people should die in their homes because no medical help is available, pregnant women must give birth in hell and not in a hospital, students must stay indoors, the dead in Hebron can not be buried at the cemetery, windows are prohibited from being opened by the house owners in the heart of occupied old city of Hebron, that Muslims are not allowed to pray and that life must be dead for everybody not a jew.
This is how the jews celebrate their holidays in occupied Palestine, not so much by celebrating, but by subjecting to iniquity and making life hell for everybody else and celebrating their suffering.
During the Yom Kippur of this year, the jews decided to celebrate their holiest day in another way, in a special way. A group of colonists, most of them American nationals, went to the farm of Abdul Karim Maiqel Abu Ali, a 61 year-old farmer, between Ramallah and Jerusalem. The old Farmer and three other members of his family were busy bringing in this years olive crop on which the family depends for their sustenance and livelihood.

Abu Ali relates: “the jewish colonists razed about 150 olive trees, then they started throwing stones at us while slowly approaching until they were near us. I was not able to do anything more than to shout at them to get out of my farm”.
“They surrounded me and started hitting us, we were three and they over 20. I was injured and fell on the floor, but instead of leaving me, they used a sharp instrument and cut off my right ear and threw it before my eyes. I fainted and I woke up in the hospital”.
The wife of Abu Ali relates: “the jewish colonists thought that my husband had died. They left him with blood covering all his body, they cut off his right ear, made a gaping wound in his head 4 centimetres long, and then they made cuts in his hands and feet, some of them were long and straight”.
She added: “After the jewish colonists left the place, his friends who were all injured but less than him, they tried to help. The israeli police came and they decided to transfer Abu Ali to Jerusalem hospital through Magen David ambulance, but the ambulance stopped for two hours at the check point of “Hizma” north of Jerusalem,. The jewish occupation forces rejected to allow Abu Ali to pass for treatment in Jerusalem, because it was their holiest holiday of Yom Kippur. After two hours of bleeding and without medical attention, Abu Ali was transferred in serious condition to Ramallah’s hospital by the Palestinian Red Crescent ambulance”.
This is the very special way how the jews occupying Palestine celebrated their “Yom Kippur” this year, with abuse, racist violence, terrorism and flaunting an extreme hooliganism which apparently is firmly entrenched in jewish culture.

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Monday, September 24, 2012

UNECE Conference Commits to Ageing Challenges « Kawther Salam

UNECE Conference Commits to Ageing Challenges « Kawther Salam

UNECE Conference Commits to Ageing Challenges

VIENNA, 20 September – The UNECE Ministerial Conference on Ageing held on 18-20 September 2012 in Vienna, Austria, concluded with the adoption of the Ministerial Declaration “Ensuring a society for all ages: promoting quality of life and active ageing”. The Declaration outlines priority directions for the third cycle (2012-2017) of implementation of the Madrid International Plan of Action (MIPAA) in the UNECE region which begins as the Conference ends.
The Conference gathered over 500 participants, including Ministers and high-level officials, NGO representatives and scientists.
Looking at the challenges ahead, ministers and country delegations declared their determination to reach four priority policy goals by 2017, namely:    encouraging longer working lives
  •     promoting participation, non-discrimination and social inclusion of older persons
  •     promoting and safeguarding dignity, health and independence in older age
  •     maintaining and enhancing intergenerational solidarity
To reach these policy goals member States have stressed the importance of promoting active ageing in the national policy process. Defined as ‘the process of optimizing opportunities for health, participation and security in order to enhance quality of life as people age’ (WHO 2002), the active ageing framework is based on a life course approach, meaning that people need to live actively and healthily throughout their lives. Societies have the responsibility to adopt policy-frameworks that will allow them to do so.
Ministers and country delegations recognized this responsibility and “committed to meet individual and societal challenges triggered by population ageing through adequate and sustainable measures of financial security in old age, life-long continuum of health and social care, including long-term care, and provisions of inclusive systems and support for active ageing, life-long learning, and participation in various spheres of society without discrimination, particularly with regards to older women”.
They acknowledged “the significant progress made by many Member States” over the last five years in fulfilling the ten commitments adopted in the UNECE region in 2002. However, they “noted with concern that age discrimination continues to be a barrier, in attaining a full, healthy life as active members of society”. They therefore noted the need to “raise awareness in societies of the overall advantages of promoting active ageing for today and the future, underlining the need of allocating sufficient resources for its implementation”.
The contribution of both research and civil society to a better understanding of the multi-faceted trends of ageing and the needs of ageing populations was stressed throughout the Conference. The Declaration emphasizes that “research is vital to the development and implementation of effective policies and programmes. Sustainable research infrastructures, improved data collection, longitudinal research and cross-sectoral collaboration are to be further strengthened”.
In line with this call, scientists decided to form a Research Application and Dissemination Platform on Ageing (REAP-AGE).
The Ministerial Declaration also acknowledges the contribution of civil society and older people themselves in taking forward the provisions of MIPAA and the Regional Implementation Strategy (RIS). In a separate Declaration by the NGO Forum taking place in parallel to the Research Forum, participants requested UNECE member States to recognize fully the role of NGOs in achieving the commitments of the Conference.
Heinz Fischer, Federal President of the Republic of Austria, addressed the Ministerial segment of the Conference on 20 September. In his address, he emphasized that ageing is an “important challenge to health systems” and societies in general, and called for ambitious policy initiatives to ensure the implementation of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing.
Rudolf Hundstorfer, Federal Minister of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection, Austria, emphasized that, as this Conference demonstrates, our societies should fully acknowledge that longer life-expectancy offers great social opportunities. “Ageing can no longer be seen solely through the angle of retirement and pension issues,” he said. “Designing ageing policies means that we have to make active provisions for the future, in the interest of all generations.”
In his remarks throughout the Conference, UNECE Executive Secretary Sven Alkalaj stressed the historic responsibility of member States in reshaping societies in response to population ageing. “Doing our utmost to implement the commitments of the Declaration,” he said, “is in our own good interest and in that of our children.”
Activities to implement the Declaration during the third cycle of implementation of the Madrid framework will be facilitated by UNECE, which will regularly assess progress in the annual meetings of its Working Group on Ageing.

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The Mighty Mileikowsky

see link in title
"The modern Jew with his Yiddish culture and rapacious financial traditions should not be confused with the biblical Hebrews, who were mainly a pastoral people. The international Jew of modern times is indeed the bastardized product of a bastardized past. He does not truly worship the Bible, but the Talmud; he does not speak Hebrew, but Yiddish; he is not descended from Israel, but from the scum of the eastern Mediterranean."
For the origins of the Mighty Mileikowsky in terms of his real homeland, Khazakstan and the Russian Western Pale of Settlement, see link in title.

From the Lithuanian sector of the Western Pale of Settlement of the Jews arises the mighty modern version of Nimrud or something. The Mighty Mileikowsky, slayer of Palestinian children with White Phosphorus etc. ad nauseum et Diabolicos.


The family saga Netanyahu: The Rabbi Nathan Milikovsky, Zionist pioneer and great orator

Netanyahu Jabotinsky, Arlosoroff, ZionismREAD IN THE LAST NUMBER OF ISRAEL MAGAZINE !
The recent death of Professor Bentsion Netanyahu, who died at the venerable age of 102 years, has attracted media attention on the figure of the father of the current Prime Minister of Israel, which had a decisive influence on the intellectual development his son Benjamin. But the Netanyahu family saga actually begins a generation ago, with a prominent figure in the Zionist epic beginning of the twentieth century: Rabbi Nathan Milikovsky. Zionist activist and speaker famous, it was he who blew the pioneering spirit inherited by both his son Bentsion, his illustrious son Binyamin grandchildren and Yoni Netanyahu. Portrait of an unknown actor Zionism.


 Milikovsky Nathan was born August 15, 1879 at Krevo, Lithuania, then part of the "home area" affected the Jews of the Russian Empire. Family tradition says that Milikovsky are descendants of the Vilna Gaon. At the age of 10, young Nathan was sent to study at the famous yeshivah of Volozhin, where he remained for eight years, until the title of Rabbi [...]

 Netanyahu Jabotinsky, Arlosoroff, Zionism
 Netanyahu Jabotinsky, Arlosoroff, Zionism
The influence of Milikovsky Rabbi and his wife Sarah on the Netanyahu family was critical on several levels, both in his son Bentsion that children of the latter. It was he who brought in the family's pioneering spirit and Zionist convictions. [...] As for Zionism instilled "Bibi" by his father, the latter had learned in the house of her parents (who was one of the first Jewish homes where the language was Hebrew, with the family's Ben Yehuda).
The strong personality of his grandfather Netanyahu has undoubtedly played an important role in the fate of this family is from three generations - the Arlosoroff affair, Operation Entebbe and until today - at the forefront of the Zionist action ...
NB I will give a lecture Tuesday evening at the community center in Jerusalem speaking on the theme 'What is he today Jabotinsky Zionism? '

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La saga de la famille Nétanyahou : Le rav Nathan Milikovsky, pionnier et grand orateur sioniste

netanyaou,jabotinsky,arlosoroff,sionismeA LIRE DANS LE DERNIER NUMEROD'ISRAEL MAGAZINE!
La récente disparition du professeur Bentsion Nétanyahou, décédé à l’âge canonique de 102 ans, a attiré l’attention des médias sur la figure du père de l’actuel Premier ministre d’Israël, qui a eu une influence décisive sur le développement intellectuel de son fils Binyamin. Mais la saga de la famille Nétanyahou commence en réalité une génération auparavant, avec une figure marquante de l’épopée sioniste au début du vingtième siècle : le rav Nathan Milikovsky. Militant sioniste et orateur fameux, c’est lui qui insuffla l’esprit pionnier dont ont hérité tant son fils, Bentsion, que ses illustres petits-fils Binyamin et Yoni Nétanyahou. Portrait d’un acteur méconnu du sionisme.


 Nathan Milikovsky est né le 15 août 1879 à Krevo, en Lituanie, qui faisait alors partie de la « zone de résidence » affectée aux Juifs de l’Empire russe. Une tradition familiale affirme que les Milikovsky sont des descendants du Gaon de Vilna. A l’âge de 10 ans, le jeune Nathan est envoyé étudier à la fameuse yéchiva de Volozhin, où il restera huit ans, jusqu’à l’obtention du titre de rabbin [...]

 Netanyaou, Jabotinsky, Arlosoroff, sionisme

 Netanyaou, Jabotinsky, Arlosoroff, sionisme

L’influence du rav Milikovsky et de sa femme Sarah sur la famille Nétanyahou a été décisive à plusieurs niveaux, tant chez son fils Bentsion que chez les enfants de ce dernier. C’est lui qui a insufflé dans la famille l’esprit pionnier et les convictions sionistes. [...] Quant au sionisme inculqué à « Bibi » par son père, ce dernier l’avait appris dans la maison de ses parents (qui était un des premiers foyers juifs où la langue parlée était l’hébreu, avec celui de la famille Ben Yehuda).

La forte personnalité du grand-père de Nétanyahou a indubitablement joué un rôle important dans le destin de cette famille qui est depuis trois générations – de l’affaire Arlosoroff, l’opération Entebbé et jusqu’à nos jours – aux premières loges de l’action sioniste...
NB Je donnerai une conférence mardi soir au centre communautaire francophone de Jérusalem sur le thème 'Que reste-t-il aujourd'hui du sionisme de Jabotinsky?'

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1:23 p.m. Posted in History | Permalink | Comments (0) | Email this | Tags: Netanyahu , Jabotinsky , Arlosoroff , Zionism

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Blessed are they who make peace, for they will be called the children of God. - Mt 5:9 - The Picture That Made Everyone Laugh at Expense of Israel « Kawther Salam

What if they gave a peace conference and just one didn't come? Guess who?

The Picture That Made Everyone Laugh at Expense of Israel « Kawther Salam

The Picture That Made Everyone Laugh at Expense of Israel

Supposedly nobody knows why one of the diplomatic missions chose not to sit in its assigned place during the opening session of 56th Annual Session of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) General Conference on Sept. 17 2012 and instead used the place of the Israeli delegation.
The diplomatic mission that appeared with the name of Israel and drew the attention of photographers and journalists who thought that it was the mission of Israel could have been either the Japanese or Chinese or Korean mission. Journalists were not able to identity them during the opening ceremony.
What came out is that the delegation of Israel deliberately boycotted the opening of the 56th IAEA general conference. This boycott was due to the presence of Iranian professor Fereydoun Abbasi-Davani, the Vice President of the Islamic Republic of Iran and head of Iran’s Nuclear Energy Agency, who gave a speech during that first conference day.
On 29 November 2010, professor Abbasi-Davani survived an assassination attempt. A separate bomb attack on the same date killed another Iranian scientist, Dr. Majid Shahriari – the attacks were widely attributed to Israel, and in fact israeli government representatives boasted of the murders. Israel has traditionally listened to its own voice only, never listening to others even if the speakers were right in what they said.

Whatever the reasons behind the boycott of the opening session by the israeli delegation, the captured image of another delegation sitting in same place assigned Israel, provoked anger among israels at the official level. Israel protested that another delegation appeared with the name of Israel. It is not clear what further steps the Israelis have taken against the delegation seen in the image above.
The protocols of the IAEA and the UN require that the attending diplomats sit their place, where the name of their country appears, and the seats of absent delegations are supposed to stay empty. This was the first time that I witnessed a diplomatic delegation occupying the seat of another delegation. It is not known if the mission that occupied the Israeli seats did so premeditatedly.

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The true root of all evil and oppresion in the Middle East and throughout the world, Antichrist Illuminati and their minions.

See this for the true Nuclear Danger.

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Monday, September 17, 2012

The 56th IAEA General Conference « Kawther Salam

The 56th IAEA General Conference « Kawther Salam

The 56th IAEA General Conference

The General Conference of the IAEA, which is scheduled to last five days, was opened today Monday Sept. 17 2012, at 10am in the M building of the UNOV. The opening session was attended by hundreds of high-level government representatives of the IAEA’s member states, international organisations, NGOs and dozens of journalists representing media from all over the world.
Before the background of the current political climate, it was only natural that the greatest interest of the journalists and camera teams attending the opening session was for the teams of the conflicting states Iran and USA. At the opening session were present for Iran Mr. Fereydoun Abbasi-Davani, the Vice President of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Iran’s nuclear energy chief and Ambassador Ali Asgar Soltanieh. The USA sent a big team,
Mr. Steven Chu, Secretary of Energy, US Department of Energy, Mr. Daniel Balzer, from the US Department of State and others.
Israel Absent from Start of 56th IAEA General Conference
The delegation of Israel, the third party of the well-known conflict, was nowhere to be seen at the opening session of the conference. The seats reserved for them remained empty during much of the session until much later, when representatives of another country occupied those seats so as to help keep them reserved for the Israeli delegation. Click on the image to enlarge it.
IAEA Director-General Yukiya Amano delivered a statement during the opening session in which he highlighted the Agency’s major programmes, activities and developments. He said that the nuclear power remains the best known peaceful application of nuclear energy.
Mr. Amano said: “In my remarks this morning, I will consider how we have addressed these issues in recent years. I will also outline some ideas for responding to the challenges which we will face in the future”. He added: “I will start with technical cooperation. This is a high priority for the Agency because it helps to meet basic human needs. Through the technical cooperation programme, we help to make nuclear technology available to our Member States for peaceful purposes”.
Mr. Amano appointed that in the last few years, world leaders have given considerable attention to the threat of nuclear terrorism. They have recognized the Agency’s central role as the global platform for strengthening nuclear security. We have unique technical competence in this field. We will significantly expand our nuclear security activities in the coming years.
Amano said about the case of Iran: “I have presented the situation with the utmost clarity since 2010. The Agency continues to verify the non-diversion of nuclear material declared by Iran under its Safeguards Agreement. However, Iran is not providing the necessary cooperation to enable us to provide credible assurance about the absence of undeclared nuclear material and activities. Therefore, we cannot conclude that all nuclear material in Iran is in peaceful activities”. The full speech of director Amano is here.
During this IAEA five-day conference some topics of major interest for the agency and its member-states will be addressed. In particular it will focus on developing the IAEA’s programs relating to nuclear, radiation and waste safety; nuclear security, nuclear science, technology and applications, and technical cooperation.
The General Conference of the IAEA elected Ambassador Barros Oreiro as President of the IAEA’s 56th General Conference on 17 September 2012. The conference also approved the applications of the Republic of Fiji, the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago and the Republic of San Marino for membership in the IAEA.
Last but not least it should be noted that four demonstrators, who apparently were kindly provided by the Israeli government press office, protested against the conference. The protesters were seen holding a very professional protest with placards, a table and propaganda flayers outside the UN building, speaking in Hebrew amongst themselves and in English to passers-by. The four demonstrators apparently were not of interest to any of the many journalists or photographers at the UN; I happened on them by accident.

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